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Deleted Tweets From Donald J. Trump, R-Fla.

Deleted Tweets From Donald J. Trump, R-Fla.

Donald J. Trump's accounts: realDonaldTrump, TrumpInaugural

Please note: President Donald Trump's suspension from Twitter caused Politwoops to briefly show a few @realDonaldTrump retweets as having been recently deleted when in fact it was not possible for the president to do so. We have removed those entries.

Tracking Since: June 15, 2015

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RT @DRUDGE_REPORT: Fears of new terror attack after van 'mows down 20 people' on London Bridge...

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The Fake News Media and their Democrat Partners are working hard to determine whether or not the future attack by terrorist Soleimani was “eminent” or not, & was my team in agreement. The answer to both is a strong YES., but it doesn’t really matter because of his horrible past!

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RT @AthenaxWisdom: Nancy Pelosi just showed she supports a regime that kills its people. This is disgusting! #NancyPelosiFakeNews

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Why should I have the stigma of Impeachment attached to my name when I did nothing wrong. Read the Transcripts! Hose Republicans voted 195-0, plus we got three Dems. Very unfair to tens of millions of voters!

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STOCK MARKET AT ALL-TIME HIGH! HOW ARE YOUR 409K’S DOING? 70%, 80%, 90% up? Only 50% up! What are you doing wrong?

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RT @DuaneInskeep: I’ve generally been a fan of Ed Henry, however Mark Levin just completely destroyed him on Fox and Friends this morning.

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....followed, and then it was withdrawn. The Democrats argument for impeachment has not gotten stronger over the last few weeks. As Senator Josh Hawley just said, he’s going to enter a Motion to Dismiss the Impeachment Trial because it’s never actually been brought to trial.”

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....different places that he thought were wasteful, and the career staff, as they always do, pushed back, and nade s million excuses as to why they could not possibly stop spending U.S.taxpayer money. There was a back & forth over the legal arguments, & the W.H. decision was....q

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Christopher Bedford, The Federalist Senior Editor. “There is NOTHING NEW in these Emails at all that’s been discovered. It’s exactly what we knew before, which is that the White House & political figures wanted to cut off aid, Trump wanted to question aid to a number of....

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Wonderful account of U.S. Embassy (Iraq) vs. the Bengahzi disaster! QT @JackPosobiec: The Left wanted another Benghazi but Trump called in the Devil Dogs! https://t.co/yv2KYzS5vX)

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Crazy Nancy Pelosi should spend more time in her her decaying city and less time on the Impeachment Hoax! QT @DanScavino: 🎥BROUGHT TO YOU BY.... @SpeakerPelosi & @GavinNewsom https://t.co/9HzLRR1irm)

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Russia, Syria, and Iran are killing, or on their way to killing, thousands if inocent civilians in Idlib Province. Don’t do it! Turkey is working hard to stop this carnage.

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...& overwhelming,” but this Scam Impeachment was neither. Also, very unfair with no Due Process, proper representation, or witnesses. Now Pelosi is demanding everything the Republicans weren’t allowed to have in the House. Dems want to run majority Republican Senate. Hypocrites!

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Why should Crazy Nancy Pelosi, just because she has a slight majority in the House, be allowed to Impeach the President of the United States? Got ZERO Republican votes, there was no crime, the call with Ukraine was perfect, with “no pressure.” She said it must be “bipartisan....

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....& overwhelming,” but this Scam Impeachment was neither. Also, very unfair with no Due Process, proper representation, or witnesses. Now Pelosi is demanding everything the Republicans weren’t alowed to have in the House. Dems want to run majority Republican Senate. Hypocrites!

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“The Dems are complicating matters again. Keeping Mueller out of it was the focus. Keeping it crisp & simple was the key, and now all of a sudden they are saying maybe we’ll go back and visit the Mueller probe, which is absolutely unbelievable, and shows they don’t care about....

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....What right does Crazy Nancy have to hold up this Senate trial. None! She has a bad case and would rather not have a negative decision. This Witch Hunt must end NOW with a trial in the Senate, or let her default & lose. No more time should be wasted on this Impeachment Scam!

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Nancy Pelosi, who has already lost the House & Speakership once, & is about to lose it again, is doing everything she can to delay the zero Republican vote Articles of Inpeachment. She is trying to take over the Senate, & Cryin’ Chuck is trying to take over the trial. No way!....

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I will be signing our 738 Billion Dollar Defense Spending Bill today. It will include 12 weeks Paid Parental Leave, gives our troops a raise, importantly creates the SPACE FORCE, SOUTHERN BORDER WALL FUNDING, repeals “Cadillac Tax” on Health Plans, raises smocking age to 21! BIG

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I got Impeached last might without one Republican vote being cast with the Do Nothing Dems on their continuation of the greatest Witch Hunt in American history. Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles & not deliver them to the Senate, but it’s Senate’s call!

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Can you believe that I will be impeached today by the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, AND I DID NOTHING WRONG! A terrible thing. Read the Transcripts. This shoild never happen to another President again. Say a prayer!

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RT @KTHopkins: Trump’s OVERFLOW crowd is bigger than any audience Bernie or Biden will ever see. Stood outside at Rio Rancho to… https://t.co/bHbmpDwNzV

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....impeaching him. They hate the fact, above all, that this president is delivering. Substantial policy results for the working Americans who put him in the White House, and they can’t beat him in a fair fight next year.” @NextRevFNC @SteveHiltonx Thank you Steve!

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....energy independence, manufacturing resilience, illegal immigration coming down, the Wall going up, China confronted, the caliphate defeated, NAFTA renegotiated, our militsry rebuilt, NATO paying more, regulations costing less,.......and much more. This is why they’re....

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“Here in America it will be the same victory as BREXIT, but even more so. In the U.S., while all of this has been going on, the Impeachment, the obstruction, the resistance, President Trump has managed to deliver not just promises, but a record which adds up to one.....

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“There are 31 House Democrats in Trump won Congressional Districts. Those Dems will have to answer to their constituents come 2020. If you look at the facts, there’s no crime, there’s no witness, there’s no evidence, there’s no victim, President Zelensky said there was.......

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....absolutely no pressure. I don’t know of any crime that was committed where the actual victim wasn’t aware of it....and, they got the call, they got the meeting, and they got the money. Unbelievably, the Democrats have weaponized the Impeachment process, they have...

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....trampled on our Constitution, and they have done irreparable harm to our Republic. The American people are going to speak up and speak out about this. I think this guarantees Trump’s re-election in 2020.” Jason Meister

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RT @PressSec: FIVE INDISPUTABLE FACTS: 1. No evidence of wrongdoing by @POTUS 2. Ukraine said there was no pressure 3. Lethal ai… https://t.co/V2pgHNdrwz

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RT @GOPLeader: In his pursuit to bring down this president, Chairman Adam Schiff has neglected his real responsibilities. Instead… https://t.co/vmXf6B9vFZ

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“Trump Economy Breaks Holiday Shopping Records.”

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Great writer and historian, Doug Wead, has written a true (not Fake News) account of what is going on in Washington and the White House. His new book, INSIDE TRUMP’S WHITE HOUSE, is sn incredible description of a very exciting and successful time in our County’s history. Buy it!

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RT @GOPChairwoman: While 2020 Democrats want to destroy millions of energy jobs and enrich our foreign adversaries by eliminating foss… https://t.co/ZIOE4cSM6F

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RT @KatiePavlich: Very excited to announce the newest addition to @townhallcom, Townhall �� VIP! Find out more and use promo code “Ka… https://t.co/5zx6BM46Gc

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....Sondland said Trump told him. None of this will move the needle for anyone. And now Dems in Swing Districts head home for Thanksgiving to hear from voters. Pelosi & Co. are putting on a show to appease the Democratic base instead if doing the work ALL Americans need done.”

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Daniel Cameron, who just won the A.G. race in the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky, is a young and very talented political star. You will be hearing much from Cameron in the yesrs to come!

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RT @JesseBWatters: This is what was asked today. Was there a bribe? No. Did anybody ask you to bribe anyone? No. Was there extortion?… https://t.co/zUxHE9hEFm

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