
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on Oct. 26, 2012

Obama for America
8:34 p.m. ET
Forward this:

Forward this:


Guess what? Since this supporter put together this list, our economy has continued to add jobs. To date, we've added nearly 5.2 million private sector jobs over 31 consecutive months.

What is this?

Every day from now until Election Day, we'll send you something that makes the case for voting for Barack Obama. Today, it's a supporter's handmade list of why they support our president.

What can I do?

If you like it, we ask that you share it with any friends, family members, and neighbors you know who are still making up their mind about who to vote for and everyone knows some . All you have to do is pass it on -- forward it, share on Facebook, or on Twitter.

Done. What else?

If you spot something that's especially persuasive or inspiring, or if you want to share your own graphic, essay, or personal story, send it on to [email] and we'll pass the best ones along.

With 12 days to go in this election, and millions of voters still making up their minds, it's the job of everyone who supports President Obama to let everyone else know who they're voting for this year -- and why.

Thanks for your help.

Obama for America

---- Time is running out. Chip in today, when your donation can make the biggest difference:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

10:06 p.m. ET
November 2nd: Be a part of history - join us in Ohio

When folks talk about this election decades from now, what will you say?

How about -- "I was there. And I was a part of it."

This election will come down to a few key votes in a few key battleground states. That's why passionate New Yorkers are teaming up for our last big multi-day trip to Ohio from November 2nd until the very last ballot is cast on November 6th.

Will you step up and join the trip to Ohio for the last few days of this election?


What: Get out the vote in Ohio: The last 5 days

Meet up at: OFA NY office 520 8th Avenue New York, NY 10018

When: Friday, November 2nd to Wednesday, November 7th

Departing at 1:00 p.m.

RSVP here:


While Team Ohio is hitting the streets and working their very hardest even as you read this , they could sure use some fired-up New Yorkers on the ground -- connecting with folks, getting out the vote, and helping to deliver a win to President Obama and other Democrats.

That's where we come in. We'll be working hard, making new friends, and having some great conversations about the President's record and what's at stake for this country.

This is so important, and the work we do in Ohio could decide this election. And, of course, on Election Night we'll be watching together when the numbers come in.

Don't miss out. Transportation and housing will be taken care of -- so join us from November 2nd through November 7th for this trip to Ohio:


Make a difference.


Kate Doehring New York Field Director Organizing for America

P.S. -- Can't make it to Ohio for this trip? Voters in Pennsylvania and other battleground states nearby still need to hear from you, so we'll be organizing other shorter canvassing trips all the way up through Election Day. Find other events like this one:


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

8:41 a.m. ET
Fly to Chicago for Election Night - and meet the President

There was a feeling in the air on Election Night 2008 in Chicago:

This was the only place in the world you wanted to be.

that's how it'll feel here again on November 6th.

You can put this campaign in a position to win and have the chance to see for yourself what it's like to join the President on Election Night -- please give $X or whatever you can right now to be automatically entered:


Hope you're able to join us.


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received and the timing of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

I first met Barack Obama in 1992.

Back before he was a state senator, a candidate, the President of the United States, a husband or a father, he was a 30-year-old guy running voter registration drives in Chicago. He made an impression on me -- and when, in 2007, he decided to run for president, I signed up without hesitation.

I thought, if I could help Barack Obama get to the White House, I would have accomplished something great in my life.

It's been a long and amazing journey, and our small team of a few became a movement of millions. Now, we're in the final days of his last campaign, fighting to keep Barack Obama in the White House. We're planning his last Election Night -- and he wants you to be there.

Donate $X or whatever you can today, and you'll be automatically entered to meet President Obama and be right up front at his Election Night speech:


I don't know how this is going to end. But no matter what, I know each of us will have given this campaign everything we've got.

I hope you can be there on the big night.

Flight and hotel are covered for you and a guest -- donate $X or whatever you can today, and you'll be automatically entered:


Thanks for everything you've done and will do in these last days. Let's win this.


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received and the timing of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

Obama - Biden --

We just learned that Mitt Romney and the Republicans have $X million more to spend than we do, as of last week. They brought in $X.8 million in just the first 17 days of October.

That doesn't even include the money outside groups are throwing into record ad buys in battleground states right now.

Think of what that kind of money can do right at the end, in a race as close as this.

Right now, each day, each dollar, is more critical than the last.

Donate $X or more today to close the gap.

We have two choices:

Watch the other side knock Barack Obama around with misleading ads and hope for the best. Or dig deeper every day, with just 11 days to go, and remember that our strength has always been in the number of people who support this president, not the number of super PACs and billionaires who can fund attack ads in Ohio.

If we can close the gap, our ground game will do the rest to take us over the top. But after a year and a half of building and fighting and getting ready for Election Day, we cannot allow ourselves to be outdone at the very end.

Please donate $X or more today to help close this gap:


Thanks, more soon.


Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- To thank you, any donation you make today will automatically enter you to win a trip to Chicago for Election Night. You and a guest will meet President Obama and get front-row seats to history.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America

by signing up for Quick Donate

or click hereto enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received

or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rulesand additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden I'm asking you to step up, just found out that Mitt Romney and the Republicans outraised us in the first half of this month, putting us $X million behind during these crucial final days.

The math here is pretty simple: With that cash advantage, they can outspend us by $X million per day, every day, for the final 11 days.

We know what that means -- more and more misleading, negative ads trashing the President, you, me, and everything we've accomplished together over the past four years.

You helped build this campaign in 2008. You know what we have to do.

Close the gap -- chip in $X or more now.

After a year and a half of building and fighting and getting ready for Election Day, we cannot allow ourselves to be outdone at the very end.

On November 7th, when this campaign is behind us, you'll be glad you stepped up now.

Here's the good news: Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a free trip to Chicago where you'll meet the President and have front-row tickets to his speech on Election Night.

Please make a donation right now:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America

by signing up for Quick Donate

or click hereto enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received

or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rulesand additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

I'm asking you to dig a little deeper, just found out that Mitt Romney and the Republicans outraised us in the first half of this month, putting us $X million behind during these crucial final days.

The math here is pretty simple: With that cash advantage, they can outspend us by $X million per day, every day, for the final 11 days.

negative ads trashing the President, you, me, and everything we've accomplished together over the past four years.

And we know what we have to do.

According to our records associated with this exact email address:

-- Total you've donated for the 2012 campaign cycle: $X -- Your first donation to the 2012 campaign was on this date: /strong December 31, 2011 -- Most recent donation: October 11, 2012 -- Suggested donation today: $X

Close the gap -- chip in $X or more now:


After a year and a half of building and fighting and getting ready for Election Day, we cannot allow ourselves to be outdone at the very end.

On November 7th, when this campaign is behind us, you'll be glad you stepped up now.

Here's the good news: Any donation you make today automatically enters you for a free trip to Chicago where you'll meet the President and have front-row tickets to his speech on Election Night. Please make a donation right now:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

-------- If we got your donation history wrong, it may be because you gave offline, with a different email address, very recently, or somewhere other than Obama for America or Obama Victory Fund -- thank you again, and our apologies if the above does not match up with your records.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received and the timing of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

We just found out how much more money Mitt Romney and the Republicans have in the bank: $X million.

I hope that sounds like a lot to you, because it is. And it doesn't even include outside groups.

That is a massive advantage to have with such a short time left. But we have the power to decide whether that will be the determining factor in this election.

Help close that cash-on-hand gap so our voices don't get drowned out in a tidal wave of negative ads -- chip in $X or more now:


I know this campaign has asked a lot of you. That's why it's so important that we don't slow down now, when we've come so far together, and when this race is so close.

A $X million disadvantage means we could have to fight back against an estimated 780 30-second ads in a battleground state like Colorado. With only 11 days left, that's a devastating prospect.

Thanks to you and more than 4 million other grassroots donors, we're close, but we really need to close this gap -- and close it immediately.

So, please donate $X or more right now to keep this campaign strong straight up until the last vote is cast on November 6th:



Julianna Smoot Deputy Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- Any donation you make today will automatically enter you to win a trip to Chicago for Election Night. You and a guest will meet President Obama and get front-row seats to history. You should really enter:


No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America here -- [url] -- by signing up for Quick Donate here -- [url] -- or click here -- [url] -- to enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received and the timing of entries received. Promotion open only to U.S. citizens, or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rules -- [url] -- and additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

Obama - Biden --

We just got some alarming news: Mitt Romney and the Republicans outraised us in the first half of October -- and as of last week, they had $X million more to spend than we do.

That's a problem.

Now, we have a strong ground game. But the fact is, we just don't know what an unmatched flood of money like this in the final days could do to a tight race.

I don't want to find out. Do you?

Donate $X or more right now to make sure we can keep up with what the other side is throwing against us:



Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

P.S. -- And to thank you, any donation you make today will automatically enter you to win a trip to Chicago for Election Night. You and a guest will meet President Obama and get front-row seats to history. You should really enter.

No purchase, payment, or contribution necessary to enter or win. Contributing will not improve chances of winning. Void where prohibited. Entries must be received by October 29, 2012. You may enter by contributing to Obama for America

by signing up for Quick Donate

or click hereto enter without contributing or signing up for Quick Donate. Two 2 winners will each receive the following prize package: round-trip tickets for winner and a guest from within the fifty U.S. States, DC, or Puerto Rico to a destination to be determined by Sponsor; hotel accommodations for winner and a guest; tickets for winner and a guest to an event of Sponsor; and the opportunity to meet with President Obama approximate retail value of all prizes $X . Odds of winning depend on number of entries received

or lawful permanent U.S. residents who are legal residents of the 50 United States, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico and 18 or older or age of majority under applicable law . Promotion subject to Official Rulesand additional restrictions on eligibility. Sponsor: Obama for America, 130 E. Randolph St., Chicago, IL 60601.

Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

4:06 p.m. ET
Join Dashboard Live today

I just wanted to make sure you heard about today's Dashboard Live event.

I'll be on the ground in Ohio with local volunteers and organizers. We'll talk about what we've accomplished in the field so far, and lay out the work we need to do over the critical days ahead.

You can catch all of it live on Dashboard this afternoon. Just log in here before 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time:



Jeremy Bird National Field Director Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Time is running out to do the work it'll take to win. Please donate to the Obama Victory Fund now:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Sign up to make calls using our online call tool this weekend:


You don't have to wait -- if you're ready, go ahead and start making calls right now:



Obama for America

--------------------------------------------------------------------- Time is running out to do the work it'll take to win. Please donate to the Obama Victory Fund now:



Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate.

Are you ready to vote?

Early voting kicks off across the state today. I hope you're ready, because I'm counting on you.

Find your early vote location now and go cast your ballot -- and don't forget to bring a friend.

Early voting is going to be the key to winning Florida, just like it was in 2008, when over four million people cast their ballots before Election Day. Those votes are what put us over the top.

On Thursday, I became the first sitting president to vote early during my re-election campaign. I was proud to join the millions of Americans taking advantage of this opportunity.

We're all going to be pretty busy on Election Day, working to get our neighbors to the polls. By voting early, you'll be able to have a bigger impact on whether we get the chance to keep moving this country forward.

Join me and vote early this year. Find your polling place today, and get all your friends to vote early, too:



----- Time is running out to do the work it'll take to win. Please donate to the Obama Victory Fund now.


Contributions or gifts to Obama Victory Fund 2012 are not tax deductible.

The first $X from a contributor to Obama Victory Fund 2012 will be allocated to Obama for America, designated for the general election. The next $X from a contributor will be allocated to the Democratic National Committee. Any additional amount s from a contributor will be divided among the State Democratic Party Committees as follows, up to $X per committee and subject to the biennial aggregate limits: OH 24% , FL 15% ; WI 12% ; IA 10% ; NV 10% ; VA 9% ; CO 7% ; NC 7% ; PA 3% ; and NH 3% . A contributor may designate a contribution for a particular participant. This allocation formula may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with a Federal election, may be spent on any activities of the participants as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate

Romney for President
9:38 a.m. ET
Join Marco and me

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

I am running for president because I want to help create a brighter future -- and restore strength to our nation. And at events all across this nation, I've met many Americans who are excited to join me in that cause.

You can still enter for a chance to bring a guest and attend a campaign event with Senator Marco Rubio and me. Each entry helps to secure a Republican victory on November 6th. The contest ends at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time, though -- don't miss out!

[url] Contribute $X now to be automatically entered for a chance to win.

Thanks for your help,

Mitt Romney

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN A PRIZE. No contribution or payment of any kind is necessary to enter or win this Promotion. Making a contribution does not increase your chances of winning. To enter by making a contribution, click [url] here . To enter without making a contribution, click [url] here . Void where prohibited. The Promotion begins on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time and ends on Friday, October 26, 2012 at 12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time "Entry Period" . One 1 winner will receive the following Prize: two 2 round-trip coach class plane tickets within the continental United States, for use by the winner and a guest, on a date and to a Destination to be determined by Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X; two 2 one-night hotel stays at the Destination, with an approximate retail value of $X; and ground transportation at the discretion of Sponsor, with an approximate retail value of $X. Approximate total retail value is $X. Odds of winning depend on the number of entries received. The Promotion is open to citizens and permanent residents green card holders of the United States who are legal residents of one of the fifty states, Puerto Rico, or the District of Columbia and are at least 18 years of age or the age of majority as determined by state law. Details and qualifications for participation in this Promotion may apply. Restrictions are listed in the [url] Official Rules . The Sponsor is Romney Victory, Inc., P.O. Box [id], Boston, MA 02114.


2:53 p.m. ET
You can affect the outcome

To view this email as a web page, go to the link below, or copy and paste it into your browser's address window. [url]

We just found out that Barack Obama and his liberal allies raised $X billion -- the first time a political campaign has hit that mark.

They will use this money to blanket battleground states with negative ads. The President's billion-dollar machine has resorted to petty attacks and empty rhetoric, because they have no agenda for a second term.

We cannot allow his billion-dollar machine to win -- and we can't allow them to continue to lie about and distort my record and plan. Paul Ryan and I have bold ideas and a strong agenda to get America working again.

[url] We will get this country back on track -- and we need your help to push back against the Obama machine and to promote our agenda.

I am proud that in September alone, we raised $X.15 million from 1,011,773 donations under $X -- that's 93.1% of all donations from across the country. Your donation today directly supports our game-changing ground operations.

We've prepared for this moment by building a record-breaking ground game run with over 119,000 devoted volunteers. We've made nearly 45 million voter contacts and crossed the 9 million doors knocked threshold -- that's incredible.

But our grassroots operation must have the resources it needs to compete with the President's billion-dollar machine.

[url] Act now -- contribute to build up our ground game, so Paul Ryan and I, and the Republican team, can deliver a real recovery.

This race is close -- and you can directly affect the outcome.

Mitt Romney


2:32 p.m. ET
Join Senator Kelly Ayotte and the Romney Bus!


[url] Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

[url] Contribute today to help us keep our message and momentum going.


Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.



Contribute today to help us keep our message and momentum going.

RomneyPoll Paid for by Romney for President, Inc.

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
9:08 a.m. ET

My friend Rick Nolan needs your help.

Let me tell you about Rick. When we served together, many members of Congress had tremendous respect for him -- his honesty, focus, and courage were well-known. Rick has always had a tremendous ability to reach across the aisle and provide common sense solutions to the issues we face, avoiding the partisan bickering that has become all too common today.

Rick has been a small business owner, a job creator, an educator, and an elected official. This is exactly the mixture of real world experience we need in Congress today.

I'm writing to you today to ask you to support Rick in his campaign for Congress. Rick has one of the best chances this cycle to flip a red seat back to blue. Moreover, Rick will always be a champion for the middle class and will always fight for what's right, not what's politically convenient.

Please join me by pitching in $X today to help send Rick to Congress.

I'm not the only one who has taken note of Rick Nolan. The Republicans have too, and they know that his record is a threat to Chip Cravaack. Republican Super PACs are pulling out all of their tricks to try to stop Rick. Billionaires like the Koch Brothers have already poured millions of dollars into the district to try to distort Rick's record.

So far it hasn't worked -- Rick is leading in the polls! But with less than two weeks to go, we can't leave anything to chance.

Pitch in $X now to help defend Rick from these deceitful attacks and help us put a good Democrat back in office.

These next two weeks are going to be tough. But with your help, I know that we will be successful. We'll take the House back and support President Obama's agenda.


Al Gore

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

6:55 a.m. ET
disturbing news:

This is disturbing:

Republicans and their Super PAC allies have outspent Democrats by $X.6 million, and they've got $X million in the bank to drop the hammer with before the election.

All the polls show this race is tied – but Democrats have got to close the spending gap if they're going to get their message out in the final days of this election.

The DCCC needs to raise $X before tonight's ad buy deadline to respond to the Republicans' dishonest attacks and get the facts out to voters. They could really use your help.

Will you chip in before tonight's ad buy deadline? Donate $X or whatever you can right now to the DCCC Rapid Response Fund.

There's 11 days left. What you do today could determine the outcome of the election.

So stand up and fight back:


Now let's go win this thing!


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

6:32 a.m. ET
my friend Bill Enyart

know I believe in arithmetic. The numbers show Democrats are being outspent on the airwaves. And the more money we have to fight back, the better chances we have to win.

My friend Mark Critz's district is being downright flooded with false attack ads from those GOP Super PACs. If Mark's going to win, we have to stand up and help him fight back.

Mark's campaign is making their final ad buy decisions right now. Will you help him finish strong?

Donate $X or whatever you can to Mark 's campaign so he can beat back Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers and every other GOP Super PAC.

No one ever said elections are easy. But our country deserves better leaders than these Tea Party Republicans in Congress. We simply can't afford a return to the same old top-down policies that got us trouble in the first place.

That's why we need to elect Mark to the House.

Please donate $X or more before Mark 's final ad buy deadline.

Now, let's win this thing!


Bill Clinton

Paid for by the Mark Critz for Congress Committee

647 Main Street Suite 310 Johnstown, PA 15901



You know I believe in arithmetic. The numbers show Democrats are being outspent on the airwaves. And the more money we have to fight back, the better chances we have to win.

My friend Bill Enyart's district is being downright flooded with false attack ads from those GOP Super PACs. If Bill's going to win, we have to stand up and help him fight back. Bill's campaign is making their final ad buy decisions right now.

Will you help him them finish strong? Donate $X or whatever you can to Bill's campaign so he can beat back Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers and every other GOP Super PAC

No one ever said elections are easy. But our country deserves better leaders than these Tea Party Republicans in Congress. We simply can't afford a return to the same old top-down policies that got us trouble in the first place.

That's why we need to elect Bill to the House. Please donate $X or more before Bill's final ad buy deadline.

Now let's win this thing!


Bill Clinton

Paid for by Enyart for Congress

Click here to unsubscribe

4:23 p.m. ET
this is messed up

BREAKING: Chevron pumps $X.5 million into Boehner's Super PAC, likely the largest corporate donation since Citizens United

BREAKING: Chevron pumps $X.5 million into Boehner's Super PAC, likely the largest corporate donation since /Citizens United/

This make us so angry. Big Oil is trying to drop in at the last second and buy the election for the Republicans.

It's exactly what we're trying to fight, and a perfect example of why this election is so important. We've got to show the world that our grassroots army is stronger than one big dirty check.

Will you rush us an emergency contribution and help us close the gap before our midnight ad buy deadline?

Donate before midnight and we'll triple-match your gift: Donate $X or more to fight the corporate cash and win a Democratic majority for President Obama.

There's never been a more important moment to chip into this campaign.

If you want to fight Big Oil, if you want President Obama to win this election, then donate whatever you can right now:


Now let's go win this election!

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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BREAKING: Chevron pumps $X.5 million into Boehner's Super PAC, likely the largest corporate donation since Citizens United this race is tied. We can't let a last-minute Big Oil-backed ad blitz cost us the election.

We have to raise $X more by tonight's ad buy deadline to fight Republican attacks and get the facts out to voters.

Will you rush us an emergency contribution and help us close the gap before our midnight ad buy deadline?

Donate before midnight and we'll triple-match your gift: Chip in $X or more to fight the corporate cash and win a Democratic majority for President Obama.

It's exactly what we're trying to fight, and a perfect example of why this election is so important.

We've got to show the world that our grassroots army is stronger than one big dirty check. Please chip in whatever you can:


Now let's go win this election!

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: [email] | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click hereif you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!




Boehner sure didn�t bargain for this:

Yesterday, we learned that Big Oil giant Chevron contributed $X.5 million to Boehner's Super PAC to save the teetering Tea Party majority.

We asked you to do something about it, and boy did you ever. Yesterday we raised $X from over 14,500 donors!

Help us raise $X to fight Boehner's Big Oil cash by the end of the weekend. We'll triple-match your gift!

Donate $X or more by midnight tomorrow to help us win the majority for President Obama.

This race is too close to let a last-minute Big Oil-backed ad blitz cost us the election. We have to close the spending gap as much as we can for the final 10 days of this campaign.

Donate $X before tomorrow�s ad buy deadline:


Now let�s go win this election!

Democrats 2012

Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

This message was sent to: | We believe that emails are a crucial way for our campaign to stay in touch with supporters. Click here if you'd like to unsubscribe from these messages. Change or update your email address by clicking here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
10:11 a.m. ET
Never be the same

Contribute to the “Stop the Takeover” fund before midnight, and your contribution will be triple matched [url]

Barack Obama or Mitt Romney: the stakes are high, the choice is ours, the time is now.

The President has proven he can lead; Governor Romney lacks experience and possesses a dangerously simplistic view of the world.

But still the presidential race is too close to call and the Senate could go either way. Whether Democrats prevail is up to you, now.

If you don't power our 11-day, 11-state voter persuasion campaign before midnight – Romney could win. America will never be the same.

Please give $X now – before midnight. We need $X million in the next 15 hours to fight back against the Republican media onslaught and win in 11 battleground states. I'm counting on you.

Republicans had their chance to lead America and the result was disaster.

They're close to taking over again; we can't let that happen. We can't wait. You must act now – in the next 15 hours - and your gift will be triple matched!

Please help.

Madeleine Albright

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

1:52 p.m. ET
Polling: 11 states

The polls say it better than I ever could: We need you to make a contribution BEFORE MIDNIGHT.

Karl Rove's $X million spending spree could put Republicans in the driver's seat in the eight states he's targeted over these last four days. Polling is close in 11 states, and only four seats protect us from Republican control over everything from health care reform to the Supreme Court.

Click here and give $X or more to help us stop the Republicans before this critical deadline.

We're matching all contributions 3-to-1 – but only until midnight.

If we hit our goal tonight, that money will be answering Karl Rove's attacks in Senate battlegrounds like Virginia and Ohio come tomorrow morning. But if we fall short, Rove could seize the momentum – and we might not have time to get it back.

Only you can stop Karl Rove and the Republicans – by clicking here right now and donating.

This could be the final – and most dramatic – game-changing moment in this campaign. Thank you for taking action today.


Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

1:41 p.m. ET
Washington Post headline:

Breaking Washington Post: As key Senate races get tighter, Republicans' hopes rise. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ------------------------------ 3-to-1 match. Contribute

Breaking Washington Post: As key Senate races get tighter, Republicans' hopes rise.

The Washington Post reports that Karl Rove's largest ever attack campaign has made “eight critical contests… dead heats.”

Republicans are on the verge of breaking the deadlocked tie for the Senate majority: Democrats are down one in Wisconsin—and only up one in Virginia and two in Massachusetts.

But we can turn this around: Our Stop the Takeover Fund is just 5,219 donations from matching Rove dollar-for-dollar by midnight. Can you make an urgent $X contribution before the midnight deadline? We'll triple match it for the next 8 hours, and rush it to Senate battlegrounds like Wisconsin and Virginia tomorrow morning.

We've had a record breaking number of grassroots contributions to the Stop the Takeover Fund. But if we don't get 5,219 contributions in the next 8 hours, Republicans could execute a full takeover of government.

Can you contribute $X immediately? We match it 3-to-1 for 8 hours only [url]

Thanks for your support

P.S. Remember: You only have until midnight for the 3-to-1 match. Please urgently contribute here: [url]


PAST SUPPORT Name Date of last gift Amount 06/29/2009 $X Please contribute » Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Breaking Washington Post: As key Senate races get tighter, Republicans' hopes rise.


2:16 p.m. ET
Washington Post headline:

Breaking Washington Post: As key Senate races get tighter, Republicans' hopes rise. Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee ------------------------------ 3-to-1 match. Contribute

Breaking Washington Post: As key Senate races get tighter, Republicans' hopes rise.

The Washington Post reports that Karl Rove's largest ever attack campaign has made “eight critical contests… dead heats.”

Republicans are on the verge of breaking the deadlocked tie for the Senate majority: Democrats are down one in Wisconsin—and only up one in Virginia and two in Massachusetts.

But we can turn this around: Our Stop the Takeover Fund is just 5,219 donations from matching Rove dollar-for-dollar by midnight. Can you make an urgent $X contribution before the midnight deadline? We'll triple match it for the next 8 hours, and rush it to Senate battlegrounds like Wisconsin and Virginia tomorrow morning.

We've had a record breaking number of grassroots contributions to the Stop the Takeover Fund. But if we don't get 5,219 contributions in the next 8 hours, Republicans could execute a full takeover of government.

Can you contribute $X immediately? We match it 3-to-1 for 8 hours only [url]

Thanks for your support

P.S. Remember: You only have until midnight for the 3-to-1 match. Please urgently contribute here: [url]


PAST SUPPORT Name Date of last gift Amount $ Please contribute »

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form .

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Karl Rove isn't going to like this: With four hours to go we are just 712 donations away from matching his largest Senate ad buy ever dollar-for-dollar—and setting a single day record! But the Wall Street Journal reports that Republicans are surging after Rove's buy, and now “10 Senate races are now tossups.” To stop Republicans from winning the fight for the Senate majority, we absolutely must hit our midnight goal—we'll even match every contribution 3-to-1 UNTIL MIDNIGHT ONLY!

Please give $X immediately. We'll triple match your gift for only 4 hours and immediately rush it to deadlocked battlegrounds like Ohio and Virginia.

4 hours left. Crystal King

PAST SUPPORT Name Date of last contribute »

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. If you wish to contribute with a check, click here to download a printable donation form. This message was sent to [email]. To unsubscribe from the DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.