Image of Chen Mingming, vice-governor in southwestern Guizhou province. He had caused an uproar online in early August 2013 by excoriating Chinese netizens who frequently criticized the government on the Internet, even calling them degenerates. The Weibo comment mocks Chen's outrage, expressing hopes that "the vice-governor's patriotism should be given full marks for his behavior." Read more.
July 29, 2013
响应照镜子,正衣冠,洗洗澡,治治病的号召,晒一下这个大骂百姓人渣败类的贵州著名爱国人士@陈鸣明 的表吧,请大家鉴定一下。这些表是不是国家货?我们不冤枉一个好人,也绝不放过一个坏人。既然网民给这个副省长的言论打了负分,我们希望这个贵州副省长的爱国行为能够打正分,打满分!!!
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