
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Oct. 15, 2012

Obama for America
10:39 p.m. ET
Make a difference in New Hampshire this Saturday

Obama - Biden

We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground.

Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts.

There's a group of volunteers from Cherry Hill heading to Pennsylvania this Sunday, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it?

Yes, I'll be there.

No, but I'll make a donation to help build the campaign.

Here are the details:

What: Knock on doors in Pennsylvania

Meet at: 2240 Route 70 West Cherry Hill, NJ 08002

When: Sunday, October 21st 11:30 am

RSVP now

Or check out all the events near you.

Paying attention to the numbers is a big part of running a grassroots operation like ours. And I like what I'm seeing.

In battleground states across the country, we're seeing a surge of Democrats registering for the first time and showing up to vote early in record numbers. Here's how we built this -- as of today, more than 4 million people have stepped up and chipped in to support this campaign. That's roughly 1 in 75 Americans -- a record for American politics that surpasses what we reached in 2008.

It's thanks to you -- and the offices you've allowed us to open, the organizers you've let us hire, and all the volunteers who've stepped up -- that Democrats have out-registered Republicans in every battleground state for the past three months.

Meanwhile, in Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada, our side is way out ahead in ballots cast, beating our 2008 numbers at this time. In Florida, over 540,000 more people have requested an early ballot compared to 2008.

We couldn't make it happen -- and we can't keep it up -- without folks like you helping out in Pennsylvania. RSVP to join the group from Cherry Hill on Sunday:


23 days left -- let's do this,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

Paid for by Obama for America

We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground.

Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts.

There's a group of volunteers from Brooklyn heading to Pennsylvania this Saturday, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it? Yes, I'll be there:


No, but I'll help by signing up for Dashboard, the campaign's online field office:

[url] Here are the details: What: Knock on doors in Pennsylvania Meet at: 1 Hanson Place Brooklyn, NY 11217

When: Saturday, October 20th 8:30 am RSVP here:

[url] Or check out all the events near you: [url] Paying attention to the numbers is a big part of running a grassroots operation like ours. And I like what I'm seeing. In battleground states across the country, we're seeing a surge of Democrats registering for the first time and showing up to vote early in record numbers. Here's how we built this -- as of today, more than 4 million people have stepped up and chipped in to support this campaign. That's roughly 1 in 75 Americans -- a record for American politics that surpasses what we reached in 2008.

It's thanks to you -- and the offices you've allowed us to open, the organizers you've let us hire, and all the volunteers who've stepped up -- that Democrats have out-registered Republicans in every battleground state for the past three months. Meanwhile, in Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada, our side is way out ahead in ballots cast, beating our 2008 numbers at this time. In Florida, over 540,000 more people have requested an early ballot compared to 2008. We couldn't make it happen -- and we can't keep it up -- without folks like you helping out in Pennsylvania. RSVP to join the group from Brooklyn on Saturday: [url] 23 days left -- let's do this, Jeremy

Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America


We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground.

Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts.

There's a group of volunteers from New York heading to Pennsylvania this Sunday, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it?

Yes, I'll be there.

No, I can't make it, but I'll help by signing up for Dashboard, the campaign's online field office.

Here are the details:

What: Knock on doors in Pennsylvania

Meet at: 520 8th Avenue New York, NY 10018

When: Sunday, October 21st 8:30 am

Or check out all the events near you.

Paying attention to the numbers is a big part of running a grassroots operation like ours. And I like what I'm seeing.

In battleground states across the country, we're seeing a surge of Democrats registering for the first time and showing up to vote early in record numbers. Here's how we built this -- as of today, more than 4 million people have stepped up and chipped in to support this campaign. That's roughly 1 in 75 Americans -- a record for American politics that surpasses what we reached in 2008.

It's thanks to you -- and the offices you've allowed us to open, the organizers you've let us hire, and all the volunteers who've stepped up -- that Democrats have out-registered Republicans in every battleground state for the past three months.

Meanwhile, in Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada, our side is way out ahead in ballots cast, beating our 2008 numbers at this time. In Florida, over 540,000 more people have requested an early ballot compared to 2008.

We couldn't make it happen -- and we can't keep it up -- without folks like you helping out in Pennsylvania. RSVP to join the group from New York on Sunday:


23 days left -- let's do this,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground.

Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts.

There's a group of volunteers from Cambridge heading to New Hampshire this Saturday, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it? Yes, I'll be there:


No, but I'll help by signing up for Dashboard, the campaign's online field office:

[url] Here are the details: What: Knock on doors in New Hampshire Meet at: 49 White Street Cambridge, MA 02140

When: Saturday, October 20th 8:30 am RSVP here:

[url] Or check out all the events near you: [url] Paying attention to the numbers is a big part of running a grassroots operation like ours. And I like what I'm seeing. In battleground states across the country, we're seeing a surge of Democrats registering for the first time and showing up to vote early in record numbers. Here's how we built this -- as of today, more than 4 million people have stepped up and chipped in to support this campaign. That's roughly 1 in 75 Americans -- a record for American politics that surpasses what we reached in 2008.

It's thanks to you -- and the offices you've allowed us to open, the organizers you've let us hire, and all the volunteers who've stepped up -- that Democrats have out-registered Republicans in every battleground state for the past three months. Meanwhile, in Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada, our side is way out ahead in ballots cast, beating our 2008 numbers at this time. In Florida, over 540,000 more people have requested an early ballot compared to 2008. We couldn't make it happen -- and we can't keep it up -- without folks like you helping out in New Hampshire. RSVP to join the group from Cambridge on Saturday: [url] 23 days left -- let's do this, Jeremy

Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

- Paid for by Obama for America

We've always known that this election would come down to the wire. That's why we've made investments where it matters: on the ground.

Now this race is tightening -- and we need to redouble our efforts.

There's a group of volunteers from Columbia heading to Virginia this Saturday, and they'd love for you to join them. What do you say -- can you make it?

Yes, I'll be there.

No, but I'll make a donation to help build the campaign.

Here are the details:

What: Knock on doors in Virginia

Meet at: 5560 Sterrett Place Columbia, MD 21044

When: Saturday, October 20th 8:00 am

Or check out all the events near you.

Paying attention to the numbers is a big part of running a grassroots operation like ours. And I like what I'm seeing.

In battleground states across the country, we're seeing a surge of Democrats registering for the first time and showing up to vote early in record numbers. Here's how we built this -- as of today, more than 4 million people have stepped up and chipped in to support this campaign. That's roughly 1 in 75 Americans -- a record for American politics that surpasses what we reached in 2008.

It's thanks to you -- and the offices you've allowed us to open, the organizers you've let us hire, and all the volunteers who've stepped up -- that Democrats have out-registered Republicans in every battleground state for the past three months.

Meanwhile, in Iowa, Ohio, and Nevada, our side is way out ahead in ballots cast, beating our 2008 numbers at this time. In Florida, over 540,000 more people have requested an early ballot compared to 2008.

We couldn't make it happen -- and we can't keep it up -- without folks like you helping out in Virginia. RSVP to join the group from Columbia on Saturday:


23 days left -- let's do this,


Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

10:00 a.m. ET

this race is tied.

What we do over the next 22 days will determine not just the next four years, but what this country looks like for decades to come.

That's what I'll be fighting for up on that stage tomorrow night -- but I can't do it alone.

This campaign's final and most critical FEC deadline is coming up on Wednesday. It's an important test of our strength at a time when the other side is plotting a big surge in negative ads.

This grassroots organization has never been beat -- but we're at the stage of an election where everyone needs to put in a little more. So please donate $X or more right now:


Thanks for standing with me.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

this race is tied.

What we do over the next 22 days will determine not just the next four years, but what this country looks like for decades to come.

That's what I'll be fighting for up on that stage tomorrow night -- but I can't do it alone.

This campaign's final and most critical FEC deadline is coming up on Wednesday. It's an important test of our strength at a time when the other side is plotting a big surge in negative ads.

This grassroots organization has never been beat -- but we're at the stage of an election where everyone needs to put in a little more. So please donate $X right now.

You're one of the campaign's most committed supporters. Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately -- and will help this campaign get the resources it needs to win:






Or donate another amount:


Thanks for standing with me.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

2:42 p.m. ET
Last call to join Women for Obama

Last week at the vice presidential debate, Joe Biden confirmed once again who we can trust to defend our rights.

He told us honestly: When it comes to a woman's right to choose, it's a "decision between them and their doctor."

He and President Obama won't let anyone else interfere with that decision, either.

That's the kind of advocacy women deserve from our president -- we deserve leaders we can trust.

With only 22 days to go, we're running out of time to get our guy's back. If you want to be a part of this in the home stretch, join Women for Obama today:


Women for Obama is a community of Obama supporters across the country who coming together to help re-elect the President. As a member, you'll be invited to special Women for Obama events, get exclusive updates from the campaign, and be connected with like-minded women in your neighborhood.

Women will decide this election -- so, with three weeks left, we all have to step up and make our voices heard. This election is too close, and the stakes are too high, for us sit on the sidelines.

Join Women for Obama today and be a part of this community before it's too late:



Leah Sandals Women for Obama Digital Program Manager Obama for America

----- More than 4 million people like you power this campaign. If you can, please donate today:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

11:20 a.m. ET
[name], do me a favor:

Day after day, night after night, I've sat by Barack Obama's side as he made one gutsy decision after the other.

I get to see firsthand what drives this man. I get to see his enormous heart.

Tomorrow night, Barack is going to get up on that stage and debate Governor Romney for the presidency. He's going to fight for the things we believe in.

Do me a favor -- let him know you're with him before the debate.

Make a donation of $X or more today.

When I had my turn on the debate stage last week, I spoke about the things we've accomplished together -- the values we all share.

That's exactly what Barack's going to do tomorrow night.

So as we enter the final days of this campaign, and before all of the work we've been doing in the field gets put to one, final test, let's show Barack what kind of grassroots organization he's got behind him -- one that's ready for whatever comes ahead.

Any donation you can make today, no matter how large or small, matters. If you can, please chip in $X or more for the last days of this campaign:



P.S. -- The day after tomorrow happens to be the last FEC fundraising deadline of this campaign. If you've been waiting for the right time to give again, you've got it -- right now.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

4:18 p.m. ET
It means the world

What goes on in our family's house every day is what a lot of folks would call, well, boring.

I get up, I take the kids to school. At night, we try to get the kids to bed on time and do the laundry. I take out the trash. We have coffee in the morning. We love our family just as much as anyone else -- it's just that there are two moms in our house.

Our twin boy and girl are 3 years old -- all they know is, "Okay. I have two parents who love me very much. One's funnier than the other one." We're teaching them to treat people with respect and dignity.

It means the world to us to know that President Obama is teaching his girls the same things -- that he believes his family and mine are more alike than different.

Watch this video to see why this election couldn't be more important to all our families, then say you'll come out and vote for President Obama.

Come out and vote

I never thought I'd hear a president say they support marriage equality, but President Obama did.

President Obama has already done so much to benefit the LGBT community, and this election will determine whether we can hold on to that progress -- and build on it.

If Mitt Romney is elected, we're going back. I mean back to an outdated philosophy on equality. This is a guy who wants to amend the Constitution to say that marriage is only between a man and a woman, and even opposed the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," saying it would be a "social experiment." He wants to stop our progress, and, as a gay woman, that terrifies me.

We have a president who supports us -- now we have to show up and support him.

So please say you'll vote:



----- Election Day is closer than you think. Donate today before it's too late.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Democratic National Committee
7:49 a.m. ET
Last FEC deadline:

The Democratic Party -----------------------

You can probably guess that, as finance director of the DNC, a lot of my time this close to an election is spent in budget meetings.

Each one starts with a great plan for how Democrats need that last order of fliers in Florida, or that last boost of resources so that a battleground Senate candidate doesn't get trampled by their opponent on the air.

Every meeting ends with "Can we make it work, Hildy?" And my answer is always "I sure hope so."

You see, we're closing the books on the last FEC fundraising deadline of this entire election on Wednesday, and I can't say yes to anything until I know what kind of shape we're in.

Every donation, no matter how large or small, makes a big difference to Democrats when there's this little time left.

If you're able, please make a donation of $X or more to help Democrats across the country before our final FEC fundraising deadline on Wednesday:


Thank you so much for your help.


Hildy Kuryk National Finance Director Democratic National Committee

P.S. -- We are getting down to the wire here. I don't want to look back and regret that I didn't do more to win. Chip in right now:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Democratic National Committee, 430 S. Capitol St. SE, Washington DC 20003

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5:09 p.m. ET

Dan, this race is tied.

What we do over the next 22 days will determine not just the next four years, but what this country looks like for decades to come.

That's what I'll be fighting for up on that stage tomorrow night but I can't do it alone.

This campaign's final and most critical FEC deadline is coming up on Wednesday. It's an important test of our strength at a time when the other side is plotting a big surge in negative ads.

This grassroots organization has never been beat but we're at the stage of an election where everyone needs to put in a little more. So please donate $X or more right now:


Thanks for standing with me.


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible. Click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list.

Romney for President
9:51 a.m. ET
We will recover

The last four years have been hard for our country, but with your help Mitt Romney and I will make sure America recovers.

Our plan to strengthen the middle class will create 12 million jobs, and ensure more take-home pay and better opportunities for all Americans.

We will open new markets for American goods and services, eliminate job-killing regulations, and cut taxes so that American workers can thrive.

We will end President Obama's war on coal, and help keep electric bills down. We will protect and strengthen programs such as Social Security and Medicare. And we will champion real healthcare reform, not a government takeover.

I offered a clear choice at last week's debate. And Mitt will have another opportunity at the next debate to show the American people just what is at stake on November 6th.

It's clear: we can't afford four more years like the last four years.

[url] Contribute now to help America move on and put the last four years behind us.

Thank you,

Paul Ryan

Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



10:24 a.m. ET
The reason Mitt will win

Romney-Ryan Friend,

My dad used to tell me, “In this country, you will be able to accomplish all the things we never could.” He and my mom emigrated from Cuba to America to give us a better life.

They believed in American exceptionalism, the promise of America.

America was founded on the principle that every person has God-given rights; power belongs to the people; and government exists to protect our rights. We shouldn't be trapped by the circumstances of our birth we should be free to go as far as our talents and work can take us.

In America, we're united not by a common race or ethnicity but by common values. This election's about preserving those values and applying the founding principles to solve the challenges of our time.

It's a choice about what kind of country we want to leave our children. Let's choose more freedom instead of more government. Let's choose Mitt Romney and the Republican team to lead our nation back to prosperity.

Mitt believes we need to change the direction of our country. He has a plan to create 12 million new jobs. Together with the Republican team, he can deliver the real recovery America deserves.

Supporters of Mitt Romney and the Republican team also believe in this plan for a real recovery. They have shown their support by giving countless hours contacting voters and telling them about Mitt's plan.

With Election Day 3 weeks away, every effort made takes us one step closer to victory. In 2012, volunteers have made 3.5 times more phone calls than they had at the same time in the 2008 campaign. Victory volunteers have knocked on 13 times as many doors than they had at the same time in the 2008 campaign 4 times as many doors than the entire 2008 campaign combined. Since the national absentee and early voting turnout program began, over 108,000 volunteers have made nearly 23 million volunteer voter contacts nearly 40 million voter contacts since Victory launched this year.

It is because of the work of these supporters that we will have a Republican victory in 2012.

Contribute now to preserve American exceptionalism by electing Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, and conservatives across the country.

Marco Rubio U.S. Senator, Florida Victory_Disclaimer

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
2:13 p.m. ET

Alan --

Want to send a blistering message to the Republicans before tomorrow night's big debate? Well, get this:

We're on the verge of hitting 1,000,000 donors to this campaign... 1 MILLION!!!

Let's show these right-wingers who they're dealing with. Help us reach this incredible milestone before Barack hits the stage.

Donate $X or whatever you can to help us hit 1,000,000 supporters before the debate.

Three weeks to go. Let's win this thing.


Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here . Thanks for your support of Democrats!

Alan --

Boehner's not going to be happy about this...

Hours ago, his campaign reported raising $X million to defend his Tea Party majority. I'll admit it, not a bad haul.

But get this: As of this moment, we're less than 12,000 donors away from hitting 1 MILLION donors to this campaign. You read that correctly!

It's an incredible number -- and it would sure send a blistering message to the House Republicans if we can hit it before tomorrow's debate.

Let's do it: Contribute $X or whatever you can to help us hit 1,000,000 donors before the debate.

Boehner and the Republicans are counting on $X million checks to win this election. We've got an army of grassroots supporters backing up President Obama and working to elect a Democratic House.

Help us reach 1 million strong before tomorrow night:



Robby Mook DCCC Executive Director

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here . Thanks for your support of Democrats!

 Boehner's not going to be happy about this...
 Hours ago, his campaign reported raising $X million to defend his Tea Party majority. I'll admit it, not a bad haul.
 But get this: As of this moment, we're less than 12,000 donors away from hitting 1 MILLION donors to this campaign. You read that correctly!
 It's an incredible number -- and it would sure send a blistering message to the House Republicans if we can hit it before tomorrow's debate.
 Let's do it: Contribute $X or whatever you can to help us hit 1,000,000 donors before the debate.

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
4:54 p.m. ET
This is amazing

This is amazing: Grassroots supporters raised a whopping $X million in the days following the Vice Presidential debate. This money immediately went into 12 battleground states to fight Karl Rove's largest attack ad campaign of the year.

Take a look below at the latest polling and see the states where grassroots contributions have allowed us to increase our spending.

With 22 days until the election, grassroots support is the only way that we can stand up to Romney's billionaire financiers and win this election.

If President Obama wins and we prevent a Republican takeover of the Senate, it will be because of you. Thank you for your support.

Sincerely, Patty Murray

P.S. It isn't too late to impact this race. Every day, we are shipping money out to key battlegrounds. Can you give $X immediately to keep us on the offense?

Polling Update October 15, 2012 leaders in bold Presidential Polling State Obama Romney Arizona 44 42 Florida 48 49 Missouri 46 49 Ohio 45 46 Virginia 47 48 Wisconsin 49 47 Senate Polling State Democrat Republican Arizona Carmona 44 Flake 40 Florida Nelson 46 Mack 45 Indiana Donnelly 40 Mourdock 38 Massachusetts Warren 49 Brown 47 Missouri McCaskill 46 Akin 45 Montana Tester 45 Rehberg 43 North Dakota Heitkamp 47 Berg 47 Nevada Berkley 44 Heller 47 Ohio Brown 47 Mandel 46 Virginia Kaine 47 Allen 46 Wisconsin Baldwin 48 Thompson 46 Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

This is amazing: Grassroots supporters raised a whopping $X million in the days following the Vice Presidential debate. This money immediately went into 12 battleground states to fight Karl Rove's largest attack ad campaign of the year. 
 Take a look below at the latest polling and see the states where grassroots contributions have allowed us to increase our spending.
 With 22 days until the election, grassroots support is the only way that we can stand up to Romney's billionaire financiers and win this election.
 If President Obama wins and we prevent a Republican takeover of the Senate, it will be because of you. Thank you for your support.
 Patty Murray
 P.S. It isn't too late to impact this race. Every day, we are shipping money out to key battlegrounds. Can you give $X immediately to keep us on the offense?