Companies in District of Columbia

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Total disbursement
Total returned
Total revenues from dividends, interest, and other fees
Total net to date
IBW Financial Corporation Bank (Private) $822,067 $6,000,000 $5,610,000 $1,212,067 $0 $0
GM Supplier Receivables, LLC Auto Company (Parts Supplier) $65,403,673 $290,000,000 $290,000,000 $65,403,673 $0 $0
Chrysler Receivables SPV LLC Auto Company (Parts Supplier) $49,671,126 $123,076,735 $123,076,735 $49,671,126 $0 $0
SBA Security Purchases SBA Security Purchases $8,602,850 $368,145,452 $368,145,452 $0 $0 $8,602,850
CFBanc Corporation Bank (Community Development) $492,349 $5,781,000 $5,549,760 $723,589 $0 $0
District of Columbia Housing Finance Agency State Housing Orgs -$24,754,860 $24,754,860 $0 $0 $0 $0
FHA Refinance Program Fund FHA Refinance Fund -$20,000,000 $20,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
D.C. Federal Credit Union Bank (Community Development) -$189,965 $1,522,000 $970,900 $361,135 $0 $0
Fannie Mae Government-Sponsored Enterprise $61,489,000,000 $119,836,000,000 $0 $181,325,000,000 $0 $0
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