Deleted Tweets From Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.
Rosa DeLauro's accounts: rosadelauro, Rosa_DeLauro
Tracking Since: May 28, 2010
RT @SenBobCasey: My join statement on the bipartisan, bicameral National Critical Capabilities Committee Proposal:
Ethan’s Law has passed the House as a part of the #ProtectOurKidsAct. A huge thanks to Ethan’s parents Kristin and Mike Song, Po Murray, and ALL the advocates who are fighting to keep our children safe from gun violence. #WeLoveYouEthan
My bill, #EthansLaw, included in this legislation, will protect kids, by implementing safe storage standards at the federal level. No parent should have to lose their child because of an unsecured gun. #SongStrong
Today, the House will pass the #ProtectingOurKidsAct, a historic victory to address gun violence.
Families have been struggling to find infant formula & when and if they finally do, they’re weighing whether it’s even safe to give to their babies. I’m glad @POTUS heard our calls & launched Operation Fly Formula to get safe formula back on shelves.
I'm honored to receive a lifetime ban from Russia for my work to help defend the democracy of Ukraine. Putin, my feelings aren't hurt. The collection of those banned for life from Russian come from all walks of life. I will always stand united with the people of Ukraine.
On @jaketapper, I reiterated what I’ve said from that start — families across the country should not be struggling to feed their babies. In the short term, we need to immediately boost supply. But we also have to look to long-term solutions to prevent this from happening again.
The CFSAN Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling has nine employees. They do not have the inspection staff to go out to a non-FDA-approved facility to do proper inspections on food safety. My bill will make proper investments to strengthen food safety & get formula on shelves.
The CFSAN Office of Nutrition and Food Labelling has nine employees. They do not have the inspection staff to go out to a non-FDA-approved facility to do proper inspections on food safety. My bill will make proper investments to strengthen food safety & get formula on shelves.
RT @AlexisGevanter: Out talking to voters in Old Greenwich—knocking on every door to urge voters to vote in the 8/17 Special Election.…
My American Apprenticeship Act allows businesses to create a pipeline of skilled workers—it gives states funding for the creation or expansion of tuition assistance programs for registered apprenticeship programs. Workers win. Businesses win. Our economy grows.
Senate Republicans just blocked the Women’s Health Protection Act, which enshrines the right to choose. Overturning Roe would represent an all-out assault on the health of millions of women.
Most Americans support the right to abortion care. I will continue standing with them in the fight to protect it.
RT @AppropsDems: Chair @rosadelauro: "We need to honor the sacrifices these brave @CapitolPolice women and men have made for us and…
Mental healthcare visits for youth in CT have nearly tripled in 10 years. Community-based mental health services are more in demand than ever before, & through community project funds, we are building a comprehensive support system to respond to public safety here in New Haven.
This morning I joined community leaders to discuss New Haven’s Elm City COMPASS, a new crisis response unit that responds directly to emergency calls related to behavioral and mental health.
Accessing quality child care is a necessity for the majority of the American workforce. We need renewed investments in childcare, an industry teetering on the brink of collapse. We can start lowering this burden by extending the monthly #ChildTaxCredit.
March 15, #EqualPayDay, marks the day when women finally catch up with what men were paid in 2021. Women are disproportionately on the frontlines as healthcare workers, food service workers, grocery store cashiers, & caregivers. Our country owes them equal pay for equal work.
After years of stalled investments, we are unlocking the funding needed to support our communities, those living paycheck to paycheck, small business owners, students & more. Through the government funding package that @HouseDemocrats just passed, we're putting people first.