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Federal health inspectors from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect cruise ships twice a year, checking everything from kitchen equipment to dishwasher temperatures, and grade ships based on what they find. A score below 86 is considered failing. Cruise ships are also required to report all illness outbreaks affecting more than 3% of passengers or crew to the CDC. Inspections and outbreaks from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Health Scores & Inspections
Health Score: Jan 2014
Highest: 100 | Lowest: 95
Deficiencies (found in 6 inspections).
Illness Outbreaks
None Reported
Health Scores & Inspections: Details
Inspection on Jan 25, 2014 | Score: 97
Medical-Crew Member Reporting
A Singer had an onset of acute gastroenteritis symptoms on 19 January at 19:00, but did not report to the medical center until 20 January at 17:30. According to his time card, he worked on 19 January from 18:31 - 19:16 and 20:20 - 22:13.
Recreational Water Facilities-Total Alkalinity
No test kit was available to test for total alkalinity. This was written on the previous inspection report in January 2013. Staff explained to the inspector a test kit was ordered in July, but the ship received two cases of secondary standards in September by mistake. Another test kit was ordered in December by another supplier, and this was expected to be delivered to the ship on the day of the inspection.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Chlorination
According to the records, on 15 and 22 January the three whirlpools were shock chlorinated for one hour prior to draining, but the concentrations were not documented.
Housekeeping-Crew Public Toilet Room - Deck 10 Front of Bridge
The small room containing the toilet had its own door that could be locked from the inside. This room was equipped with a handwash sink and soap, but there was no method for the user to dry their hands nor was there a sign advising the user to use a paper towel to open the door. The room contained a bulkhead-mounted tissue dispenser, but these were not effective for hand drying. Outside of this small room was a handwash station equipped with all necessary requirements. Staff explained that during the upcoming dry dock this area of the ship would be modified and this toilet room would be removed.
Integrated Pest Management-Incoming Flowers
There was no documentation that flowers brought onboard were inspected for pests. According to staff, these were inspected.
Galley-Hot Galley
At 08:00, a large stock pot of tomato sauce on the stove top had a temperature of 124 °F using three different thermometers. According to the staff, the sauce was made with onion and olive oil. The cook who prepared the sauce stated that it was originally prepared the previous night, and he began the reheating and reduction process at 05:00 the morning of the inspection. The sauce was immediately transferred to three smaller pots and quickly raised to 165 °F.
Galley-Hot Galley
The light level was less than 110 lux behind the three combination ovens.
Galley-Hot Galley
In reviewing the cooling log for the pasta prepared on 22 January and stored in the reach-in refrigerator, the initial temperature written in the log was only 57 °F and the temperature after two hours was 65 °F. A cold mango soup was written in the log with a starting temperature of 55 °F and a two-hour temperature of 69 °F. The pasta was cooked before cooling and the soup had ice cream added to it before cooling. The log sheet was signed by a supervisor.
Food Service General-Flies in Galleys, Preparation Rooms, Pantries
A number of live fruit flies were observed throughout food preparation areas. For example, Main Galley Cold Pantry: 7 flies on the deckhead; Main Galley Pastry: 2 flies on the deckhead; Crew Galley Potwash: 3 flies on the deckhead; Crew Mess Beverage Station toaster: 1 fly on the bulkhead; Bakery (provisions): 10 flies on the bulkhead; Vegetable Preparation: 1 fly at the potato peeler deckhead; Butcher Shop: 2 flies on the bulkhead and deckhead; Pool Bar pantry: 1 fly on the deckhead. These flies were primarily found in the seams between deckhead panels.
Galley-Cold Pantry
There was a gap along the lower door and the door frame on the left door of undercounter reach-in refrigerator #82. With the door fully closed folded sheets of paper could be pushed from outside the door into this refrigerator. The same condition was observed in the pastry with both the center and left door of three-door undercounter reach-in refrigerator #151.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The forward set of three deckhead fluorescent tube lights had shields which were protective for damage, but would not contain the glass if one of the bulbs shattered.
Buffet-Crew Mess
The light intensity was less than 220 lux at the starboard clean plate rack.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Station
The ice and water dispenser activating lever was not extended in length and touched the lip-contact portion of the cups when pressed. There was no sign posted prohibiting refilling or advising staff to take a new cup each time.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Station
The deckhead above the beverage dispensing equipment was soiled beyond one day's accumulation. The soil was heaviest in the gap between each panel.
Buffet-Crew Mess - Beverage Station
The power cable to the conveyor toaster oven was coiled on the counter, making cleaning difficult. Staff repaired the cable during the inspection.
Galley-Signature Galley - Dishwash
During active use of the hood-type dishwash machine, the wash tank temperature only reached 138 °F. The manufacturer's data plate specified a wash temperature of at least 150 °F.
Galley-Signature Galley - Dishwash
During active use of the hood-type dishwash machine, the upper and lower spray arms did not spin during the final rinse cycle. Staff repaired the machine during the inspection.
Preparation Room-
The left side dough sheeter belt was heavily frayed with numerous fibers from the belt extending out in patches. It appeared that a knife was used to cut some of the dough pieces while on the belt, as the protruding fibers were throughout the center in different sections.
Preparation Room-
The top exterior surface of the large stack oven had a layer of dust debris which was over one day's accumulation. Staff set a pair of oven mitts on this soiled surface between uses.
Buffet-La Veranda Buffet
The light intensity was less than 220 lux on the worker side of the buffet. No lights were fixed in the deckhead behind the counter, except for the small center section and at the small cooking stations at the very end of the port and starboard sides.
Other-Pool Grill
The cook preparing various meat and fish burgers at the grill station was equipped with a probe thermometer which was not tip-sensitive and there was no other thermometer for food at his station. He was given a tip-sensitive thermometer to use during the inspection.
Other-Pool Grill - Ice Cream Counter
A soft, woven, and non-smooth fabric material was used to construct the rolling shutter cover for the older model ice cream chest freezer. This woven shutter formed the worker side cover for several containers of dip ice cream, which were set uncovered inside the chest freezer. Both the interior and exterior surface of this shutter fabric was soiled with mold debris and the material was not durable, as loose flakes could be removed by hand and several areas had surface damage. Staff stated that a new model freezer was ordered, but could not confirm when it would be delivered.
Other-Pool Grill - Ice Cream Counter
A soft, woven, and non-smooth fabric material was used to construct the rolling shutter cover for the older model ice cream chest freezer. This woven shutter formed the worker side cover for several containers of dip ice cream, which were set uncovered inside the chest freezer. Both the interior and exterior surface of this shutter fabric was soiled with mold debris.
Inspection on Jan 07, 2013 | Score: 95
Potable Water-Cross-connection Control Log
Two vacuum air breakers installed on the shower hose line at both showers were not listed on the cross-connection control log.
Potable Water-Far Point
The free residual chlorine level measured at the far point by the electronic halogen analyzer was not accurate to at least 0.2 ppm when compared with manual tests. During manual testing, the analyzer showed readings between 0.9 ppm and 1.0 ppm. Four manual tests were taken with two different inspector test kits which measured readings between 0.46 ppm and 0.57 ppm. Several tests by the crew's test kit which was also being used to calibrate the analyzer, measured readings identical to the electronic analyzer, 0.9 - 1.0 ppm. A second, but similar crew test kit was brought in and measured 0.6 ppm. The secondary standards for the test kit being used by the crew to calibrate the far point analyzer was only for High-Range values and not for Mid-Range, therefore, it could not be determined that the instrument being used to calibrate the far point analyzer was accurate. It was also noted that the crew member preforming the calibration was using a glass 10ml sample bottle rather than a plastic sample bottle. When a plastic 10ml sample bottle was used, instrument agreement between all kits was achieved. The instruction manual for this machine did not indicate which type of bottle to use nor could the staff identify which type of bottle was originally issued with the test kit.
Potable Water-Secondary Standards
No Mid-Range secondary standards were on board to verify the accuracy of the crew's electronic test kit.
Potable Water-Electronic Test Kits
Staff conducting potable water test were not completely knowledgeable in the specifications and the instructions on how to use their electronic test kits.
Recreational Water Facilities-Chart Recorders
The range of the electronic chart recorders being used for all the RWFs was from 0-100 ppm.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer and Filter Housing
No documentation was available for the CT value being used to disinfect the hair and lint strainers/housings as well as the cartridge filter housings for the three whirlpools. No documentation was available for the swimming pool's hair and lint strainer/housing and cartridge filter housing being disinfected.
Recreational Water Facilities-Total Alkalinity
No test kit was available to test for total alkalinity.
Recreational Water Facilities-Flow Meters
Flow meters were not installed on any of the RWFs. The turnover rates and bather loads were being calculated by the manufacturer's theoretical pump curve.
Provisions-Meat Freezer
Water leaks were observed from multiple points in the deckhead seams and at the plastic deckhead panel attachment points in the left portion of the freezer. Ice was noted below the these leaks on many parts of the deck and pallets in the empty areas of the freezer. Along the left bulkhead, larger water leaks were noted coming from vent holes and seams which covered the food cartons on the top two shelves with thick layers of ice. All affected food was discarded.
Provisions-Dry Stores
Rusty end seams were noted on several cans of pineapple and on one can of ketchup. Dented end seams were found on a can of plum tomatoes and a can of mushrooms. A wet and moldy carton containing cans of food was also observed. All affected food found was discarded.
Provisions-Dry Stores
Heavy soil was noted around and under a pallet placed in a corner on the right side of the dry stores room between two fixed shelves.
Preparation Room-
The electrical connection conduit to the large floor-mounted mixer was disconnected from the mixer creating an opening to the interior of the bulkhead.
Preparation Room-Food Lift
The deck and sides of the 'not often used' dumbwaiter type food lift was soiled with food debris. This was immediately cleaned while the inspection team was still in the prep area.
Excessive steam was coming from the middle door to the conveyor dishwasher and condensing on the deckhead. Condensate was dripping from the deckhead and from the side of the ventilation extraction canopy above this machine. No clean dishware was being impacted at the time of the inspection.
Galley-Ice Machine
Mold was noted on the plastic chute from the cuber to the ice storage bin. The ice machine was taken out of service, emptied and cleaning commenced while the inspection team was in the area. Other food area ice machines were checked during the inspection and the plastic chutes were completely clean.
Galley-Hot Galley
A large pan of cooked, sliced and whole roast beef had an internal temperature of 48°- 52°F in an undercounter reach-in cooler. Four large pans of raw beef and pork in the same compartment had internal temperatures of 50° - 52°F. These pans of food were immediately discarded by the ship's staff,
Galley-Hot Galley
A large pan of raw pork was stored on a shelf above the pan of cooked roast beef as noted in the reach-in cooler previously identified.
Galley-Hot Galley
The metal food guide attached to the lid of the vertical food processor was severely scored with blade nicks making it difficult to clean. The plastic blade mounting assembly was also severely scratched and difficult to clean. The white plastic was also very stained making it difficult to determine if it was clean.
Galley-Signatures Restaurant
The backflow preventer on the water supply for the coffee machine had a constant leak from the air relief vent indicating a possible failure. Water was puddled on the counter under the backflow preventer. Ship staff replaced this backflow preventer while the inspection team was still in the area.
Bar-Mariner Lounge
The ice scoop handle was touching the ice in the ice bin. The ice bin lid was open in the open bar counter.
Bar-Mariner Lounge
The sanitizer strength in the wiping cloth storage bucket far exceeded 200 PPM of free residual chlorine. This solution was immediately changed to one that measured an appropriate 100 PPM.
Inspection on Mar 18, 2012 | Score: 97
Potable Water-Striping
The distillate lines from the 2 evaporators were not striped blue/gray/blue to the chlorine injection system.
Potable Water-pH Monitoring
There was no documentation that the pH was monitored every hour during bunkering or every four hours during production since December 5, 2012.
Potable Water-Bunkering
On December 17, 2011, the free chlorine residual during bunkering was between 0.5 - 0.7 ppm. Bunkering was done between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. The documentation stated there was no flow meter available and the pH was high on the shore side water supply. On December 22, 2011, documentation stated that the free chlorine residual was 0.1 ppm each hour bunkering occurred from 10:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. The documentation stated the pH of 9.1 was too high from the shore side water supply. According to the staff, the free chlorine residual sensor was not working properly. On December 28, 2011, documentation stated the free chlorine residual was between 0.1 - 0.4 ppm during bunkering between 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. and the pH of 9.3 was too high from the shore side water supply.
Potable Water-Cross-Connection Control Log
On the cross-connection control log, the backflow prevention device to protect the bunkered potable water from the technical water line was described by the serial number and the location of the device was listed as being in the sanitary pump room port instead of the port evaporator room. Also, the backflow prevention device for the potable water connection used to wash the technical tank in the starboard stabilizer room, and the starboard and port mineralizer and backwash connections were described as serial numbers and the devices could not be matched to the plumbing components. In addition, the backflow prevention devices on the hot and cold water lines to the handwash sink in the deck 4 incinerator room were not on the cross-connection control list and were painted over, making them very difficult to access for maintenance. The backflow prevention device for the spray hose to wash down the equipment in the deck 3 incinerator room was listed on the cross-connection control list as 'near staircase' and the device could not be matched to the plumbing component. Also, one backflow prevention device for the pedicure throne was listed as an S8 on the cross-connection control list but upon inspection there were two dual check devices with no vents on both the hot and cold water lines to the pedicure throne.
Potable Water-Incinerator Room Striping
On deck 4, the hot and cold potable water lines to the spray hose used to wash drums and to the handwashing sink were not striped or painted blue. Also, it was unclear if the potable water lines to the pulper on deck 4 were striped or painted blue every 15 feet. The paint was peeling and it was difficult to see all of the lines. In addition, the cold potable water line to the hose bib next to the air connection on deck 4 was not striped or painted blue. On deck 3, the potable water line to the hose for washing equipment was not striped or painted blue every 15 feet.
There was no sight glass or way to easily access the condensate collection pans in A/C unit 210.
Recreational Water Facilities-Fecal and Vomit Accident Log
The fecal and vomit accident log did not include vomit as a type. Also, the disinfection contact times for loose stool accidents were not correct. In addition, there was no way to indicate in which RWF the accident occurred.
Integrated Pest Management-Active Surveillance Log
There was no information on the follow-up inspection results or action taken when pests were noted on the active surveillance log.
Recreational Water Facilities-Filter Housing Disinfection
The cartridge filters for the RWFs were cleaned and rinsed, but not disinfected before new media was placed in the filter housing.
Recreational Water Facilities-Bather Load
There was no documentation for the bather load calculations for any of the RWFs.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs for the swimming pool and whirlpools did not meet the requirements of the 2011 VSP Operations Manual.
Recreational Water Facilities-Antientrapment
The swimming pool had dual gravity drains greater than 3 feet apart, and it could not be determined if the drain covers met the antientrapment standards. There was an alarm for draining but the alarm could not be heard at the RWF.
Recreational Water Facilities-Hair and Lint Strainer
The hair and lint strainers and the hair and lint strainer housings for the whirlpools were not cleaned, rinsed, or disinfected on any regular basis.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Halogenation
The free chlorine residual levels at the start and completion of shock halogenation for the whirlpools were not recorded. The documentation stated that the free chlorine residual was greater than 10 ppm for 1 hour.
Recreational Water Facilities-Shock Halogenation
There was no documentation or indication that shock halogenation was done for the mid, port, and starboard whirlpools on December 14-19, 27 or 31, 2011, or on January 1, 2012.
Recreational Water Facilities-Dumping
Documentation only stated that dumping occurred on the mid whirlpool on December 19, 2011, all whirlpools on March 17, 2012, and the mid whirlpool on December 14 and 15, 2011. According to the staff, dumping of whirlpool water occurred every 3 - 5 days or whenever they felt it was needed. The last documented dumping before March 17, 2012 was February 24, 2012.
Medical-Acute Gastroenteritis (AGE) Log
For a galley utility worker, the AGE log indicated symptoms on March 10, 2012 at noon, but this person did not report to medical until March 14, 2012 at midnight. This individual worked on March 15, 2012 from 8:18 p.m. until 1:50 a.m.
Other-Potable Water and Recreational Water Facilities
The person in charge of the cross-connection control log and the RWFs had a difficult time answering important public health questions about how the RWF systems worked, where all of the equipment was, and how the equipment was disinfected. Also, this person had difficulty identifying the type and location of the backflow prevention devices around the ship.
Buffet-La Veranda and Pool Grill
There were no posted consumer advisories for the eggs cooked to order at the omelet station, the cold smoked salmon on the cold buffet, or the eggs benedict that could be ordered at the table. Staff provided placards with the consumer advisory statement, but the specific raw or undercooked animal-derived food items were not included. In addition, the placard with the consumer advisory statement for the pool grill did not include that hamburgers or cheeseburgers could be cooked to order.
Food Service General-Dining Room Consumer Advisories
There were no consumer advisories on the menus for the two specialty restaurants or the main dining room. Staff provided a draft copy of a menu with the consumer advisory for review.
Galley-La Veranda
The water temperature at the handwashing station was 123°F and the user could not adjust the temperature. The water temperature was corrected.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity around and behind many deck- and counter-mounted pieces of equipment in the galleys and food service areas was less than 110 lux. The light intensity at the handwashing stations in the Observation Lounge bar and Coffee Corner bar was less than 110 lux during operations. According to the staff, a proposal to correct all of the lighting issues has been submitted to the corporate office.
Galley-Prime 7
There were three small flies in and around the cleaning locker. The pest management personnel was contacted. This area was closed at the time of the inspection.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity at the work surfaces in the La Veranda starboard buffet line was less than 220 lux. In addition, the light intensity at the work surfaces in the Coffee Corner bar and the waiter stations in the Compass Rose dining room could not be raised to 220 lux for cleaning. This was written on the previous inspection. According to the staff, a proposal to correct all of the lighting issues has been submitted to the corporate office.
Galley-Cooling Logs
Since March 10, 2012, there were several entries on the hot galley cooling logs that had the initial temperatures recorded between 131 and 134°F. In addition, on March 14, 2012, there were five different sauces on the sauce cooling log that had initial temperatures recorded between 123 and 126°F. According to the logs, the majority of these items were below 41°F after one hour, and all were below 41°F after two hours.
Upright refrigerator #95 was listed as time control on the time control plan, but the unit was not labeled. The refrigerator was labeled.
Galley-Port Dishwash Area
There was condensation collected on the inside of the exhaust hood and on the deckhead exhaust vent above the clean end of the in-use conveyor dishwash machine.
Buffet-Officers Mess
The microwave and toaster oven were labeled for household use and were not certified to meet NSF or equivalent standards. The microwave and toaster oven were removed.
Preparation Room-Potwash
There was a gap in the bulkhead to the left of the pulper.
Preparation Room-Poultry Cold Room
Turkey parts in a plastic bin were measured at 46°F with the inspector's and the chef's thermometers. The turkey had been put in the cold room approximately two hours before. The turkey was put in the blast chiller.
Pantry-Observation Lounge and Pool
The data plates for the undercounter warewash machines did not include the wash and final sanitizing rinse times.
Bar-Coffee Counter
The data plate for the undercounter warewash machine did not include the wash and final sanitizing rinse times.
Bar-Coffee Counter
At the self-service cold counter, a loaf of unsliced bread was not under a sneeze shield. In addition, the unsliced loaf was on a cutting board with a knife and a pair of tongs, and half of the loaf was wrapped in a linen napkin. To serve the bread, consumers would have to handle the bread and slice it themselves. The bread was removed.
Bar-Coffee Counter
There were four small flies at the self service cold counter. This area was open and food was out for self service at the time of the inspection.
Bar-Coffee Counter
Two sponges were in the sanitizing bucket. The sponges were removed.
Housekeeping-Public Toilet Rooms
There were no signs at the handwashing stations advising users to wash their hands. There were also no signs advising users to use a tissue to open the door.
Housekeeping-Outbreak Prevention and Response Plan (OPRP)
The OPRP included a statement that VSP 2011 required passengers and crew to be informed of an outbreak, including embarking passengers. Staff provided a PA announcement that would be delivered by the captain. However, the procedures were not included in the OPRP.
Several trays of pastries for the La Veranda buffet were on time control in upright refrigerator #95. However, the trays still had the 7-day discard labels. The labels were removed.
Inspection on Dec 04, 2011 | Score: 96
Bar-Coffee Counter
Cold counters one and two were on time control and listed on the time control plan, but the units were not labeled.
Recreational Water Facilities-Turnover Rates
The turnover rates for each RWF were not available.
Recreational Water Facilities-Bather Loads
The bather load calculations for each RWF were not available.
Recreational Water Facilities-Safety Signs
The safety signs for the swimming pool and the whirlpool did not include: 'Do not use these facilities if you are experiencing diarrhea, vomiting, or fever;' or the bather load.
Recreational Water Facilities-Anitentrapment Protection
The swimming pool had dual gravity drains great than 3 feet apart, and it could not be determined if the drain covers met antientrapment standards. There was no alarm installed.
Housekeeping-Shower Head Disinfection
The shower head log listed the disinfection at 100 ppm of chlorine, but did not include a contact time. According to the staff, the shower heads were disinfected for 10 minutes.
Food Service General-Lighting
The light intensity was less than 220 lux along the work surface of the band saw in the butcher preparation room, on all preparation/work surfaces at the La Veranda starboard buffet line, at all of the waiter stations in the Compass dining room, and at the work surface at the coffee counter bar.
Preparation Room-Vegetable/Fruit/Bakery/Potwash
Seven live fruit flies were observed along the bulkhead and deckhead above the soiled landing of the 3-compartment potwash sink, The area was not in operation at the time of the inspection. In addition, four live three live fruit flies were observed along the bulkhead immediately above the dough-sheeter, which was in operation.
Bar-Coffee Counter Deck 6
The light intensity was less than 110 lux at the handwashing sink even with maximum lighting.
Food Service General-Light Intensity
The light intensity was less than 110 lux around and behind many different deck-mounted and counter-mounted equipment such as the WMF coffee station on deck 6, the deck convection oven in pastry, the cuber and crushed ice machine near the main galley potwash and pastry, several pieces of counter-mounted equipment on the beverage line in the crew mess, behind the three combination ovens in the main galley, and deck-mounted ice machines in the starboard main galley.
Buffet-La Veranda Starboard
A bucket of sanitizer solution was less than 50 ppm free residual halogen.
Buffet-La Veranda Starboard
Worn and recessed coving was noted on the worker side of the buffet line and on the bulkhead/deck juncture which made cleaning of the area difficult.
Galley-La Veranda
The protective insulation covering on the hot water line of the bain marie was torn and fraying, and a small amount of moisture had accumulated.
Galley-La Veranda and Room Service
Seams were noted where the coffee grinder stands were tack welded to the food preparation counters which made cleaning of the area difficult.
Galley-La Veranda Starboard
Slotted screws secured the metal cuber along the food contact surface.
Galley-La Veranda Starboard
Food residue that appeared to be a piece of tomato was in direct contact with crushed ice. The ice machine was removed from service and cleaned and sanitized.
A 'Wash Hands Often' sign was not found at the handwashing sink.
Excessive condensation from the conveyor flight-type conveyor warewash machine was collecting on the deckhead and dripping on the deck.
The data plate on the warewashing machine #369 did not include the final rinse pressure. It was determined from the specification sheet that the proper pressure was needed in order for the machine to operate properly.
Galley-Warewashing Port
A data plate with the required operational paramaters was not found on the conveyor flight-type machine #364.
Food Service General-Refrigerant Brine Lines
The refrigerant brine lines to the ice machines and refrigerators were not uniquely identified.
Other-Crew Toilet Room
Paper towel dispensers or paper towels were not provided in the male, female, or main handwashing sinks at the crew toilet room adjacent to the crew mess and galley.
Other-Crew Toilet Room
The waste receptacles were placed away from the exit doors to the male and female restrooms, which made exiting without using bare hands contact difficult. Also, there was no sign advising users to exit the toilet rooms using a paper towel or tissue.
The final rinse pressure of the flight-type conveyor warewash machine #363 was above 30 psi, which was higher than the range specified by the manufacturer.
Food Service General-Consumer Advisories
Consumer advisories for the animal-derived food items served in La Veranda and Compass Rose that could be ordered raw or undercooked.
Galley-Hot Line
One pan of raw lamb chops was found stored in undercounter refrigerator #337 above several containers of butter, one container of shredded cheese, and one container of cooked, ready-to-eat ham.
Galley-La Veranda
A required operational parameter data plate was not provided on the rack- type machine #357. The data plate on rack-type machine #356 did not include the final rinse pressure. The specifications of the machine indicated the final rinse pressure needed to be regulated at a specific pressure to be operating properly. Also, the wash and final rinse internal temperature gauges were not working properly on warewash machine #357. The temperatures did not change while the machine was operating. The internal temperature gauge for warewash machine #356 was missing.
Galley-La Veranda
Two in--use cutting boards were significantly scratched and scored. The boards were removed from service.
Buffet-Pool Grill Cold Counter BBQ
Paper towels and a 'Wash Hands Often' sign were not provided at the handwashing station. This was corrected.
Dining Room-Pool Grill Waiter Station and BBQ Cold Counter
Soft sealant used as coving material for the deck/counter junctures was peeling, creating a difficult to clean surface.
Dining Room-Pool Grill Coffee Station Aft
A small fly was below the technical compartment.
Dining Room-Pool Grill Coffee Station Aft
The backflow prevention device in the technical compartment was leaking at the atmospheric vent. The device was replaced during the inspection.
Buffet-Pool Grill
Worn and recessed coving was noted at the worker side of the buffet which made the cleaning of this area more difficult.
Galley-Pool Grill
Cold units 167, 168, and 172 were identified as being on time control on the time control plan but the actual units were not labeled.
Food Service General-Tip-sensitive Thermometers
Cooks responsible for measuring the temperatures of thin foods did not have tip-sensitive thermometers.
Galley-La Veranda
The in-use single stationary rack hood-type warewash machine had a final rinse temperature of 149°F at the utensil surface.
Inspection on Jan 11, 2011 | Score: 99
Dining Room-Compass Rose Waiter Station #16
Clean utensils were stored in a soiled drawer compartment. This was corrected.
Galley-Beverage Station
There were a few flies observed in the area.
Galley-Beverage Station
The counter top below the coffee machine was soiled towards the back.
Buffet-La Veranda
The sneeze guard at the bread station was chipped along the bottom edge. This sneeze guard was scheduled to be replaced on the day of the inspection.
Buffet-Crew Mess Beverage Station
A water delivery line from the coffee machine was draped along the counter, making cleaning difficult. This was corrected.
Potable Water-
The backflow prevention devices in the engine changing room and laboratory sinks were listed on the cross-connection control program as located in the beauty salon. The staff explained these devices were misplaced on the list. This was corrected.
Potable Water-Engine Room
There was no air gap at the left side backwash mineralizer. The distance between the pipe and the funnel was less than two times the diameter of the pipe.
Potable Water-Engine Room
The piping after a couple of the reduced pressure backflow prevention devices were striped blue for potable water. These backflow prevention devices were located at the right mineralizer and the supply expansion tank filling line for the swimming pool.
Potable Water-Beauty Salon
There were Watts N9 backflow prevention devices installed on the spray hoses at the hair washing stations. However, they were listed on the cross-connection control program as CA9C. The staff explained the CA9C backflow prevention devices were removed last month. The list was corrected.
Potable Water-Beauty Salon
There was a Watts N9 backflow prevention device installed at the port side hair washing station. However, it was listed on the cross-connection control program as A25-F. The list was corrected.
Potable Water-Beauty Salon
The backflow prevention devices installed in the technical area of the steam generator for the men's and women's sauna were not listed on the cross-connection control program. The list was corrected.
Potable Water-Production and Bunkering Chart Recorders
There was no documentation that the halogen analyzer-chart recorder was calibrated at the start of bunkering or production of potable water. According to the staff, calibration or a calibration check was performed at the start.
Potable Water-Black Water Room
The pipe to the black water tank rinsing hose was striped blue for potable water. According to the staff, this was technical water.
Potable Water-Beauty Salon
There was no air gap at the intermediate atmospheric vent on the backflow prevention device for the men's sauna. There was duct tape around the space between the vent and the drain pipe below.
Inspection on Jan 04, 2010 | Score: 100
Bar-Pool Bar
There were 2 openings in technical compartment 346 around the pipe penetrations in the back of the compartment.
Buffet-La Veranda
There were cheese and crackers served by a crew member. The cheese was under a retractable dome that was only accessible by the crew member, but the crackers were not protected. The crackers were replaced and new crackers were placed under the dome.
Buffet-La Veranda
The undercounter refrigeration units that are used for time control are labeled, but they were not listed on the time as a public health control plan.
Buffet-Pool Grill
There was a display/serving cabinet used for self service of pastries for passengers. The cabinet doors were not self-closing. Also, the tongs for serving the pastries was located on a plate on the counter in front of the cabinet.
Buffet-Pool Grill
There was tape on the holes on the front of the fryers.
Dining Room-Signatures
The light level at the waiter station could not be raised to 220 lux.
Behind the Cecilware coffee machine, the electrical conduit was separating from the bulkhead.
There was a large uncovered container of butter on the top of a trolley in the walk-in freezer.
In the technical compartment for the blast chiller, there were 2 holes in the back of the compartment around the pipe penetrations.
Galley-Prime 7
Several stacks of small plates were not covered or inverted.
Close contacts of ill crew members were isolated for 24 hours. The nurse stated that close contacts are telephoned the day after isolation to ensure they are not sick, but this 48-hour interview was not recorded.
Serious crimes and injuries on cruise ships that make port in the U.S. are required to be reported to the Coast Guard. Smaller-scale crimes and thefts are reported to local police authorities (if reported at all). Incidents and inspections from 2010 to the present are shown below.
Crimes & Incidents
Coast Guard Inspections
Deficiencies (found in 8 inspections).
Coast Guard Inspections: Details
Inspection on Dec 19, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Nov 18, 2014
Fire Fighting
0710 - Fire doors shall be self closing and have an approximately uniform rate of closure of no more than 40s and no less than 10s. 03 doors were identified that did not meet this standard.SOLAS 09 (97) II-2/30.4.1. 10c.
Fire Fighting
0720 - Fire Extinguishing appliances shall be kept in good working order and be available for immediate use at all times. 02 extinguishers were found to not be in good order. SOLAS 74 (97) II-2/21. 10c.
0950 - Electrical installations shall be such that the safety of passengers, crew and ship from electrical hazards will be ensured. 01 electrical panel (220 volt) access cover was not properly installed, exposing inner portion of panel. SOLAS 74 (97) II-1/40.1.3. 10c.
Inspection on Oct 29, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 22, 2014
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Jan 04, 2013
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (01 Confs) II-2/13.1.11 Fire detectors shall be operated by smoke. Fire detector not working when tested. Fire detector 07-54 did not work when tested.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (01 Confs) II-2/28.3.1 Two means of escape shall be provided for each machinery space. A/C room door 313 was permeanelty sealed.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (01 CONFS) II-2/30.1 In all A class divison categories all openings shall be provided with permanently attched means of closing Fire Screen Doors 03-04-30 and 05-11-14 did not properly close.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (01 Confs) III/11.5 Always stairways and exits giving access to the muster and embarkation station shall be lighted. Stairways between decks 5 and 6 B galley crew passageway was not illuminated.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS II-1/45.10 (01 Confs) No electrical equipment shall be installed in any space where flammable mixtures are liable to collect including those assigned principally to accumulator batter4ies. Split A/C unit was doing in battery room.
SOLAS 74 (Confs 01) III/33. A passenger ship shall carry not less thn six liveboys with self igniting lights. Deck 12 port side lifebouy light did not ignite.
Inspection on Jan 18, 2012
No deficiencies found
Inspection on Dec 07, 2011
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (97 CONS) II-2/29.2. Within the perimeter of stairway enclosures, only public toilets, lockers on non-combustible material providing storage for safety equipment and open information counters are permitted. Found room service carts being stored in crew stairways 5A and 3 on Decks 8,9 and 10.
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (97 CONS) II-2/30.4.1 'A' Class Division Fire Doors shall be self closing Fire Doors 02.12.05,03.09.13,02.27.11,02.11.01 were inoperable.
Fire Fighting
74SOLAS (97CONS) 11-1/13.1.4 The activation of any detector or manually operated call point shall intitate a visual and audible fire signal at control panel. Smoke detectors in section covering crew cabins area 3B on Deck 4 were inoperable.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (97 CONS) II-2/18.5. All waste receptacles shall be constructed of non-combustible material found combustible waste receptacles for paper in crew pantries, on deck 9 and 10, main galley, and incinerator room.
Fire Fighting
74 SOLAS (97CONS) II-2/28.1.10 A 752.(18) Para. 6. All Fire Equipment Location Markings should be of Photolumine scent material or marked by lighting and fitted in the first 300 MM of the Bulkhead. Manual call points throughout the ship are not properly marked.
Inspection on Jan 04, 2011
Fire Fighting
Waste receptacles containing other than metal, glass, or wet food must be constructed of non-combustible material. Plastic waste receptacles were found in deck 6, aft galley, deck 6 pantry starboard, and Star Night Club pantry
Fire Fighting
Flammable liquids of greater volume than required for daily use was found in Gym locker on deck 7. This is not a category 14 space, must reduce volume of liquids to daily use
Found exposed wiring, deck 6, upper back stage
Fire Fighting
FSD 01-05-03 did not close completely
Fire Fighting
FSD 2.5.18 did not close completely
Fire Fighting
Means of escape is blocked from the Star Night Club on deck 6, leading out to the port side and from the Signature Restaurant on deck 6, aft, port side
Fire Fighting
Missing insulation ans possible bulkhead penetration was found near FSD 11-8-24
During the fire drill, cabin doors were left propped open creating a fire hazard. Cabin attendants are required to check all cabins and shut cabin doors in the event of a fire or abandon ship as per the SMS Manual.
Crimes & Incidents: Details
Oct 22, 2012
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardMar 10, 2012
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Investigation (non-casualty)
Source: US Coast GuardDec 29, 2011
Incident Investigation
Involved in a Marine Casualty
Source: US Coast GuardCREDITS & SOURCES
Illustrations: Josh Cochran, special to ProPublica. Data: Coast Guard Port State Information eXchange, Coast Guard Incident Investigative Reports, Coast Guard Marine Casualties & Pollution Data, IMO GISIS Marine Casualties, CDC Inspections & Deficiencies, CDC Outbreaks, CruisePage Man Overboard List, Local crime reports gathered by reporters Lynn Walsh & Dan Krauth, other local crime reports. Photos: VesselFinder. Icons: Jessica Lock, Juan Pablo Bravo,Hans Gerhard Meier.
1Details in these illustrations are inspired by David Foster Wallace's A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again. References to his seven night experience aboard the Nadir are hidden throughout. How many have you seen? Psst. Here are the answers.