Dept. of Homeland Security FOIA Exemptions

Use Rate
Total claims

Dept. of Homeland Security Annual Reports: '08 |
The Dept. of Homeland Security used b(3) exemptions to withhold information from FOIA requesters 155,886 times in 2008-2009.


  • All
  • Aliens and Nationality
  • Armed Forces
  • Crimes and Criminal Procedure
  • Domestic Security
  • Government Organization and Employees
  • Internal Revenue Code
  • Navigation and Navigable Waters
  • Other
  • Public Contracts
  • Shipping
  • The Public Health and Welfare
  • Transportation
Statute Description Claims
26 USC 6103 Tax return information 930.0
49 USC 114(s) Nondisclosure of security activities 240.0
41 USC 253b(m) Proposals submitted by unsuccessful contract bidders 75.0
FRCP 6(e) Grand Jury Information 56.0
49 USC 40110 Contract proposals, source selection documents 9.0
10 USC 130b Information concerning personnel in overseas sensitive units or routinely deployable units 8.0
49 CFR 1520 Sensitive Security Information 6.0
18 USC 2517 Wiretap information 5.0
46 USC 70103 Security Plans and other Information related to plans 3.0
41 USC 423(a) Contractor bid or proposal information or evaluations 2.0
6 USC 121 Note Chemical-terrorism Vulnerability Information (CVI) 2.0
33 USC 126 Security plans 1.0
5 USC 551 Congress 1.0
18 USC 1461 Obscene matter 1.0
42 USC 2168(a)(1)(C) Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information 1.0
8 USC 1304(b) DOS stamp 1.0
8 USC 1202(f) Records pertaining to the issuance or refusal of visas to enter the US 1.0