Recovery Tracker

How Much Stimulus Funding is Going to Your County?

24027 Howard County, Md.

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U.S. Maryland Howard
Population 308,745,538 5,773,552 288,376
Total recovery funding $522,082,377,600 $12,173,604,856 $320,598,906
Funding per Capita $1,691 $2,109 $1,112
Unemployment Rate, 7/08 – 7/12

This site was updated in September 2012. It includes recipient-reported data through the second quarter of 2012, which was released in July 2012.

Important: This interactive database is not kept up-to-date and should be treated as a historical snapshot. As records may have changed since we stopped making updates, researchers and consultants wishing to use the data should check against original sources for accuracy before using any data published here.

Those wishing to download the data can find it at the ProPublica Data Store.

Funding by Federal Agency and Department

Click total to see spending list
Commerce, Department of $76,759,930
Health and Human Services, Department of $50,351,530
Energy, Department of $33,093,712
Transportation, Department of $32,340,065
Education, Department of $30,909,500
Small Business Administration $27,805,758
Housing and Urban Development, Department of $15,853,454
Homeland Security, Department of $14,156,902
Social Security Administration $8,060,260
Agency for International Development $7,498,990
State, Department of $6,142,593
General Services Administration $5,084,115
Office of Job Corps $4,996,489
Environmental Protection Agency $3,731,705
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management $2,687,795
Employment and Training Administration $2,277,705
National Science Foundation $1,121,924
Agriculture, Department of $928,902
Justice, Department of $876,909
Department of the Air Force $777,500
Interior, Department of $741,161
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers $631,349
Army, Department of $365,176
National Aeronautics and Space Administration $342,242
Independent Agencies $230,720
Navy, Department of $65,723
Department of Veterans Affairs $10,000

Show more/fewer agencies


Stimulus contracts, grants and loans in Howard County, Md. Data last updated on September 2012.
We have CSV files available for download. Sign up here.

Note: For some programs where states do not report where money will be distributed across the state, we do not have the allocation for individual counties. Those programs include: Medicaid, unemployment benefits and food stamps. Those amounts are included in the totals for where the state agency receiving that money is located.

Howard County has more than 200 stimulus spending items. View the top 200 items by expenditure amount. View the lists by federal department and agency in the top-right corner of this page.

Amount refers to both the amount of stimulus funding going toward the project and the face value of the loan.

Recipient Amount Type Description Federal Dept./Agency Date
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $71,380,392 Grant Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) The One Maryland Broadband Consortium will build the One Maryland Broadband Network (OMBN) bringing 1,294 miles of new high speed internet fiber optics access to every Maryland county. This comprehensive community infrastructure will directly connect ... Show more
This spending item is part of a $115,240,581 allocation. See details
Commerce, Department of / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 9/02/2010
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $16,380,435 Contract Technical, Management and Communications Support, Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Research and Development Program Energy, Department of 9/03/2010
This spending item is part of a $22,800,000 allocation. See details
Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 6/29/2009
QUALITY SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC. $12,732,772 Contract This purpose of this order is to obtain the services of a qualified vendor to Test the National Level Repository- Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) Systems. The QSSI Team recognizes that this testing project has a
This spending item is part of a $13,697,057 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 4/29/2010
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $9,489,712 Grant Special Education Grants to States, Recovery Act To assist states in providing special education and related services to children with disabilities in accordance with Part B of the IDEA.
This spending item is part of a $200,241,802 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. $8,663,358 Contract The scope of this SOW is to provide services and equipment to the CBP, Office of Information and Technology's (OIT), Enterprise Networks and Technology Support (ENTS), Wireless Technology Programs (WTP) TACCOM Project in support of the TACCOM system moder
This spending item is part of a $57,081,722 allocation. See details
Homeland Security, Department of / U.S. Customs and Border Protection 9/29/2010
GLOBECOMM SERVICES MARYLAND LLC $7,498,990 Contract The objective of this project is to implement a Disaster Recovery Site to support the USAID Global Acuisition and Assistance System (GLAAS) in Lansdown, VA. Agency for International Development 9/30/2009
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $7,314,750 Direct P Social Security Economic Recovery Act Payments Social Security Administration 6/30/2009
ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY LOAN FUND, INC. $7,145,558 Grant Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Recovery Act Funded) NSP TA National Housing and Urban Development, Department of 10/01/2009
Trainor Glass Company $7,046,210 Contract Construction of the NIH Porter Neuroscience Research Center Phase II. The project is approximately 300,000 GSF.
This spending item is part of a $157,030,324 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/13/2010
TRANSPORTATION, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $6,372,010 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available for Use in Any Area (Flexible) Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 3/20/2009
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $5,868,508 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Fund - for the support of pubic elementary, secondary and post secondary education, and, as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $719,676,984 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 6/01/2009
MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS, INC. $5,146,328 Contract The scope of this SOW is to provide services and equipment to the CBP, Office of Information and Technology's (OIT), Enterprise Networks and Technology Support (ENTS), Wireless Technology Programs (WTP) TACCOM Project in support of the TACCOM system moder
This spending item is part of a $57,081,722 allocation. See details
Homeland Security, Department of / U.S. Customs and Border Protection 9/29/2010
ENTERPRISE COMMUNITY PARTNERS, INC. $5,144,127 Grant Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Recovery Act Funded) This is a Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Technical Assistance (TA) national award. Services are provided through the provision of practitioner support and other forms of technical assistance to the Department of Housing and Urban Dev... Show more
This spending item is part of a $7,145,558 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 10/01/2009
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $5,058,723 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Education State Grants, Recovery Act Education Fund - for the support of pubic elementary, secondary and post secondary education, and, as applicable, early childhood education programs and services.
This spending item is part of a $719,676,984 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 6/01/2009
QUALITY SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC. $5,000,000 Contract Enterprise Identity Management Services (EIDM) Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 6/14/2012
IMPAQ INTERNATIONAL LLC $4,968,724 Contract The purpose of this project is to increase access to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) claims data through the creation of public use data and to determine a method of providing public access to these data which is useful to researchers and
This spending item is part of a $8,997,697 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 9/27/2010
ADVANCED PROGRAMS INC $4,034,234 Contract TEMPEST Thin Clients and LCD's State, Department of 9/21/2009
COMPUTER SCIENCES CORPORATION $3,490,784 Contract The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) authorizes the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to provide a reimbursement incentive for eligible professionals and hospital providers (Eligible Hospitals and CAHs) who are successful in beco
This spending item is part of a $3,915,842 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 7/21/2011
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $3,443,710 Grant Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds 'Grants and loans associated with clean water quality infrastructure programs. Assistance is available for: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements/Expansion including State Grant Match for Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Facilities Sewer... Show more
This spending item is part of a $94,784,600 allocation. See details
Environmental Protection Agency 5/08/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $2,993,000 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available for Use in Any Area (Flexible) Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 9/15/2009
CITIROOF CORP. $2,773,502 Contract Chevron Energy Solutions is providing design-build construction services for the direct benefit and use of the United States Government through a procurement contract subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation. The agreement is not a grant, cooperative
This spending item is part of a $12,194,385 allocation. See details
General Services Administration / Public Buildings Service 3/15/2010
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $2,678,000 Grant Federal Transit_Formula Grants The funds in this grant are awarded to Locally Operated Transit Systems to invest in public transportation. Projects included are the purchase of replacement and expansion buses, a replacement trolley, replacement vans, capital maintenance items, fare col
This spending item is part of a $36,267,802 allocation. See details
Transportation, Department of / Federal Transit Administration 3/03/2010
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $2,601,700 Grant Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program (EECBG) Activity 1: replaces a pick up truck used to convey materials to and from the Residents Convenience Center to other locations on the landfill property. Activity 2: replaces a landfill gas collection system to heat a building at Alpha Rid... Show more Energy, Department of / Golden Field Office 11/17/2009
TRANSPORTATION, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $2,352,421 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Urbanized Areas over 200K Population Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 6/23/2009
LINCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INC. $2,299,973 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/13/2009
AMERICAN RIVERS, INC $2,290,878 Grant Habitat Conservation RECOVERY ACT - PATAPSCO RIVER RESTORATION THROUGH BARRIER REMOVALS IN BALTIMORE, MARYLAND American Rivers will partner with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Friends of the Patapsco Valley State Park to remove Union and Simkins dams on the
This spending item is part of a $4,020,438 allocation. See details
Commerce, Department of / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 6/28/2009
MABEY BRIDGE & SHORE, INC. $2,239,386 Contract Investment in this project will accelerate the demolition of three surplus building complexes (11 individual buildings) at the Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, removal of estimated quantities of soil, and disposition of excess uranium material. This w
This spending item is part of a $110,200,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 5/06/2009
Eastland Food Corporation $2,000,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 11/17/2009
NELLO WALL SYSTEMS, INC. $1,668,452 Contract Demountable Walls for GSA Swing Space. General Services Administration 7/09/2010
HOWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE $1,531,910 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 4/26/2010
NATURAL RESOURCES, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $1,502,742 Grant Habitat Conservation RECOVERY ACT - PATAPSCO RIVER RESTORATION THROUGH BARRIER REMOVALS IN BALTIMORE, MARYLAND American Rivers will partner with the Maryland Department of Natural Resources and Friends of the Patapsco Valley State Park to remove Union and Simkins dams on the
This spending item is part of a $4,020,438 allocation. See details
Commerce, Department of / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 6/28/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $1,385,551 Contract Provide Office of the Assistant Secretary and the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Development the means to support the R&D mission and vision of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy with technical, engineering, analytical, an
This spending item is part of a $13,901,856 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 7/08/2009
Chapelwood Enterprises LLC $1,385,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 10/12/2010
Atlantic Waterproofing & Resto $1,270,393 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $1,258,130 Grant Education Technology State Grants, Recovery Act The Enhancing Education Technology grant will provide local school systems (LSSs) with state-of-the-art 21st century learning environments, and professional development (PD) to help students achieve and acquire skills to compete in a global economy. Thr... Show more
This spending item is part of a $8,526,689 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 7/24/2009
IMPAQ INTERNATIONAL LLC $1,256,881 Contract The purpose of this Task Order is to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the various dissemination and implementation approaches undertaken by the Office of Communications and Knowledge Transfer (OCKT) related to AHRQG??s comparative effectivene
This spending item is part of a $2,371,179 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 9/15/2010
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $1,240,723 Grant Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, appropriates funding for the Department of Energy to issue/award formula-based grants under the Weatherization Assistance Program. The purpose of the program is to increase the ener... Show more
This spending item is part of a $64,003,045 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 6/18/2009
The Stanford Grill $1,203,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 8/27/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $1,176,644 Grant WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
BCS, INCORPORATED $1,143,586 Contract Contractor shall provide the personnel and all other resources required to complete case studies and ancillary support which assesses OE's impact on the nation's electric infrastructure resulting from the implementation of the Recovery Act. Case Study 1: Energy, Department of 9/30/2010
BCS, INCORPORATED $1,143,586 Contract Contractor shall provide the personnel and all other resources required to complete case studies and ancillary support which assesses OE's impact on the nation's electric infrastructure resulting from the implemenetation of the Recovery Act. Case Study 1
This spending item is part of a $16,686,514 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/30/2010
QUALITY SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC. $1,114,505 Contract The objective of this Task Order is to support and maintain the current Teradata environment at CMS as well as support future program initiatives. The contractor shall provide resources to include Project Management, Team Leads, Teradata Database Administ Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 1/31/2012
ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY AND RESEARCH CORPORATION $1,093,600 Grant State Energy Program The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) has developed a four-pronged approach to promote affordable, reliable and clean energy using monies from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and Maryland's state Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEI
This spending item is part of a $51,746,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 1/26/2010
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $1,056,380 Grant Special Education - Grants for Infants and Families, Recovery Act Assist States in the implementation of a statewide, comprehensive, coordinated, multidisciplinary, interagency system of early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families, and to implement the E... Show more
This spending item is part of a $22,216,990 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
G2, INC. $998,264 Contract Support the development of security baseline configurations and content to provide security configuration profiles and virtual test images, enabling greater technical automation. Commerce, Department of / National Institute of Standards and Technology 9/14/2010
HOWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE $996,639 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
Straughan Environmental Services Inc. $977,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 11/20/2009
ADVANCED PROGRAMS INC $944,790 Contract TEMPEST Workstations and LCD's State, Department of 8/27/2009
QUALITY SOFTWARE SERVICES, INC. $939,456 Contract The objective of this Task Order is to support and maintain the current Teradata environment at CMS as well as support future program initiatives. The contractor shall provide resources to include Project Management, Team Leads, Teradata Database Administ Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 6/02/2011
Rai 9114 Philadelphia LLC $912,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/20/2010
SIERRA WOODS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP $900,000 Grant Tax Credit Assistance Program (Recovery Act Funded) The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development is the prime recipient of formula grant funding through the Tax Credit Assistance Program (TCAP), authorized under the HOME subtitle of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. ... Show more
This spending item is part of a $31,701,696 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 6/26/2009
VIRGINIA SPRINKLER CO INC $878,467 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS CRITICAL SYSTEMS, INC. $875,475 Contract Construction of the NIH Porter Neuroscience Research Center Phase II. The project is approximately 300,000 GSF.
This spending item is part of a $157,030,324 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/13/2010
The Kenjya Group Inc. $856,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 6/08/2010
TRANSPORTATION, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $844,595 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available for Use in Any Area (Flexible) Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 3/19/2009
Magco Inc. $830,279 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $823,257 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act The purpose of the Race to the Top Fund is to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform; achieving significant improvement in student outcomes; and implementi... Show more
This spending item is part of a $249,999,182 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 9/27/2010
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $820,972 Contract SMS will provide the necessary resources and technical capability to provide management support to the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) in conducting the 2009 Smart Grid Investment Grant Program FOA application merit/peer rev
This spending item is part of a $1,459,750 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 5/21/2009
NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTHY HOUSING, INC. $792,570 Grant Healthy Homes Technical Studies Grants (Recovery Act Funded) To fund technical studies to improve existing methods for detecting and controlling lead-based paint and other housing related health and safety hazards, to develop new methods to detect and control these hazards, and to improve our knowled... Show more Housing and Urban Development, Department of / Office of Lead-based Paint Abatement and Poison Prevention 4/15/2009
FACILITY DYNAMICS ENGINEERING CORPORATION $780,450 Contract Provide post design Services for Building 10 E & F Wings - Phase B1 & B2.
This spending item is part of a $10,144,513 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/13/2009
SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP $777,500 Contract To provide the Government with a complete engineering design, construction, and warranty for the Repair of Interior Deluge System in Hangar 7 and Bldg 1731 to meet current Air Force Standards. This award will bring the current Dry sprinkler system up to d
This spending item is part of a $1,199,897 allocation. See details
Department of the Air Force 9/26/2009
DATA COMPUTER CORPORATION OF AMERICA $738,060 Contract (CLINS 0003 & 0004): The purpose is to provide development and modifications to the redesigned Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Budget and Expenditure System (MBES\CBES) due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) legi Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 5/06/2010
DATA COMPUTER CORPORATION OF AMERICA $738,060 Contract (CLINS 0003 & 0004): The purpose is to provide development and modifications to the redesigned Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Budget and Expenditure System (MBES\CBES) due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) legi Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 5/06/2010
Hillmuth Certified Automotive of Clarksv $687,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 2/12/2010
NIXON GROUP, LLC, THE $665,775 Grant ARRA - Health Information Technology Extension Program This program provides grants for the establishment of Health Information Technology Regional Extension Centers that will offer technical assistance, guidance and information on best practices to support and accelerate health care providersG?? eff... Show more
This spending item is part of a $6,874,318 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of 3/30/2010
LINCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE, INC. $651,312 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 5/12/2010
NEWWAVE TELECOM AND TECHNOLOGIES, INC. $599,279 Contract The purpose of this project is to increase access to Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) claims data through the creation of public use data and to determine a method of providing public access to these data which is useful to researchers and
This spending item is part of a $8,997,697 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 9/27/2010
AREVA FEDERAL SERVICES LLC $598,350 Contract The B&W Y-12 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) program will accomplish environmental and infrastructure work scope over the next two years by reducing the risks from Cold War legacies and furthering Y-12's physical transformation. The
This spending item is part of a $109,492,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 5/07/2009
SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BUILDINGS CRITICAL SYSTEMS, INC. $595,406 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
TRANSPORTATION, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $580,636 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Available for Use in Any Area (Flexible) Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 3/06/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $575,000 Contract Provide Office of the Assistant Secretary and the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Development the means to support the R&D mission and vision of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy with technical, engineering, analytical, an
This spending item is part of a $900,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 12/22/2010
Fulton Family Chiropractic $567,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 3/25/2010
NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTHY HOUSING, INC. $559,160 Grant Healthy Homes Technical Studies Grants (Recovery Act Funded) To fund technical studies to improve existing methods for detecting and controlling lead-based paint and other housing related health and safety hazards, to develop new methods to detect and control these hazards, and to improve our knowled... Show more
This spending item is part of a $973,982 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 4/14/2009
LINCOLN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE INC. $541,598 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 7/16/2009
COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL OF HOWARD COUNTY INC $530,000 Grant Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Persons The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5, appropriates funding for the Department of Energy to issue/award formula-based grants under the Weatherization Assistance Program. The purpose of the program is to increase the ener... Show more
This spending item is part of a $64,003,045 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 6/18/2009
IMPAQ INTERNATIONAL LLC $528,961 Contract The purpose of this contract is to develop a database of State-level (and selected sub-State-level) environmental factors and program characteristics for the Medicaid and ChildrenG??s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) that can be linked to the Medicaid Anal
This spending item is part of a $858,436 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 3/31/2010
ACTUARIAL RESEARCH CORPORATION $528,288 Contract Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) Data Infrastructure Analytic eXtract (MAX) Long-Term Care-Assessment (LTC-A) File Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 3/31/2010
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $512,345 Contract $3,550 Earth Day Every Day $146,898 Welding Equipment, Driver's Ed ($140) Electric Vehicle Take Back. $319,000 Education Modular Building. $42,897 Dishwasher $67,298 redirected from Welding equipment to Electrical Simulator. Employment and Training Administration 3/31/2010
CS TECHNOLOGY, INC. $506,476 Contract Relocate IT / Data equipment consisting of servers, storage racks, misc. server support components from GSA's Central Office (CO) 1800 F Street, NW, Washington, DC to both GSA's Region 6 (R06) Office at 1550 East Bannister Road, Kansas City, MO 64131-3088 General Services Administration / Public Buildings Service 1/14/2010
Antkowiak Design Group Inc dba ADG Creati $500,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/11/2010
Synergy Intel Group LLC $500,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees PATRIOT EXPRESS Small Business Administration 9/30/2010
VTC, L.L.C. $496,470 Contract The Social Security AdministrationSSA (SSA) awarded a contract to Strategic e-Business Solutions to provide consulting services to provide personnel with the skill sets required to independently evaluate the SSA's process for selecting the replacement st
This spending item is part of a $1,317,761 allocation. See details
Social Security Administration 8/22/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $487,624 Contract Smart Grid Investment Grant Program (EISA 1306): This award provides funds of $5,470,000 for the following activities in support of the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE). Funding in the amount of $1,370,000 is provided for ORNL
This spending item is part of a $5,470,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/10/2009
Include Software Corporation $467,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 6/24/2010
G2, INC. $464,722 Contract Booz Allen Hamilton (BAH) will provide a wide array of IT project management and business solution best practices to support IRM/IA's network (General Support System) continuous C&A activities through both programmatic and operational support. BAH shall p
This spending item is part of a $3,130,782 allocation. See details
State, Department of 7/08/2010
Birchwood Ventures LLC $450,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/08/2010
NORTHEAST MARYLAND WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY $448,380 Grant State Energy Program The Maryland Energy Administration (MEA) has developed a four-pronged approach to promote affordable, reliable and clean energy using monies from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act and Maryland's state Strategic Energy Investment Fund (SEI
This spending item is part of a $51,746,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 1/26/2010
HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC. $448,180 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The integrated observing systems that comprise the EarthScope Facility can be used to address fundamental questions at all scales, from the active nucleation zone of earthquakes, to individual faults and volcanoes, to the deformation along the plate bound
This spending item is part of a $5,101,724 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
Soccer Dome PGC LLC $420,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/14/2010
COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL OF HOWARD COUNTY INC $417,670 Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant Community Services Block Grant ARRA funding provides economic stimulus while furthering the mission under CSBG to promote the economic and social well-being of children, youth, families and communities. The funding is used for activities that contribute t
This spending item is part of a $13,719,817 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 4/10/2009
COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL OF HOWARD COUNTY INC $417,670 Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant Emergecny Assistance and crisis intervention program to assist participants to acquire food from the Agency's food bank; to also assist with evictions and foreclosure prevention and to provide emergency assistance and case management. State, Department of 5/01/2009
TRANSPORTATION, MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF $414,357 Grant Highway Planning and Construction Highway Infrastructure Investment Grant: Transportation Enhancements Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 3/06/2009
Medisolv Inc. $413,800 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/29/2009
XCISION MEDICAL SYSTEMS, LLC $399,912 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support We propose to increase 1.4 FTE to improve the quality and accelerate the development of the planning system and treatment device. The proposed projects will also strengthen the quality processes to ensure a timely FDA submission, which, in turn, will brin Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/29/2009
SELECT COMPUTING, INC. $392,842 Contract MQ Administrative Support Services (Middleware Messaging/Queue Replication) NLR Optional Task A & B Medicare, CLIN 0001AB, 0001AD NLR Optional Task A & B Medicaid, CLIN 0001AC, 0001AE Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 8/31/2011
Soil Safe, Inc. $380,000 Contract Construction of Potomac Job Corp Center
This spending item is part of a $5,585,000 allocation. See details
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management 12/28/2009
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $375,592 Grant Special Education - Preschool Grants, Recovery Act Assist States to make available special education and related services for children with disabilities age 3 through 5 years, and at a State's discretion, to 2 year old children with disabilities who will reach age three during the school year.
This spending item is part of a $6,922,121 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services 8/31/2009
BCS, INCORPORATED $369,640 Contract Modify Integrated Biorefinery Solicitation Program for Pilot and Demonstration Scale Biorefineries: This award provided initial funds of $679,046 for technical support to organize, plan, and conduct the Merit Review for Funding Opportunity Announcement N
This spending item is part of a $1,162,237 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/03/2009
FACILITY DYNAMICS ENGINEERING CORPORATION $351,098 Contract Purpose of the award is to provide construction administration services for the construction of a world-class laboratory and office complex for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, California
This spending item is part of a $3,830,686 allocation. See details
Commerce, Department of / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 6/29/2010
CABEZON GROUP, INC $347,216 Contract Provide technical assistance and administrative support to cover additional Grants Peer Review requirements in support of Fire Station Construction Grants review.
This spending item is part of a $721,000 allocation. See details
Homeland Security, Department of / DHS - Federal Emergency Management Agency 9/28/2009
QUALITY ASSOCIATES INC. $330,000 Contract Scanning/Conversion of Microfiche Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2010
QUALITY ASSOCIATES, INC. $330,000 Contract Scanning/Conversion of Microfiche Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/24/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $329,443 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 9/30/2009
This spending item is part of a $23,415,436 allocation. See details
Transportation, Department of / Federal Highway Administration 1/13/2010
Corrigan Sports Enterprises Inc. $325,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 8/10/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $322,491 Contract Smart Grid Investment Grant Program (EISA 1306): This award provides funds of $5,470,000 for the following activities in support of the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE). Funding in the amount of $1,370,000 is provided for ORNL
This spending item is part of a $5,470,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/10/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $314,620 Grant Community Development Block Grant ARRA Entitlement Grants (CDBG-R)(Recovery Act Funded) Community Development - Public Facility Acquisition Housing and Urban Development, Department of 7/24/2009
JP's Fine Wine & Spirits $313,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/30/2009
Members Hotel Network LLC $305,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 7/10/2009
The Maryland Rural Water Association Inc $303,733 Contract To provide on-site technical assistance to RD eligible systems in the following areas: operation & maintenance, treatment, compliance, construction, financial sustainability management, vulnerability assessment/emergency response plans, and general manage
This spending item is part of a $14,269,150 allocation. See details
Agriculture, Department of / Rural Utilities Service 5/13/2009
L&G Truck Repair Inc $300,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/21/2010
Entegra Systems Inc $300,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 11/13/2009
HONEYWELL TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS INC. $298,670 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support The integrated observing systems that comprise the EarthScope Facility can be used to address fundamental questions at all scales, from the active nucleation zone of earthquakes, to individual faults and volcanoes, to the deformation along the plate bound
This spending item is part of a $5,101,724 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 8/14/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $294,632 Grant Recovery Act - Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program / Grants To Units Of Local Government In May 2009, the Howard County Government was awarded $294,632 for the BJA FY09 Recovery Act Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program Local Solicitation. The 'Howard County ... Show more Justice, Department of 5/06/2009
HOWARD COMMUNITY COLLEGE $286,972 Direct P Federal Pell Grant Program GRANT PROGRAM Education, Department of / DOED - Student Financial Assistance Programs 6/23/2009
Yadah, LLC dba Fast Fix Jewelry and Watch $280,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 9/24/2009
CORMAC CORPORATION $274,690 Contract Integrated Data Repository (IDR) Task Order Award. Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 3/19/2012
TIDEWATER, INC. $270,000 Contract The contractor shall perform work as noted below to clear the entire limits of Cell 2 of the Toledo, OH CDF so that a topographic survey of the entire CDF can be prepared and trenching within the CDF can be performed. Existing vegetation shall be cut and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 8/20/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $266,593 Grant Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (Recovery Act Funded) The Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program award is to provide homelessness prevention assistance to households who would otherwise become homeless-many due to economic crisis - and to provide assistance to rapid... Show more
This spending item is part of a $5,680,393 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 7/14/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $250,000 Contract SMS, Inc will provide the necessary resources and technical capability to provide management support to the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability (OE) in conducting the 2009 Workforce Training FOA application merit/peer reviews in acc
This spending item is part of a $454,554 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 10/19/2009
Vital Management & Engineering, Inc $250,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 2/17/2009
Health Analytics LLC $250,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/20/2010
Xin Sheng Seafood Trading Inc. $247,358 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 7/31/2009
DATA COMPUTER CORPORATION OF AMERICA $241,700 Contract The purpose is to provide development and modifications to the redesigned Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program Budget and Expenditure System (MBES\CBES) due to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) legislation. Over the pa Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 9/21/2009
CHATHAM LTD PARTNERSHIP II $235,620 Direct P Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Special Allocations (Recovery Act Funded) Contract Svs S8 Funds Housing and Urban Development, Department of / Federal Housing Commissioner 3/20/2009
PLANNED SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL, INC. $230,720 Contract To provide operations and maintenance application support for (MAC)Member Portal System.
This spending item is part of a $1,112,909 allocation. See details
Independent Agencies / Corporation for National and Community Service (formerly ACTION) 5/24/2010
Werwath, Peter C $227,965 Grant Neighborhood Stabilization Program (Recovery Act Funded) This is a Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) Technical Assistance (TA) national award. Services are provided through the provision of practitioner support and other forms of technical assistance to the Department of Housing and Urban Dev... Show more
This spending item is part of a $7,145,558 allocation. See details
Housing and Urban Development, Department of 10/01/2009
Lancaster Pediatrics PA $225,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 12/10/2010
Peri Formwork Systems, Inc. $223,242 Contract Project #: 104781 consists of the construction of a 460 MGD (million gallons per day) In-plant Secondary Effluent Pump Station. Related key element of this IPSEPS include: approach channels, wet well, appurtenances, 84' diameter force mains (piping syst
This spending item is part of a $24,825,295 allocation. See details
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - civil program financing only 5/20/2010
Mike's Music of Maryland Inc. $220,600 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 3/24/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $213,726 Contract Provide Office of the Assistant Secretary and the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Development the means to support the R&D mission and vision of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy with technical, engineering, analytical, an
This spending item is part of a $1,900,000 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 7/08/2009
Daniel Consultants, Inc. $213,594 Contract Provide architectural and engineering design services related to major renovations to the Gabrielson Lab building, the Coburn Lab Annex building, the Propagation lab shop building, the Propagation Lab building, and the Quanrantine building, together with
This spending item is part of a $3,636,965 allocation. See details
Interior, Department of / Geological Survey 5/26/2010
DANIEL CONSULTANTS, INC. $213,594 Contract Provide architectural and engineering design services related to major renovations to the Gabrielson Lab building, the Coburn Lab Annex building, the Propagation lab shop building, the Propagation Lab building, and the Quanrantine building, together with
This spending item is part of a $3,636,965 allocation. See details
Interior, Department of / Geological Survey 5/24/2010
Creative Access Inc. $213,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 8/13/2009
Charm City Run Columbia LLC $212,500 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 3/12/2010
MULTIPLE RECIPIENTS $205,522 Loan Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans - Guaranteed Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loans - ARRA Agriculture, Department of / Rural Housing Service 5/31/2009
NATIONAL CENTER FOR HEALTHY HOUSING, INC. $205,088 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support We will implement and rigorously study a housing intervention (window replacement and/or repair) that can simultaneously reduce children's lead exposure, increase energy efficiency, reduce associated power plant emissions, and reduce foreclosures by incre
This spending item is part of a $924,863 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/30/2009
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $200,000 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act The purpose of the Race to the Top Fund is to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform; achieving significant improvement in student outcomes; and implementi... Show more
This spending item is part of a $249,999,182 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 9/27/2010
BIOFORTIS, INC. $200,000 Grant Trans-NIH Recovery Act Research Support Bioscience Research Intergration software platform Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 9/25/2009
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $200,000 Contract Departmental Administration Energy, Department of 5/15/2012
Adnet/AccountNet Inc $200,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 6/09/2009
Elkridge Athletic Club $200,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 1/14/2011
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $200,000 Contract Provide Office of the Assistant Secretary and the office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Development the means to support the R&D mission and vision of the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy with technical, engineering, analytical, an
This spending item is part of a $2,237,586 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 8/27/2009
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $196,600 Contract $120,000 Site Paving. $76,600 Supplemental funding for Education Buildings 1,II and III. Employment and Training Administration 4/21/2010
ADVANCED PROGRAMS INC $196,315 Contract GSA Class 5 Security Container State, Department of 9/15/2009
CHESAPEAKE RESEARCH REVIEW, INC. $191,410 Contract Perform studies under Antigen Sparing contract relating to H1N1 and other strains of pandemic influenza vaccine.
This spending item is part of a $62,478,417 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of 9/28/2009
TIDEWATER, INC. $185,705 Contract The F Wing Decommissioning project requires the decommissioning and demolition of Floors 6 thru 14 of Building 10, F Wing. This decommissioning and demolition consists of an abatement survey of the spaces, the abatement of the spaces to be demolished, ab
This spending item is part of a $2,507,720 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 4/05/2010
JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY APPLIED PHYSICS LABORATORY LLC, THE $175,133 Grant Trans-NSF Recovery Act Reasearch Support This award is funded under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Public Law 111-5). This Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Phase II project is creating create novel technologies for the realization of a cost-effective, optical fiber
This spending item is part of a $500,000 allocation. See details
National Science Foundation 7/28/2009
Custom Media Options LLC $175,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 5/27/2010
JTecks LLC dba CMIT Solutions of Columbia $175,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 6/24/2010
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $170,681 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act The purpose of the Race to the Top Fund is to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform; achieving significant improvement in student outcomes; and implementi... Show more
This spending item is part of a $249,999,182 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 9/27/2010
WW TECHNOLOGY GROUP, INC $170,000 Contract Title- Validation and Verification of Safety Critical Integrated Distributed Systems The objective for this program is to create models, methods, tool extensions, and an integration infrastructure that design engineers can easily use for validation and v
This spending item is part of a $1,287,541 allocation. See details
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 9/08/2010
TIDEWATER, INC. $161,140 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
MARYLAND COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP $160,000 Grant ARRA - Community Services Block Grant CSBG Training and Technical Assistance will be used to provide training and strategic planning Community Action agencies throughout the state of Maryland. The ROMA model and National Peer to Peer program will serve as the design model for the implementati Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 9/21/2009
Tactical Network Solutions LLC $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 10/01/2010
Xin Sheng Seafood Trading Inc $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/02/2009
Leo's Produce Inc. $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/20/2010
Professional Technology Consultants LLC $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 3/19/2010
New World Wholesale Inc. $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 10/28/2009
N2I Systems LLC $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees PATRIOT EXPRESS Small Business Administration 4/16/2010
Convenient Care LLC $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/29/2010
Fluid Systems Solutions LLC $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/28/2010
Phaneuf Associates Inc $150,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 4/16/2010
BCS, INCORPORATED $149,750 Contract Modify Integrated Biorefinery Solicitation Program for Pilot and Demonstration Scale Biorefineries: This award provided initial funds of $679,046 for technical support to organize, plan, and conduct the Merit Review for Funding Opportunity Announcement N
This spending item is part of a $1,162,237 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 9/03/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $147,267 Grant WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
HOWARD COUNTY HOUSING COMMISSION $145,170 Grant Capitalization Grants for Clean Water State Revolving Funds 'Grants and loans associated with clean water quality infrastructure programs. Assistance is available for: Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements/Expansion including State Grant Match for Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) Facilities Sewer... Show more
This spending item is part of a $94,784,600 allocation. See details
Environmental Protection Agency 5/08/2009
ACCENT ARCHITECTURAL $145,044 Contract Construction Manager as Constructor at Risk services to renovation Building 10, F Wing in two phases: Phase A of the F Wing Renovation: Pre construction, construction, activation/occupancy and closeout; to convert 64,000 gsf of former patient care units o
This spending item is part of a $131,640,100 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 7/30/2010
SELECT COMPUTING, INC. $141,648 Contract Establish and fund CLINs 0004 and 0005. Add 24/7 Oracle DBA support for NLR system. DBA support for HITECH implementation and support of Rapid Development needs for NLR including scripting and programming for alert notification of problems, where there i Health and Human Services, Department of / Health Care Financing Admin. (was Medicare and Medicaid Serv.) 8/26/2010
E3TECSERVICE, LLC $139,842 Grant Office of Science Financial Assistance Program The purpose of this project is to make fundamental changes in design approach of heat transfer equipment and mitigating fouling, and thereby significantly improving the process intensification of multi-effect evaporation (MEE) and crystallization process... Show more Energy, Department of / Office of Science 2/08/2010
NORTEL GOVERNMENT SOLUTIONS INCORPORATED $138,540 Contract This task order was developed to implement a call prompt and informational message modification concerning SSA's ARRA one-time payment of $250 to adult Social Security beneficiaries, and to SSI recipients. This will allow callers to existing and future T Social Security Administration 4/20/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $138,040 Grant Recovery Act - Eward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program/ Grants to States and Territories The State of MD Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention (GOCCP) goals and objectives of this project are to create and retain jobs to bolster Maryland's faltering economy, and make r... Show more
This spending item is part of a $26,501,301 allocation. See details
Justice, Department of 4/29/2009
BOARD OF EDUCATION OF HOWARD COUNTY, THE $135,380 Grant State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) - Race-to-the-Top Incentive Grants, Recovery Act The purpose of the Race to the Top Fund is to encourage and reward States that are creating the conditions for education innovation and reform; achieving significant improvement in student outcomes; and implementi... Show more
This spending item is part of a $249,999,182 allocation. See details
Education, Department of / Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 9/27/2010
COMMUNITY ACTION COUNCIL OF HOWARD COUNTY INC $132,342 Grant ARRA - Head Start Funds are to provide a 2.5% increase to current employee salaries for a duration of one year; assist in degree attainment in order to meet staff qualification requirement in the head Start Act; staff development; transportation service delivery and techno Health and Human Services, Department of / Administration for Children and Families 5/28/2009
ADAMS AND ASSOCIATES, INC. $130,160 Contract Electric Vehicles $51,800 Ed Services Replacement Projects E-301-1 thru E-301-3 $78,500.$140. deobligated on Mod#8 for electric Vehicles Employment and Training Administration 11/16/2009
A&G PHARMACEUTICAL, INC $129,650 Contract Develop a universal influenza vaccine. The following activities will be performed at the Vaccine Pilot Plant which was specifically developed to rapidly translate research into vaccine products for clinical trials: Production of vaccine Production of m
This spending item is part of a $17,000,000 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 12/22/2009
Liberty Windows and Siding Inc. $127,000 Loan 504 Certified Development Loans TO ASSIST SMALL BUSINESS CONCERNS BY PROVIDING LONG TERM FINANCING THROUGH THE SALE OF DEBENTURES TO THE PRIVATE SECTOR Small Business Administration 3/19/2010
ENERGETICS INCORPORATED $125,707 Contract work covers OE?s ARRA-specific needs that are matched with ITSS services including:--Office-Level ARRA Activity Support, Smart Grid Technical Support, to include the Smart Grid Investment Grants Programs, Smart Grid and Energy Storage Demonstration and ot
This spending item is part of a $704,251 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of 4/22/2010
HOWARD COUNTY HOUSING COMMISSION $124,522 Grant Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (Formula) Recovery Act Funded Public Housing Capital Fund Stimulus (formula) grant Housing and Urban Development, Department of 3/18/2009
Adnet/AccountNet Inc $120,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 6/16/2009
Axiom Engineering Design LLC $120,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees TO AID SMALL BUSINESSES WHICH ARE UNABLE TO OBTAIN FINANCING IN THE PRIVATE CREDIT MARKETPLACE Small Business Administration 6/12/2009
E3TECSERVICE, LLC $119,052 Grant Office of Science Financial Assistance Program The world's oceans are the largest collector and storage of solar energy and have potential to supply sustainable energy demands worldwide as well as fresh water and precious commodity, such as ammonia for fertilizer. Industrial organizations (Lockheed ... Show more
This spending item is part of a $136,552 allocation. See details
Energy, Department of / Office of Science 2/08/2010
HUFCOR POTOMAC INC. $117,020 Contract Construction of the NIH Porter Neuroscience Research Center Phase II. The project is approximately 300,000 GSF.
This spending item is part of a $157,030,324 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / National Institutes of Health 5/13/2010
DUREX COVERINGS, INC. $114,641 Contract The Recovery Act approved project located at USAMRID, 1425 Porter Street, Ft. Detrick MD, for the Renovation of Six Biocontainment Suites (Laboratories) and Replace the RO Water loop. The work is intended to improve the environment of care, provide compl
This spending item is part of a $10,055,726 allocation. See details
Army, Department of / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, except civil program financing 5/14/2010
County of Howard $110,200 Grant ARRA - Immunization The goal for the use of these funds is to increase the number of children and adults vaccinated against vaccine-preventable diseases. Grant funds will be allocated in the following manner: School-Age Influenza Campaign: $1,500.000 LHD Special Projects:
This spending item is part of a $1,945,219 allocation. See details
Health and Human Services, Department of / Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 9/15/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $103,102 Grant Recovery Act - Eward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Program/ Grants to States and Territories The State of MD Governor's Office of Crime Control & Prevention (GOCCP) goals and objectives of this project are to create and retain jobs to bolster Maryland's faltering economy, and make r... Show more
This spending item is part of a $26,501,301 allocation. See details
Justice, Department of 4/29/2009
HOWARD COUNTY OF MARYLAND (INC) $100,400 Grant WIA Youth Activities WIA Youth- AA-17126-08-55; Award Amount: $11,585,610; CFDA # 17.259; To provide employment-related services and high quality work experience to America's youth ages 14-24 to prepare them for the workplace. WIA Dislocated Worker- AA-17126-08-55; Award A
This spending item is part of a $27,750,512 allocation. See details
Employment and Training Administration 2/17/2009
INTEGRATED CRYPTOLOGIC SOLUTIONS LLC $100,000 Loan 7(a) Loan Guarantees PATRIOT EXPRESS Small Business Administration 3/27/2009