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George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue

Agriculture (joined: April 25, 2017)

Secretary of Agriculture | $153,800-$210,700 | Financial Disclosure »

Bio, via Georgia Office of the Governor via Internet Archive:

Sonny Perdue was sworn in as Georgia’s 81st Governor on January 13, 2003. Governor Perdue immediately went to work reforming the state budget, setting priorities, and cutting wasteful spending. His efforts helped stimulate the economy and turn the state budget deficit that he inherited in to a substantial surplus. The Governor then invested in his top priorities and got results. During Perdue’s first term, Georgia created over 200,000 new jobs and posted the highest graduation rate and SAT scores in state history. After a first term marked by numerous accomplishments, Governor Perdue won re-election by an overwhelming margin in November 2006. As Georgia’s Governor, Perdue has led the state based on his life experiences prior to entering public service. Sonny was born on December 20, 1946, in Perry, Georgia, to a lifelong farmer and a classroom teacher. He graduated from Warner Robins High School and earned a doctorate in veterinary medicine in 1971 from the University of Georgia. Following his service as a Captain in the United States Air Force, Perdue became a successful small business owner, concentrating in agribusiness and transportation. Today, those businesses have grown to include several locations across the Southeast. Perdue was a respected leader in his church and his community when he decided to enter public service. After serving on the Houston County Planning and Zoning Board during the 1980’s, he ran for the Georgia State Senate in 1990 and won. Sonny spent the next 11 years representing his Middle Georgia district in the General Assembly. Perdue left the State Senate in 2001 to begin his successful campaign for Governor, which focused on restoring public trust in state government and empowering all Georgians. As a state senator, he was often praised for tackling issues when no one else had the courage to do so and for his ability to grasp the nuances of complex problems. Sonny was recognized as a leading authority on numerous issues including agriculture, transportation, education, emerging technologies and economic development. Perdue campaigned for Governor on a platform of restoring public trust in state government and empowering all Georgians by eliminating undue interference by government bureaucracies. He has dedicated his administration to attracting new businesses and jobs to Georgia, improving the quality of programs that touch the lives of children, and fighting for a comprehensive ethics reform package. For all of his success in business and public service, Governor Perdue is proudest to serve as devoted husband, loving father, and grandfather. Sonny is married to the former Mary Ruff of Atlanta, Georgia. The couple has four children and eleven grandchildren. Additionally, Sonny and Mary have served as foster parents for eight newborns awaiting adoption. The Perdue’s attend the First Baptist Church of Woodstock, where they have taught a Sunday school class for young couples emphasizing the importance of faith in building a strong and lasting marriage.

Former Positions Outside Government

Former Compensation Sources

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Employment Assets

Description Value Income
Roth IRA
Fidelity Government Cash Reserves (FDRXX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Fidelity 500 Index Premium Class (FUSVX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000
Baron Emerging Markets Fund Retail (BEXFX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Columbia Dividend Opportunity CL A (INUTX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Columbia Select Lrg Cap Growth CL A (ELGAX) $15,001 - $50,000 None (or less than $201)
Delaware Value Fund CL A (DDVAX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000
Driehaus Micro Cap Growth Fund (DMCRX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
MFS International Value Fund CL A (MGIAX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000
T Rowe Price Growth Stock Advisor CL (TRSAX) $15,001 - $50,000 None (or less than $201)
Ridgeworth Ceredex Mid Cap Value EQ I (SMVTX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000
T Rowe Price Intl Stock Advisor CL (PAITX) $15,001 - $50,000 None (or less than $201)
TCW Relative Value Dividend Apprec CL N (TGIGX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000
Touchstone Focused CL A (TFOAX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Touchstone Small Cap Value CL A (TVOAX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Victory Global Natural Resources A (RSNRX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Wasatch International Opportunities Fund (WAIOX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Wasatch Frontier Emerging Small CO's (WAFMX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Avenue Credit Strategies Investor (ACSAX) $1,001 - $15,000 $201 - $1,000
Doubleline Total RT Bond FD CL N (DLTNX) $1,001 - $15,000 $201 - $1,000
Doubleline Low Durtn Emerg Mkts FIX Inc N (DELNX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Dreyfus Bond Market Index Invs (DBMIX) $1,001 - $15,000 $201 - $1,000
Driehaus Event Driven Fund (DEVDX $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Driehaus Active Income Fund (LCMAX) $1,001 - $15,000 $201 - $1,000
JP Morgan Strategic Income Opport A (JSOAX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Riverpark Strategic Income Fund Retail (RSIVX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Riverpark Short Term High Yield Retail (RPHYX) $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Rivernorth Core Opportunity FD L R (RNCOX) $1,001 - $15,000 $201 - $1,000
Georgia Legislative Retirement System (Defined Benefit Pension - Value not Readily Ascertainable)
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc. $30,000
Bipartisan Policy Center, Inc. - 7/26/16 $10,000
Poplar Springs North Baptist Church - 2/17/16 $300

Other Income/Assets

Description Value Income account #1 (cash) $50,001 - $100,000 $201 - $1,000
Residential real estate, Butts County, Georgia $500,001 - $1,000,000 None (or less than $201)
Undeveloped land, Osceola County, Florida $250,001 - $500,000 None (or less than $201)
Undeveloped land, Houston County, Georgia $250,001 - $500,000 None (or less than $201)
Undeveloped land, Houston County, Georgia $100,001 - $250,000 None (or less than $201)
TIAA Path2College 529 Plan (This investment, the 100% EQUITY option, tracks the TIAA-CREF Equity Index Fund Institutional Class (TIEIX)) $50,001 - $100,000 None (or less than $201)
Note Receivable from AGrowStar, LLC $500,001 - $1,000,000 $50,001 - $100,000
Perdue Family Wealth Preservation Trust (Perdue Family Wealth Preservation Trust owns FALF and 100% of the non-voting stock in Perdue Business Holdings Inc.)
FALF LLC (FALF LLC is a single member Limited Liability Company owned by Perdue Family Wealth Preservation Trust. FALF LLC is a holding company for Soque River Conservation LLC.)
Soque River Conservation LLC (Soque River Conservation LLC is owned by FALF LLC. Soque River Conservation LLC is a passive landholding partnership on the Soque River in Georgia.) $500,001 - $1,000,000 $35,617
Perdue Business Holdings Inc. (Perdue Business Holdings Inc. is owned by the Perdue Family Wealth Preservation Trust and the Perdue Family Revocable Trust. Underlying assets of Perdue Business Holdings are shown in Lines 8.2 through 8.2.8, and the value shown for the underlying assets is the full value for each holding.)
Legacy 13:22 LLC (Legacy 13:22 LLC is a single member LLC owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. Legacy 13:22 is a holding company for TW Rocky Mount Real Estate LLC and TWAS Rocky Mount LLC.)
TW Rocky Mount Real Estate LLC (TW Rocky Mount Real Estate LLC is majority owned by Legacy 13:22 LLC. TW Rocky Mount Real Estate LLC owns the real estate in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, upon which the car wash owned by TWAS Rocky Mount LLC is being constructed.) $500,001 - $1,000,000 None (or less than $201)
TWAS Rocky Mount LLC (TWAS Rocky Mount LLC is majority owned by Legacy 13:22 LLC. TWAS Rocky Mount LLC is an operating business that owns a car wash that is currently under construction.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
U.S. bank account #3 $15,001 - $50,000 None (or less than $201)
Perdue Partners LLC (Perdue Partners LLC is 25% owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. This consulting company is dormant.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
Perdue Consulting Group LLC (Perdue Consulting Group LLC is owned by Perdue Partners LLC. This business consulting company is not currently operating and has no current clients.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
Benton Global LLC (Benton Global LLC is owned by Perdue Partners LLC. This is a trucking company that is not currently operating.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
Benton Logistics LLC (Benton Logistics LLC is owned by Perdue Partners LLC. This is a logistics company that is not currently operating.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
U.S. bank account #2 (cash) $250,001 - $500,000 $2,501 - $5,000
AGrowStar LLC (AGrowStar LLC is a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. AGrowStar LLC is a grain merchandising company.) $5,000,001 - $25,000,000 $15,326
Perdue, Inc. (Perdue Inc. is a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. Perdue Inc is a trucking company.) $1,000,001 - $5,000,000 $598,591
Houston Fertilizer and Grain Co., Inc. (Houston Fertilizer and Grain Co., Inc. is a Qualified Subchapter S Subsidiary owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. Houston Fertilizer and Grain Co, Inc. does not engage in agribusiness, it simply holds, manages and rents commercial real estate in Bonaire, Fort Valley, and Calhoun, Georgia.) $1,000,001 - $5,000,000 $28,305
ProAg Products LLC (ProAg Products LLC is a single member Limited Liability Company owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. ProAg Products is a grain market trading business.) $50,001 - $100,000 $50,307
StarPort Logistics LLC (StarPort Logistics LLC is a single member Limited Liability Company owned by Perdue Business Holdings Inc. StarPort Logistics LLC is an operating logistics company.) $100,001 - $250,000 $99,587
Perdue Family Revocable Management Trust (Perdue Family Revocable Management Trust owns Perdue Management Holding LLC and 100% of voting stock of Perdue Business Holdings Inc.)
Perdue Management Holdings LLC (Perdue Management Holdings LLC is 100% owned by the Perdue Family Revocable Management Trust. Perdue Management Holdings LLC is a holding company that is dormant and has no assets or holdings.) None (or less than $1,001) None (or less than $201)
Perdue Business Holdings, Inc. (Underlying assets of Perdue Business Holdings is shown in Lines 8.2 through 8.2.8.) None (or less than $201)
Note receivable from the Perdue Family Wealth Preservation Trust $1,000,001 - $5,000,000 $15,001 - $50,000

Employment Agreements and Arrangements

Employer or Party City, State Status and Terms Date
Georgia Legislative Retirement System Atlanta, Georgia I have a defined benefit pension from the State of Georgia. I receive $326.71 per month. I will continue to participate in this plan. Jan. 16, 1992


Creditor Name Creditor Type Amount Rate Year Incurred
Citizens Bank of the South Personal Loan $15,001 - $50,000 2.250% 2016
CB&T Loan Guarantor 50% $500,001 - $1,000,000 3.25% 2013
CB&T Loan Guarantor 50% $500,001 - $1,000,000 3.25% 2013
Morris Bank Loan Guarantor $250,001 - $500,000 4.45% 2016

Spouse's Employment Assets

Description Value Income Type Income Amount
Roth IRA
JP Morgan Income Builder Fund Cl C (JNBCX) $15,001 - $50,000 $201 - $1,000

Do you know something about George Ervin "Sonny" Perdue? Send us an email at or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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