This database was last updated in October 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. There may be new information that is not included here.

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Natalie Michelle McIntyre

Office of National Drug Control Policy (joined: April 29, 2018)

Senior Policy Advisor and White House Liaison, Office of the Director | Financial Disclosure »

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Other Income/Assets

Description Value Income
Roth IRA $15,001 - $50,000 None (or less than $201)
Aberdeen FDS Emerging Markets Fund Institutional Class I $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Diamond Hill FDS Large Cap FD CL I SHS $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Edgewood Funds Growth Fund INSTL Class $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
American Fund Growth Fund of America CL F2 $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Lazard FDS INC INTL Equity Port Instl SHS $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Meridian FD INC Small Cap Growth FD Investor CL $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
American Funds Europacific growth fund fund class F-2 $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Touchstone FDS Group VID Cap value fund class Y $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
Dean Small Cap Value Fund CL1 $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)
US Bank Savings Account $1,001 - $15,000 None (or less than $201)


Creditor Name Creditor Type Amount Rate Year Incurred
Department of Education Student Loan $100,001 - $250,000 6% 2014

Do you know something about Natalie Michelle McIntyre? Send us an email at or send a Signal message to 347-244-2134.

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