Search Privacy Violations, Breaches and Complaints
This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.
Martinez Outpatient Clinic and Community Living Center
38 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.
March 6, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: ROI Clerk released 7332 medical Information on a Veteran to a 3rd party without proper authorization
Outcome: 03/06/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that the Veteran will be sent a 7332 notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed that was not authorized.…
February 23, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: Veteran A returned a letter that was sent to him that belonged to Veteran B. The letter contained the results of Veteran B's CT scan and had his full name and home address.…
Outcome: Data not available.
February 9, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: Employee A reported that Veteran A called and complained that his information was released to Veteran B. Veteran A stated that Veteran B called Veteran A to notify him that he had received his information. Information included a consult and…
Outcome: 02/17/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
January 21, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: Veteran A reported to a VA employee that he received a package of medication from the VA pharmacy with medication of Veteran B. Veteran A stated that the mailing label on the outside of the package has his information but…
Outcome: 01/22/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
January 13, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: Veteran A notified a VA supervisor that he received medical records regarding Veteran B. Veteran A stated that he provided the records to his attorney who notified him that the records included records regarding Veteran B. VA supervisor requested for…
Outcome: 01/14/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran B will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
January 13, 2015
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: VA Physician reported that he mistakenly provided an After Visit Summary of Veteran A to Veteran B. VA Physician found the error after Veteran B had already left the clinic and had VA Administrative staff contact Veteran B to dispose…
Outcome: 01/14/15: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a HIPAA notification letter due to Protected Health Information (PHI) being disclosed.…
November 24, 2014
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: VA Social Worker reported that she is unable to locate her files from a Nursing home visit on 11/20/14. Social Worker brought a client list with the full name, DOB and full SSN of the patients along with notes from…
Outcome: 11/25/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that 13 Veterans will be sent letters offering credit protection services. 01/12/15: On further review only 12 Veterans information was lost.…
October 15, 2014
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: A VA social worker reported that she received a call from an employee at the US Franchise Tax Board who reported that he received a fax in error regarding a Report of Suspected Dependent Adult/Elder abuse containing Veteran A's full…
Outcome: 10/16/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
October 14, 2014
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: It was reported by a VA Pharmacist that a patient was given a print out of a temporary ID that contained the full name, full social security number and date of birth of two other patients.
Outcome: 10/14/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Patient B and C will be sent a letter offering credit protection services. 11/18/14: PO update -- Both Veteran's whose information was improperly disclosed are deceased. The Incident Resolution Service Team…
September 26, 2014
Reported as: MARTINEZ CA - 612
Issue: RN case manager reported that on 09/26/14 a patient walked off with a doctors appointment list that contained the names, full social security numbers and phone numbers of 12 patients. RN case manager stated that the list was on the…
Outcome: 09/29/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that twelve (12) Veterans will be sent letters offering credit protection services. 10/01/14: Update, only 11 CPS letters were needed, the Veteran who received the list was part of the list.…