Treatment Tracker
The Doctors and Services in Medicare Part B
This database was last updated in December 2017. It should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data is available via the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ lookup tool.
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Imaging of lymphatic tissue and lymph node
Service Code: 78195, Service Type: Medical
Total Paid
Total Times Performed (or Units)
Rank Among All Services
Includes both office and facility visits.
Services by State
Below are the states in which this service was billed. Click a state for top providers there.
Times Performed | State |
2,052 | Florida |
1,529 | California |
1,456 | New York |
933 | Texas |
766 | Illinois |
648 | Missouri |
542 | New Jersey |
540 | North Carolina |
502 | Maryland |
462 | Pennsylvania |
360 | Tennessee |
350 | Massachusetts |
335 | Washington |
309 | Indiana |
286 | Georgia |
273 | Michigan |
271 | South Carolina |
253 | Virginia |
243 | Oklahoma |
223 | Wisconsin |
209 | Alabama |
203 | Arizona |
201 | Ohio |
181 | Mississippi |
147 | Washington, DC |
138 | Rhode Island |
92 | Oregon |
87 | Connecticut |
72 | Colorado |
71 | North Dakota |
66 | Utah |
59 | Maine |
58 | Hawaii |
58 | Idaho |
53 | Nebraska |
51 | Kentucky |
39 | Iowa |
36 | Nevada |
34 | New Mexico |
31 | Minnesota |
24 | New Hampshire |
22 | Kansas |
16 | West Virginia |
12 | Arkansas |
12 | South Dakota |
12 | Delaware |
Top Providers
Below are the top 30 providers who performed this service most often. A provider’s name may appear twice on this list if he/she performs this service in both an office setting and in a facility. Medicare reimburses differently based on place of service and breaks the data out accordingly. Sorting is limited to the top 30 overall providers.
Provider Name | Times Performed (or Units) | % of Patients | Unique Visits Per Patient | |
TAMPA, Fla. 33612 Diagnostic Radiology |
9% of this provider's 1,831 patients got this service |
165 Performed in a facility |
9% of this provider's 1,831 patients got this service |
1 |
CLEARWATER, Fla. 33756 Nuclear Radiology |
5% of this provider's 2,582 patients got this service |
129 Performed in a facility |
5% of this provider's 2,582 patients got this service |
1 |
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 Nuclear Medicine |
13% of this provider's 929 patients got this service |
120 Performed in a facility |
13% of this provider's 929 patients got this service |
1 |
EVANSTON, Ill. 60201 Specialist |
6% of this provider's 1,864 patients got this service |
105 Performed in a facility |
6% of this provider's 1,864 patients got this service |
1 |
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10021 Nuclear Medicine |
7% of this provider's 1,336 patients got this service |
100 Performed in a facility |
7% of this provider's 1,336 patients got this service |
1 |
SAN DIEGO, Calif. 92121 Nuclear Medicine |
7% of this provider's 1,355 patients got this service |
97 Performed in a facility |
7% of this provider's 1,355 patients got this service |
1 |
SANTA MONICA, Calif. 90404 Diagnostic Radiology |
12% of this provider's 739 patients got this service |
93 Performed in a facility |
12% of this provider's 739 patients got this service |
1 |
NEW YORK, N.Y. 10065 Diagnostic Radiology |
11% of this provider's 670 patients got this service |
76 Performed in a facility |
11% of this provider's 670 patients got this service |
1 |
PARSIPPANY, N.J. 07054 Diagnostic Radiology |
1% of this provider's 5,781 patients got this service |
72 Performed in a facility |
1% of this provider's 5,781 patients got this service |
1 |
FORT MYERS, Fla. 33916 Nuclear Medicine |
5% of this provider's 1,535 patients got this service |
71 Performed in a facility |
5% of this provider's 1,535 patients got this service |
1 |
ORLANDO, Fla. 32803 Diagnostic Radiology |
4% of this provider's 1,762 patients got this service |
70 Performed in a facility |
4% of this provider's 1,762 patients got this service |
1 |
BALTIMORE, Md. 21244 Nuclear Radiology |
2% of this provider's 3,915 patients got this service |
68 Performed in a facility |
2% of this provider's 3,915 patients got this service |
1 |
LIVINGSTON, N.J. 07039 Ambulatory Health Care Facilities, Radiology |
0.39% of this provider's 17,160 patients got this service |
67 Performed in an office |
0.39% of this provider's 17,160 patients got this service |
1 |
SAINT LOUIS, Mo. 63141 Nuclear Radiology |
3% of this provider's 2,139 patients got this service |
67 Performed in a facility |
3% of this provider's 2,139 patients got this service |
1 |
ORLANDO, Fla. 32803 Diagnostic Radiology |
2% of this provider's 3,924 patients got this service |
67 Performed in a facility |
2% of this provider's 3,924 patients got this service |
1 |
LOS ANGELES, Calif. 90048 Diagnostic Radiology |
2% of this provider's 3,584 patients got this service |
64 Performed in a facility |
2% of this provider's 3,584 patients got this service |
1 |
BALTIMORE, Md. 21237 Nuclear Medicine |
4% of this provider's 1,655 patients got this service |
63 Performed in a facility |
4% of this provider's 1,655 patients got this service |
1 |
TAMPA, Fla. 33612 Diagnostic Radiology |
0.89% of this provider's 6,991 patients got this service |
62 Performed in a facility |
0.89% of this provider's 6,991 patients got this service |
1 |
JACKSON, Miss. 39216 Diagnostic Radiology |
1% of this provider's 4,084 patients got this service |
61 Performed in a facility |
1% of this provider's 4,084 patients got this service |
1 |
BRONX, N.Y. 10463 Internal Medicine |
5% of this provider's 1,303 patients got this service |
61 Performed in a facility |
5% of this provider's 1,303 patients got this service |
1 |
OKLAHOMA CITY, Okla. 73104 Nuclear Radiology |
9% of this provider's 693 patients got this service |
61 Performed in a facility |
9% of this provider's 693 patients got this service |
1 |
TAMPA, Fla. 33612 Diagnostic Radiology |
0.72% of this provider's 8,230 patients got this service |
60 Performed in a facility |
0.72% of this provider's 8,230 patients got this service |
1 |
HOUSTON, Tex. 77030 Nuclear Medicine |
4% of this provider's 1,336 patients got this service |
59 Performed in a facility |
4% of this provider's 1,336 patients got this service |
1 |
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. 93105 Nuclear Medicine |
2% of this provider's 2,255 patients got this service |
59 Performed in a facility |
2% of this provider's 2,255 patients got this service |
1.1 |
STONY BROOK, N.Y. 11794 Nuclear Radiology |
5% of this provider's 1,155 patients got this service |
56 Performed in a facility |
5% of this provider's 1,155 patients got this service |
1 |
HOUSTON, Tex. 77030 Nuclear Radiology |
5% of this provider's 1,211 patients got this service |
56 Performed in a facility |
5% of this provider's 1,211 patients got this service |
1 |
TAMPA, Fla. 33612 Diagnostic Radiology |
4% of this provider's 1,431 patients got this service |
56 Performed in a facility |
4% of this provider's 1,431 patients got this service |
1 |
CAPE GIRARDEAU, Mo. 63703 Nuclear Radiology |
2% of this provider's 3,164 patients got this service |
55 Performed in a facility |
2% of this provider's 3,164 patients got this service |
1 |
EAST PROVIDENCE, R.I. 02914 Diagnostic Radiology |
3% of this provider's 1,587 patients got this service |
55 Performed in a facility |
3% of this provider's 1,587 patients got this service |
1 |
FORT WORTH, Tex. 76104 Nuclear Radiology |
3% of this provider's 1,838 patients got this service |
55 Performed in a facility |
3% of this provider's 1,838 patients got this service |
1 |
Sources: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, National Plan and Provider Enumeration System, American Medical Association
Services that begin with a letter come from CMS. All other codes and descriptions of the medical procedures are from the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) code set, copyright 2015 American Medical Association. All rights reserved. Where practical, AMA’s consumer friendly translation of the CPT descriptor was used. ProPublica has received permission from the AMA to use these codes on this site.