
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Re: I will be outspent


1 email variation



Friend --

We're getting outraised -- a first for a sitting president, if this continues.

Not just by the super PACs and outside groups that are pouring

hundreds of millions of dollars into misleading ads, but by our opponent

and the Republican Party, which just outraised us for the second month

in a row.

We can win a race in which the other side spends more than we do. But

not this much more.

So I need your help. If you believe that regular people should decide

elections, then please chip in $X or more today:


This isn't about me or the outcome of one election.

This election will be a test of the model that got us here. We'll learn

whether it's still true that a grassroots campaign can elect a president --

whether ordinary Americans are in control of our democracy in the face of

massive spending.

I believe we can do this. When all of us chip in what we can, when we

can, we are the most powerful force in politics.

But today is the day to prove it. Donate now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing

now. It matters.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Subject: Re: I will be outspent

From: [email protected]

Sent: July 10, 2012, 12:42 p.m.

Friend --

We're getting outraised -- a first for a sitting president, if this continues.

Not just by the super PACs and outside groups that are pouring

hundreds of millions of dollars into misleading ads, but by our opponent

and the Republican Party, which just outraised us for the second month

in a row.

We can win a race in which the other side spends more than we do. But

not this much more.

So I need your help. If you believe that regular people should decide

elections, then please chip in $X or more today:


This isn't about me or the outcome of one election.

This election will be a test of the model that got us here. We'll learn

whether it's still true that a grassroots campaign can elect a president --

whether ordinary Americans are in control of our democracy in the face of

massive spending.

I believe we can do this. When all of us chip in what we can, when we

can, we are the most powerful force in politics.

But today is the day to prove it. Donate now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing

now. It matters.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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