Private Schools in
- White
- Black
- Hisp.
- Asian Am.
- Am. Ind. / Ala. Nat.
- Haw. / Pac. Isl.
- Multi.
- Not spec.
- Private Schools
- Public Schools
Source: Private School Survey, Common Core of Data (2021–22)
Religious Orientation
Religious orientation reflects a school’s religious orientation or affiliation.
Religious Orientation | Count | |
Nonsectarian | 110 | |
Roman Catholic | 65 | |
Christian | 55 | |
Lutheran | 19 | |
Baptist | 11 |
School Type
School type reflects a private school’s classification, which can indicate specific approaches or academic focus.
School Type | Count | |
Regular elementary or secondary | 212 | |
Special education | 44 | |
Montessori | 19 | |
Early childhood/day care center | 14 | |
Special program emphasis | 12 |
Private Schools in Arizona
There are 302 private schools in Arizona that have responded to at least one of the past three Private School Surveys.
School | Grades | Religion | Enrollment | Mostly … | Racial Difference* | Teachers | Founded | Type |
Ariz. Aspire Academy | KG–12th | Nonsectarian | 2,700 | White | 9% | 81 | Special education | |
Gilbert Christian Schools | PK–12th | Christian | 1,470 | White | 3% | 123 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Brophy College Preparatory | 6th–12th | Roman Catholic | 1,407 | White | 54% | 103 | 1928 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Northwest Christian School | PK–12th | Christian | 1,296 | White | 50% | 83 | 1980 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Salpointe Catholic High School | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 1,253 | White | 3% | 77 | 1950 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Xavier College Preparatory | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 1,122 | White | 57% | 79 | 1943 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Gilbert Christian Schools | PK–12th | Christian | 1,117 | White | 12% | 101 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Valley Christian Schools | KG–12th | Christian | 900 | White | 34% | 58 | 1982 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Valley Christian Elementary School | KG–12th | Christian | 900 | White | 48% | 70 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Scottsdale Christian Academy | KG–12th | Christian | 864 | White | 38% | 64 | 1968 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Notre Dame Preparatory | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 863 | White | 23% | 66 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Phoenix Country Day School | PK–12th | Nonsectarian | 727 | White | 58% | 79 | 1961 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Pusch Ridge Christian Academy Upper School | 6th–12th | Presbyterian | 591 | White | 34% | 47 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
St. Francis Xavier School | PK–8th | Roman Catholic | 591 | White | 39% | 31 | 1948 | Regular elementary or secondary |
St. John Xxiii Catholic School Community | PK–8th | Roman Catholic | 584 | White | 37% | 28 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Gilbert Christian Schools Greenfield Campus | PK–8th | Christian | 560 | White | -11% | 42 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Rancho Solano Private School-Greenway Campus | PK–12th | Nonsectarian | 549 | White | 38% | 108 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
Seton Catholic Preparatory High School | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 544 | White | 15% | 53 | 1954 | Regular elementary or secondary |
All Saints’ Episcopal Day School | PK–8th | Episcopal | 494 | White | 21% | 51 | 1963 | Regular elementary or secondary |
St. Thomas the Apostle School | PK–8th | Roman Catholic | 491 | White | 14% | 28 | 1953 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Yuma Catholic High School | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 488 | Hispanic or Latino | -25% | 28 | Regular elementary or secondary | |
St. Mary’s Catholic High School | 9th–12th | Roman Catholic | 487 | Hispanic or Latino | -5% | 34 | 1917 | Regular elementary or secondary |
St. Vincent Del. Paul Catholic Elementary School | PK–8th | Roman Catholic | 463 | Hispanic or Latino | 9% | 22 | 1961 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Phoenix Christian Preparatory School | PK–12th | Other | 458 | Hispanic or Latino | -7% | 27 | 1947 | Regular elementary or secondary |
Christ Lutheran School | PK–8th | Lutheran | 454 | White | 80% | 34 | 1955 | Regular elementary or secondary |
* About racial difference
School Districts in Arizona (216)
* About racial difference
About This Data
Where is this data from?
Most of the data we use comes from the National Center for Education Statistics’ Private School Universe Survey, which has aimed to gather information about U.S. private schools every other year since 1989. Because the regulation of private schools is handled differently by state, there is no comprehensive list of every private school in the country. The PSS attempts to approximate such a list using various sources, including state education departments, private school associations and religious organizations, and, in some areas, online yellow pages and local government offices.
What schools are included?
Why are private schools listed under public school districts?
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