ProPublica's Congress API is no longer available. This documentation should only be used as a historical reference.


Lists of Committees

To get a list of Senate, House or joint committees, including their subcommittees, use the following URI structure.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 105-117
chamber house, senate or joint

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2017 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
    "results": [{
        "congress": "115",
        "chamber": "Senate",
        "num_results": 20,
        "committees": [{
                "id": "SSAF",
                "name": "Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Pat Roberts",
                "chair_id": "R000307",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "KS",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "S000770",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSAF13",
                        "name": "Subcommittee on Commodities, Markets, Trade and Risk Management",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAF14",
                        "name": "Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAF15",
                        "name": "Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAF17",
                        "name": "Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAF16",
                        "name": "Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Food and Agricultural Research",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSAP",
                "name": "Committee on Appropriations",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Thad Cochran",
                "chair_id": "C000567",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "MS",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "M000702",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSAP18",
                        "name": "Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP16",
                        "name": "Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP22",
                        "name": "Energy and Water Development Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP20",
                        "name": "State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP14",
                        "name": "Department of Homeland Security Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP17",
                        "name": "Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP24",
                        "name": "Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP08",
                        "name": "Legislative Branch Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP01",
                        "name": "Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP02",
                        "name": "Department of Defense Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP19",
                        "name": "Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAP23",
                        "name": "Financial Services and General Government Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSAS",
                "name": "Committee on Armed Services",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "John McCain",
                "chair_id": "M000303",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "AZ",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "R000122",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSAS16",
                        "name": "Strategic Forces Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS20",
                        "name": "Emerging Threats and Capabilities Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS17",
                        "name": "Personnel Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS13",
                        "name": "SeaPower Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS14",
                        "name": "Airland Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS15",
                        "name": "Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSAS21",
                        "name": "Cybersecurity Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSBK",
                "name": "Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Michael D. Crapo",
                "chair_id": "C000880",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "ID",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "B000944",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSBK04",
                        "name": "Securities, Insurance, and Investment Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSBK09",
                        "name": "Housing, Transportation, and Community Development",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSBK12",
                        "name": "Economic Policy Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSBK05",
                        "name": "National Security and  International Trade and Finance",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSBK08",
                        "name": "Financial Institutions and Consumer Protection Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSCM",
                "name": "Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "John Thune",
                "chair_id": "T000250",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "SD",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "N000032",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSCM24",
                        "name": "Space, Science, and Competitiveness Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSCM01",
                        "name": "Aviation Operations, Safety, and Security Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSCM22",
                        "name": "Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSCM20",
                        "name": "Consumer Protection, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSCM26",
                        "name": "Communications, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSCM25",
                        "name": "Surface Transportation and Merchant Marine Infrastructure, Safety and Security",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSEG",
                "name": "Committee on Energy and Natural Resources",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Lisa Murkowski",
                "chair_id": "M001153",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "AK",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "C000127",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSEG03",
                        "name": "Public Lands, Forests, and Mining Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEG04",
                        "name": "National Parks Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEG07",
                        "name": "Water and Power Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEG01",
                        "name": "Energy Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSEV",
                "name": "Committee on Environment and Public Works",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "John Barrasso",
                "chair_id": "B001261",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "WY",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "B000711",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSEV15",
                        "name": "Fisheries, Water, and Wildlife Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEV09",
                        "name": "Superfund, Waste Management, and Regulatory Oversight",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEV10",
                        "name": "Clean Air and Nuclear Safety Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSEV08",
                        "name": "Transportation and Infrastructure Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSFI",
                "name": "Committee on Finance",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Orrin G. Hatch",
                "chair_id": "H000338",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "UT",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "W000779",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSFI13",
                        "name": "International Trade, Customs, and Global Competitiveness",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFI12",
                        "name": "Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFI14",
                        "name": "Subcommittee on Fiscal Responsibility and Economic Growth",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFI10",
                        "name": "Health Care Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFI02",
                        "name": "Social Security, Pensions, and Family Policy Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFI11",
                        "name": "Taxation and IRS Oversight Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSFR",
                "name": "Committee on Foreign Relations",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Bob Corker",
                "chair_id": "C001071",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "TN",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "C000141",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSFR09",
                        "name": "Africa and Global Health Policy Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR01",
                        "name": "Europe and Regional Security Cooperation Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR02",
                        "name": "East Asia, the Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR07",
                        "name": "Near Eastern and South and Central Asian Affairs Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR06",
                        "name": "Western Hemisphere, Transnational Crime, Civilian Security, Democracy, Human Rights, and Global Women's Issues",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR14",
                        "name": "State Department and USAID Management, International Operations, and Bilateral International Development",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSFR15",
                        "name": "Multilateral International Development, Multilateral Institutions, and International Economic, Energy, and Environmental Policy",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSHR",
                "name": "Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Lamar Alexander",
                "chair_id": "A000360",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "TN",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "M001111",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSHR09",
                        "name": "Children and Families Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSHR11",
                        "name": "Employment and Workplace Safety Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSHR12",
                        "name": "Primary Health and Retirement Security Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSGA",
                "name": "Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Ron Johnson",
                "chair_id": "J000293",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "WI",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "C000174",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSGA01",
                        "name": "Investigations Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSGA19",
                        "name": "Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSGA18",
                        "name": "Federal Spending Oversight and Emergency Management",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SLIA",
                "name": "Committee on Indian Affairs",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "John Hoeven",
                "chair_id": "H001061",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "ND",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "B001261",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SSRA",
                "name": "Committee on Rules and Administration",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Richard C. Shelby",
                "chair_id": "S000320",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "AL",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "S000148",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SSSB",
                "name": "Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Jim Risch",
                "chair_id": "R000584",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "ID",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "S001181",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SSBU",
                "name": "Committee on the Budget",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Michael B. Enzi",
                "chair_id": "E000285",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "WY",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "S000033",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SSJU",
                "name": "Committee on the Judiciary",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Charles E. Grassley",
                "chair_id": "G000386",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "IA",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "L000174",
                "subcommittees": [{
                        "id": "SSJU01",
                        "name": "Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSJU23",
                        "name": "Privacy, Technology and the Law Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSJU04",
                        "name": "Border Security and Immigration Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSJU22",
                        "name": "Crime and Terrorism Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSJU21",
                        "name": "Constitution Subcommittee",
                        "api_uri": ""
                        "id": "SSJU25",
                        "name": "Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts",
                        "api_uri": ""
                "id": "SSVA",
                "name": "Committee on Veterans' Affairs",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Johnny Isakson",
                "chair_id": "I000055",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "GA",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "B001277",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SLET",
                "name": "Select Committee on Ethics",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Johnny Isakson",
                "chair_id": "I000055",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "GA",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "I000055",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SLIN",
                "name": "Select Committee on Intelligence",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Richard M. Burr",
                "chair_id": "B001135",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "NC",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "C000286",
                "subcommittees": []
                "id": "SPAG",
                "name": "Special Committee on Aging",
                "chamber": "Senate",
                "url": "",
                "api_uri": "",
                "chair": "Susan Collins",
                "chair_id": "C001035",
                "chair_party": "R",
                "chair_state": "ME",
                "chair_uri": "",
                "ranking_member_id": "M001170",
                "subcommittees": []

Get a Specific Committee

To get information about a single Senate or House committee, including the members of that committee, use the following URI structure. The committee ids can be found in the committee list responses.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 105-117
chamber house, senate or joint
committee-id Committee abbreviation, for example HSAG. Use the full committees response to find abbreviations.

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "copyright":"Copyright (c) 2017 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
         "congress": "115",
         "chamber": "Senate",
         "id": "SSAF",
         "name": "Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry",
         "url": "",
         "num_results": 20,
         "chair": "Pat Roberts",
         "chair_id": "R000307",
         "chair_party": "R",
         "chair_state": "KS",
         "ranking_member_id": "S000770",
         "current_members": [
                 "id": "V000128",
                 "name": "Chris Van Hollen",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "G000555",
                 "name": "Kirsten E. Gillibrand",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "G000386",
                 "name": "Charles E. Grassley",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "H001069",
                 "name": "Heidi Heitkamp",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "H001061",
                 "name": "John Hoeven",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "K000367",
                 "name": "Amy Klobuchar",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "L000174",
                 "name": "Patrick J. Leahy",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "S001202",
                 "name": "Luther Strange",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "B001267",
                 "name": "Michael Bennet",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "M000355",
                 "name": "Mitch McConnell",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "B001236",
                 "name": "John Boozman",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "B000944",
                 "name": "Sherrod Brown",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "P000612",
                 "name": "David Perdue",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "C001070",
                 "name": "Bob Casey",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "C000567",
                 "name": "Thad Cochran",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "D000618",
                 "name": "Steve Daines",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "D000607",
                 "name": "Joe Donnelly",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "E000295",
                 "name": "Joni Ernst",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "T000250",
                 "name": "John Thune",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": null,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "R000307",
                 "name": "Pat Roberts",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 1,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
                 "id": "S000770",
                 "name": "Debbie Stabenow",
                 "party": "D",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 1,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03"
          "former_members": [
                 "id": "S001141",
                 "name": "Jeff Sessions",
                 "party": "R",
                 "chamber": "senate",
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": "2017-01-03",
                 "end_date": "2017-02-08",
                 "url": ""
          "subcommittees": [
               "id": "SSAF13",
               "name": "Subcommittee on Commodities, Markets, Trade and Risk Management",
               "api_uri": ""
               "id": "SSAF14",
               "name": "Conservation, Forestry and Natural Resources Subcommittee",
               "api_uri": ""
               "id": "SSAF15",
               "name": "Jobs, Rural Economic Growth and Energy Innovation Subcommittee",
               "api_uri": ""
               "id": "SSAF17",
               "name": "Subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, Poultry, Marketing and Agriculture Security",
               "api_uri": ""
               "id": "SSAF16",
               "name": "Subcommittee on Nutrition, Specialty Crops, Food and Agricultural Research",
               "api_uri": ""


Get Recent Committee Hearings

To get a list of 20 upcoming Senate or House committee meetings, use the following URI structure. Previous congresses will return the 20 latest by date. The request supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "copyright":"Copyright (c) 2017 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
         "congress": "115",
         "num_results": 20,
         "offset": 0,
         "hearings": [
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Foreign Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSFA",
                 "date": "2017-09-28",
                 "time": "10:00:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2172",
                 "description": "H. Res. 422, H.R. 425, H.R. 1196, H.R. 2658, H.R. 3320, H.R. 3329, H.R. 3342, and H.R. 3445",
                 "bill_ids": ["hr2658-115","hr3320-115","hr3342-115","hr3445-115","hr3329-115"],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Markup"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on the Judiciary",
                 "committee_code": "HSJU",
                 "date": "2017-09-28",
                 "time": "09:30:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2141",
                 "description": "Rulemakers Must Follow the Rules, Too: Oversight of Agency Compliance with the Congressional Review Act",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Science, Space, and Technology",
                 "committee_code": "HSSY",
                 "date": "2017-09-28",
                 "time": "09:30:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2318",
                 "description": "The Great American Eclipse: To Totality and Beyond",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Financial Services",
                 "committee_code": "HSBA",
                 "date": "2017-09-28",
                 "time": "09:30:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2128",
                 "description": "Examining Insurance for Nonprofit Organizations",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence",
                 "committee_code": "HSIG",
                 "date": "2017-09-28",
                 "time": "09:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL TBD",
                 "description": "Full Committee Hearing: Document Production (Open)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "Senate",
                 "committee": "Committee on Indian Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "SLIA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:30:00",
                 "location": "SD-628",
                 "description": "An oversight hearing to examine the Government Accountability Office reports on human trafficking of Native Americans in the United States.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": ""
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Foreign Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSFA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:30:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2172",
                 "description": "Burmas Brutal Campaign Against the Rohingya",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Natural Resources",
                 "committee_code": "HSII",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "LHOB 1334",
                 "description": "Oversight Hearing: "Exploring Solutions to Reduce Risks of Catastrophic Wildfire and Improve Resiliency of National Forests."",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Foreign Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSFA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2200",
                 "description": "Rwanda: Democracy Thwarted",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Veterans' Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSVR",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "CHOB 334",
                 "description": "How to Improve Access to GI Bill Approved Apprenticeship Programs and How these Programs Benefit Veterans",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform",
                 "committee_code": "HSGO",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2154",
                 "description": "Cybersecurity of the Internet of Things",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "Senate",
                 "committee": "Committee on Energy and Natural Resources",
                 "committee_code": "SSEG",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "SD-366",
                 "description": "Hearings to examine encouraging the next generation to visit National Parks.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": ""
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Veterans' Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSVR",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "10:30:00",
                 "location": "CHOB 334",
                 "description": "Pending Legislation",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Markup"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Financial Services",
                 "committee_code": "HSBA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "10:30:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2128",
                 "description": "Overview of the Family Self-Sufficiency Program",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Foreign Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "HSFA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "10:00:00",
                 "location": "RHOB 2172",
                 "description": "The Presidents FY 2018 Budget Request for Afghanistan and Pakistan",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "Senate",
                 "committee": "Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs",
                 "committee_code": "SSGA",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "10:00:00",
                 "location": "SD-342",
                 "description": "Hearings to examine threats to the homeland.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": ""
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Agriculture",
                 "committee_code": "HSAG",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "10:00:00",
                 "location": "LHOB 1300",
                 "description": "Examining the 2017 Agenda for the Commodity Futures Trading Commission",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Natural Resources",
                 "committee_code": "HSII",
                 "date": "2017-09-27",
                 "time": "09:30:00",
                 "location": "LHOB 1334",
                 "description": "Oversight Hearing titled Empowering State Based Management Solutions for Greater Sage Grouse Recovery",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "Senate",
                 "committee": "Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation",
                 "committee_code": "SSCM",
                 "date": "2017-09-26",
                 "time": "14:30:00",
                 "location": "SR-253",
                 "description": "Hearings to examine Federal Trade Commission stakeholder perspectives, focusing on reform proposals to improve fairness, innovation, and consumer welfare.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": ""
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Homeland Security",
                 "committee_code": "HSHM",
                 "date": "2017-09-26",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL HVC-210",
                 "description": "DHS Financial Systems: Will Modernization Ever Be Achieved.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"

Get Hearings for a Specific Committee

To get a list of hearings for a specific Senate or House committee, use the following URI structure. Returns the 20 most recent hearings and supports pagination.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117
chamber house or senate
committee-id Optional committee abbreviation, for example HSAG. Use the full committees response to find abbreviations.

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "copyright":"Copyright (c) 2017 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
         "congress": "115",
         "num_results": 20,
         "offset": 0,
         "hearings": [
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-09-25",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 2824Increasing Opportunity and Success for Children and Parents through Evidence-Based Home Visiting Act (Rules Committee Print 115-33, showing the text of H.R. 2824 as ordered reported by the Committee Ways and Means); H.R. 2792Control Unlawful Fugitive Felons Act of 2017",
                 "bill_ids": ["hr2824-115","hr2792-115"],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-09-12",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 3697Criminal Alien Gang Member Removal Act",
                 "bill_ids": ["hr3697-115"],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-09-07",
                 "time": "21:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "Senate amendment to H.R. 601READ Act [Hurricane Supplemental, Debt Limit, Continuing Appropriations, and Flood Insurance Package]",
                 "bill_ids": ["hr601-115","hres509-115"],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-09-06",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 3354Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2018 [Make America Secure and Prosperous Appropriations Act, 2018] (Rules Committee Print 115-31, showing the text of H.R. 3354, H.R. 3268, H.R. 3267, H.R. 3280, H.R. 3355, H.R. 3358, H.R. 3362, H.R. 3353 as reported by the Committee on Appropriations with modifications.)",
                 "bill_ids": ["hr3354-115","hr3267-115","hr3268-115","hr3280-115","hr3353-115","hr3355-115","hr3358-115","hr3362-115","hres504-115"],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-27",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 3180Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-25",
                 "time": "14:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 3219Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2018 [Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018] (Rules Committee Print 115-30, showing the text of H.R. 3219, H.R. 3162, H.R. 2998, and H.R. 3266 as reported by the Committee on Appropriations with modifications.)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-24",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.J.Res. 111Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to Arbitration Agreements.; H.R. 3219Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2018 [Make America Secure Appropriations Act, 2018] (Rules Committee Print 115-30, showing the text of H.R. 3219, H.R. 3162, H.R. 2998, and H.R. 3266 as reported by the Committee on Appropriations with modifications.)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-18",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 218King Cove Road Land Exchange Act (Rules Committee Print 115-27, showing the text of H.R. 218 as ordered reported by the Committee on Natural Resources); H.R. 2910Promoting Interagency Coordination for Review of Natural Gas Pipelines Act (Rules Committee Print 115-28, showing the text of H.R. 2910 as ordered reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce); H.R. 2883Promoting Cross-Border Energy Infrastructure Act (Rules Committee Print 115-29, showing the text of H.R. 2883 as ordered reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-17",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 806Ozone Standards Implementation Act of 2017 (Rules Committee Print 115-26, showing the text of H.R. 806 as ordered reported by the Committee on Energy and Commerce)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-07-12",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 2810National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 (Rules Committee Print 115-23, showing the text as ordered reported by the Committee on Armed Services)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-27",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 3003No Sanctuary for Criminals Act; H.R. 3004Kates Law",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-21",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 2842Accelerating Individuals into the Workforce Act (Rules Committee Print 115-22, showing the text of H.R. 2842 as ordered reported by the Committee on Ways and Means)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-20",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 1654Water Supply Permitting Coordination Act; H.R. 1873Electricity Reliability and Forest Protection Act",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-13",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 1215Protecting Access to Care Act of 2017 (Rules Committee Print 115-10, showing the text of H.R. 1215 as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-12",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "S. 1094Department of Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act of 2017; H.R. 2372VETERAN Act; H.R. 2579Broader Options for Americans Act; H.R. 2581Verify First Act",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-06-06",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 10Financial CHOICE Act of 2017; H.R. 2213Anti-Border Corruption Reauthorization Act of 2017",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-05-23",
                 "time": "15:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 1761Protecting Against Child Exploitation Act of 2017 (Rules Committee Print 115-19, showing the text of H.R. 1761, as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary); H.R. 1973Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act of 2017 (Rules Committee Print 115-20, showing the text of H.R. 1973 as ordered reported by the Committee on Judiciary)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-05-22",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 953Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of 2017 (Rules Committee Print 115-21, showing the text of H.R. 953 as ordered reported by the Committee on Agriculture)",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-05-16",
                 "time": "17:00:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 115Thin Blue Line Act (Rules Committee Print 115-17, showing the text of H.R 115 as ordered reported by the Committee on the Judiciary); H.R. 1039Probation Officer Protection Act of 2017",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"
                 "chamber": "House",
                 "committee": "Committee on Rules",
                 "committee_code": "HSRU",
                 "date": "2017-05-03",
                 "time": "20:30:00",
                 "location": "CAPITOL H-313",
                 "description": "H.R. 1628American Health Care Act of 2017 [Meeting III]; H.R. 2192To amend the Public Health Service Act to eliminate the non-application of certain State waiver provisions to Members of Congress and congressional staff.",
                 "bill_ids": [],
                 "url": "",
                 "meeting_type": "Hearing"

Get a Specific Subcommittee

To get information about a single Senate or House subcommittee, including the members of that subcommittee, use the following URI structure. The subcommittee ids can be found in the committee list or detail responses.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117
chamber house, senate or joint
committee-id Committee abbreviation, for example HSAG. Use the full committees response to find abbreviations.
subcommittee-id Subcommittee abbreviation, for example HSAS28. Use the full committee response to find abbreviations.

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

   "copyright":"Copyright (c) 2017 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
         "congress": "115",
         "chamber": "House",
         "id": "HSAS28",
         "name": "Seapower and Projection Forces",
         "committee_id": "HSAS",
         "committee_name": "Committee on Armed Services",
         "committee_url": "",
         "chair": "Robert J. Wittman",
         "chair_id": "W000804",
         "chair_party": "R",
         "chair_state": "VA",
         "ranking_member_id": "C001069",
         "num_results": 20,
         "current_members": [
                 "id": "W000804",
                 "name": "Robert J. Wittman",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 1,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "C001069",
                 "name": "Joe Courtney",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 1,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "D000598",
                 "name": "Susan A. Davis",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 2,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "C001062",
                 "name": "K. Michael Conaway",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 2,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "L000559",
                 "name": "Jim Langevin",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 3,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "H001053",
                 "name": "Vicky Hartzler",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 3,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "B001245",
                 "name": "Madeleine Z. Bordallo",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 4,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "B001289",
                 "name": "Bradley Byrne",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 4,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "D000616",
                 "name": "Scott DesJarlais",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 5,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "G000559",
                 "name": "John Garamendi",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 5,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "N000188",
                 "name": "Donald W. Norcross",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 6,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "G000579",
                 "name": "Mike Gallagher",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 6,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "M001196",
                 "name": "Seth Moulton",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 7,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "H001048",
                 "name": "Duncan D. Hunter",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 7,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "H001050",
                 "name": "Colleen Hanabusa",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 8,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "C001094",
                 "name": "Paul Cook",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 8,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "M001200",
                 "name": "A. Donald McEachin",
                 "party": "D",
                 "side": "minority",
                 "rank_in_party": 9,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "B001283",
                 "name": "Jim Bridenstine",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 9,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "K000387",
                 "name": "Steve Knight",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 10,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
                 "id": "A000374",
                 "name": "Ralph Abraham",
                 "party": "R",
                 "side": "majority",
                 "rank_in_party": 11,
                 "note": null,
                 "begin_date": null
          "former_members": [

Official Communications

Get Recent Official Communications

To get lists of official communications to Congress from the president, executive branch agencies and state legislatures to congressional committees, use the following URI structure. This request returns the 20 most recent results. The data covers communications to the House of Representatives since 2015, and communications to the Senate since 1979.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117 for House, 96-117 for Senate

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2018 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
    "num_results": 5166,
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [{
        "communication_id": "ML172",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "The SPEAKER presented a memorial of the Legislature of the State of Washington, relative to Senate Joint Memorial 8008, memorializing Congress to pass and The President to sign legislation reforming the harbor maintenance tax; to the Committee on Ways and Means.",
        "category": "Petition or Memorial",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4325",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting Designation for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism all funding (including the rescission of funds) and contributions from foreign governments so designated by the Congress, pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, section 6; (H. Doc. No. 115–105); to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4326",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting designation of emergency funding, pursuant to Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, section 7058(d)(4); (H. Doc. No. 115–106); to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4327",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Acting Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, transmitting the Bureau's 2018 annual report to Congress on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1692m(a); Public Law 90–321, section 815(a) (as amended by Public Law 111–203, section 1089(1)); (124 Stat. 2092); to the Committee on Financial Services.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2315",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSBA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Financial Services"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4328",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's report to Congress on Federal Activities Related to Stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death, and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 300c-13(b); Public Law 113–236, section 2(b); (128 Stat. 2831); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12003",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSIF",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Energy and Commerce"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4329",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chair, Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, transmitting the March 2018 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396(b)(1)(C); Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, title XIX, section 1900 (as amended by Public Law 111–148, section 2801(a)(1)(A)(iv)); (123 Stat. 91); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R11342",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSIF",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Energy and Commerce"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4330",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-282, \"School Health Innovations Grant Program Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4331",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-281, \"Health Care Provider Facility Expansion Program Establishment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4332",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-280, \"Adult Career Pathways Task Force Expansion Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4333",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-279, \"Workforce Development System Transparency Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4334",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-278, \"Fair Elections Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4335",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-277, \"Disability Services Reform Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4336",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-275, \"Dining with Dogs Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4337",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-274, \"Ann Hughes Hargrove Park Designation Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4338",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-276, \"Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814) (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4339",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, National Credit Union Administration, transmitting the Administration's FY 2017 No FEAR Act report, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2301 note; Public Law 107–174, 203(a) (as amended by Public Law 109–435, section 604(f)); (120 Stat. 3242); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12302",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4340",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Secretary, Federal Trade Commission, transmitting the Commission's Report to Congress on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act's usage of the Act's Antitrust Laws Exemption, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 247d-6a note; Public Law 109–417, section 405(a)(8); (120 Stat. 2877); to the Committee on the Judiciary.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R10783",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSJU",
        "committee_name": "Committee on the Judiciary"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4341",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Senior Director, Government Affairs and Corporate Communications, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK), transmitting in addition to the Grant and Legislative Request for FY19 sent on February 15, 2018, other materials required by section 24315(a)(2) of Title 49 U.S. Code; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSPW",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4342",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Board of Trustees, National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust, transmitting the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust Management Report for Fiscal Year 2017, pursuant to  45 U.S.C. 231n(j)(5)(E)(ii); Aug. 29, 1935, ch. 812, section 15 (as amended by Public Law 107–90, section105; (115 Stat. 886); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R9440",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSPW",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure"
    }, {
        "communication_id": "EC4636",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-22",
        "text": "A communication from the Congressional Review Coordinator, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture, transmitting, pursuant to law, the report of a rule entitled \"Restructuring of Regulations on the Importation of Plants for Planting\" (RIN0579-AD75) received in the Office of the President of the Senate on March 20, 2018; to the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "Senate",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "SSAF",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry"

Get Recent Official Communications by Category

To get lists of official communications to Congress in a specific category, use the following URI structure. This request returns the 20 most recent results for the specified type: ec (Executive Communication), pm (Presidential Message) or pom (Petition or Memorial).

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117 for House, 96-117 for Senate
category ec, pm, pom

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2018 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
    "num_results": 33,
    "category": "Presidential Message",
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [{
        "id": "PM32",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-21",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter requesting that the Congress extend trade promotion authority procedures for three years, and a report to the Congress on the Extension of Trade Promotion Authority, as required by section 103(c)(2) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities And Accountability Act of 2015; (H. Doc. No. 115–104); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "id": "PM30",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-20",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting a social security totalization agreement with Uruguay, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 433(e)(1); Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, title II, section 233(e)(1) (as amended by Public Law 95–216, section 317(a)); (91 Stat. 1539); (H. Doc. No. 115–102); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R499",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "id": "PM31",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-20",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting an Executive Order with respect Venezuela that takes additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692 of March 8, 2015, and relied upon for additional steps taken in Executive Order 13808 of August 24, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1703(b); Public Law 95–223 section 204(b); (91 Stat. 1627); (H. Doc. No. 115–103); Message and accompanying papers referred jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Financial Services and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R7505",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSBA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Financial Services"
    }, {
        "id": "PM26",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-02-13",
        "text": "A letter from the President Of The United Sates, transmitting Budget Of The United States Government For Fiscal Year 2019, pursuant to 31 U.S.C. 1105(a); Public Law 97–258 (as amended by Public Law 101–508, section 13112(c)(1)); (104 Stat. 1288-608); (H. Doc. No. 115–88); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R137",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "id": "PM27",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-02-13",
        "text": "A message from the President Of The United States, transmitting Designation of Emergency Funding pursuant to the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, pursuant to Public Law 115–123, section 21204; (H. Doc. No. 115–94); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12581",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "id": "PM28",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-02-13",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Libya, that was declared in Executive Order 13566 of February 25, 2011, is to continue in effect beyond February 25, 2018, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–93); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM29",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-02-13",
        "text": "A message from the President Of The United States, transmitting Legislative Outline for Rebuilding Infrastructure in America; (H. Doc. No. 115–95); Message and accompanying papers referred jointly to the Committees on Agriculture, Education and the Workforce, Energy and Commerce, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Oversight and Government Reform, Transportation and Infrastructure, Veterans' Affairs, and Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSAG",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Agriculture"
    }, {
        "id": "PM25",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-02-02",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting the President's address before a Joint Session of Congress; (H. Doc. No. 115–86); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "null",
        "committee_name": "null"
    }, {
        "id": "PM24",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-01-17",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency regarding terrorists who threaten to disrupt the Middle East peace process is to continue in effect beyond January 23, 2018, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–90); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM23",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-12-22",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that an Executive Order was issued declaring a national emergency with respect to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States posed by serious human rights abuse or corruption, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1703(b); Public Law 95–223 section 204(b); (91 Stat. 1627); and Public Law 114–328; (H. Doc. No. 115–83); Message and accompanying papers referred jointly to the Committees on Foreign Affairs and the Judiciary and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R7505",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM20",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-11-06",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Burundi, declared in Executive Order 13712 of November 22, 2015, is to continue in effect beyond November 22, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–76); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM21",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-11-06",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to Iran, declared in Executive Order 12170 of November 14, 1979, is to continue in effect beyond November 14, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–77); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM22",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-11-06",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the continuation of the national emergency with respect to the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction that was declared in Executive Order 12938, as amended, is to continue in effect beyond November 14, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–78); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM19",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-10-31",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency, with respect to Sudan, originally declared in Executive Order 13067 of November 3, 1997, as amended, is to continue in effect beyond November 3, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–75); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM18",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-10-23",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency, with respect to the situation in or in relation to the Democratic Republic of the Congo declared in Executive Order 13413 of October 27, 2006, is to continue in effect beyond October 27, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–72); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM17",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-09-11",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency declared in Proclamation 7463, with respect to certain terrorist attacks on the United States of September 11, 2001, is to continue for one year beyond September 14, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–67); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM16",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-08-15",
        "text": "A message from the President, President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency with respect to export control regulations, that was declared in Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, as amended, is to continue in effect for 1 year beyond August 17, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–60); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM15",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-07-28",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting notification that the national emergency declared with respect to Lebanon that was declared in Executive Order 13441 of August 1, 2007 is to continue in effect beyond August 1, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–59); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM14",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-07-24",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting a notification that the national emergency with respect to transnational criminal organizations, originally declared in Executive Order 13581 on July 24, 2011, is to continue in effect beyond July 24, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–57); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"
    }, {
        "id": "PM13",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2017-07-19",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting a notification that the national emergency with respect to transnational criminal organizations, originally declared in Executive Order 13581 on July 24, 2011, is to continue in effect beyond July 24, 2017, pursuant to 50 U.S.C. 1622(d); Public Law 94–412, section 202(d); (90 Stat. 1257); (H. Doc. No. 115–55); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12177",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSFA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Foreign Affairs"

Get Recent Official Communications by Date

To get lists of official communications to Congress on a specific date, use the following URI structure. This request returns the 20 most recent results for the specified date, which must be provided in yyyy-mm-dd format.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
date yyyy-mm-dd format

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2018 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
    "num_results": 3,
    "date": "2018-03-21",
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [{
        "id": "PM32",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-21",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting a letter requesting that the Congress extend trade promotion authority procedures for three years, and a report to the Congress on the Extension of Trade Promotion Authority, as required by section 103(c)(2) of the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities And Accountability Act of 2015; (H. Doc. No. 115–104); Message and accompanying papers referred to the Committee on Ways and Means and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Presidential Message",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4324",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-21",
        "text": "A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule - Issuance of Opinion and Advisory Letters for Pre-approved Defined Benefit Plans for the Second Six-Year Cycle, Deadline for Employer Adoption of the Pre-approved Plans, and Opening of Determination Letter Program for the Pre-approved Plan Adopters [Announcement 2018-05] received March 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104–121, section 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R8070",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4323",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-21",
        "text": "A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule - Modification of Revenue Procedure 2018-4 (Rev. Proc. 2018-19) received March 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104–121, section 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R8070",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"

Get Recent Official Communications by Chamber

To get lists of official communications to Congress for a specific chamber, use the following URI structure. This request returns the 20 most recent results for the specified chamber, either house or senate.

HTTP Request


URL Parameters

Parameter Description
congress 114-117 for House, 96-117 for Senate
chamber house, senate

Example Call

curl ""

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "status": "OK",
    "copyright": "Copyright (c) 2018 Pro Publica Inc. All Rights Reserved.",
    "num_results": 4667,
    "chamber": "House",
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [{
        "id": "ML172",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "The SPEAKER presented a memorial of the Legislature of the State of Washington, relative to Senate Joint Memorial 8008, memorializing Congress to pass and The President to sign legislation reforming the harbor maintenance tax; to the Committee on Ways and Means.",
        "category": "Petition or Memorial",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4325",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting Designation for Overseas Contingency Operations/Global War on Terrorism all funding (including the rescission of funds) and contributions from foreign governments so designated by the Congress, pursuant to the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, section 6; (H. Doc. No. 115–105); to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4326",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A message from the President of the United States, transmitting designation of emergency funding, pursuant to Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, section 7058(d)(4); (H. Doc. No. 115–106); to the Committee on Appropriations and ordered to be printed.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSAP",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Appropriations"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4327",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Acting Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, transmitting the Bureau's 2018 annual report to Congress on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1692m(a); Public Law 90–321, section 815(a) (as amended by Public Law 111–203, section 1089(1)); (124 Stat. 2092); to the Committee on Financial Services.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2315",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSBA",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Financial Services"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4328",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Assistant Secretary for Legislation, Department of Health and Human Services, transmitting the Department's report to Congress on Federal Activities Related to Stillbirth, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death, and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 300c-13(b); Public Law 113–236, section 2(b); (128 Stat. 2831); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12003",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSIF",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Energy and Commerce"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4329",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chair, Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, transmitting the March 2018 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 1396(b)(1)(C); Aug. 14, 1935, ch. 531, title XIX, section 1900 (as amended by Public Law 111–148, section 2801(a)(1)(A)(iv)); (123 Stat. 91); to the Committee on Energy and Commerce.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R11342",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSIF",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Energy and Commerce"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4330",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-282, \"School Health Innovations Grant Program Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4331",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-281, \"Health Care Provider Facility Expansion Program Establishment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4332",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-280, \"Adult Career Pathways Task Force Expansion Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4333",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-279, \"Workforce Development System Transparency Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4334",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-278, \"Fair Elections Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4335",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-277, \"Disability Services Reform Amendment Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4336",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-275, \"Dining with Dogs Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4337",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-274, \"Ann Hughes Hargrove Park Designation Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4338",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia, transmitting D.C. Act 22-276, \"Boris Nemtsov Plaza Designation Act of 2018\", pursuant to Public Law 93–198, section 602(c)(1); (87 Stat. 814) (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R2120",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4339",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Chairman, National Credit Union Administration, transmitting the Administration's FY 2017 No FEAR Act report, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2301 note; Public Law 107–174, 203(a) (as amended by Public Law 109–435, section 604(f)); (120 Stat. 3242); to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R12302",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSGO",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Oversight and Government Reform"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4340",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Secretary, Federal Trade Commission, transmitting the Commission's Report to Congress on the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act's usage of the Act's Antitrust Laws Exemption, pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 247d-6a note; Public Law 109–417, section 405(a)(8); (120 Stat. 2877); to the Committee on the Judiciary.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R10783",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSJU",
        "committee_name": "Committee on the Judiciary"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4341",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Senior Director, Government Affairs and Corporate Communications, National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK), transmitting in addition to the Grant and Legislative Request for FY19 sent on February 15, 2018, other materials required by section 24315(a)(2) of Title 49 U.S. Code; to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": null,
        "requirement_url": null,
        "committee_code": "HSPW",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4342",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-26",
        "text": "A letter from the Board of Trustees, National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust, transmitting the National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust Management Report for Fiscal Year 2017, pursuant to  45 U.S.C. 231n(j)(5)(E)(ii); Aug. 29, 1935, ch. 812, section 15 (as amended by Public Law 107–90, section105; (115 Stat. 886); to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R9440",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSPW",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure"
    }, {
        "id": "EC4323",
        "url": "",
        "date": "2018-03-21",
        "text": "A letter from the Chief, Publications and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue Service, transmitting the Service's IRB only rule - Modification of Revenue Procedure 2018-4 (Rev. Proc. 2018-19) received March 20, 2018, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104–121, section 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Ways and Means.",
        "category": "Executive Communication",
        "congress": 115,
        "chamber": "House",
        "requirement_number": "R8070",
        "requirement_url": "",
        "committee_code": "HSWM",
        "committee_name": "Committee on Ways and Means"