Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

Howard County, Md., funds by Employment and Training Administration

Listing $2,277,704.63 in stimulus funds from Employment and Training Administration for Howard

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $1,176,644 WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $512,345 $3,550 Earth Day Every Day $146,898 Welding Equipment, Driver's Ed ($140) Electric Vehicle Take Back. $319,000 Education Modular Building. $42,897 Dishwasher $67,298 redirected from Welding equipment to Electrical Simulator. Employment and Training Administration 3/31/2010
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $196,600 $120,000 Site Paving. $76,600 Supplemental funding for Education Buildings 1,II and III. Employment and Training Administration 4/21/2010
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $147,267 WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $130,160 Electric Vehicles $51,800 Ed Services Replacement Projects E-301-1 thru E-301-3 $78,500.$140. deobligated on Mod#8 for electric Vehicles Employment and Training Administration 11/16/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $100,400 WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $8,889 Program of Competitive Grants for Worker Training and Placement in High Growth and Emerging Industry Sectors ARRA-State Energy Sector Partnership and Training Grant GJ- 19960-10-60-A-24; Award Amount:$5,793,183; CFDA # 17.275; Number of Jobs Created: None The MESP, led by the Governor's Workforce Inv... Show more
This spending item is part of a $5,793,183 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 1/29/2010
OBRIEN, ILEANA $1,800 Panelist reviewed applications received in response to a Solicitation for Grants Applications against defined evaluation criteria and provided a written assessment of applications' strengths and weaknesses. Employment and Training Administration 10/07/2009
TRUMBULL CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES $1,800 Review and rating of 10-15 Pathways Out of Poverty grant proposals. Employment and Training Administration 11/09/2009
TRUMBULL CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES $1,800 Panelist reviewed applications received in response to SGA against defined evaluation criteria and provided a written assessment of applicants' strengths and weaknesses. Employment and Training Administration 11/24/2009