Search Privacy Violations, Breaches and Complaints
This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.
Chillicothe VA Medical Center
58 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.
June 25, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Veteran A called the Call Center and reported that he received in the mail an appointment letter for Veteran B with a similar name along with his appointment letter. The letter contained the appointment information and medication list. The Call…
Outcome: 06/25/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
May 12, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Veteran A called the Privacy Officer (PO) and stated that he received an appointment letter in the mail. In the envelope was not only his appointment information but also that of Veteran B. Veteran A delivered the appointment letter that…
Outcome: 05/12/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
May 4, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Pharmacy dispensed bandages and dressing intended for Veteran B to Veteran A. Both Veterans have the same last name. Veteran A, who received bandages/dressings in error, showed them to his nurse, who reported the incident to the Pharmacy…
Outcome: 05/04/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
April 29, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Veteran A received his lab results in the mail. Also, the lab results of Veteran B were in the envelope.…
Outcome: 04/29/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
April 27, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: A clerk in the Patient Transfer Center faxed 14 pages of a Veteran's medical record to the wrong fax number. The fax was intended for a local non-VA hospital. Fax number used was traced to a toll free number in…
Outcome: Data not available.
April 22, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Pharmacy mislabeled medications for 3 patients; consequently they were delivered to the wrong addresses by UPS. All patients were contacted by Pharmacy and the medications were reconciled and sent to the proper patients.…
Outcome: 04/22/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that three Veterans will be sent HIPPA notification letters.…
April 14, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Veteran A called the Call Center and told clerk that he received an appointment letter for Veteran B, as well as his own appointment letter in the mail. The clerk advised him to shred the letter that did not belong…
Outcome: 04/14/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
March 31, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: Pharmacy mailed Veteran A's medications to the address of Veteran B. Veteran B contacted the Call Center and was advised to dispose of the medications. Pharmacy was notified by Call center to re-send the medications to the proper address.…
Outcome: 03/31/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
March 20, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: The Patient Transfer Center mailed an appointment letter to Veteran A. An appointment letter for Veteran B was accidentally put in the same envelope. This letter contained Veteran B's name, address and type of appointment that he was scheduled for.…
Outcome: 03/20/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
March 20, 2015
Reported as: CHILLICOTHE OH - 538
Issue: A clerk mailed an appointment letter to Veteran A. A template was used to create this letter. The clerk forgot to change the name of previous Veteran B who also received the letter. As a result, Veteran A received a…
Outcome: 03/20/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that while there was an unauthorized access and/or disclosure of information, the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) involved, does not meet the criteria to require credit protection services or HIPAA notification.…