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James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital

This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

James A. Haley Veterans' Hospital

72 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.

September 25, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: Nursing service faxed two Veterans fall reports to an incorrect outside fax number.

Outcome: 09/25/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that two Veterans will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

September 12, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: VHA employee accessed a patient's medical record for other than treatment, payment, or healthcare operations and information given to various family members.

Outcome: 09/12/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that the Veteran will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

September 10, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: VA employee alleges VHA Occupational Health personnel added an addendum to employee health record at the request of a supervisor.

Outcome: 09/10/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team determined that the employee will receive a letter of notification.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

September 9, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: The facility had perforated postcards made to mail and notify Veterans of upcoming primary care clinic move to an offsite address. Approximately two of the 38 lists were modified in error resulting in Veterans receiving a postcard at their own…

Outcome: 09/09/14: This was discussed on the DBCT, and the DBCT determined this to be of low risk of compromise.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

September 5, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: Employee handed Veteran A his VA card as well as Veteran B's VA card when checking out of clinic. When Veteran A arrived home and determined he had 2 ID cards he hand delivered returned Veteran B's card the next…

Outcome: 09/26/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that while there was an unauthorized access and/or disclosure of information, the Personally Identifiable Information (PII) involved, does not meet the criteria to require credit protection services or HIPAA notification.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

August 28, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: VHA facility clinician inadvertently left a list containing three Veteran names and SSN's in a stack of handouts given to Veteran in a group setting. Veteran upon discovery returned to VHA staff.

Outcome: 08/28/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that three Veterans will be sent a letter offering credit protection services. 10/08/14: Further investigation revealed the event involved one document that had the names of 3 Veterans, one of which turned…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

August 28, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A received Veteran B's Lab results and PAT appointment in the mail with his information.

Outcome: 08/28/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

August 20, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: VHA staff member accessed "Patient Inquiry" to find a Veteran's contact information. Employee then emailed the Veteran to establish communication link. Veteran reported violation to local Privacy Officer.

Outcome: 08/20/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a notification letter.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

August 20, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran picked up clinic visit paperwork. Upon returning home discovered Patient Inquiry and Appointment list of 2 other Veterans.

Outcome: 08/20/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that two Veterans will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

August 14, 2014

Reported as: TAMPA FL - 673

Type: Violation

Issue: An unsecured appointment list containing PHI of five Veterans found after hours in a womens restroom.

Outcome: 09/09/14: The restroom is a public restroom and it is not known how long the list was in there. Five Veterans will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…

Location: TAMPA FL - 673  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs