Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION)

Total Spending


Parent agency (Independent Agencies)


Alabama $441,131
Alaska $322,891
Arizona $1,393,841
Arkansas $894,715
California $11,013,302
Colorado $1,413,805
Connecticut $601,965
Delaware $393,533
District of Columbia $4,306,647
Florida $3,220,579
Georgia $3,944,709
Hawaii $1,309,274
Idaho $786,000
Illinois $2,921,906
Indiana $10,343,371
Iowa $1,651,631
Kansas $661,740
Kentucky $872,079
Louisiana $1,449,292
Maine $353,045
Maryland $7,420,179
Massachusetts $5,684,020
Michigan $3,308,145
Minnesota $1,490,321
Mississippi $974,222
Missouri $1,196,646
Montana $1,196,206
Nebraska $472,174
Nevada $415,457
New Hampshire $1,483,151
New Jersey $1,056,689
New Mexico $819,652
New York $10,162,701
North Carolina $1,012,518
Ohio $1,826,531
Oklahoma $1,133,492
Oregon $2,853,075
Pennsylvania $3,614,491
Rhode Island $1,326,808
South Carolina $333,841
South Dakota $76,528
Tennessee $1,033,496
Texas $3,311,004
Utah $1,074,208
Vermont $308,800
Virginia $11,343,288
Washington $4,123,579
West Virginia $621,727
Wisconsin $2,591,109
Wyoming $72,484
American Samoa $424,459
Guam $340,113
Puerto Rico $50,714

Showing only the top (by amount) 50 entries. Go here for the full list

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Federal Dept./Agency Date
SEVEN CORNERS, INC $9,455,000 Contract Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 6/25/2009
: This Contractor shall provide all personnel, supplies, services and facilities necessary to provide for the administration of the Corporation for National and Community Service Health Benefits Program in accordance with Section C - Statement of Work. Adm
SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS CORPORATION $6,630,762 Contract Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 12/18/2009
: Managed Data Center Services
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA $6,138,114 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: This grant award supports 694 AmeriCorps service positions to address community challenges created as a result of the economic crisis. AmeriCorps members provide: housing rehabilitation, weatherization and energy efficiency services to low income home o
CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES, NEW YORK OFFICE OF $5,272,798 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/19/2009
AmeriCorps: The New York State Commission on National & Community Service's portfolio of 36 applications illustrates the commitment to expand AmeriCorps in New York State and the unprecedented need being felt by our programs and communities. The State Commission cont
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA $3,552,594 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/30/2009
AmeriCorps: This grant award supports 144 AmeriCorps service positions dedicated to activities that address community challenges created as a result of the economic crisis. AmeriCorps members focus on developing volunteer infrastructure to build capacity of non-prof
AFYA, INC. $3,200,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/10/2009
Planning and Program Development Grants: The purpose of this award is to provide services for use by AmeriCorps,VISTA members and project staff working with members and to provide face-to-face training for VISTA Pre-Service Orientations (PSO), Supervisor Orientations, Leader Development and othe
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, WASHINGTON STATE OFFICE OF $2,760,844 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: Recovery WA Commission Competitive Prime for ARRA AmeriCorps programs to carry out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These service activities initiate
SYSTEMS RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS CORPORATION $2,298,758 Contract Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 8/14/2009
: Managed Data Center Services
ONESTAR NATIONAL SERVICE COMMISSION $2,285,218 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/01/2009
AmeriCorps: Recovery funds are going to support 12 AmeriCorps programs operating across the state of Texas. Eight of the eleven programs received funds to replace match resources that had been lost as a result of the economic crisis. The match replacement funds ena
PUBLIC ALLIES, INC. $2,085,324 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 6/01/2009
AmeriCorps: Full-time AmeriCorps Members will create, improve, and expand the services of local community and faith-based organizations, providing valuable services to community members in the areas of housing, education, youth development, public health, public safe
MASSACHUSETTS YOUTH SERVICE ALLIANCE INC $2,080,510 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/21/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members representing eight programs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are addressing many of the state?s critical needs through a variety of programs and projects. Members serve with organizations to provide counseling with housing iss
EDUCATION NORTHWEST $2,030,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/29/2009
Planning and Program Development Grants: Provide orientation training and ongoing distance learning support to over 3,000 ARRA-funded VISTA volunteers, supervisors and VISTA leaders, engaged in providing capacity building support to organizations helping low income individuals and communities af
TEACH FOR AMERICA, INC. $2,000,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/29/2009
AmeriCorps: Teach For America was awarded $2 million in ARRA funding to recruit, train, and place Teach For America AmeriCorps members as teachers in low income classrooms across the country.
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INTERNATIONAL $1,986,649 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: The AmeriCorps*National Direct grant was awarded to support National Service members to provide capacity building and sustainability support to Habitat for Humanity affiliates impacted by the economic crisis. The purpose of this award is to assist the gra
CHILDREN & FAMILY SERVICES, NEW YORK OFFICE OF $1,939,794 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/30/2009
AmeriCorps: The New York State Commission on National & Community Service's portfolio of 36 applications illustrates the commitment to expand AmeriCorps in New York State and the unprecedented need being felt by our programs and communities. The State Commission cont
CITY YEAR, INC. $1,642,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/29/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members provide structured in-school student services (tutoring, enrichment activities, and classroom assistance) and after school programs for children and youth.
LABOR & INDUSTRY, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF $1,592,279 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: Award supports AmeriCorps members who focus on providing mentoring and academic support to youth and assisting a wide variety of local non-profit agencies to meet increased demand for services during economic downturn.
HUMAN SERVICES, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF $1,471,307 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members provided services to meet needs in Michigan communities in the areas of health access, education, disaster preparedness, and services to the homeless population. This report represents completion of ARRA funded Michigan's AmeriCorps pro
HUMAN SERVICES, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF $1,376,752 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/20/2009
AmeriCorps: City Year Chicago AmeriCorps members will assist at risk students by providing tutoring and literary services. The City Year Members will serve clients with their tutoring and literary services. AmeriCorps members from Public Allies Chicago willl incre
HUMAN SERVICES, ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF $1,355,910 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/29/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will provide employment training and skill counseling. Also, AmeriCorps members will provide tutoring and literary services to at risk students. In addition, AmeriCorps members will facilitate financial literacy planning sessions for
ADMINISTRATION, WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF $1,348,739 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: Award focuses on tutoring and literacy services for grades K-12; housing weatherization; financial literacy; health care insurance, access and benefits information distribution; and recruiting volunteers to address needs in their communities.
CORPS NETWORK, THE $1,288,799 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/28/2009
AmeriCorps: Recovery Corps: Transforming Communities - granted through Corporation for National and Community Service.
OHIO COMMUNITY SERVICE COUNCIL $1,229,097 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/01/2009
AmeriCorps: The award focuses on increasing the number of individuals that engage in services, the types of services, and number of volunteers serving to support local non-profit organizations; increasing the number of youth and hours of tutoring for youth, grades K-
LABOR & INDUSTRY, PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF $1,200,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/13/2009
AmeriCorps: Award supports AmeriCorps members who focus on providing mentoring and academic support to youth and assisting a wide variety of local non-profit agencies to meet increased demand for services during economic downturn.
EQUAL JUSTICE WORKS $1,191,316 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/29/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps Legal Fellows (AmeriCorps members who are barred attorneys) provide legal assistance to people affected by the foreclosure crisis and others in dire economic need.
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, IOWA DEPARTMENT OF $1,161,222 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/18/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on employment and skills training, housing rehabilitation, financial literacy education, services related to home foreclosures and housing assistance, increasing services to clients (housing, employment, etc.) and engage community
UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII $1,150,293 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: Community volunteers will be recruited and managed to address conservation and land management needs in their communities. $239,319 will be used as match replacement funds.
RHODE ISLAND COMMISSION FOR NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE $1,149,768 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 6/01/2009
AmeriCorps: Using AmeriCorps Members and ARRA funds to help restart the Rhode Island economy adversely effected by the 08/09 economic downturn and financial/housing crises.
TALLAHASSEE COMMUNITY COLLEGE $1,145,248 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/01/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps programs were awarded Recovery funds to expand the number of Members currently serving to address areas of need made more critical by a struggling economy.
CAMPAIGN CONSULTATION INC $1,132,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/29/2009
Planning and Program Development Grants: With ARRA funding, Campaign Consultation is supporting the engagement and training of individuals and organizations that will serve as VISTA members and VISTA hosts. The purpose of this initiative is to use marketing, social media and distance education
ENGENIUS CONSULTING GROUP INC. $1,112,909 Contract Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/24/2010
: To provide operations and maintenance application support for (MAC)Member Portal System.
HUMAN SERVICES, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF $1,071,483 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/29/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will provide services to meet needs in Michigan communities in the areas of education, affordable housing, mentoring, youth and family services, and community renewal. This report represents completion of ARRA funded Michigan's AmeriCor
COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, GEORGIA DEPARTMENT OF $1,037,383 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/21/2009
AmeriCorps: The Georgia Commission for Service and Volunteerism (GCSV) received funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) to fund AmeriCorps grants to meet community needs. ARRA g
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHILD CARE RESOURCE AND REFERRAL AGENCIES $1,000,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 6/19/2009
Planning and Program Development Grants: Funds ARRA Child Care Benefit Program
ADMINISTRATION, LOUISIANA DIVISION OF $927,704 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members focus on education and mentoring activities.
VOLUNTEERISM & COMMUNITY SERVICES, NC COMMISSION OF $891,387 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/30/2009
AmeriCorps: Assisting unemployed and under-employed immigrant and refugee families in accessing social services and employment opportunities in Guilford County. Rehabilitating and weatherizing homes to increase energy efficiency, decrease energy costs and reduce ca
LOCAL INITIATIVES SUPPORT CORPORATION $843,169 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members play a vital role in enabling our partner organizations to meet the growing demand for services at the grassroots level. Members will serve as housing counselors to assist low-income residents avoid foreclosure/ predatory lending practi
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF COLORADO $832,831 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: The purpose of the award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as ammended (42 U.S.C. Sect 12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2
STATE, NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF $800,281 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/01/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members tutor students in language arts, reading and math; recruit volunteers; provide employment and skills training and counseling; jobs placement; housing rehabilitation, weatherization and efficient energy services; and increase the number
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE STATE OF IDAHO $786,000 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Rein vestment Act of 200
YOUTHBUILD USA, INC. $780,538 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/31/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members rehabilitate and build new low-income housing. 245 YouthBuild AmeriCorps members in 14 states will rehabilitate 10 units of low-income housing and will build 7 new units of low-income housing in their communities.
SERVEMINNESOTA $740,355 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/21/2009
AmeriCorps: The purpose of this award is to assist the grantee in carrying out a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act of 1990, as amended (42 U.S.C. -?12501 et seq.) and in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009
ONESTAR NATIONAL SERVICE COMMISSION $731,511 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/27/2009
AmeriCorps: Recovery funds are going to support the Central Dallas Ministries emergency support programs and also upscale the current neighborhood revitalization program. Emergency support programs include providing food to families, hot meals to homeless individuals
VOLUNTEERS, UTAH COMMISSION ON $718,232 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members will be assisting in classrooms as literacy tutors and will be working with project sponsors on conservation projects across the state.
World Won Development Center $702,359 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 11/02/2009
Volunteers in Service to America: VISTA State
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, WASHINGTON STATE OFFICE OF $701,499 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 4/29/2009
AmeriCorps: Recovery WA Commission Formula Prime Grant for ARRA AmeriCorps programs to carryout a national service program as authorized by the National and Community Service Act and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. These service activities initiat
LABOR AND INDUSTRY, MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF $697,932 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/19/2009
AmeriCorps: Montana Conservation Corps AmeriCorps members provide home weatherization assistance to low income families and by serving with community organizations to mobilize volunteers and engage youth in hands-on service in their communities. Most significantly, R
MASSACHUSETTS YOUTH SERVICE ALLIANCE INC $696,008 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/20/2009
AmeriCorps: AmeriCorps members representing four programs across the Commonwealth of Massachusetts are addressing many of the state?s critical needs through a variety of programs and projects. Members serve with organizations to improve literacy, create low income
GOODWILL INDUSTRIES INTERNATIONAL, INC. $693,481 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/22/2009
AmeriCorps: The Goodwill AmeriCorps Recovery Act program makes a direct contribution to the employment and training needs of individuals, families, and communities. Based on the needs and resources of each community, there is variability between service sites in how
ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF $656,272 Grant Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/01/2009
AmeriCorps: This award funds the approved ARRA AmeriCorps formula programs that focuses on activities related to housing and senior assistance, employment and skills training, and tutoring.

Showing only the top (by amount) 50 entries. Go here for the full list