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Deleted Tweets From Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Deleted Tweets From Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Darrell Issa's accounts: repdarrellissa, DarrellIssa

Tracking Since: August 07, 2009

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RT @declanm: "The open Internet has never been at a higher risk than it is now." --Vint Cerf on U.N. #WCIT summit http://t.co/eN4vpqwm via @CNET

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RT @YooperNC: Here's my dad, retired Maj John S. Clark, w/ great granddaughter. Served in Korea & Viet Nam. My Hero! #AmericasVets http://t.co/gzGPfQZraa

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RT @AlexJamesFitz: Rep. @DarrellIssa's @Reddit post about his two-year moratorium on new Internet legislation has topped 2k comments: http://t.co/ciR0A8eP

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Catch my reaction to Mueller's statement on Fox News in the next hour

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RT @kevincollier: @DarrellIssa Have you seen WH's official response to anti-ACTA peition (almost 50k sigs)? What do you think of it? https://t.co/5l7KHVZG

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RT @cheezwizardry: @DarrellIssa Capt. Robert C "Bob" Wiley, USA (PA Natl Guard) KIA, St Lo FR, Aug-44. Dist Srvc Cross, Purple Heart http://t.co/lhoXdyvmZh

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RT @thisismaz: Third important Issa bill Obama has signed, others being FITARA and DATA Act. First to rate any ceremony. https://t.co/jDSOFJenhm

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RT @seanhannity: Downward spiral: Shinseki and Kerry subpoenaed while Lois Lerner held in contempt congressman @DarrellIssa joins me at 10pm ET on #Hannity

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I’m proud to have cosponsored and voted for #RightToTry. This new law will changes lives by allowing patients with life threatening illnesses to have access to potentially life-saving experimental treatments. https://t.co/ygt0tUfRNy QT @realDonaldTrump: With the #RightToTry Law I signed today, patients with life threatening illnesses will finally have access to exper… https://t.co/6tTYqoJviG)

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