Alabama: Nursing Board Tracker

This page has information and updates on nursing boards and regulation specific to Alabama. Read our recipe for investigating nursing boards' oversight.

Contact Info

Alabama Board of Nursing

770 Washington Avenue
RSA Plaza, Ste 250
Montgomery, AL 36104

Phone: 334.242.4060
Fax: 334.242.4360
Contact Person: N. Genell Lee, MSN, JD, RN, Executive Officer

ProPublica Analysis: Access to License Info

Does this state allow users to look up nurses licenses for free online? Yes
Does this state provide free disciplinary documents online? No
In publicly available national database? No

Serious Disciplinary Actions

States are required to report sanctions against health providers to the federal government. Below are the number of serious actions against registered nurses that Alabama reported in recent years, based on a ProPublica analysis of data from the Health Resources and Services Administration (see caveats).

Actions, Cumulative by Year

1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
107 142 126 147 184 203 228 191 228 201
See the numbers for every state's serious disciplinary actions

Actions, by Year and Type

Year Revocations Probation Suspension Voluntary
1999 19 71 16 1 0
2000 23 45 24 50 0
2001 8 30 20 68 0
2002 18 34 31 64 0
2003 17 51 54 61 1
2004 29 48 61 65 0
2005 21 44 72 90 1
2006 11 47 47 84 2
2007 21 58 73 76 0
2008 31 76 28 66 0

Note on the Data

This data should not be used to compare one state against another, because it may not be accurate and it is not adjusted for the number of nurses in each state. Another caution: Since September 2009, some states may have gone back and entered old actions they took against nurses. Check with each state before using these figures in a story.

Contact Us

We want this page to have the latest information about Alabama's nursing boards, and we want your help. Contact us with questions or updates.

Reporting Network

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Quick Links

Charlie-tracy-100px Podcast: Reporters Charlie Ornstein and Tracy Weber discuss their reporting on delinquent nurses.

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Our Recipe: Investigate Your State's Oversight of Health Care Professionals

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Editor's Note: Why We're Sharing Our Recipe

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Chart: Serious Actions Reported Nationwide

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When Caregivers Harm - Our complete coverage of flawed regulation of healthcare workers California and nationwide

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National Database Flawed - A long-awaited federal database of disciplined healthcare workers had significant gaps in records. Following our investigation found, the database's management team was replaced.

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Tracking Nurses Nationwide - This interactive map and chart shows the state of nursing records access nationwide.

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California Discipline Delayed - Our analysis found that California took three years, on average, to discipline errant nurses. After our report, most of the board and its executive officer either resigned or were removed.

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Database of Sanctioned California Nurses - We assembled a database of nearly 2,400 California registered nurses facing discipline between 2002 and Sept. 2009. We also analyzed the gap in time between the board's public accusation and disciplinary decision.


Lead Reporters: Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber

Lead Developer: Dan Nguyen