
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on June 18, 2012

Romney for President
1:30 a.m. ET
One Term Fund

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image: Mitt

When President Obama took office in January 2009, he made it clear that he

would take responsibility for turning our economy around. So three and a

half years later when unemployment rises and the President remarks that the

private sector is "doing fine," it's obvious something is terribly wrong.

The real question Americans especially the 23 million struggling to find

work need to ask themselves is what would a second term under President

Obama look like?

And the answer is pretty clear: stifled economic growth, unacceptably high

levels of unemployment, and an unstable economy.

After nearly four years of outdated liberal policies that have failed to

get our economy moving again, Americans have run out of patience -- and

President Obama and his allies have run out of time.

We've seen enough of President Obama over the last three and a half years

to know that we don't need another four.

Donate $X today to President Obama's "One-Term Fund":


Andrea Saul

National Press Secretary

Romney for President

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This email was sent by: Romney Victory, Inc.

PO Box 149757 Boston, Massachusetts 02114-9757

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Democratic National Committee
6:27 a.m. ET
We need to stop him

Adelson recently donated $X million of his personal fortune to a

super PAC supporting Mitt Romney's campaign, making him the biggest single

donor to a candidate-specific super PAC and biggest donor to outside

spending groups in the history of the United States.

Three upsetting things I want to say about this before I tell you that we

shouldn't get upset:

-- He's said that he's willing to go as high as $X million to defeat

Barack Obama.

-- This kind of money could change the outcome of an election.

-- For Adelson, who's worth more than $X billion, this

donation is about the equivalent of $X to a middle-class family.

You can fight it.

This isn't the way our country should work. Electing someone president of

the United States should be a decision that we make as a nation. The

outcome shouldn't be affected by one, or even several, extraordinarily

wealthy Adelson knows this is wrong, too:

"I'm against very wealthy people attempting to or influencing elections,"

he said. "But as long as it's doable I'm going to do it."

Unless we stop him. Because we absolutely can stop him.

We have more supporters on the ground, more energy and more voices. We just

need to make sure that everyone gets involved, no one's left behind, and we

don't let this election -- or any election across the country -- come down

to just a few wealthy guys.

Can you donate $X or more today to support President Obama and Democrats?


For us, it's not about the amount of your donation. Because when you

donate, you'll be joined by thousands of other Democrats, pitching in what

they can when they can.

And that's how we'll win.

And Adelson will still be able to buy us all a drink.



Hildy Kuryk

Finance Director

Democratic National Committee

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee,

This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's


Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not

deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
12:10 p.m. ET
why won't he say it?


Description: [url]

Why won't Mitt Romney just say it?

Yesterday, Romney was asked 5 times whether he’d reverse President Obama’s new policy giving legal status to DREAM-eligible immigrants.

And 5 times, he refused to answer.

Mitt must think he can placate his right-wing base without alienating immigrant communities if he just stays silent. Help us call Romney out:

Help us reach 200,000 signatures on our petition calling on Mitt Romney and the Republicans to support the DREAM Act -- Add your name today

Over 100,000 of you signed our petition standing with President Obama -- we want to double that amount in the next 24 hours.

We can’t let Romney stay silent on whether these young people that are studying in college or fighting in our military deserve basic legal protections. If he were elected President, he could rescind President Obama’s new policy on Day One. We need to know where he stands.

Add your name: [url]



Angela Guzman

DCCC Grassroots Outreach Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Obama for America
1:43 p.m. ET
Join Educators for Obama

I've been a teacher in public schools and community

colleges for more than 30 years.

Being an educator is about more than teaching -- it's

about instilling confidence. There is no better moment

than when I see a student realize that she can do

whatever she sets her mind to do. I'm sure you know

that feeling, too.

President Obama knows what that's like, too. He

understands that improving the education system

takes all of us, and that teachers are absolutely

critical to those efforts. He listens when teachers explain

the challenges they face in overcrowded and underfunded

classrooms. And he knows that education is key to a healthy

economy and a strong country. That's why he's working so

hard to improve our schools.

You are receiving this email because you have told the

campaign you also work in education.

Today, I'm proud to invite you to join me as a member of

Educators for Obama, a new group of supporters dedicated

to re-electing the President, who was once a college

professor himself. Sign up and get connected with the

Educators for Obama community today:


President Obama has made education a priority. He is

giving states the flexibility they need to strengthen their

schools and end the practice of teaching to the test. When

states were cutting their budgets and laying off teachers,

he took action to keep more than 400,000 educators in

the classrooms where they were needed. He's proposed

competitive funding to make sure teachers and educators

like us get the respect we deserve. And he's made federal

student loan payments more affordable by ensuring public

school teachers who make their payments on time will have

their remaining debt forgiven after 10 years.

Our students deserve a president who is committed to

their education -- and to the teachers who help them succeed.

As a member of Educators for Obama, you'll be kept in the

loop about important news and events. We'll also provide you

with the resources you need to organize your friends and

colleagues in support of the President.

So join teachers, principals, educational professionals, and

me, and stand with President Obama this November:




Paid for by Obama for America

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