Listing all stimulus spending by amount, in descending order. Return to Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) page
Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.
Recipient | Amount | Type | Description | Federal Dept./Agency | Date |
MISSISSIPPI COMMISSION FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE | $445,667 | Grant | AmeriCorps: DIGITAL OPPORTUNITY TRUST (DOT): ARRA funds enable 20 AmeriCorps members to be placed in classrooms to coach more than 350 teachers in effective techniques of integrating technology into all subject matters to engage 15,000 students in a learning environ | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
ADMINISTRATION, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF | $1,348,739 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award focuses on tutoring and literacy services for grades K-12; housing weatherization; financial literacy; health care insurance, access and benefits information distribution; and recruiting volunteers to address needs in their communities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES, NEW YORK OFFICE OF | $5,272,798 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The New York State Commission on National & Community Service's portfolio of 36 applications illustrates the commitment to expand AmeriCorps in New York State and the unprecedented need being felt by our programs and communities. The State Commission cont | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/19/2009 |
WEST VIRGINA COMMISSION FOR NATIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE | $148,998 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The goal of the LifeBridge AmeriCorps recovery program will be to increase the number of unemployed individuals receiving the resources, services and supports they need to find suitable employment opportunities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF | $272,063 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery AmeriCorps members address educational, environmental, and other human needs in the state of Arkansas. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA | $624,661 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps Formula programs that focus on activities related to volunteer generation; forest conservation and preservation; homebuilding; family literacy; community capacity and renewal; and, dropout prevention. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
SERVE DC | $55,827 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Funded activity supported a staff position at a subgrantee site that would otherwise currently be unable to fund the position. The subgrantee organization is focused on providing organized, professional in-school play activities that help address the nee | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
TALLAHASSEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE | $1,145,248 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps programs were awarded Recovery funds to expand the number of Members currently serving to address areas of need made more critical by a struggling economy. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF | $1,037,383 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The Georgia Commission for Service and Volunteerism (GCSV) received funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) to fund AmeriCorps grants to meet community needs. ARRA g | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
GOVERNOR'S OFFICE ON NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICES | $399,131 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The AmeriCorps State Recovery awards were made available to exisiting AmeriCorps State grantees in Alabama for project expansion for up to one year. Three (3) sub-grantees expanded utilizing these funds. Expansion included increased support to school syst | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF | $1,355,910 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will provide employment training and skill counseling. Also, AmeriCorps members will provide tutoring and literary services to at risk students. In addition, AmeriCorps members will facilitate financial literacy planning sessions for | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
ONESTAR NATIONAL SERVICE COMMISSION | $731,511 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery funds are going to support the Central Dallas Ministries emergency support programs and also upscale the current neighborhood revitalization program. Emergency support programs include providing food to families, hot meals to homeless individuals | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
TALLAHASSEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE | $500,091 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps programs were awarded Recovery funds to expand the number of Members currently serving to address areas of need made more critical by a struggling economy. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
KANSAS DEPT OF EDUCATION | $395,887 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on tutoring and literacy activities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF | $1,071,483 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will provide services to meet needs in Michigan communities in the areas of education, affordable housing, mentoring, youth and family services, and community renewal. This report represents completion of ARRA funded Michigan's AmeriCor | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
MISSISSIPPI COMMISSION FOR VOLUNTEER SERVICE | $284,031 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Formula ARRA match replacement funds enable four subgrantees to continue providing services in their respective communities. St. Rose AmeriCorps members have been trained in construction skills and in addition to recruiting and managing volunteers in pos | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND | $549,584 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The AmeriCorps members funded The AmeriCorps members funded through the Recovery Act will engage in various activities in service activities to communities affected by the economic crisis. AmeriCorps members improve the literacy of youth, enhance health c | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES, NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF | $300,590 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps State Competitive Members will: Provide safe, secure after school programming to k-6 grade elementary students in remote rural communities in northern New Mexico. Expand programming service into the Greater Santa Fe area and Native American | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
ADMINISTRATION, LOUISIANA DIVISION OF | $426,388 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on housing construction and weatherization, economic development, and community building activities | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES | $151,360 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Funding is provided to the Hastings Literacy Program, Nebraska State Probation, and University of Nebraska Medical Center - Munroe Meyer Institute for enhancing their national services efforts. Additionally, funding is provided to Omaha Healthy Kids Alli | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
OHIO COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL | $1,229,097 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The award focuses on increasing the number of individuals that engage in services, the types of services, and number of volunteers serving to support local non-profit organizations; increasing the number of youth and hours of tutoring for youth, grades K- | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, WASHINGTON STATE OFFICE OF | $701,499 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery WA Commission Formula Prime Grant for ARRA AmeriCorps programs to carryout a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These service activities initiat | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
CITIZEN SCHOOLS, INC | $130,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Since 2002, Citizen Schools' National Teaching Fellowship has been a recipient of AmeriCorps National Direct grant funds. Citizen Schools uses AmeriCorps grant funds to recruit and deploy full-time AmeriCorps members to serve in intensive afterschool pro | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
CITY YEAR, INC. | $1,642,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members provide structured in-school student services (tutoring, enrichment activities, and classroom assistance) and after school programs for children and youth. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
GREATER PITTSBURGH LITERACY COUNCIL, INC. | $435,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery AmeriCorps members primarily provide employment and skills training. Service activities include providing job readiness trainings such as r+?sum+? writing, interview and communication skills; assisting clients in employment searches; conducting | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/03/2009 |
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL AGENCIES | $1,000,000 | Grant | Planning and Program Development Grants: Funds ARRA Child Care Benefit Program | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/19/2009 |
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII | $1,150,293 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Community volunteers will be recruited and managed to address conservation and land management needs in their communities. $239,319 will be used as match replacement funds. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO | $786,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Rein vestment Act of 200 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF | $1,376,752 | Grant | AmeriCorps: City Year Chicago AmeriCorps members will assist at risk students by providing tutoring and literary services. The City Year Members will serve clients with their tutoring and literary services. AmeriCorps members from Public Allies Chicago willl incre | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/20/2009 |
LABOR & INDUSTRY, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF | $1,592,279 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award supports AmeriCorps members who focus on providing mentoring and academic support to youth and assisting a wide variety of local non-profit agencies to meet increased demand for services during economic downturn. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
STATE, NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF | $800,281 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members tutor students in language arts, reading and math; recruit volunteers; provide employment and skills training and counseling; jobs placement; housing rehabilitation, weatherization and efficient energy services; and increase the number | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
ONESTAR NATIONAL SERVICE COMMISSION | $2,285,218 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery funds are going to support 12 AmeriCorps programs operating across the state of Texas. Eight of the eleven programs received funds to replace match resources that had been lost as a result of the economic crisis. The match replacement funds ena | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
OMAHA TRIBE OF NEBRASKA, INC | $58,829 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps program and will assist the grantee in carrying out national service programs. Corps members will assist local classroom teachers as classroom aids and recruit volunteers to carry out community programs and p | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
SOUTHEASTERN NETWORK OF YOUTH & FAMILY SERVICES INC | $213,739 | Grant | AmeriCorps: There is an increased number of runaway, homeless and street youth in need of services as a result of the economic crisis. This National Direct AmeriCorps Recovery Act project aims to recruit 100 volunteers and match 15 AmeriCorps service members with Ru | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
A. T. STILL UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCES | $30,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps AHEC Professional Corps Program. AmeriCorps members are licensed, certified, or registered healthcare professionals who provide healthcare services in underserved areas and to underserved populations. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
CAMPUS COMPACT FOR NH | $262,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist with recruiting volunteers and increasing services to clients at community based organizations in Northern New England. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
EDUCATION NORTHWEST | $2,030,000 | Grant | Planning and Program Development Grants: Provide orientation training and ongoing distance learning support to over 3,000 ARRA-funded VISTA volunteers, supervisors and VISTA leaders, engaged in providing capacity building support to organizations helping low income individuals and communities af | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
LABOR & INDUSTRY, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF | $1,200,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award supports AmeriCorps members who focus on providing mentoring and academic support to youth and assisting a wide variety of local non-profit agencies to meet increased demand for services during economic downturn. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/13/2009 |
SOCIAL SERVICES, VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF | $525,808 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assisted various school districts, city agencies, and a non-profit agency in providing tutoring, mentoring, after-school programs, volunteer recruitment, and housing rehabilitation in low-income communities. Success was measured depend | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
ADMINISTRATION, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF | $572,886 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award focuses on tutoring and literacy services and improved academic success for grades K-12; capacity building services for health care related activities in nonprofit agencies; and recruiting volunteers to address needs in their communities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
NATIONAL COUNCIL OF LA RAZA, INC. | $205,367 | Grant | AmeriCorps: NCLR expanded its AmeriCorps program to address the impact of the economic downturn on the Latino community. AmeriCorps Members will provide job training services to clients affected by the economic downturn. This will include leading job training works | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
NATIONAL AIDS FUND | $157,500 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The National AIDS Fund (NAF) received $157,500 to replace a portion of our match funding to successfully implement the 09-10 National AIDS Fund AmeriCorps Program. This total request of $157,500 has allowed the NAF to provide for member match relief, ens | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
INTERVAL HOUSE | $252,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of the Interval House AmeriCorps Recovery program is to meet the increased demand for housing, financial, employment, and healthcare services for victims of domestic violence impacted by the declining economy. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
REBUILDING TOGETHER, INC. | $142,104 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist low-income homeowners by providing weatherization and energy efficiency repairs. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
EQUAL JUSTICE WORKS | $1,191,316 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps Legal Fellows (AmeriCorps members who are barred attorneys) provide legal assistance to people affected by the foreclosure crisis and others in dire economic need. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
EVERYBODY WINS! U.S.A., INC. | $104,847 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members recruit, train and support Power Lunch volunteers from the community to read one-on-one to low-income children | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
NOTRE DAME MISSION VOLUNTEERS INC | $550,224 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of the ARRA award for Notre Dame Mission Volunteer-AmeriCorps Program is to alleviate the effects of the current economic crisis while giving youth and families the tools to meet educational needs. The primary purpose for Notre Dame-AmeriCorp | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
CONSERVATION CORPS | $104,800 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery grant awarded by Corporation for National and Community Service in the amount of $104,800 to engage 8 full time AmeriCorps members (ages 18-25)in one year of community service implementing energy efficiency services in Minnesota metro area homes. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/07/2009 |
PHILADELPHIA AIDS CONSORTIUM | $130,316 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery Access to Care Through Services (ACTS) The Philadelphia AIDS Consortium TPAC provides Education, Outreach, Prevention Counseling and testing, Food and other medical and supportive services for people infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/01/2009 |
PUBLIC ALLIES, INC. | $2,085,324 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Full-time AmeriCorps Members will create, improve, and expand the services of local community and faith-based organizations, providing valuable services to community members in the areas of housing, education, youth development, public health, public safe | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF | $622,652 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps funding will deploy 40 members to serve as community health advocates. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
VOLUNTEERS, UTAH COMMISSION ON | $718,232 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will be assisting in classrooms as literacy tutors and will be working with project sponsors on conservation projects across the state. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
KANSAS DEPT OF EDUCATION | $235,044 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on financial literacy, health care access and developing professionals through service. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF | $656,272 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps formula programs that focuses on activities related to housing and senior assistance, employment and skills training, and tutoring. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES, NEW MEXICO DEPARTMENT OF | $212,547 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps State Formula Members will: Recruit new volunteers and increase volunteer time at the youth center Warehouse and will recruit new long-term volunteers. Provide job counseling and skills training (youth employment services) to at-risk youth a | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES, NEW YORK OFFICE OF | $1,939,794 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The New York State Commission on National & Community Service's portfolio of 36 applications illustrates the commitment to expand AmeriCorps in New York State and the unprecedented need being felt by our programs and communities. The State Commission cont | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
WESTCARE FOUNDATION, INC. | $76,702 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award focuses on a multi-state AmeriCorps Program in which the WestCare Foundation, Inc. has been awarded ARRA funding to support six (6) full-time AmeriCorps Members serving in California, Florida and Kentucky. Members in these three (3) states are | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO | $832,831 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of the award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as ammended (42 U.S.C. Sect 12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF | $476,950 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The Georgia Commission for Service and Volunteerism (GCSV) received funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) to fund AmeriCorps grants to meet community needs. In ta | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/04/2009 |
OHIO COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL | $450,513 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The award focuses on tutoring for youth in grades K-12 and increasing the number of individuals that engage in services provided by local non-profit organizations. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF | $422,799 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award focuses on home weatherization, tutoring and mentoring, child abuse and neglect prevention, and senior health/independence. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA | $3,552,594 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This grant award supports 144 AmeriCorps service positions dedicated to activities that address community challenges created as a result of the economic crisis. AmeriCorps members focus on developing volunteer infrastructure to build capacity of non-prof | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
GOVERNMENT OF GUAM- DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION | $340,113 | Grant | AmeriCorps: To carryout out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. AmeriCorp members focus on mentoring and tutoring At-Risk Youths. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
HEALTH & FAMILY SERVICES, KENTUCKY CABINET FOR | $412,642 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorizeed by the National and Community Services Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2010 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND | $596,704 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The AmeriCorps members funded through the Recovery Act will engage in various activities in service activities to communities affected by the economic crisis. AmeriCorps Members will empower children, youth, and families in southwest Baltimore by increasi | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
SERVE WYOMING | $51,484 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery Act funding through the AmeriCorps program will be awarded as grants to current Wyoming AmeriCorps sub-grantees with a proven track record and demonstrate the capacity to efficiently and effectively draw upon this new resource to assist communiti | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF INDIANA | $539,468 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on weatherizing homes, recruiting community volunteers, tutoring children, and assisting non-profits build capacity. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
UNITED WAY OF SOUTH CAROLINA | $303,841 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist low income, disadvantaged adults obtain a GED. Members also assist underachieving elementary school students increase reading proficiency. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION, TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF | $600,690 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Award focuses on, energy-efficient home construction, child abuse and neglect prevention, health education, and direct support for clients. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/06/2009 |
SERVEMINNESOTA | $740,355 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES | $261,985 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The focus of this project is urban environmental education and action. AmeriCorps members supported with Recovery Act funds provide environmental clubs for elementary students during the summer and into the current school year. Additionally members are | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
VOLUNTEER NEW HAMPSHIRE | $571,322 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The SCA NH Conservation Corps Award focuses on providing conservation service to the state of New Hampshire through environmental education, public programs, volunteer engagement, and conservation projects on public lands and structures. The City Year Aw | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
RHODE ISLAND COMMISSION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE | $1,149,768 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Using AmeriCorps Members and ARRA funds to help restart the Rhode Island economy adversely effected by the 08/09 economic downturn and financial/housing crises. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
AMERICAN SAMOA SPECIAL SERVICES COMMISSION | $424,459 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist disadvantaged students by tutoring in reading, math, computer skills and mentoring prisoners' families. AmeriCorps members also eradicate invasive trees. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/08/2009 |
HEALTH & FAMILY SERVICES, KENTUCKY CABINET FOR | $396,913 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorizeed by the National and Community Services Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. 12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and reinvestment Act of 2009 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/26/2010 |
VOLUNTEERISM & COMMUNITY SERVICES, NC COMMISSION OF | $891,387 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Assisting unemployed and under-employed immigrant and refugee families in accessing social services and employment opportunities in Guilford County. Rehabilitating and weatherizing homes to increase energy efficiency, decrease energy costs and reduce ca | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
PREVENT CHILD ABUSE CALIFORNIA | $52,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members serve as Family Support Workers, providing child abuse prevention services, parent education, and resource and referral support through intensive, weekly home visits with families of young children. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
ARAB COMMUNITY CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SERVICES (ACCESS) | $611,333 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The project addresses a variety of human and economic needs resulting from the economic downturn. Project sites have experienced a severe increase in the number of clients seeking services as a result of the economic downturn. Recovery members are placed | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION | $843,169 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members play a vital role in enabling our partner organizations to meet the growing demand for services at the grassroots level. Members will serve as housing counselors to assist low-income residents avoid foreclosure/ predatory lending practi | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
TEACHERS COLLEGE, COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY | $117,076 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This funding provides volunteer support in the NYC K-12 public school system, specifically in low-income communities of Harlem, Washington Heights, and other areas of northern Manhattan. The three primary activities funded by this award include: 1) Supple | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
RED CLOUD INDIAN SCHOOL INC | $76,528 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on teaching, aiding, monitoring, after-school activities, and bus driving. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF | $228,840 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will address community needs for health promotion and environmental action. BIRCH (Building Initiatives for Rural Community Health) Recovery Members will engage local volunteers and youth in conducting community health needs assessment | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA | $6,138,114 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This grant award supports 694 AmeriCorps service positions to address community challenges created as a result of the economic crisis. AmeriCorps members provide: housing rehabilitation, weatherization and energy efficiency services to low income home o | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
SERVE DC | $226,945 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Funded activity supports the development of workforce development training and literacy enhancement (Good Samaritan Foundation), as well as health education training and in and after-school tutoring for youth (Latin American Youth Center). | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
HOUSING & COMMUNITY SERVICES, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF | $406,749 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allows 2 existing AmeriCorps programs to add AmeriCorps national service participants to address financial literacy training, home foreclosures and housing assistance, housing rehabilitation and access, health ca | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF | $17,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The Education Awards Only Program will engage AmeriCorps members who are student teachers in developing and field testing service-learning lesson plans for K-12 classrooms. These lesson plans will then be made available for state and national replication. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
COMMERCE, COMMUNITY & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF | $56,551 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist in a weatherization project for low income homes. They also will serve in schools as mentors and tutors grades k-12. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
HIGHER EDUCATION, CONNECTICUT BOARD OF GOVERNORS FOR | $325,090 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist community-based organizations in providing employment skills training and capacity building. All host site organizations will be identified through partnerships with Capital Workforce Partners, Hartford's regional Workforce Inve | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
VOLUNTEER NEW HAMPSHIRE | $140,476 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Members assist in the expansion and quality enhancement of afterschool opportunities for youth by providing programming for youth in under-served or lowincome NH communities members will develop youth service learning activities at program sites. members | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
NEVADA VOLUNTEERS | $251,283 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will participate in conservation crew activities and environmental research internships. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION | $352,500 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will assist non-profit organizations to retain or expand existing services. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
RHODE ISLAND COMMISSION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE | $101,537 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Using AmeriCorps Members and grants to help restart the Rhode Island economy adversely effected by the 08/09 economic downturn and financial/housing crises. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, VERMONT DEPARTMNT OF | $60,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist VT CNCS in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. T | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME DU LAC | $70,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
TECHMISSION, INC. | $262,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Our TechMission Corps program focuses on recruiting volunteers and serving at-risk youth through tutoring, literacy, mentoring, and other academic enrichment services in after-school programs. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
HEALTH FEDERATION OF PHILADELPHIA THE | $151,154 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The National Health Corps is requesting $151,154 for 12 full-time member slots under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 for a program with a proposed start date of August 1, 2009 and end date of July 31, 2010. Members will be recruited an | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATES | $100,000 | Grant | Planning and Program Development Grants: The purpose of this award is to manage and develop the VISTA campus. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
AFYA, INC. | $3,200,000 | Grant | Planning and Program Development Grants: The purpose of this award is to provide services for use by AmeriCorps,VISTA members and project staff working with members and to provide face-to-face training for VISTA Pre-Service Orientations (PSO), Supervisor Orientations, Leader Development and othe | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/10/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF | $1,471,307 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members provided services to meet needs in Michigan communities in the areas of health access, education, disaster preparedness, and services to the homeless population. This report represents completion of ARRA funded Michigan's AmeriCorps pro | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
OKLAHOMA COMMUNITY SERVICE COMMISSION | $78,633 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will tutor low performing students as identified by teachers. Members will also assist head start centers with school readiness activities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, WASHINGTON STATE OFFICE OF | $2,760,844 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery WA Commission Competitive Prime for ARRA AmeriCorps programs to carry out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These service activities initiate | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
HONOLULU, CITY & COUNTY OF | $137,981 | Grant | AmeriCorps: For subrecipient, Maui Economic Opportunity, community volunteers will be recruited and manged to address needs in their communities. For Subrecipient, Legal Aid Society, ARRA is for match replacement funds for 2009-2010 Competitive AmeriCorps Program are | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
MASSACHUSETTS YOUTH SERVICE ALLIANCE INC | $696,008 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members representing four programs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are addressing many of the state?s critical needs through a variety of programs and projects. Members serve with organizations to improve literacy, create low income | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/20/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF MAINE | $127,241 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps*State Formula program, the Community Resource Corps, operated by Goodwill Industries of Northern New England. The program was the only eligible entity to receive these ARRA AmeriCorps funds under stipulations | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
VOLUNTEERS, UTAH COMMISSION ON | $193,316 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members expand the reach of services in refugee communities; use gardening and mentoring to teach civic engagement and job skills to the youth and assist the medically underserved in the following capacities: health educator, care coordinator, | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF ARIZONA | $40,891 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps competitive program that focuses on activities related to volunteer generation. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, DELAWARE DEPT OF | $153,895 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the ARRA AmeriCorps State Parks Partners Competitive Funded program, as listed on the approved program funding summary chart. The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
ADMINISTRATION, LOUISIANA DIVISION OF | $927,704 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on education and mentoring activities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
MASSACHUSETTS YOUTH SERVICE ALLIANCE INC | $2,080,510 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members representing eight programs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are addressing many of the state?s critical needs through a variety of programs and projects. Members serve with organizations to provide counseling with housing iss | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
CATHOLIC NETWORK OF VOLUNTEER SERVICE | $205,216 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The 2009-2010 AmeriCorps Program Year began at the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service (CNVS) on August 1, 2009 and concluded on July 31st, 2010. AmeriCorps Recovery members provided educational services including tutoring and literacy activities for st | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/12/2009 |
CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES, OFFICE OF | $3,400 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Addressing the economic crisis on Long Island and meeting needs of vulnerable populations and communities during the current recession through participation in the Health Literacy AmeriCorps Team (9 members), the Non-Profit Capacity Building AmeriCorps Te | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/12/2009 |
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO | $514,073 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. Sect 12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/01/2009 |
COCONINO, COUNTY OF | $400,818 | Grant | AmeriCorps: 58 AmeriCorps members will receive employment and skills training and implement a variety of natural resource conservation projects across the southwestern United States including: forest restoration, community wildfire protection, invasive plant species | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
CORPS NETWORK, THE | $1,288,799 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Recovery Corps: Transforming Communities - granted through Corporation for National and Community Service. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
GOODWILL INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. | $693,481 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The Goodwill AmeriCorps Recovery Act program makes a direct contribution to the employment and training needs of individuals, families, and communities. Based on the needs and resources of each community, there is variability between service sites in how | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
PUBLIC ALLIES, INC. | $20,474 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Public Allies Professional Corps Turning The Tide provides fellowships to promising young talent, who serve as full-time volunteers exploring careers in the human services field. Fellows provide full-time service in front-line human services, and benefit | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
CAMPAIGN CONSULTATION INC | $1,132,000 | Grant | Planning and Program Development Grants: With ARRA funding, Campaign Consultation is supporting the engagement and training of individuals and organizations that will serve as VISTA members and VISTA hosts. The purpose of this initiative is to use marketing, social media and distance education | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
TEACH FOR AMERICA, INC. | $2,000,000 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Teach For America was awarded $2 million in ARRA funding to recruit, train, and place Teach For America AmeriCorps members as teachers in low income classrooms across the country. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND | $195,804 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This ARRA Grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service to Goodwill Industries of Northern New England allows the expansion of the successful Community Resource Corps program from Maine into New Hampshire and Vermont. This ARRA funding ha | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF | $1,161,222 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on employment and skills training, housing rehabilitation, financial literacy education, services related to home foreclosures and housing assistance, increasing services to clients (housing, employment, etc.) and engage community | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/18/2009 |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF | $535,374 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps competitive program that focuses on activities related to employment training and food pantry assistance. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
LABOR AND INDUSTRY, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF | $697,932 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Montana Conservation Corps AmeriCorps members provide home weatherization assistance to low income families and by serving with community organizations to mobilize volunteers and engage youth in hands-on service in their communities. Most significantly, R | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/19/2009 |
STATE, NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF | $256,408 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members provide tutoring and literacy; employment and training; financial literacy; housing assistance; housing rehab; food assistance and youth mentoring. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
HUMAN SERVICES, VERMONT DEPARTMNT OF | $213,694 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist VT CNCS in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. T | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/27/2009 |
MARICOPA COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT | $26,400 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist in low income neighborhoods by providing much needed health related service projects and care to under-served and under-insured populations. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, DELAWARE DEPT OF | $84,388 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps Sussex County Habitat for Humanity Formula Funded program, as listed on the approved program funding summary chart. The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service progra | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF | $321,609 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on employment and skills training, increasing services to clients (areas of health coverage, employment, housing) and engage community volunteers in meeting community needs. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
SERVEMINNESOTA | $559,166 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
HOUSING & COMMUNITY SERVICES, OREGON DEPARTMENT OF | $366,326 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The grant supports two teams of AmeriCorps members serving through Impact NW in the Portland area. Each team focuses on increasing non-profit capacity building. Particularly, members will increase services to seniors, homelessness, head start programmin | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/29/2009 |
WEST VIRGINA COMMISSION FOR NATIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE | $174,616 | Grant | AmeriCorps: Using Recovery funds Energy Express will expand their service to 245 elementary school aged children during a six week program designed to enrich reading comprehension and retention. The program also generates 380 youth and adult volunteers from the commu | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL | $1,986,649 | Grant | AmeriCorps: The AmeriCorps*National Direct grant was awarded to support National Service members to provide capacity building and sustainability support to Habitat for Humanity affiliates impacted by the economic crisis. The purpose of this award is to assist the gra | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
JUMPSTART FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, INC | $110,865 | Grant | AmeriCorps: This award will enable 40 additional Corps members to serve preschool children. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
YOUTHBUILD USA, INC. | $780,538 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members rehabilitate and build new low-income housing. 245 YouthBuild AmeriCorps members in 14 states will rehabilitate 10 units of low-income housing and will build 7 new units of low-income housing in their communities. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/31/2009 |
DOUBLE S STATIONERY INC | $714 | Contract | : SUPPLIES | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/28/2009 |
RINGS-LEIGHTON, LTD | $7,700 | Contract | : VISTA RECRUITMENT BROCHURES | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/17/2009 |
RINGS-LEIGHTON, LTD | $4,338 | Contract | : VISTA HOW TO APPLY INSERT | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 10/19/2009 |
SEVEN CORNERS, INC | $45,000 | Contract | : This Contractor shall provide all personnel, supplies, services and facilities necessary to provide for the administration of the Corporation for National and Community Service Health Benefits Program in accordance with Section C - Statement of Work. Adm | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/14/2009 |
INDUSTRIES FOR THE BLIND, INC. | $19,980 | Contract | : Call Order 0008 under this contract allowed for the procurement of 1010 Black Short Sleeved Polo Shirts for the VISTA Program. Contractor is an AbilityOne Set-Aside, Preferred Source Supplier. Order created Blind Labor Hours in Warehousing/Order Pickin | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/15/2009 |
SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS CORPORATION | $6,630,762 | Contract | : Managed Data Center Services | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 12/18/2009 |
SEVEN CORNERS, INC | $9,455,000 | Contract | : This Contractor shall provide all personnel, supplies, services and facilities necessary to provide for the administration of the Corporation for National and Community Service Health Benefits Program in accordance with Section C - Statement of Work. Adm | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/25/2009 |
ENGENIUS CONSULTING GROUP INC. | $91,502 | Contract | : Web Stimulus Funds Reporting - To develop and support a website that will report on the Corporations implementation, use and Awarding of American Recovery Act - Stimulus Funds | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/21/2009 |
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHILD CARE RESOURCE & REFERRAL AGENCIES | $404,330 | Contract | : The primary objective of this contract is to administer child care payments to children of VISTA members. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/27/2009 |
ENGENIUS CONSULTING GROUP INC. | $1,112,909 | Contract | : To provide operations and maintenance application support for (MAC)Member Portal System. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/24/2010 |
SHARE OUR STRENGTH | $87,283 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members assist in increasing Operation Frontline's ability to meet the community's demand for its Operation Frontline nutrition education and household budgeting courses during the currect economic crisis | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS CORPORATION | $2,298,758 | Contract | : Managed Data Center Services | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/14/2009 |
LITERACY NEW YORK, INC | $26,950 | Contract | : VISTAs are placed at 7 different literacy affiliates in New York State to help these small agencies to build local capacity. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/15/2009 |
CRA-WA-LA VOLUNTEERS IN PROBATION, INC. | $36,000 | Contract | : Travel Funds | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/08/2009 |
FLORIDA COMMISION ON COMMUNITY SERVICE | $626,238 | Grant | AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps programs were awarded Recovery funds to expand the number of Members currently serving to address areas critical to needs brought on by economic issues and also to replace match lost due to a declining economy. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/30/2010 |
FIRST FINANCIAL ASSOCIATES INC | $197,071 | Contract | : Administer and managed the Child Care Subsidy Program on behalf of the Corporation for National & Community Service and its eligible members. | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2010 |
Montana Legal Services Association | $184,111 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/25/2009 |
Just Food | $23,450 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/02/2009 |
International Rescue Committee Seattle | $4,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/16/2009 |
Coal Heritage Highway Authority | $8,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/29/2009 |
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/14/2009 |
Rural Alaska Community Action Program | $32,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/03/2009 |
Yreka Community Resource Center | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/23/2009 |
Asheville City Schools Foundation | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/11/2009 |
Center For the School of the Future | $64,100 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
Shasta County Arts Council | $3,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/25/2009 |
Sistema Universitario Ana G. Mendez, Inc. | $8,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/27/2009 |
Generations Incorporated | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/19/2009 |
Youth Count, Inc. | $339,950 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/03/2009 |
Step by Step, Inc. | $166,056 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/05/2009 |
Oregon MicroEnterprise Network | $29,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/08/2009 |
Florida State University | $17,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/20/2009 |
Native American Youth and Family Center | $21,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/22/2009 |
Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement | $13,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/24/2009 |
CaliforniaVolunteers | $30,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/15/2009 |
Habitat for Humanity of New York State, Inc. | $15,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/17/2009 |
Noisette Foundation | $13,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/10/2009 |
St. Stephen's Human Services | $33,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/20/2009 |
American Red Cross - Manchester Chapter | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/23/2009 |
Volunteers of America/Spokane | $6,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/29/2009 |
Michigan Nonprofit Association | $31,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/11/2009 |
Central Utah Center for Independent Living | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/10/2009 |
Serve Wyoming, Inc. | $21,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/26/2009 |
Frostburg State University | $17,600 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/30/2009 |
GRID Alternatives | $15,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/16/2009 |
Richland County Health Department | $7,200 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
The Volunteer and Information Center, Inc. | $6,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/16/2009 |
University of Montana - Montana Campus Compac | $148,311 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/16/2009 |
Community And Economic Development Office | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
Citizen's Conservation Corps of West Virginia | $29,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/10/2009 |
Cra-Wa-La Volunteers in Probation, Inc. | $36,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/08/2009 |
Wisconsin Community Action Program Associatio | $15,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
New Rising Star Missionary Baptist Church Com | $7,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/16/2009 |
Office of the Indiana Attorney General | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/06/2009 |
Utah Commission on Volunteers | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/10/2009 |
Rural Opportunities Inc. Planning Research | $12,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/20/2009 |
Welfare Reform Liaison Project, Inc. | $18,131 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/07/2009 |
Community Corrections Improvement Association | $128,800 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/16/2009 |
Community Action Association of PA | $27,100 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/31/2009 |
Western New York AmeriCorps | $46,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/17/2009 |
Maryland Department of Planning | $45,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/09/2009 |
New York City Office of the Mayor | $233,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/31/2009 |
PeaceJam Foundation | $21,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/11/2009 |
United Way of Southern Nevada | $19,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/11/2009 |
Minnesota Council of Churches | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/24/2009 |
United Way of the Piedmont | $13,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/10/2009 |
Wheeling Jesuit University, Inc. | $6,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/04/2009 |
Corporation For Ohio Appalachian Development | $35,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/07/2009 |
Senior Friendship Centers, Inc. | $21,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/09/2009 |
One Economy | $40,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/18/2009 |
Rotary First Harvest | $4,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/21/2009 |
Division of Child and Family Services | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/27/2009 |
Volunteer Maryland | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/09/2009 |
Rural Resources Community Action | $4,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
Crossroads Urban Center | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/26/2009 |
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction | $112,845 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
University of Alaska - Anchorage | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/03/2009 |
Literacy New York | $26,950 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/15/2009 |
College for All Texans Foundation | $75,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/29/2009 |
Skagit County Community Action Agency | $2,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/12/2009 |
Community Service Society of NY | $10,750 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
Volunteer West Virginia, Inc. | $3,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/16/2009 |
Doddridge County Family Resource Network | $3,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/10/2009 |
Western Washington University - WA Campus Com | $4,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/04/2009 |
Tufts University/MA Campus Compact | $23,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/23/2009 |
Consejo De Salud De La Comunidad | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/19/2009 |
United Way of Central Alabama | $9,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/12/2009 |
NAMI Tennessee | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/04/2009 |
WA State Employment Security Department | $600,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/09/2009 |
Maryland Campus Compact | $38,400 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/17/2009 |
United Way of Utah County | $63,560 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
West Virginia University Extension Services | $3,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/17/2009 |
Empowerment Group | $22,250 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/08/2009 |
Productores de carne de cerdo de la montana, | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/19/2009 |
Bay Area Community Resources / BAYAC AmeriCor | $24,960 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/29/2009 |
Redwood Community Action Agency | $25,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/28/2009 |
Wilmington College | $34,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/11/2009 |
United Way of Northwest Georgia | $6,998 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/09/2009 |
Spokane Neighborhood Action Programs | $6,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
Community Services Planning Council | $70,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/28/2009 |
West Tennessee Special Technology Access Reso | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/18/2009 |
Board of Regents of the University of Wiscons | $154,064 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
Turning the Page | $25,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/04/2009 |
United Way of the Midlands | $2,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/10/2009 |
Community First Fund | $26,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/06/2009 |
Habitat for Humanity International | $124,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/25/2009 |
City of Billings - Community Development | $17,525 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/01/2009 |
City of Raleigh | $22,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/07/2009 |
Hand and Hand, Inc. | $37,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
Center for Community Development, Delta Stat | $244,524 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
Iowa Civil Rights Commission | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
Green River Community Center | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/23/2009 |
Prevention Resource Center - MT DPHHS | $141,127 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/16/2009 |
The Community Foundation of South Alabama | $12,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/16/2009 |
Maine Commission for Community Service | $30,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
United Way of Pennsylvania | $23,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/17/2009 |
Youth Venture, Inc. | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/18/2009 |
Preservation Resource Center | $40,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/28/2009 |
Points of Light Foundation | $52,658 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/02/2009 |
Oakland County Child Care Council | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/04/2009 |
Iowa Campus Compact | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/01/2009 |
Positive Maturity Incorporated | $7,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/03/2009 |
Pharr Literacy Project | $60,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/04/2009 |
American Legion Auxiliary National Headquarte | $142,623 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/28/2009 |
University of Rochester | $11,650 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/06/2009 |
HELP-NM | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/09/2009 |
Nevada Natural Resource Education Council | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/04/2009 |
Solid Ground | $3,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/02/2009 |
Chicago Area Project | $28,200 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/05/2009 |
Ingham County Health Department | $14,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/30/2009 |
North Carolina Campus Compact (Elon Universit | $25,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/01/2009 |
Colorado Youth Corps Association | $14,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
Salt Lake Community College | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/10/2009 |
Southwest Youth Services | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/01/2009 |
Communities in Schools of Florida, Inc. | $21,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/19/2009 |
Universidad del Este | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/27/2009 |
Coalition for Asian American Children and Fam | $16,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/17/2009 |
PathwaysPA | $26,650 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/17/2009 |
Habitat for Humanity International Western Te | $46,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/29/2009 |
United Way - Augusta | $12,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/21/2009 |
Volunteer Center of Southern Arizona | $89,107 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/11/2009 |
Central Iowa Shelter & Services | $10,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/05/2009 |
Hawaii Commission on National & Community Ser | $8,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/29/2009 |
Pocahontas Communications Cooperative | $11,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/28/2009 |
City of East Carbon | $5,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/28/2009 |
Children and Families Commission of Orange Co | $28,140 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/28/2009 |
Communities In Schools of Forsyth County, Inc | $20,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/19/2009 |
Goodwill Industries of Northern Illinois and | $12,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 7/29/2009 |
Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living | $16,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/07/2009 |
Family TIES of Nevada | $78,310 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/28/2009 |
Syracuse Cooperative Federal Credit Union | $10,900 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 9/18/2009 |
Texas Homeless Network | $50,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 6/04/2009 |
Communities in Schools of Georgia | $4,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 5/21/2009 |
AS220 | $39,250 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 8/07/2009 |
Volunteer Services of Manatee County, Inc. | $1,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 12/15/2009 |
United Way of Escambia County | $13,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 12/10/2009 |
Washburn University | $30,809 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 1/05/2010 |
World Won Development Center | $0 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 11/02/2009 |
North Columbia Community Action Council | $0 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 2/24/2010 |
World Won Development Center | $702,359 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 11/02/2009 |
Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administr | $33,000 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 10/27/2009 |
Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation | $236,507 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 12/14/2009 |
The New Mexico Forum for Youth in Community | $166,572 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/22/2010 |
Retired & Senior Volunteer Program of Ingham, | $16,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 11/12/2009 |
American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis | $34,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 3/04/2010 |
The Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodba | $36,238 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/19/2010 |
The Opportunity Council | $28,236 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 11/04/2009 |
New Mexico Community Foundation | $165,428 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 4/20/2010 |
Community Development & Improvement Corporati | $1,500 | Grant | Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA Recovery Support Grants | Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) | 11/09/2009 |