Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Listing all stimulus spending by amount, in descending order. Return to Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) page

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
KNIK TRIBAL COUNCIL NONPROFIT CORPORATION $114,589 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Indian Reservation Roads Program, funds used in the implementation of preconstruction p,lanning and design of chief wasilla way road. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/01/2010
COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES $132,561 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: CCDF-funding to enhance existing child care activities, expand on the quality and quantity of services to families and providers and create opportunities for improvement by training, replacing out dated equipment/materials, and resource materials. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBES $192,292 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Provide childcare financial assistance to low income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of childcare. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THE TULALIP TRIBES OF WASHINGTON $110,620 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: CHILD CARE AND DEVELP0MENT FUND STIMULUS - FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
WHITE EARTH BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $70,712 Grant Native American Employment and Training: WIA Supplemental Youth Services program gives youth between the ages of 14 and 24 the opportunity to gain work experience, good work habits while at the same time earning money to purchase clothes and school supplies. The youth worked closely with their C Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/26/2009
ISABELLA, COUNTY OF $810,000 Contract : Highway improvements along John Neff Drain # 390. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/14/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $74,586 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated Project cost is $74,586. The project is 0.9 miles long and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the enire road corridor. The safety improvement portino of the project is phase I and will include removal Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $336,012 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project begins the intersection with Highway 2 and continues for 7 miles to the Savoy Bridge. This project has been patched and crack sealed by a partnership with the BIA construction crews and the tribal Roads Maintenance Program in 2008. The Recove Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $67,004 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is a pavement preservation corridor improvement project for the initial section of white cow road to the intersection with section 20. The roadway will be crack sealed and patched in preparation for resurfacing, which will be and Asphalt surf Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $179,818 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This project is 2.4 miles long. There is a considerable amount of crack sealing to be completed on this project and well as substantial repair to the aged right-of-way fencing. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obst Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $243,359 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This 3.3 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $187,307 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This project is 3.0 miles long. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair curb, gutter and sidewalk, clean and repair drainage structures, and update/install road signs and safety fe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $133,725 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This project is 1.5 miles in length and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface. Work will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fence, clean and repair drainage structures, and update/install road signs and Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $117,137 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $117,137. This project is 1.5 miles in length and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface. Work will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fence, clean and repair drainage structure Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $593,856 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This Project is located on Route 2 and is 9.7 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement of the project is phase I and will include removal Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $55,211 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $55,211. This 0.8 mile project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include removal of any obst Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $94,108 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is a pavement preservation corridor improvement project for the Half Town and the oldest section of Rodeo Drive Streets. The various streets will be crack sealed and patched in preparation for resurfacing, which will be an Asphanlt surface tr Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $195,824 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This Road Repair and Restoration project is located 2 miles east of Lodgepole and extends south to the intersection with State Highway 191. The Pavement on this route is in severe distress and therefore, no pavement preservation activities will be include Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $51,194 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The project is 0.7 miles long and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $150,061 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This 2.1 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $453,391 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This project is located on BIA Route 114 starting at the reservation boundary and proceeding south to Bear Paw Ski area. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The pavement reh Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $2,713,283 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The Project will provide for the surface renovation of approximately 14.8 miles of Indian Service Route 18, the Ponemah Road, from Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 1 North to Sucker Creek near the village of Ponemah, Minnesota and 0.3 miles of Indian Service R Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/09/2009
SAN CARLOS HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,500,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Construction of single famiy homes for low income families Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/28/2009
COQUILLE INDIAN TRIBE $724,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: ARRA Fuels Project; pile and remove biomass on the reservation. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/17/2009
SISSETON-WAHPETON OYATE $75,886 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Through education and training, enhance the Native American Youth s future endeavors. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/04/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $65,538 Grant Native American Employment and Training: DOL-Youth WIA Summer Employment Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $315,668 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: The funding is provided to allow for Native American/Alaska Natives to be trained as Plumber and Pipe Fitters. The Direct Entry Pipe Fitter training is a program that provides successful graduates an opportunity to enter into a five year apprenticeship w Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
CITIZEN POTAWATOMI NATION $813,922 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The funds must be used in accordance with the following: a) Provisions of the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 1990, as amended; b) Provisions of the current approved tribal plan, including all approved amendments or revisions; and c) The... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/29/2009
THE CHEROKEE NATION $871,304 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Provide youth with a comprehensive array of services to better prepare them for a successful transition to the workforce. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/19/2009
CATERPILLAR INC. $118,653 Contract : Purchase of 1 x CB564D Caterpillar Vibratory Asphalt compactor with requested delivery date of 1/31/2010. Caterpillar issued a PO to our Dealer to assist with pre-delivery inspection and delivery of the equipment. Although we have invoiced the Governmen Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $150,441 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians received an additional $151,441.00 for the child care program. These funds were used to assist the families and providers by increasing and maintaining quality activities on health and safety, including a focus on pr... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/11/2009
KAWERAK, INC. $77,610 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Department of Labor's Workforce Investment Act Supplemental Youth Services Funds Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/15/2009
LAGUNA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION $735,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Further, the purpose of the award is to increase student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics by providing profession... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $2,461,959 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: replacement and repair of indian schools Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/06/2009
GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY $487,508 Grant Miscellaneous Public Law 93-638 Contracts, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements: Exterior general maintenance, flowers, shrubs / tree care, weeding, edging and lawn care, parking lot repairs / replacement & repairt parking lot area. Exterior building maintenance, repair of buildings / paint. Interior ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
ONE SOURCE GROUP, INC. $101,218 Contract : Telecom upgrade for Haskell University. BIA Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
MUSCOGEE CREEK NATION $945,000 Grant Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance: 1. Replace existing HVAC units with high efficiency units. 2. Replace 15 ton and 6 ton HVAC units in dining areas. 3. Replace clerestory windows. 4. Re-roof building, solar panel renewable. 5. Replace Mercury Vapor lighting in Gym with T-5 flu... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/14/2009
COOK INLET TRIBAL COUNCIL, INC. $75,000 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Project Description: The best way to learn a construction trade is through apprenticeship. Apprenticeship combines on-the-job training with formal classroom and hands-on instruction. Apprentices earn while they learn. Partnering with the Alaska Regional Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $188,101 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: Childcare development - direct services and support of tribal college childcare center. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $210,000 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: The Spirit Lake tribe & council for Tribal Employment Rights and the National Indian Ironworkers Training program to conduct these activities, to negotiate agreements: issue sub-contract: manage Financial accounts: process request for drawdown of funds, P Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $63,813 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Funding was awarded to provide additional Summer Youth positions to our current program. Twenty-one additional positions will be created for both the summer of 2009 and 2010. These positions will include 11 regular Summer Youth ages 14-21 and 10 College Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $552,332 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: The funding was alloted to provide training for Native American/Alaska Natives in the field of Energy Auditor Level II, which is designed to provide professional training and supportive services to individuals to conduct energy audits on residential and c Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS $31,044 Grant Native American Employment and Training: WIA Supplemental Youth Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
CHOCTAW NATION OF OKLAHOMA $375,978 Grant Native American Employment and Training: 2009 Supplemental Youth Services Funds American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
BLACK FEET TRIBE, THE (INC) $163,844 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Blackfeet Manpower Supplemental Youth Employment Program is designed to assist youth ages 14 to 24 with employment and training. We work with our youth in helping prepare them for their future by offering work experience, program support, and training Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
YOUR RECRUITING COMPANY, INC. $1,604,826 Contract : The contractor shall provide all personnel and supervision necessary to perform acquisition, contract management and project management support services. Services to be provided include, but are not limited to support for: --Acquisition planning --Analy Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/24/2009
CIRCLE OF NATIONS $289,401 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: Architectural and construction services for roofing repair project. Building 50 roof replacement and repair. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/10/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $1,574,338 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This 24.5 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the bituminous surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of- Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $77,908 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is 0.8 miles long. There is a considerable amount of crack sealing and pothole patching to be completed on this project and well as substantial repair to the aged right-of-way fencing. The safety improvement portion of the project will includ Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE OF PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION $1,200,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: to build 10 homes for qualifying families Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $171,411 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $171,411. This project is 1.9 miles in length and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface. Work will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fence, clean and repair drainage structur Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $1,800,680 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $1,800,680. The Road Repair and Restoration project is 19.1 miles in length, and consists of a rehabilition of the paved surface and safety improvemetns along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the proj Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $164,032 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is located at Hays and continues south into the Little Rocky mountains. The existing surface is a double shot chip seal completed in 2004. The asphalt surface will be crack sealed and patched in areas that have been excavated for underground Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $622,869 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is the safety improvemnt pavement preservation will include crack sealing and patching followed by a chip seal and striping. The corridor improvement portion will consist of clearing ditches, repairing and replacing fence, signs and delineati Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA, INC., THE $911,796 Contract : Construction of Buckhead Creek Bridge Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/02/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $347,769 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $347,769. The project is 4.8 miles long and consists of a rehabilition of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include remov Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $3,007,005 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $3,007,005. This project is 44.1 miles long. There is a considerable amount of crack sealing to be completed on this project as well as substantial repair to the aged right-of-way fencing. The safety improvement portion of the Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN $532,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: To improve student academic achievement. Establishing data systems and using data for improvements that are valid and reliable for all students. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
KODIAK AREA NATIVE ASSOCIATION $72,895 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
EASTERN SHOSHONE TRIBE $104,529 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: To suplement the Eastern Shoshone Child Care program (one time fund) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/29/2009
TOHONO O'ODHAM NATION, THE $288,020 Grant Native American Employment and Training: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF SILETZ INDIANS, THE $1,380 Grant WIA Youth Activities: DOL-Summer Youth ARRA Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/20/2009
THE CHEROKEE NATION $4,139,808 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: ARRA Supplemental Funding For the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) provides child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/18/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $280,461 Grant Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance: Operations and maintenance activities at the Wanbli Wiconi Tipi Juvenile Detention Center and Construction OJT activities on Rosebud Agency owned government quarters and any other activities provided for under the American Recovery and R... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $144,496 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: estimated project cost is $144,496. The 1.9 mile long project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement protino of the project is phase I and will include removal of Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $52,120 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $52,120. The project is 0.7 miles in length and consists of rehabiliation of the paved surface repair of curb, gutter and sidewalks, and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the projec Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $557,385 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $557,385. This Road Repair and Restoration project is 6.2 miles in length, and consists of 1.3 miles of paved surface and 4.9 miles of gravel surface. The project incorporates a rehabilitation of the paved surface, the gravel su Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/31/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $113,936 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This 1.5 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $40,153 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The project is 0.5 miles long and consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include removal of any obstructions in the right- Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $438,780 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The project is 8.0 miles in length, and consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, r Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $87,707 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This 1.1 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way fe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $115,120 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Estimated project cost is $115,120. This project is the ?on reservation? portion of the Taylor Hill/Mission project and is 2.9 miles in length. It begins at the intersection of Route #1 and Route #2 at Rocky Boy Agency, and proceeds in an easterly direct Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
SHOSHONE-BANNOCK TRIBES $94,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: The Recipient will use the ARRA funds to address the removal of hazardous natural fuels in the Bannock Peak are of the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, located in southeast Idaho. The project will call for the hiring of five sawyers for two seasons to reduce Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/04/2009
ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN $1,969,730 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: Provide repairs to the existing roof on building 2. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/05/2009
ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN $666,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Will be hiring two reading coaches. Will be hiring a consultant to develop the Response to Intervention plan and to review asse... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/02/2009
HOPI JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, INC. $8,444,074 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: Facilities Improvements and Repairs using American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009 funds appropriated for project at Hopi Junior/Senior High School. The Hopi Junior/Senior High School will upgrade and replace worn and aged mechanical equipment; set up Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/15/2009
COOK INLET TRIBAL COUNCIL, INC. $189,024 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Anchorage Youth Services (AYS) and Village Youth Services (VYS) programs are year-round programs that focuses on providing opportunities for income eligible, at-risk Alaska Native/American Indian youth ages 14-21 living within the Municipality of Anc Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $72,436 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Future Generations - Employment and lifeskills building for youth. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SENECA NATION OF INDIANS, THE $41,392 Grant Native American Employment and Training: DOL WIA Supplemental Youth program ARRA funds assisted Seneca Nation of Indians Tribal 477 program in providing employment for low income Native American youth ages 14 to 24 in obtaining employment. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $232,417 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The Spirit Lake Childcare Program has strived to increase the quality, affordabilty and accessibilty to childcare for children on the reservation. Also to enhance and promote the health and saftey of the enviroments where childcare is provided by develop... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SHOSHONE-BANNOCK TRIBES $74,161 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Recipient used ARRA funds to supplement a Summer Youth Employment Training program on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Located in southeast Idaho. The program enrolled 37 participants, with 35 completing their employment experiences. Participants wor Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
PAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA INC $18,972 Grant Native American Employment and Training: $18,972 was provided to the Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma for the 477 Summer Youth work program. Our staff was able to provide employment and training to an additional 26 eligible Native American youth for a three week period, or approximately 111 hours each. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
CITIZEN POTAWATOMI NATION $282,502 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Fourth Quarter / FINAL Quarter - Payments to Vendors does not include Work Placement / subsidized employment payroll. DOL-WIA -SY- ARRA through P.L. 102-477 Plan (NOTE: Payments to VENDORS for 3rd quarter DOES NOT inlcude work placement payments/ payrol Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
ASSOCIATION OF VILLAGE COUNCIL PRESIDENTS, INC $212,479 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Employ youth between the ages of 18 to 24 years of age in each of the sites we have provided this funding under the grant in the villages for about a month. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/14/2009
CHOCTAW NATION OF OKLAHOMA $262,000 Grant Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance: Jones Academy Dormitory Projects Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/15/2009
HOTEVILLA-BACAVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $228,000 Grant Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance: Renovate quarters, replace windows, heating units and roof. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/27/2009
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $108,654 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Supplemental youth services. This is a program was designed to facilitate the employment and training of low-income youth that are out of school ages of youth range from 14-23 years of age. These youth may also have additional barriers to success, with Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $540,000 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: The funding is provided to allow for Native Americans/Alaska Natives to be trained as Plumber and Pipe Fitters. The Direct Entry Pipe Fitter training is a program that provides successful graduates an opportunity to enter into a five year apprenticeship Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
ROUGH ROCK SCHOOL BOARD, INC. $52,550,657 Grant School Improvement Grants, Recovery Act: The Rough Rock Community School has recieved funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) and in the process of constructing, improving, and repairing education buildings and infrastructure. School project personnel, architect and Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/06/2009
AD VERITAS CONSTRUCTION CO. INC. $553,546 Contract : Replacement of plumbing in (3) buildings at Haskell Indian Nations University, 155 Indian Avenue, Lawrence (KS). Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/17/2009
KEITH CONTRACTING, L.L.C. $387,753 Contract : Remove and replace ninety five water source heat pumps, train 2 employees Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/17/2009
AMERICAN LEGACY CONSTRUCTION GROUP, INC. $70,216 Contract : replace UPS at Haskell Indian Nations University Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
ALL NATIVE SERVICES $493,222 Contract : Installation of an intercom paging system Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $233,781 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The project is 2.5 miles in length, and consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, r Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $48,542 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This 0.5 mile long project consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $1,824,378 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Consists of all-encompassing street rehabilitation and safety improvement projects of the BIA streets in Rocky Boy's. It will include crack sealing, pothole patching, and chip sealing all paved streets, clean and repair drainage structures, update/install Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
YUROK TRIBE $466,312 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The ARRA Road repair/restoration allocation is to be divided in the following manner, 50%, 25%, 25%. These ARRA funds were distributed in accordance with the historical distribution formula used for regular road maintenance. The largest portion (50%) of Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES $647,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: Biomass removal of small diameter trees from approximately 1000 acres of forest timberland. Work has three distinct phases. Phase one involves cutting and thinning of primarilly 0-10 inch DBH trees by individuals equipped with chainsaws. This crew will a Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/17/2009
YAKAMA TRIBAL COUNCIL $375,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: Fuels Biomass Demo *Note: Previous report for CY09Q3(FY09Q4) reported in error as a Contract not a Grant. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/17/2009
CATERPILLAR INC. $345,643 Contract : Purchase of 1 x AP655D Caterpillar Asphalt Paver with requested delivery date of 1/31/2010. Caterpillar issued a PO to our Dealer to assist with pre-delivery inspection and delivery of the equipment. Although we have invoiced the Government for the equi Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
ONEIDA TRIBE OF INDIANS OF WISCONSIN $133,418 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: Replace a portion of EIFS on building #2. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/05/2009
HANNAHVILLE INDIAN COMMUNITY $221,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Establish data systems and use date for improvement. Increase teacher effectiveness through the integration of technology in the... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
SISSETON-WAHPETON OYATE $118,545 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: To improve quality child care and retain jobs. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $315,615 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Department of Labor Workforce Investment Act Supplement Youth Services - Pilot Project through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to train and employ youth ages 14 to 24 years of age. The project has allowed 330 youth to work during the summer wh Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/18/2009
ZUNI, PUEBLO OF $167,293 Grant Native American Employment and Training: SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
CENTRAL COUNCIL TLINGIT AND HAIDA INDIAN $87,958 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Youth Employment and Training WIA ARRA stimulus grant Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
MUSCOGEE CREEK NATION $458,763 Grant Native American Employment and Training: funds were used to provide jobs for Native American Youth, During February all particpants were transferred to other programs or hired by the worksite Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MILLE LACS BAND OF OJIBWE $30,699 Grant Native American Employment and Training: To expand Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe Summer Youth program funding. With the additional supplement of $30,699, this allowed for approximately 18 youth to work a total of 4032 hours in the summer employment program. Our total summer youth employed was 106 t Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY $8,526 Contract : This award was for architectural paint and paint related products Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/10/2009
RAMAH NAVAJO SCHOOL BOARD INC $5,761,841 Grant Indian Education Facilities, Operations, and Maintenance: To obtain architectural & engineering design services for the FI&R school improvement and repair projects for the Pine Hill Schools and provide construction/renovation services on the approved POR validation list. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/17/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $70,000 Grant Recovery Act - Correctional Facilities On Tribal Lands: The Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians through a PL93-638 contract, desires to provide (3) temporary jobs for one year. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
GOGEBIC COUNTY ROAD COMMISSION $379,305 Contract : Reconstruction of Roddis Road, Gogebic County, Michigan Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/14/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $393,484 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This project is 5.6 miles long. There is crack sealing to be completed on this project and the safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way (trees, fallen rock), repair right-of-way fence, clean an Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $210,643 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This 2.8 mile project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions in the right-of-way, repair right-of-way Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $605,210 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is 12.7 miles long. There is a considerable amount of crack sealing to be completed on this project and well as substantial repair to the aged right-of-way fencing. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obs Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
THE NAVAJO NATION TRIBAL GOVERNMENT $2,355,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: New Housing Construction Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBES $734,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: ARRA - FUELS PROJECT ON THE CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBE'S RESERVATION, RONAN,MT. NOTE: For Q3-2009 this award was reported under 'Award Type = Contract' and should have been reported as 'Award Type = Grant'. Unable to correct at this date. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/24/2009
INDIAN TOWNSHIP PASSAMAQUODDY SCHOOL COMMITTEE $438,000 Contract : To Replace the Roof on Building #1 and to construct a Waste Management Building Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $440,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS FUEL REDUCTION IN THE WUI/NON-WUI SETTING. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
COOK INLET TRIBAL COUNCIL, INC. $653,114 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc., Employment & Training Services Department, (as lead agency) will provide child care assistance through a single, integrated participant service delivery system administered under P.L. 102-477. The Child Care Program provid... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $96,582 Grant Native American Employment and Training: 1: Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 Indian and Native American Program, Supplemental Youth Services Program. A: Provide youth services, as identified in 20 CFR part 668 subpart D-supplemental Youth Services, to individuals up to and including ag Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $950,000 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Native Construction carrers initaitive project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA $176,639 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Child Care Program is very important to the Winnebago Community. Child Care services are provided for individuals on TANF, Unemployment in need of services, and working families. One of the major obstacles for families to g... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/13/2010
COLVILLE CONFEDERATED TRIBES $63,813 Grant Native American Employment and Training: to award the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $320,363 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Construction Worker Training-Solar Heat Panel Installation is a multifaceted project as it provides training and employment in solar Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/18/2009
ZUNI, PUEBLO OF $156,205 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF); Description: The CCDF ARRA funds will be used to provide child care financial assistance to low-income working families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE $182,815 Grant Native American Employment and Training: To provide Indian Employment, Training, and Related Services in accordance with the terms, provisions and conditions of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 USC 450 ET. Seq.); to reduce poverty and unemployment on Cheyenne River Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS $49,579 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF). Provide child care finanacial assistance to low-income families and fund activities to improve the quality of child care. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/09/2009
MANIILAQ ASSOCIATION $67,262 Grant Native American Employment and Training: ARRA Youth Supplemental Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
OSAGE NATION $67,262 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Summer Youth Work Experience Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/09/2009
CHICKASAW NATION $261,805 Grant Native American Employment and Training: One of the most popular programs offered by the Chickasaw Nation is the summer youth employment program. For eight weeks, low-income, Native American students, ages 14-21, are able to work either within or outside the tribe. The program goals are to pro Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/29/2009
DENA' NENA' HENASH $146,597 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Tanana Chiefs Conference Employment & Training Department Department will use the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Grant Funds to create jobs and promote economic growth. The ARRA Grant Funded youth program serves eligible low-income youth, Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/14/2009
KEITH CONTRACTING, L.L.C. $46,753 Contract : Replace existing Wheel Chair Lift in Building 112, install new Wheel Chair Lift in Building 112 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/08/2009
WILSON GROUP, INC., THE $62,442 Contract : Replace Boiler Bureau of Indian Affairs Haskell Indian Nations University Lawrence, KS Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/04/2009
HOOPA VALLEY TRIBAL COUNCIL $1,670,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: The Hoopa Valley Tribe entered into a P.L.93-638 Contract with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Northern California Agency for the Operation and Administration of the ARRA Housing Improvement Program on August 19, 2009. The original award, in the amoun Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/19/2009
CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE $2,002,760 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Road Repair and Restoration A013401Z Gravel processing, repair and gravel resurfacing on BIA Routes #2,#11 . Repair and asphalt surface treatment on BUARoutes #11, #14, #1000, #1200, #2900. Added Bridge maintenance for repair on existing structure Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/10/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $1,200,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Operate and Administer the ARRA HIP on the Rosebud Reservation Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/27/2009
SISSETON-WAHPETON OYATE $2,194,775 Contract : Buffalo Lake & Enemy Swim Access Road repair and restoration (Overlay) Projects Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/01/2009
LOWER BRULE SIOUX TRIBE $848,978 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road Repair and Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/28/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $123,468 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The project is 1.6 miles in length and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface repair of curb, gutter and sidewalks, and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstru Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $368,754 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The 4.5 mile long project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstructions and brush in the right-of-way, clean Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $65,454 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The project is 0.7 miles in length and consists of rehabilitation of the paved surface repair of curb, gutter and sidewalks, and safety improvements within the road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project will include removal of any obstru Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $320,035 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project is located on Route 6 and is 10.6 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project is phase I and will include Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $706,465 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 5 and is 8.5 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety improvement portion of the project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/14/2009
EASTERN SHOSHONE TRIBE $46,221 Grant Native American Employment and Training: To improve the effectiveness of our employment and training program Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $300,000 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project will conduct an energy study and implement recommendations to ensure that the building at Bogue Chitto is being efficiently controlled therefore reducing energy usage, saving utility bills, extending equipment life expectancy, and creating a Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
NORTHWOODS LUMBER COMPANY $49,272 Contract : rosebud roofing materials Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
CHENEGA GLOBAL SERVICES, LLC $1,678,771 Contract : Provide personnel to assist the Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities Management function at the offices indicated by BIA. Our personnel will augment existing bureau staffing to track performance of projects being accomplished under the ARRA. The overall Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
YUROK TRIBE $702,275 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The Yurok Tribal ARRA Allocation will be used by the Yurok Transportation Department in partnership with Humboldt County Department of Public Works to pave 4.6 miles of Bald Hills Road between and including Post Mile 23.1 and PM 26.7. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/24/2009
GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY $204,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Specific to Blackwater was the inclusion of funds to support math and reading interventionists and an IT Inteventionist. The s... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/29/2009
FACILITYBUILD INC $29,044 Contract : Provide Labor and Materials for the installation of gutters and downspouts on 10 structures identified in the SOW Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
NAVAJO PREPARATORY SCHOOL INC $326,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet Student Academic Achievement Standards. Priority 1 is providing college tuition and materials for dual enrollment for our students. It is also providing materials for... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
LAC DU FLAMBEAU BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA INDIANS (INC) $2,080,378 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: To provide PSE engineering and road construction services by providing all labor, materials, equipment and personnel needed to contruct six roads on the Lac du Flambeau Indian Reservation and install street lights on four roadways. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/30/2009
LAC COURTE OREILLES TRIBAL GOVERNING BOARD $130,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration of Bureau of Indian Affairs Roads and Bridges located on the Lac Courte Oreilles Indian Reservation. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/24/2009
ARVISO-OKLAND CONSTRUCTION JOINT VENTURE $4,165,117 Contract : This award is for the Pueblo Pintado Dormitory II construction located in Pueblo Pintado, NM. The project is for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Navajo Regional Office, Division of Acquisitions. A brief description of work is new construction of an masonry s Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/04/2010
ARVISO-OKLAND CONSTRUCTION JOINT VENTURE $7,761,337 Contract : This award is for the Facilities Improvement and Repair of the T'iis Naz Bas Community School located in Teec NosPos, AZ. The project is for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Navajo Regional Office, Division of Acquisitions. A brief description of work is remo Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
NATIVE AMERICAN SERVICES CORP. $201,759 Contract : UPGRADE SEWER LAGOON Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
WELLER ARCHITECTS PC $517,481 Contract : Bidding Administration Services, Construction Administration Services, and As Built Drawings for T'iis Naz Bas B.I.A. Community School, Facility Improvements and Repairs in Teec Nos Bas, Arizona: Bidding Administration Services: Administration and cleric Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
WELLER ARCHITECTS PC $604,500 Contract : Design Services for T'iis Naz Bas B.I.A. Community School, Facility Improvements and Repairs in Teec Nos Bas, Arizona Development: Plan of Record (Scope of Work), Value Engineering Analysis, Environmental Assessment Evaluation, Construction Estimate, Sch Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/15/2009
CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE $776,615 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ARRA Culvert Replacement and Repair on BIA Route #8, Pipes No. 1 & 2. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/14/2009
CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE $1,398,463 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Construction Reservation Wide Patch & Seal/Asphalt Paving Project. Repair and asphalt surface treatment on BIA Routes 3, 16P,19A,900,1700,&2800. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/01/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $1,200,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Construction of 9 geothermal homes for qualified applicants Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/28/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $146,587 Grant Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance: Improve, repair/restore and perservation of the Mandaree and Twin Buttes Roads Shops; Build a storage space for the Gerald Tex Fox Justice Center. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/30/2009
OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE OF PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION $4,149,149 Contract : Pine Ridge Dormitory and FI&R Phase 2, Project # Y9A13, Furnish all labor, materials, plant services and equipment to perform contract work in accordance with all applicable codes and construction standards and specifications, Fixed Price Contract, Comple Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/03/2009
OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE OF PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION $3,688,757 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Road Repair and Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/31/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $1,012,249 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The Recovery Act Repair and Restoration funds are to be used to preserve, repair and restore the BIA system of roadways and bridges to an acceptable condition. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/20/2009
SISSETON-WAHPETON OYATE $573,781 Contract : Peever Road Resurfacing Project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/10/2009
TURTLE MOUNTAIN BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $1,206,645 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA award to the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians for the repair and restoration of reservation roads. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/30/2009
LOWER BRULE SIOUX TRIBE $223,384 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: To complete projects on 10 BIA owned quarters in the town of Lower Brule SD to improve energy conservation and preservation of federal government assets thru maintenance. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/12/2009
YUROK TRIBE $1,288,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Operation and Administration of the ARRA Housing Improvement Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/20/2009
CHEYENNE AND ARAPAHO HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,337,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Cheyenne - Arapaho Housing Authority was awarded $1,337,000.00. With this money, the Housing Authority will construct 14 new modest energy-efficient houses for qualified individuals, who have Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/20/2009
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $1,510,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: For the Crow Tribe Housing Program project to build up to fifteen (15) homes during fiscal year 2010 and 2011 for HIP eligible recipients. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/23/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $119,250 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $119,250. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 20 and is 5.1 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $81,018 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $81,018.00 . This Road Repair & Restoration Project is located on Route 8 & is 3.2 miles in length. The project consists of rehabilitation of the gravel surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safety Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $115,012 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $115,012. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 34 and is 1.3 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safe Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $111,142 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $111,142. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 38 and is 1.0 mile in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safet Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $71,342 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $71,342. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 140 and is 1.0 mile in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The safet Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $129,217 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $129,217. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 150 and is 2.1 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the paved surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The saf Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $194,813 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $194,813. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 28 and is 3.0 miles in length. The project consists of a rehabilitation of the gravel surface and safety improvements along the entire road corridor. The saf Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $335,263 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $335,263. This Road Repair and Restoration project is located on Route 1 and is 68.2 miles in length. The project consists of safety improvements along the entire road corridor, which includes removal of any obstructions in the Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $50,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $50,000. This multi-route Road/Bridge Repair and Restoration project includes route and bridge assessments on each BIA-owned route on the Fort Peck IRR system in order to identify those activities required to assure that an ?Acc Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
CHUGACHMIUT $700,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: Fuels Project: This funding is to convert waste biomass from hazardous fuel reduction treatments into wood chips from upto 750 acres on the Kenai Peninsula Alaska Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/15/2009
EMMONAK TRIBAL COUNCIL $996,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: To build 6 new houses. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/10/2009
MARSHALL, CITY OF $1,162,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: We will construct seven energy efficent homes. The purpose is to build these seven homes, so over population of exisiting homes will decrease. It will creat jobs for Marshall and the recovery of community will start, from the economic down turn we hav Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/29/2009
ASA'CARSARMIUT TRIBAL COUNCIL $65,235 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Procure engineering firm to design Transit Center,utilize Transportation Planner to implement program,begin maintenance on tribally owned road inventory including culvert repair. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/22/2009
NATIVE VILLAGE OF SELAWIK $1,328,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Construction of single family home for low income families Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/15/2009
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $760,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Construction of 9 New HIP homes on the Red Lake Indian Reservation Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/12/2009
LEECH LAKE RESERVATION BUSINESS COMMITTEE INC $6,056,189 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: There are 11 road construction projects on the Leech Lake Reservation that have been funded through this contract. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/15/2009
LAC DU FLAMBEAU BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA INDIANS (INC) $507,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and restoration of BIA road/bridge projects Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/10/2009
STOCKBRIDGE-MUNSEE COMMUNITY $583,741 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA funding for Repair and Restoration of BIA Roads/Bridges will be used for the following: There will be crack sealing,chip sealing, restriping, resigning and shouldering performed on sections of the following roads:Moh He Con Nuck Road,Oak Road,Birch S Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $2,025,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Repair and Restoration of BIA Roads/Bridges on the Menominee Indian Reservation located in the State of Wisconsin this contract will help in making a few of the roads on the Menominee Indian Reservation more safe for the traveling public. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
COLORADO RIVER INDIAN TRIBE $618,569 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Funding for Road Construction Project CRIR 10(1) Phase 1, to perform construction and Tribal Project Management to grade, drain, provide aggregate base course,hot asphalt concrete and pavement markings on 0.742 miles of Route 3 and 10 on the Colorado Rive Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
FORT MOJAVE TRIBAL COUNCIL $464,980 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Tribal Mgt and pre-construction activities (planning, survey, design, archeology, environmental, right-of-way) to develop PS&E documents for the reconstruction of Hulet Road, H51A0200, and to develop PS&E documents for reconstruction of California Village Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/28/2010
MESCALERO APACHE HOUSING AUTHORITY $584,000 Contract : West Morgan HFR Project: Thinning Treatments Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/30/2009
ZUNI, PUEBLO OF $136,715 Contract : ON-THE-JOB WORK FORCE TRAINING Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/27/2009
ZUNI HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,425,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Housing Improprovement Program (HIP): Construction of 15 new homes for eligible applicants from the Pueblo of Zuni's HIP priority list. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/16/2009
INDIAN TOWNSHIP PASSAMAQUODDY SCHOOL COMMITTEE $46,300 Contract : To Administer and implement SY 2009-2010 Title I Priority #4 Under AARA. CFDA 84.389 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/18/2009
PENOBSCOT INDIAN NATION RECREATION COMMITTEE $428,766 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Rehab of approximately 5.38 miles of the Access/Loop Road. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/16/2009
HOULTON BAND OF MALISEET INDIANS $54,083 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Design of Maliseet Drive (OverLayment Project) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/26/2009
TUNICA-BILOXI TRIBE OF LOUISIANA $35,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Design of Multipurpose Facility Parking Center & Access Lane Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/07/2009
PLEASANT POINT PASSAMAQUODDY RESERVATION HOUSING AUTHORITY $819,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: For the Amierican Recovery And Reinvestment Act Contruction of 9 new housing units for the Housing Improvement Program. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/25/2009
TURTLE MOUNTAIN BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $934,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
LONEMAN SCHOOL $390,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR STUDENTS MOST AT RISK OF FAILING TO MEET STATE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS... Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
CRAZY HORSE SCHOOL $518,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meetin State Academic Achievement Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
PORCUPINE SCHOOL $329,300 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Improve in Math and Reading Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $410,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
SICANGU OYATE HO, INC. $986,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Reading and Math are this school's priorities. This project is part of our school-wide effort to improve student academic achie... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
ENEMY SWIM DAY SCHOOL $199,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: ESDS utilizes the ARRA funding to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk at failing to meet State academic achievement standards in Reading and Math. The ARRA funding is utilized for Teacher training 70% for Teacher improve... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
INDIAN BOARD OF EDUCATION FOR THE PIERRE INDIAN SCHOOL $334,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA $27,594 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Summer Youth Program Program was able to employ twelve (12) more additional youth ages between 14 to 19 starting May 26 until August 07, 2009. The selection process was based on income, grades for the youth and needed to at Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
DEERE & COMPANY $16,551 Contract : Purchase of a 1445 Commercial Front Mower with a 72 Deck Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/15/2009
THE CHEROKEE NATION $623,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/16/2009
LOWER ELWHA TRIBE COMMUNITY COUNCIL $107,294 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ARRA award provides funding to complete Environmental Permitting and Final Design for safety improvements to the access between the Lower Elwha Health Clinic and State Route 101, including coordination with Washington State Department of Transportation fo Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/24/2009
CONFEDERATED TRIBES OF THE UMATILLA INDIAN RESERVATION $800,250 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Indian Reservation Roads Program - Construct 0.63 miles of new, double-lane paved access road including a parking area. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/15/2010
ABSENTEE SHAWNEE TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA, INC., THE $911,796 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Construction of Buckhead Creek Bridge Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/03/2009
QUAPAW TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA $533,443 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Preparation of plans, specifications and estimates, (PS&E), traffic and related studies including field inspections, surveys, material testing and borings. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/11/2009
MIAMI TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA $327,335 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: Child Care Development, Recovery Act Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/10/2009
HOPI DAY SCHOOL $61,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/14/2009
HOTEVLLA-BACAVI COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT $237,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The overall goal is to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards in the areas of Math and Reading. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/08/2009
HOPI JUNIOR/SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL, INC. $1,147,300 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Alignment of school curriculum grades 7-12 has been completed and will provide teachers opportunities to address deficiencies in student achievement. Teachers will prescribe lesson planning directed towards students deficience through the al... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $384,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Activities will reinforce reading activities by providing resources, Technological materials, and software, upgrading teachers... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/08/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $1,400,000 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE WILL COORDINATE THE ENERGY AUDIT PILOT PROJECT. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $424,852 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Solar Heat Panel Installation Project provided by the Spirit Lake Tribe on the behalf of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe for FY2009/2010 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $152,674 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Spirit Lake Tribe will coordinate the Masonry/Roofer/Electrical Trades Training Project. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA $27,594 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Summer Youth Program Program was able to employ twelve (12) more additional youth ages between 14 to 19 starting May 26 until August 07, 2009. The selection process was based on income, grades for the youth and needed to at Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
ROSEBUD SIOUX TRIBE $337,111 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: The Rosebud Sioux Tribe is being provided funds to support the Solar Heat Panel Installation Training Project #2 through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/30/2009
EASTERN SHOSHONE TRIBE $259,985 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: Sprinkler Training Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/08/2010
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $219,724 Contract : Construction Administration Services for new Pueblo Pintado School Dormitory Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/14/2009
UNITED TRIBES TECHNICAL COLLEGE $295,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievements standards Increasing Teacher effectiveness and Data Systems and Data for improvement. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
NORTHERN CHEYENNE TRIBE $232,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Title I--A Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. This grant's purpose is to supplement and provide additional curriculum materials in math and reading, provide additi... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/28/2009
PYRAMID LAKE PAIUTE TRIBE $164,300 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/09/2009
SOBOBA BAND OF LUISENO INDIANS $251,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic acheivement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/09/2009
THREE AFFILIATED TRIBES $72,436 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Future Generations - Youth skill building program. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MANDAREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 36 $75,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/20/2009
TIOSPA ZINA TRIBAL SCHOOL $877,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Tiospa Zina Tribal School ARRA Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
STANDING ROCK COMMUNITY SCHOOL $1,074,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/18/2009
CROW CREEK SIOUX TRIBAL SCHOOLS, INC $718,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.In August of 2009, the four principals of Crow Creek Tribal Schools met several times and planned what they would use these grant... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
LOWER BRULE SIOUX TRIBE $465,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards. Funds must be used to deliver high quality, professional development to improve the capacity of teachers to integrate technolog... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $386,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Title 1, Part A- Improving Basic Programs Operated by Local Educational Agencies. Purpose: To implement a comprehensive literacy program for grades K-12 in reading/writng to meet the goal of increasing the number of students, grades 3-12, sc... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/27/2009
WA HE LUT INDIAN SCHOOL $48,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve Teaching and Learning for Students Most at Risk of Failing to Meet State Academic Achievement Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/14/2009
MOENCOPI DAY SCHOOL, INC. $337,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Provide teachers with training to improve their teaching techniques and strategies to provide effective learning in our students, increase educators' long term capacity to improve students results on assessments and learning techniques, impr... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/08/2009
SAC & FOX TRIBE OF THE MISSISSIPPI IN IOWA $283,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Acadeic Achievement Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
MILLE LACS BAND OF OJIBWE $278,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/30/2009
WHITE EARTH BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $44,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The purpose of the ARRA grant is to improve student academic achievement through the priorities listed in the application: Priority # 3 - Increase teacher effectiveness and equitable distribution of effective teachers by; teacher training,... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
LEECH LAKE RESERVATION BUSINESS COMMITTEE INC $392,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Contract awarded will allow additional road maintenance projects in the Leech Lake Reservation to be done. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/07/2009
LAC COURTE OREILLES TRIBAL GOVERNING BOARD $444,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: To improve teaching and learning for students who are most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards is our overall goal. Priority # 1 Adapting rigorous college ready standards and high quality assessments. We will i... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/06/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $82,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Menominee Tribal School will use MAP Assessment Data, WKCE Data, DIBELS Data, and Accelerated Reader and Math data to help improve the overall student achievement scores in reading, writing, and math. Menominee Tribal School students will i... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $329,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Menominee Tribal School will use MAP Assessment Data, WKCE Data, DIBELS Data, and Accelerated Reader and Math data to help improve the overall student achievement scores in reading, writing, and math. Menominee Tribal School students will i... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
SAULT SAINTE MARIE TRIBE OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $446,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve Teaching and Learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. This grant has 3 parts. Part 1 is being done by Establishing Data systems to track student high school completion and using th... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE $672,000 Contract : Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY $569,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Increase teacher effectiveness through the Mentor/Protege program, additional core curriculum materials, supplemental curriculum mate... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/23/2009
EDUCATION, ARIZONA DEPT OF $593,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: To improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards by providing early childhood education to preschool aged children. To hire for and develop Preschool teachings and paraprofess... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/23/2009
CASA BLANCA COMMUNITY SCHOOL, INC $456,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Increase the utilization of technology in the classrooms as effective learning and instructional tools in integrate advanced opportunities for teaching, enrichment and assessment. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/14/2009
CHEYENNE RIVER SIOUX TRIBE $182,815 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: To provide Indian employment training, related services, in accordance with the terms provisions, and conditions of the Indian self-determination and education assistance act (25USC 450 ET seq) to reduce povety and unemployment on Cheyenne River Sioux res... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
DENA' NENA' HENASH $146,597 Contract : To provide employment-related services to youth aged 14 - 24. The main focus is to provide quality, short-term work experience in order for participants to gain long-term employment. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
KAWERAK, INC. $134,598 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The outcome from this ARRA funding has been the opening of an infant care room within an existing child care center. The addition of the infant room has assisted ten (10) families with much needed full time child care for their children so they can remai... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $177,641 Grant Native American Employment and Training: To provide services to youth 14 years of and and upto 24 years of age. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/02/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $1,147,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Purchase of math intervention materials, hand-held math components allow for immediate feedback for students in upper-level high school math courses: algebra, algebra I, geometry and calculus. Staff and students interact on specific problems... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $137,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards. The overall purpose of the award if for 80% of the students in grades 3-6 to meet proficiency on the state assessment by 2011. Student will... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/20/2009
MESCALERO APACHE SCHOOL $777,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.Improving basic programs operated by local education agencies. For the BIE math counts program, we have been focusing on our 'ben... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/06/2009
SHIPROCK ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS, INC. $791,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.For the Elementary School, to increase proficiency in math and reading through the use of technology. For the High School, to st... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
LEUPP SCHOOL INC $306,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards through professional development, data monitoring and building modifications in technology (interactive whiteboards, projectors a... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $731,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: To improve teaching and learning for students who are below the State academic achievement standards by adopting and implementing career-ready and college preparation programs. Improving and strengthening the data systems for school improvem... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
LITTLE SINGER COMMUNITY SCHOOL BOARD INC $31,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
SHONTO PREPARATORY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL $764,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards. Adopt rigorous college and career ready standards and high quality assessments, by providing high quality standards with after school academ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $242,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Make significant changes within the school's operation and staffing with emphasis in improving the overall quality of instructio... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/02/2009
ALAMO NAVAJO SCHOOL BOARD, $474,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Improve student achievement outcomes in math and reading through supplemental services which provide targeted instruction. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/24/2009
JEEHDEEZ'A ACADEMY INC $98,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improving teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
ROUGH ROCK SCHOOL BOARD, INC. $720,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Implement a developmental, accelerated, and intervention literacy program that will ensure that students can read on grade level... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
JAMESTOWN S'KLALLAM TRIBE $545,772 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Installation of .2 miles of guardrail and associated bank stabilization along Highway 101 adjacent to Jamestown S'Klallam Tribal land. Additional funding in the amount of $453,600 from ARRA re-distribution was awarded on September 29, 2010. The project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/14/2010
KAWERAK, INC. $7,747,361 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The Gambell Street Inprovements Project includes new roads with base and subbase throughout Gambell. This project will improve approximately 2.7 miles of roadway Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/03/2010
CITIZEN POTAWATOMI NATION $1,746,461 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Indian Reservation Roads funding for road construction projects. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/03/2009
SHOSHONE-BANNOCK TRIBES OF THE FORT HALL RESERVATION OF IDAHO $210,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: This ARRA grant is to assist recipients improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Emphasis is on improving student testing proficiency in math and reading.The overall goa... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
THE COEUR D'ALENE TRIBE $32,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching ans learning for students most at risk of failing to meet Stat academic achievement standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/13/2009
LUMMI INDIAN BUSINESS COUNCIL INC $575,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Achieve improvements through strategy sessions amongst school administrators and staff, after-school tutoring, professional deve... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/20/2009
CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBES $187,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic acievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/26/2009
INDIAN ISLAND PENOBSCOT SCHOOL COMMITTEE $163,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR STUDENTS MOST AT RISK OF FAILING TO MEET STATE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
PLEASANT POINT PASSAMAQUODDY SCHOOL COMMITTEE $166,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: IMPROVE TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR STUDENTS MOST AT RISK OF FAILING TO MEET STATE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT STANDARDS Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
CHEROKEE BOYS CLUB, INC., THE $1,840,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The overall purpose of the grant award is to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Materials were purchased as indicated and approved in the American Recovery and Rei... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/07/2009
PYRAMID LAKE PAIUTE TRIBE $501,113 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: To furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and personnel to perform tribal project management, equipment purchase (i.e., vibratory roller, plate compactor, utility trailer); route assessments on 138.5 miles of roadways; safety improvements (i.e., pothole Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/23/2010
DYRON V. MURPHY ARCHITECTS, PC $136,957 Contract : INSPECTION SERVICES AT KINDAHLICHIL OLTA SCHOOL ON BIA RENOVATION PROJECT Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
LITTLE WOUND SCHOOL BOARD, INC. $1,275,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Little Wound School to improve reading and math through curriculum modifications, professional development, extended school yea... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
EMERICK CONSTRUCTION CO INC $308,228 Contract : Lighting upgrades to the main classroom building, auditorium, gymnasium and installation of exterior lighting at Chemawa Indian School. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
EMERICK CONSTRUCTION CO INC $1,550,087 Contract : Fabricate and install of a new elevated steel water storage tank tower .The new tower will be connected to the existing water distribution and treatment system. The project also includes the demolition, removal and disposition of the existing steel water Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
MORNINGSIDE ACADEMY $176,900 Contract : SVC Educational Support Reading Program Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/02/2009
ALPHA PLUS SYSTEMS INC $62,500 Contract : To provide educational support to the the teacher at Riverside Indian School Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/08/2009
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $2,515,868 Contract : The contract includes upgrades to the existing San Simon Elementary School in Sells, AZ. Upgrades include: 1) New HVAC systems in all buildings including new DDC controls, 2) New lighting throughout the existing classrooms and common areas of the school, Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
LAM/ROCKFORD CONSTRUCTION, LLC $978,938 Contract : Construction Service to Implement Phase II Energy Conservation Measures at Hopi Detention Center Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/10/2009
LAM/ROCKFORD CONSTRUCTION, LLC $1,193,473 Contract : Facility upgrades at Kin Dah Lichii Olta School Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
GLOBAL-SALUT, LLC $2,341,908 Contract : Provide project management services and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) coordinator services associated with the implementation of facilities projects funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Projects include maint Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $114,913 Contract : Inspection Services at Pine Springs School New Elevated Water Storage Tank and Waste Water Lagoon Cell Upgrade Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/23/2009
LAM/ROCKFORD CONSTRUCTION, LLC $924,836 Contract : Construct elevated water storage tank at Pine Spings Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
FACILITYBUILD INC $200,156 Contract : Provide all labor, material, equipment, transportation, supervision and incidental necessary to provide roof replacement Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
TOM GROWNEY EQUIPMENT, INC. (NSL) $141,300 Contract : Sale of (4) Broce RJ350 brooms to the Bureau of Indian affairs in Gallup, NM Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/29/2009
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC $191,206 Contract : Contract is to provide construction inspection services for renovation of the T'IIS NAZBAZ Community School project. Deliverables consist of daily reports to the contracting officer along with documentation regarding the quality of construction. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/30/2009
ARVISO-OKLAND CONSTRUCTION JOINT VENTURE $19,261,281 Contract : This award is for the Flandreau Indian School Improvement & Repair, Flandreau, South Dakota. The FIS project is an infrasctructure, repair, maintenance and ADA project that is inclusive of several buildings on BIA property. Major utility upgrades are sc Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/03/2009
DELL MARKETING L.P. $40,778 Contract : Desktops Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/10/2009
FLINTCO, LLC $11,623,675 Contract : The proposed work consists of furnishing all labor, material, equipment, supervision and incidentals necessary for the imporvements of the site including mechanical, electrical, and various renovations in accordance with the specifications and design draw Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/29/2009
EMERICK CONSTRUCTION CO INC $2,458,094 Contract : The renovation of the Yakima Tribal School in Washington. The scope of work include a new gym floor, new bleachers, new windows and doors, bathroom renovation, locker room renovation, new floor and ceiling finishes, kitchen renovation, new bus parking, a Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/25/2009
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $61,257 Contract : Contract Administration Services Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/24/2009
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $440,494 Contract : Structural investigation, analysis, and remedical design services for Greyhills High School, Coconino County, AZ Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/22/2009
ST CROIX TRIBAL COUNCIL $42,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The purpose of this award is to crack seal and replace signs on the following roads;Bearheart Rd. Billyboy Rd. Clam Lake Rd. Taylor Rd. and Tribal Frontage Rd. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/05/2010
RED CLIFF BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA INDIANS $177,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The grant award is for road maintenance of the Indian Reservation Roads Program on the Red Cliff Indian Reservation using the P.L. 93-638 process through the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the purpose of the grant is to implement a work plan that has already b Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/07/2010
DZILTH-NA-O-DITH-HLE BOARD OF EDUCATION $404,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The goal for this funding is to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards by providing professional development and technical assistance to teachers in math and reading in... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/02/2009
RAMAH NAVAJO CHAPTER $49,220 Grant Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance: Funds to be utilized for facilities maintenance of Ramah Chapter programs. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/13/2010
OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE OF PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION $1,200,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: NEW SINGLE FAMILY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/25/2009
FORT PECK ASSINIBOINE & SIOUX TRIBES INC $177,641 Grant Native American Employment and Training: To provide services to youth 14 years of age and also to include up to 24 years old. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/02/2009
STANDING ROCK COMMUNITY SCHOOL $8,178,018 Contract : Standing Rock High School Major FI&R Renovation Project Fort Yates, ND Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/29/2009
RED LAKE BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $307,429 Grant Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance: Repairs and maintenance of existing buildings including energy effeciency upgrades to heating systems in at the Old Agency Building, Ponemah Ambulance Garage, and Courts/Law Enforcement/Detention Building Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/05/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $250,000 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project will conduct an energy study and implement recommendations to ensure that the building at Pearl River Elementary is being efficiently controlled therefore reducing energy usage, saving utility bills, extending equipment life expectancy, and c Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
SAINT REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE $66,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: To administer and implement 2010 ARRA funds for the design of S5030728-Iroquois Drive, Route 362 Section 10. Outcome will be bid ready documents. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
FT MC DOWELL YAVAPAI NATION $101,296 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Project ID H55A04 Road re-construction of Wasaja Road FMIR 102.4 IRR Road Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
KNIK TRIBAL COUNCIL NONPROFIT CORPORATION $102,892 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: (5) Project Description: Knik Tribe will provide a case manager to coordinate summer youth activities, afterschool programs in order to assist our members who are attending work, school, or training. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/02/2010
SHOW LOW CONSTRUCTION, INC $1,074,788 Contract : Mill 3-1/2 of Existing Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Stockpile; Grade Subgrade, Place Aggregate Base Leveling Course, 2 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement, Asphalt-Rubber Membrane, Hot Asphalt-Rubber Chip Seal Coat, 3 Hot Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Pavemen Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/15/2010
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC $145,912 Contract : Contract is to provide Construction Inspections services during construction for the renovation of the Cibecue Community School project. Deliverables consist of Daily inspection reports. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/05/2010
PUEBLO OF JEMEZ $256,805 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and restoration of roads located on the Jemez Indian Reservation Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/01/2010
PAVEMENT SEALANTS & SUPPLY INC. $188,720 Contract : Polyflex Type 3 Cracksealant Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/13/2009
UTE INDIAN TRIBE $1,630,655 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment, and personnel to perform project management, route assessments, and nine roads and eight bridges; H62687, H6268724, H626879Q, H626879P. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
REGIS & ASSOCIATES PC $613,670 Contract : The reissued contract requires the Contractor to review records of tribes and tribal organizations, and express an opinion as to whether or not the contractors or grantees have implemented sound record-keeping systems that meet the requirements of the Con Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
WHITE MOUNTAIN APACHE TRIBE $335,000 Grant Recovery Act of 2009: Wildland Fire Management: This award is for forest management thinning of hazardous fuels and removal of the biomass created by this project. It is an 800 acre project. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
SOBOBA BAND OF LUISENO INDIANS $251,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk for failing to meet state academic achivement standards.ARRA funds providing new computers,instructional books,library books and Smart Interactive Whiteboards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/09/2009
WASHINGTON CENTER FOR INTERNSHIPS AND ACADEMIC SEMINARS, THE $62,341 Contract : The Washington Center recruits students from Native American Backgrounds to participate in internship programs at the BIA. TWC provide a variety of supprot to the students including housing, classes, programming, orientation, academic oversight, evaluatio Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/03/2009
SHOSHONE-PAIUTE TRIBES $27,966 Contract : Child care services Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/13/2009
PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE $63,157 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: To furnish all labor, materials and personnel to perform Tribal project management, route assessments on 17.3 miles of roadways; pavement preservation activities and safety improvements activities Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
TAOS, PUEBLO OF $221,044 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The Pueblo of Taos ARRA Restoration & Repair contract/award was signed by both the BIA awarding official and the Taos Pueblo Governor on March 24th and March 25th, respectively. Outlined in our project schedule the project will begin on April 19th with a Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
SITTING BULL SCHOOL $156,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/13/2009
YANKTON SIOUX TRIBE $221,328 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: AARA Roads Repair & Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/25/2010
FORT MC DERMITT PAIUTE $88,134 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This project will include road assessments, safety improvements and unpaved routine maintenance activities. Safety improvments activities include striping and installing/replacing signs which will maintain Rout 5 at its current rating. Unpaved routine m Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
RAMAH NAVAJO CHAPTER $58,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: Funds to be used to thin, treat slash and remove fuel wood from approximately 75 acres on the South side of Cero Lobo. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/25/2010
KIOWA TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA $205,776 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Rehabilitation of the Kiowa Complex Parking Lot Project. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/05/2010
TIOSPA ZINA TRIBAL SCHOOL $877,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/31/2010
COQUILLE INDIAN TRIBE $69,100 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road Repair and Restoration ARRA project for BIA Routes 1000, 1110 & 1100; road surface sealing (chip sealing) and striping. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/15/2010
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $583,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. The overall goal is to increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding on the state assessment in reading and math. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/23/2009
AROOSTOOK MICMAC COUNCIL $30,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ADM AND IMPLEMENT FY09/10 ARRA FDS FOR DESIGN OF S50ARA13 (SUMMIT ROAD) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
NARRAGANSETT INDIAN TRIBE $65,786 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and restoration of two gravel roads and two paved roads and purchase of a towable trailing grader. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/22/2010
FOND DU LAC RESERVATION $272,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: ARRA Title I funds in the amount of $272,000 were invested to supplement the wage of reading and math personnel; supplement the wage and stipend of exteded day school reading and math tutors; and provide for focused staff development trainin... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/02/2009
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $198,671 Contract : Construction Administrative Services for MIR project at Cibecue Community School Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/24/2010
PIT RIVER TRIBAL COUNCIL $98,827 Contract : ARRA Roads Maintenance Program Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/23/2010
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC $34,469 Contract : Contract is to provide preliminary enginering for new school bus garage and maintainance facility. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/22/2010
SAGINAW CHIPPEWA INDIAN TRIBAL GOVERNMENT $22,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Project is to replace and repair signage on BIA Roads Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/04/2010
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $249,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Currently testing is computer based on line, this enables our students to better prepare for uo and coming testing. To enable t... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/21/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $162,015 Grant Indian Employment Assistance: This funding was added into the current contract in January 2010 to provide a sixteen week plumber and pipefitter training on the Lummi reservation in Washington. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $329,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to me State academic achievement standards. The school used the Measures of Academic Progress test, Wisconsin Knowledge and Concepts Exam, and other reading and math assessm... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $391,382 Contract : ARRA funded project for completion of Detention Facility Addition. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/16/2009
IOWA TRIBE OF KANSAS AND NEBRASKA $332,715 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The Road Repair and Restoration contract will be used to repair and chip seal damaged roads on the Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska Reservation. There will be approximately 7.6 miles of roads that will be repaired. The repair of these roads is detrimenta Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/04/2010
SAC & FOX TRIBE OF THE MISSISSIPPI IN IOWA $99,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration of Bureau of Indian Affairs Roads and Bridges located on the Sac & Fox Settlement. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/16/2010
LAC COURTE OREILLES BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA INDIANS OF WI $622,073 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Construction of 0.8 miles of Summit Lake Road located on the LCO Reservation in Hayward, WI in accordance with the Statement of Work, Program Standards, Terms, Provisions, Conditions and requirements of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/05/2010
GRAND PORTAGE RESERVATION TRIBAL COUNCIL $1,354,938 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Surface renovation of Village, Stevens, and Store Road Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/13/2010
SENECA CAYUGA TRIBE OF OKLAHOMA $867,896 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Repair road surfaces, install safety signage, and clean and repair drainage systems for Adawe Road between sections 10 and 20 BIA Route 0186 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/24/2010
PAIUTE INDIAN TRIBE OF UTAH, THE $7,993 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Project Road R&R project numbers H6968323, H6968423, H6968524, H6968823 to purchase road maintenance equipment and perform road assessments. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
FOREST COUNTY POTAWATOMI COMMUNITY $56,410 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This contract is for the repair and restoration of several roads in and around the Forest County Potawatomi reservation. The work to be covered with these funds includes: cleaning and repairing ditched, erosion control, culvert repair and replacement, upg Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/18/2010
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $666,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards by providing for: 1). Summer Professional Development for Academic & Support Staff 2). Teacher contracts for summer school and/o... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $790,312 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ARRA IRR Construction - Multi Route Gravel. Gravel construction FER10 $613,536.95. Incedental construction FER13 $51,693.13. Construction Monitoring FER14 $60,309.50. Tribal Program Management FER17 $64,772.50. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/24/2010
QUILEUTE TRIBAL SCHOOL $132,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards. Update: Increased Teacher Effectiveness as the identified prority. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/13/2010
HUALAPAI TRIBAL COUNCIL $1,974,024 Contract : Pulverize, grade, shape,compact,and pave 6.083 miles of BIA Routes # 1 & #7 Diamond Bar Road from Boundary to Airport Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/22/2010
FOND DU LAC RESERVATION $140,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: To repair and maintain 13 roads on Fond du Lac Indian Reservation. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/19/2009
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $318,788 Contract : A&E Design Services for renovation work at Marty Indian School in South Dakota Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/17/2010
SMALLEY & COMPANY $81,306 Contract : BRIDGE SEALANT MATERIALS Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/25/2010
CONFEDERATED SALISH & KOOTENAI TRIBES $1,363,962 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road repair and restoration of road projects; Jocko Roads repair and restoration, Boulder Road repair and restoration, Chip seal/asphalt surface rejuvenation South end, chip seal/asphalt surface rejuvenation north end, and bridge guardrail projects on the Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
WHITE SHIELD SCHOOL DISTRICT $209,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/13/2009
TWIN BUTTES SCHOOL DISTRICT 37 $75,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/13/2009
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $33,218 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This award will provide for installation of a 160 foot long and 20 foot wide parking at Pearl River Elementary to accommodate the increased enrollment and eleminate existing traffic safety issues. The project will be in compliance with the ADA standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
DUCKWATER SHOSHONE TRIBE $27,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards by providing instructional staff with incentives, curriculum, and training opportunities to improve effective instruction in the ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/02/2009
MESCALERO APACHE HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,578,602 Contract : ARRA Repair and Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/22/2010
CHEHALIS TRIBAL COUNCIL $212,395 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Construction Project to Old Highway 99 Turn Lane Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/24/2010
PRAIRIE BAND POTAWATOMI NATION $1,356,719 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The ARRA funds will be used for the Repair & Restoration of BIA Routes (149.9 miles) and BIA Bridges (27) on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation. $1,106,087.00 will be used for BIA Routes and $250,632.00 will be used for BIA Bridges. Items/material Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/24/2010
SHP ENGINEERING & ARCHITECTURE $198,745 Contract : Perform Commissioning Services at Flandreau Indian School Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/02/2010
WALKER RIVER PAIUTE TRIBE $238,773 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Placement of aggregate base leveling course, hot asphalt concrete pavement, final fog seal and pavement markings on 0.440 miles on Route 155. Project ID H61A0600 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/22/2010
THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS COMPANY $5,030 Contract : Architectural Paint Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/18/2010
INTERMOUNTAIN WEST CIVIL CONSTRUCTORS INC. $667,829 Contract : Roads Project FAIR 4(2) Preservation of existing roadway, curb, gutter and sidewalk - Project ID H52A0100 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
MUCKLESHOOT INDIAN TRIBE $236,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The purpose of this award is to improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/20/2010
JAYNES CORPORATION $4,229,804 Contract : This project involves the renovation of 7 buildings on this campus and includes a new fire alarm system, new mechanical systems in some of the facilities, new windows in 3 of the buildings, some plumbing renovation mainly in the restrooms and showers, new Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
EASTERN SHOSHONE TRIBE $259,985 Contract : Pipe Fitter Sprinkler Training Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/30/2009
SAGINAW CHIPPEWA INDIAN TRIBAL GOVERNMENT $22,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration of Bureau of Indian Affairs Roads and Bridges Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/04/2010
ASPHALT ZIPPER, INC. $129,082 Contract : One (1) AZ550B Asphalt Zipper with XF Cutterhead, Carbide bits, Grindbox and wireless remote Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/22/2010
BRIMHALL SAND, ROCK & BUILDING MATERIALS $76,197 Contract : Class B 3/4 Hot Asphalt Concrete Mix, supplied & delivered to 3 separate locations on the Navajo Indian Reservation. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/21/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $341,313 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project is to replace boilers at the Choctaw Central High School cafeteria. These boilers serve the cafeteria hot water for domestic and heating purposes and to the dormitory for domestic use as well. This project will also replace boilers at the Ch Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
OGLALA SIOUX TRIBE OF PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION $3,688,757 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Road Repair and Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/16/2010
KRAUS-ANDERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $368,055 Contract : This project consists of removing existing temporary fence and installing a permanent perimeter fence, vehicle and pedestrian gates, and electronic security and access control systems to provide security and to operate the gates. Also included is paving Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
MILLE LACS BAND OF OJIBWE $125,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration of Bureau of Indian Affairs Roads and Bridges located on the Mille Lacs Indian Reservation Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/02/2010
PUEBLO OF ISLETA $713,240 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Resoration of Road and Bridge Maintenance Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/11/2010
RENO-SPARKS INDIAN COLONY $36,417 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Project RSIC ROAD R&R H616531H Bobcat Purchase Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/23/2010
PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE $533,059 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Design portion complete. Modification of $508,059 to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services to provide construction and tribal project management activities for crack, cleaning and sealing, asphalt-rubber concrete pavement, sign installation Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
BAD RIVER BAND OF LAKE SUPERIOR CHIPPEWA INDIANS INC $630,826 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ARRA - IRR Roads. Bad River Chip Seal Project - 5.97 miles of Chip Sealing on multiple Bad River IRR routes. Bad River Snow & Ice Control - Road Maintenance activities in accordance with approved work plan. Transit Activities - Purchase of a Bus & Van fo Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/31/2010
THEODORE ROOSEVELT BOARDING SCHOOL $150,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Purpose of award is to provide intervention resources and strategies in the areas of reading/writing/math. The SRA corrective ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/23/2009
GRAND TRAVERSE BAND OF OTTAWA & CHIPPEWA INDIANS $60,771 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The purpose of the contract funded by the Recovery Act is to hire contractors to manage and complete road repair and restoration projects on the reservation of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB). The final outcome of the repair Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/19/2010
CLARKLIFT-WEST, INC. $56,115 Contract : LANDSCAPE TRACTOR LOADER Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/29/2009
KAIBAB PAIUTE TRIBAL COUNCIL $139,402 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road Repair & Restoration Project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
CENTRAL COUNCIL TLINGIT AND HAIDA INDIAN $474,836 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: CCDF ARRA Childcare funding Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
SOKAOGAN CHIPPEWA COMMUNITY $126,449 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Snow and ice removal and upgrade of Sand Lake Road Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $101,000 Grant Forests and Woodlands Resource Management: ARRA funding for Hazardous Fuels Reduction Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/27/2009
NAVAJO MOUNTAIN COMMUNITY SCH $194,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. To increase students' academic success using modern technology and ensuring students are oomputer literate. To improve academic ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/02/2009
UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA $140,000 Contract : SVC-Educational and Professional Services Program: This award will fund the University of Oklahoma Center for Effective Schools (OU CES) in providing educational services to the faculty and staff of Riverside Indian School in Anadarko, Oklahoma. OU CES Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/31/2009
HANNAHVILLE INDIAN COMMUNITY $109,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Restoration and Repair of specific roads on the Hannahville Indian Community reservation. These roads include Eagle Rd., Ridge Rd., Oak Rd., Willow Rd., Tower Rd., Pine Drive, and Nah Tah Wahsh Rd. Project activities will include resurfacing, seal coating Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/11/2010
VIGIL ENTERPRISES LLC $37,925 Contract : The Contract is to provide rental equipment services to BIA Force Account in Farmington, NM Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/16/2010
BRISTOL BAY NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. $110,801 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: Title: ARRA Supplemental Funding for the Child Care Development Fund (CCDF); Description; Provide child care financial assistance to improve the quality of child care. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/17/2010
JICARILLA APACHE TRIBE (INC) $3,019,755 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair & Restoration of J Roads and Bridge Maintenance Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/11/2010
MANDAREE SCHOOL DISTRICT 36 $301,700 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic standards Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/13/2009
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $100,000 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This award will be used to repaint the metal canopy of the baseball field at Choctaw Central High School. A wooden canopy will replaced at Choctaw Central Middle School and a canopy will be replaced at the Choctaw Central Gym. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
CHILCHINBETO COMMUNITY SCHOOL $180,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk failing to meet state academic achievement.Continue after school tutoring and Saturday Academies to gain academic achievement. We have expended at 100%. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC $34,469 Contract : Contract is to provide preliminary enginering for new school bus garage and maintainance facility. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/22/2010
SWINOMISH INDIAN TRIBAL COMMUNITY $29,900 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road Repair and Restoration Project for Squi Qui Lane Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/18/2010
CROW TRIBE OF INDIANS $71,943 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $71,943.00. This multi-route Road/Bridge Repair and Restoration project includes route and bridge assessments on each BIA-owned route on the Crow IRR system in order to identify those activities required to assure that an Accept Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/20/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $108,388 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project is to replace McQua units at the Choctaw Central High School Dormitory. The units will be replaced with Mitsubishi units. There will 38 windows replaced in one building and 22 in the red brick building along with the McQua units. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
WALKER RIVER PAIUTE TRIBE $553,148 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Project WRIR Road R&R. Route assessments, culvert cleaning, vegetation removal, road/ditch grading, crack cleaning, crack sealing, chip sealing and striping. Project ID H616561H Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/23/2010
WHPACIFIC, INC. $230,991 Contract : To perform Planning Phase Services for replacement of a boarding school. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/28/2009
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $330,512 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project will conduct an energy study and implement recommendations to ensure that the building at Conehatta Elementary is being efficiently controlled therefore reducing energy usage, saving utility bills, extending equipment life expectancy, and cre Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
AGUA CALIENTE BAND OF CAHUILLA INDIANS $1,669,324 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Reconstruction of 0.7 miles on Bob Hope Drive between Ramon Road and Dinah Shore Drive, Route R110 (City Road) Project No. J54-584-R110 (54421) 2&3, located in Rancho Mirage, California, Riverside County. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/15/2010
MILLE LACS BAND OF OJIBWE $719,910 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Infrastructure construction of the Wise Owl Housing Development in District III. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/21/2010
ASSOCIATION OF VILLAGE COUNCIL PRESIDENTS, INC $347,383 Grant ARRA Child Care and Development Block Grant: The ARRA CCDF grant funds will be spent directly for child care purposes as outlined in our P.L. 102-477 2009-2011 Service Delivery Plan for eligible clients per the regulations under the grant. The amount allowed under the grant for administration expen... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
YAVAPAI APACHE NATION $38,245 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Road repair and improvement H68A0200 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/29/2010
POARCH BAND OF CREEKS INDIANS $75,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: To administer and implement FY 2010 ARRA funds for the construction of Judson Cemetery and Buildings 300 and 400 Roads Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/17/2010
BROCK WHITE COMPANY, LLC $118,544 Contract : Supply Roadsaver 522 APX 30#/Bx CRAFCO 34522 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/16/2010
THE TULALIP TRIBES OF WASHINGTON $1,895,481 Contract : Improvement of 27th Avenue NE from 88ty Street NE to Marine Drive including roadway widening, sidewalk installation, drainage improvements, the installation of water main and associated valving, installation of sanitary sewer force main, asphalt concrete Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/01/2010
PUEBLO OF ACOMA (INC) $1,407,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Perform all administrative, maintenance, and required functions as detailed in the contract and contract ARRA addendum for the Repair and Restoration of BIA owned roads and bridges. Work involves the following maintenance activities; cleaning & repairing Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/16/2010
JEEHDEEZ'A ACADEMY $392,900 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improving teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/06/2009
SAN CARLOS HOUSING AUTHORITY $1,500,000 Grant Indian Housing Assistance: Construction of very low income family homes. This help relieve some of the needs for housing on the reservation. The plans are to use ARRA funds to construct 17 new homes for families. These homes will be scattered throughout the reservation on land l Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/28/2009
DUCKWATER SHOSHONE TRIBE $58,459 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA PROJ DWIR ROAD R&R H646421; Complete 16 miles of Indian Reservation roads Assessment; Pavement preservation and Safety improvement pothole patching, scrub sealing and striping; and make improvements to unpaved roads grading non-paved roads; culvert c Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/19/2010
COOPER ZIETZ ENGINEERS, INC $273,186 Contract : Contract is to provide enginering services during construction for the renovation of the Flandreau Community School project. Deliverables consist of reviewed submittals, requests for information and design changes provided to the contracting officer. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/01/2010
LUKACHUKAI COMMUNITY SCHOOL INC $606,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improving teaching for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. The school's main focus is to use Title I funds to train teachers in the areas of integrating technology into their basic classroom instruc... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
PLEASANT POINT INDIAN RESERVATION $748,014 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: To administer the ARRA Road Repair and Restoration Program. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
FLANDREAU SANTEE SIOUX TRIBE $41,503 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Road Repair & Restoration Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/10/2010
SOKAOGAN CHIPPEWA COMMUNITY $51,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Perform routine Maintenance activities on BIA facilities Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/03/2010
PUEBLO OF SANDIA $213,792 Contract : Repair and Restoration of Route SP, Morningstar Dr. 0.5 Miles, Route SP 374, Bluewater Place, and Route SP 70, South Santa Fe Trail-An American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 Project. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/16/2010
HO-CHUNK NATION $4,469,823 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The project will provide for reconstruction of the following projects identified in the bid/control schedule: PSE activities associated with surface renovation of CTH G, Route 5181; Brockway Road, Route 5499; West Bauer Road, Routes 5498 located on the H Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/23/2010
SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS $1,159,650 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: PL93-638 ARRA Road Repair & Restoration Project to purchase maintenance rock and Magnesium Chloride and QA testing on various BIA routes on the Spokane Indian Reservation. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/22/2010
BOIS FORTE RESERVATION TRIBAL COUNCIL $406,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The ARRA funds are being used to clean and repair ditches; clean, repair, and install culverts; re-gravel road infrastructure; patching of potholes; and sealing of cracks in road surfaces. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/03/2010
SAC & FOX TRIBE OF THE MISSISSIPPI IN IOWA $283,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 7/01/2009
SAC & FOX NATION OF MISSOURI IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA $161,603 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration Construction Contract Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/09/2010
EMPOWER EDUCATIONAL CONSULTING L.L.C. $78,252 Contract : Empower has been awarded the opportunity to consult Teachers in Tuba City Boarding School. We also have been given the opportunity to provide these teachers with our Literacy Work Stations our company has created and published!! Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/16/2010
YAKAMA TRIBAL COUNCIL $173,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state achievement academic standards. PURPOSE: For Yakama Nation Tribal School to improve teacher strategies and instructional techniques. SCOPE: To improve the nec... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/13/2010
MENOMINEE INDIAN TRIBE OF WISCONSIN $10,099 Grant Bureau of Indian Affairs Facilities_Operations and Maintenance: 1. Install individual isolation valves for domestic water - Notice to Proceed was received on 5/24/2010, a contract was awarded to a Plumbing Contractor and installation was completed on on 6/30/2010. 2. Replace centrifugal exhaust fans... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
FOREST COUNTY POTAWATOMI COMMUNITY $348,478 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: This contract will be for the completion of the reconstruction of 0.3 miles of Lois Crowe Drive. This route leads to a Tribal preschool, Alternative Education Building and the Language and Culture Department. The reconstruction will correct several concer Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/18/2010
NAZLINI COMMUNITY SCHOOL $191,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Continue the Learning Process for students who are striving to meet the Arizona State Academic Standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 11/16/2009
BIG HORN SAND & GRAVEL, LLC $131,714 Contract : 3/8 aggregate delivered to Lame Deer, Montana Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/02/2010
THE CHITIMACHA TRIBE OF LOUISIANA $966,304 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Construction of Magnolia Drive, Market Lane and Raintree Parking A roadways Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
DYRON V. MURPHY ARCHITECTS, PC $329,175 Contract : Construction Administration Services for Sherman I.S. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/07/2010
ORUTSARARMUIT NATIVE COUNCIL $139,504 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Childcare and Development ARRA CCDF Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
YAKAMA TRIBAL COUNCIL $716,924 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: PL 93-638 ARRA road repair and restoration project includes chip sealing, crack sealing, and striping of approximately 10.4 miles on existing rural roadways and residential housing units. These maintenance activities will extend the life of the existing Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/15/2010
WILSON GROUP, INC., THE $62,442 Contract : Replace Boiler Bureau of Indian Affairs Haskell Indian Nations University Lawrence, KS Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/04/2009
LOWER SIOUX INDIAN COMMUNITY $15,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The funds will be used to pay salary and benefits for 1 full time Road Maintenance Supervisor. The funds will also be used to maintain the BIA roads. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/09/2010
ARVISO-OKLAND CONSTRUCTION JOINT VENTURE $7,864,457 Contract : Renovations, electrical system improvements, hardscape, temporary dining facility, etc for Cibecue Community School. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $250,000 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This project will conduct an energy study and implement recommendations to ensure that the building at Standing Pine Elementary is being efficiently controlled therefore reducing energy usage, saving utility bills, extending equipment life expectancy, and Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
WINKLER CONTRACTORS $205,761 Contract : commercial purchase of base aggregate Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/08/2010
BLACK FEET TRIBE, THE (INC) $163,844 Grant Native American Employment and Training: The Blackfeet Supplemental Youth Employment program is designed to assist youth ages 14-24 with employment and training.We work with our youth in helping prepare them for a positive future. We offer work experience, program support, and training through p Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 6/01/2009
KIN DAH LICHI'I OLTA INC $263,500 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: 'Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State Academic Achievement Standards' and to provide Professional Development training oppotunties for all academic staff to learn about the new teaching strategies ... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/22/2009
POKAGON BAND OF POTAWATOMI $39,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration of Roads Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/18/2010
SANTO DOMINGO TRIBE $281,322 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and Restoration Project on Southern Pueblos 88, Sandoval County Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/04/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $84,549 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This award will replace all water closets, flush values, and upgrade partitions to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act at Pearl River Elementary. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
CHIEF LESCHI SCHOOLS $1,014,600 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching & learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic standards. This award is further broken down into four priorities: 1. Priority 1 - To adopt rigorous college and career ready standards and high quality... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/01/2010
KICKAPOO TRIBE IN KANSAS, INC. $425,733 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Project Number: B048610U - The Kickapoo Tribe in Kansas' Road Maintenance Department will perform work under the Approved Work Plan under the ARRA Repair and Restoration projects on:Route #1015, Section #10,20,30; Route #1016, Section #10,20; Route #1017 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/19/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $56,000 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This award will be used to repave a 48,744 square foot of parking space at Tucker Elementary. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
ST CROIX TRIBAL COUNCIL $290,628 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Eagle feather road will be totally rehabilitated. The route number is 26. we will resurface the road using 7000 tons of gravel and 1960 tons of asphalt. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/19/2010
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $85,100 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Students are progress monitored biweekly, using DIBELS, to determine achievement level and need. Teachers meet weekly to discuss... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $15,150 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: This multi-route Road/Bridge Repair and Restoration project includes route and bridge assessments on each BIA-owned route on the Fort Belknap IRR system in order to identify those activities required to asure that an Acceptable Condition is maintained on Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/01/2009
FALLON PAIUTE SHOSHONE TRIBES OF THE FALLON RESERVATION & COLONY $161,004 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Route Assessment on 8.7 miles of roadways; pavement preservation/safety improv. (crack, clean & seal chip seal/pothole patching, signing and striping, H616451H, H616581H Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/23/2010
SANTA FE INDIAN SCHOOL, INC. $1,147,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. The award has been used to support our school goals: technology, math, and reading literacy across the curriculum. We have purch... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
DYRON V. MURPHY ARCHITECTS, PC $334,854 Contract : Provide Construction Inspection Services for the Flandreau School FI&R project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/07/2010
PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE $120,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Design completed, $110,000 modification to furnish all labor, materials, equipment and services to provide construction and tribal project management activities for sign installations and pavement markings at select locations on 2.0 miles of Routes 2,3,4 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/29/2010
WINNEBAGO TRIBE OF NEBRASKA $243,739 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: ARRA IRR Construction Winnebago Street Improvements. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/10/2009
TAKINI SCHOOL $322,800 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Stipends given to staff for attending conference and also incentives to students for attendance and graduation. Supplies order... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/09/2009
NAMBE PUEBLO GOVERNOR'S OFFICE $173,499 Contract : Asphalt overlay Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/27/2010
STOCKBRIDGE-MUNSEE COMMUNITY $1,227,370 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The ARRA funding for Roads Construction for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community will be used to furnish all labor, materials,equipment and personnel to perform the 5.07 miles of surface renovation of Camp 14 Road(Routes 1024 Section 10) and 1.2 miles of surf Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/24/2010
SANTEE SIOUX TRIBE OF NEBRASKA $51,405 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: ARRA Restoration and Repair Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/25/2010
LSW ENTERPRISE $109,740 Contract : GUARDRAILING AND RELATED SUPPLIES (MATERIALS CONTRACT) Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/22/2010
HANNAHVILLE INDIAN COMMUNITY $946,876 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: Surface renovation of approximately 2.1 miles of Deer Ridge Subdivision - Ridgeview Extension, Route 1049 which is located on the reservation of the Hannahville Indian Community. On September 30, 2010 Hannahville Indian Community received re-distribution Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/11/2010
DEERFIELD CORPORATION $77,380 Contract : Jemez Elementary School Domestic & Fire Systems Water Supply Project Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
DRIFTING GOOSE CONSTRUCTION INC $45,469 Contract : Siding Material for the Turtle Mountain Agency, Belcourt, ND Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 12/18/2009
PUEBLO DE SAN ILDEFONSO $106,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair & Restoration of NP 403 Tunyo Po and NP 437 Agoyo Po. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/23/2010
INDIAN AFFAIRS, BUREAU OF $354,820 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: Paving Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/03/2009
BRISTOL BAY NATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. $62,088 Grant Native American Employment and Training: Title: Native American Supplemental Youth Services Program Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/17/2010
TATE TOPA BIA COMMUNITY SCHOOL $690,400 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: 'Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards.' The purpose of the award is to impact student learning through intervention programs and instructing teachers in the best prac... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 9/28/2009
FLINTCO, INC. $3,487,582 Contract : Cheyenne Eagle Butte School Roof repair. The project consists of repairing and replacing roofing for the Eagle Butte High School in Eagle Butte, South Dakota. The school was built in 1950 and has gone through a number of roof replacements. The previous wo Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/30/2010
SPIRIT LAKE TRIBE $426,756 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The Spirit Lake Nation 2009/2010 ARRA Program has eleven (11) LOS 1 and 2 shovel-ready Roads Repair and Resoration Projects (No. A053031P). This will address the maintenace needs on all of the BIA routes execpt those that are scheduled for construction p Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/20/2010
MAKAH TRIBAL COUNCIL $211,162 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Chip Seal of Backtrack Road Route 0016 on the Makah Indian Reservation, Washington. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/15/2010
INDIAN TOWNSHIP TRIBAL GOVERNMENT $621,353 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Road Preservation/Safety Improvements Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/31/2010
MUSCOGEE CREEK NATION $5,381,560 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: The purpose is for the reconstruction of county roads for the Indian communities within the Muscogee (Creek) Nation jurisdiction. The outcome will provide better and safer travel for Muscogee (Creek) Nation citizens and other Indian people within our jur Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/18/2010
THE COEUR D'ALENE TRIBE $302,325 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: The purpose of this grant is to provide a single chip seal to 2.3 miles of DeSmet and King Valley Roads. This project will also include the removal of old traffic signs which will be replaced with new retroreflective traffic signs. A double coat of cent Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/19/2010
SAN CARLOS APACHE TRIBAL COUNCIL $2,419,882 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Project ID Number H5861602: To perform tribal project management, equipment purchase (i.e., Peterbilt Dump Truck (7 yard), Caterpillar Backhoe (420E) and Caterpillar Grader (140MO; route assessments on 669.5 miles of roadways; pavement preservation and sa Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/26/2010
WIDE RUINS COMMUNITY SCHOOL $240,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: The goal is to improve teaching methods and strategies for teachers to enhance learning for students most at risk of failing to meet state academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 4/11/2010
SALT RIVER PIMA-MARICOPA INDIAN COMMUNITY SOCIAL SERVICE, TH $219,169 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Project ID H5561505 - Purpose of the project is to bring roads operating at an unacceptable level of service (LOS 3) into acceptable levels (LOS 1 or 2). We expect all roads selected will move from a LOS 3 to a LOS 2. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/05/2010
SCHROEDER CONTRACTING, INC. $247,795 Contract : The purpose of this contract is to minor demoliton, removal, cleaning, and/or renovation of Busby School Quarters noted in the plans or specifications. The work shall consis of, but is not limited to the renovation of bathrooms and kitchens of the school Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/17/2010
SHOSHONE-BANNOCK TRIBES $1,683,700 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: PL 93-638 ARRA Road Repair and Resstoration Project 2009 for crack sealing, seal coating, guardrail replaceement, shoulder repair, and striping. Work to be completed on the Fort Hall Indian Reservation, Idaho. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/20/2010
GRAND PORTAGE RESERVATION TRIBAL COUNCIL $187,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Maintenance: Reshaping/Re-graveling and crack sealing. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/16/2010
UTE MOUNTAIN UTE TRIBE $1,977,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Bureau of Indian Affairs, Road Repair and Restoration, Indian Reservation Roads Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
MISSISSIPPI BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $147,678 Grant Replacement and Repair of Indian Schools: This award will be used to repaint over 110,000 square feet of wall space at Pearl River Elementary. The new paint will enhance the learning environment. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
IMPERIAL ROOF SYSTEMS CO. $390,755 Contract : Busby School Roof Replacement Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/11/2010
YAVAPAI-PRESCOTT INDIAN TRIBE $31,369 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Fos assessment, repair and maintenance of Route #101 including culvert cleaning, vegetation removal, replacing signs and striping (H6861802 & H6861804). Bridge #11 maintenance consisting of debris removal, cleaning of deck & scruppers and tightening/repla Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
FORT BELKNAP COMMUNITY COUNCIL $620,618 Contract : ARRA project completion of Detention Facility Addition Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/19/2010
JENA BAND OF CHOCTAW INDIANS $1,053 Contract : ARRA Repair and Restoration Program Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/25/2010
FORT BIDWELL INDIAN COMMUNITY COUNCIL $11,318 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Tribal roads maintenance & repair. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/16/2010
WHITE EARTH BAND OF CHIPPEWA INDIANS $179,200 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 8/12/2009
MASHPEE WAMPANOAG TRIBE $793 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Funds to purchase a lawn mower. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/31/2010
JOINT FINANCE OFFICE $57,792 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $57,792.00. This multi-route Road/Bridge Repair and Restoration project includes route and bridge assessments on each BIA-owned route on the Wind River IRR system in order to identify those activities required to assure that an Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 1/21/2010
CIBECUE COMMUNITY SCHOOL $672,000 Grant Title I Grants to Local Educational Agencies, Recovery Act: Improve teaching and learning for students most at risk of failing to meet State academic achievement standards. The organization is focused on school improvement initiatives that are centered around improved programming in reading and math... Show more Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 10/05/2009
SAINT REGIS MOHAWK TRIBE $161,000 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Repair and restoration of five tribal roads and purchase of heavy equipment to accomplish work. The anticipated results will be upgrading and maintaining an improved level of roadway condition. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/31/2010
CHIPPEWA CREE TRIBE, THE (INC) $65,484 Grant Road Maintenance_Indian Roads: Estimated project cost is $65,484. This multi-route Road/Bridge Repair and Restoration project includes route and bridge assessments on each BIA-owned route on the Chippewa Cree IRR system in order to identify those activities required to assure that an Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 2/23/2010
NELCON, INC. $521,030 Contract : Provide and deliver hot asphalt paving concrete, Class 3. Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 3/16/2010
ELY SHOSHONE TRIBE $10,323 Grant Highway Planning and Construction: concrete sidewalk along portion of IRR 101 on the Ely Indian Colony H64A0100 Interior, Department of / Indian Affairs (Assistant Secretary) 5/07/2010