
Journalism in the Public Interest

Message Machine

Reverse-Engineering the 2012 Campaign

Emails Sent on July 10, 2012

Obama for America
11:28 p.m. ET
Re: I will be outspent

I sent you a note recently about how I'll likely be outspent

by my opponent in this election -- a first for a sitting


So many of you stepped up in response, and our side

raised more in June than we have in any previous month.

It wasn't anonymous millionaires coming to the rescue.

You responded in $X $X and $X donations -- lots of

people giving whatever they could afford.

Now we've learned that Mitt Romney's campaign and

the Republican Party have outraised us for the second

month in a row -- this time by $X million. I'm asking for

your support again today because we can't let this

fundraising gap continue to grow.

The only way we'll win is if each and every person who

believes in what we're building together steps up

right now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and

everything you're doing now. It matters.


Paid for by Obama for America

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We're getting outraised -- a first for a sitting president, if this continues. Not just by the super PACs and outside groups that are pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into misleading ads, but by our opponent and the Republican Party, which just outraised us for the second month in a row.

We can win a race in which the other side spends more than we do. But not this much more.

So I need your help. If you believe that regular people should decide elections, then please chip in $X or more today:


This isn't about me or the outcome of one election.

This election will be a test of the model that got us here. We'll learn whether it's still true that a grassroots campaign can elect a president -- whether ordinary Americans are in control of our democracy in the face of massive spending.

I believe we can do this. When all of us chip in what we can, when we can, we are the most powerful force in politics.

But today is the day to prove it. Donate now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing now. It matters.


--------------------------------------------------------------------- Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible


For the second month in a row, Romney and the Republicans outraised us -- this time by $X million.

I wrote to you recently about this new reality and its potential consequences.

We can get outspent and still win in November. But we cannot get outspent dramatically, month after month, and expect to have a chance.

I have no doubt we can close this gap before it's too late with folks like you chipping in what you can, when you can. But that's up to you. Will you make a donation today?

What's at stake is more important than my legacy as president, or even what we've accomplished together or still hope to do.

This is about whether ordinary people can still decide who wins a presidential election in this country -- even up against billionaires and outside groups trying to drown you out.

Everything we've built by knocking on doors, talking to people on the ground, and asking millions of Americans to own what happens in November is at risk.

I firmly believe we can win -- and do it the right way.

At a critical moment like this, I need you to double down.

Please donate $X or more today:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing now. It matters.


Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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We're getting outraised -- a first for a sitting president, if this continues.

Not just by the super PACs and outside groups that are pouring

hundreds of millions of dollars into misleading ads, but by our opponent

and the Republican Party, which just outraised us for the second month

in a row.

We can win a race in which the other side spends more than we do. But

not this much more.

So I need your help. If you believe that regular people should decide

elections, then please chip in $X or more today:

Because you've saved your payment information, your donation will go through immediately:



You can also choose from the amounts below.









Or donate another amount:


This isn't about me or the outcome of one election.

This election will be a test of the model that got us here. We'll learn

whether it's still true that a grassroots campaign can elect a president --

whether ordinary Americans are in control of our democracy in the face of

massive spending.

I believe we can do this. When all of us chip in what we can, when we

can, we are the most powerful force in politics.

But today is the day to prove it. Donate now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing

now. It matters.



Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible

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3:07 p.m. ET
You've gotta see this quote

image: Obama - Biden --

Reporters talked to a few people waiting to get into the Mitt Romney

fundraiser at the Koch estate in the Hamptons over the weekend.

Here's what one of them had to say:

"A New York City donor a few cars back, who also would not give her name,

said Romney needed to do a better job connecting. 'I don't think the

common person is getting it,' she said from the passenger seat of a Range

Rover stamped with East Hampton beach permits. ...

'We've got the message,' she added. 'But my college kid, the baby sitters,

the nails ladies -- everybody who's got the right to vote -- they don't

understand what's going on. I just think if you're lower income -- one,

you're not as educated, two, they don't understand how it works, they don't

understand how the systems work, they don't understand the impact."'

Whenever you hear about Romney's fundraising advantage, I want you to

remember this quote -- because this is the kind of person making huge

contributions to give him that advantage. If you do nothing, that's who

gets to win.

So please do something


This isn't just about the kind of people supporting Mitt Romney. This is

also about who benefits from a Romney presidency: Millionaires and

billionaires would get a $X tax cut, from a plan costing $X trillion,

while Wall Street would be allowed to write its own rules.

That's Romney's plan -- a return to Bush-era policies. It's hard to forget

how that ended.

The outcome is in your hands:


- Messina

Jim Messina

Campaign Manager

Obama for America

image: Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
5:56 a.m. ET
Good news and bad news

The good news: Democrats set fundraising records in June. The bad news:

Mitt Romney did too—and outraised President Obama by more than 30%.

Mark my words: If we don’t close this gap now, the White House and Senate

will be out of reach before Labor Day.

Please give $X right now. We must raise $X TODAY to close this


Thanks for everything you do,

Patty Murray

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,,

and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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friend - Mitt Romney just outraised President Obama and the Democrats for the second straight month. 6 hours and $X left — can you chip in $X? -Guy

Guy Cecil

DSCC Executive Director


From: Patty Murray

Sent: Tuesday, July 10, 2012

To: Guy Cecil

Subject: Good news and bad news

Guy —

The good news: Democrats set fundraising records in June. The bad news: Mitt Romney did too—and outraised President Obama by more than 30%.

Mark my words: If we don’t close this gap now, the White House and Senate will be out of reach before Labor Day.

Please give $X right now. We must raise $X TODAY to close this gap.

Thanks for everything you do,

Patty Murray

Paid for by the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee,,

and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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Democratic National Committee
12:42 p.m. ET
Re: I will be outspent

Friend --

We're getting outraised -- a first for a sitting president, if this continues.

Not just by the super PACs and outside groups that are pouring

hundreds of millions of dollars into misleading ads, but by our opponent

and the Republican Party, which just outraised us for the second month

in a row.

We can win a race in which the other side spends more than we do. But

not this much more.

So I need your help. If you believe that regular people should decide

elections, then please chip in $X or more today:


This isn't about me or the outcome of one election.

This election will be a test of the model that got us here. We'll learn

whether it's still true that a grassroots campaign can elect a president --

whether ordinary Americans are in control of our democracy in the face of

massive spending.

I believe we can do this. When all of us chip in what we can, when we

can, we are the most powerful force in politics.

But today is the day to prove it. Donate now:


Thank you -- for everything you've done before and everything you're doing

now. It matters.


Paid for by Obama for America

Contributions or gifts to Obama for America are not tax deductible.

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Romney for President
1:09 p.m. ET
The Vintage Collection

To view this email as a web page, go here.


I've always been proud of my late grandfather's legacy as a governor and a presidential candidate. And I'm prouder still to see my dad follow in his footsteps.

So I'm really excited to announce that the official online store will be carrying a Vintage Collection inspired by my grandfather's 1968 presidential campaign.

Check out the Vintage Collection, and know that every item you purchase will help my dad get that much closer to winning this historic 2012 election.



Tagg Romney


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PO Box 149757 Boston, Massachusetts 02114-9757

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Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee
3:05 p.m. ET
Can we send you a sticker?


Republicans are on the House floor right now pushing their latest bill to repeal Obamacare. I wanted to make sure you saw one of our new ads calling them out

Thanks -- Brandon

DCCC Digital Director

P.S. In appreciation for making ads like this possible, we're giving away 100,000 free 'I Love Obamacare' stickers. Get your FREE bumper sticker today!


Paid for by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee | 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, DC 20003

202 863-1500 | | Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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