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VA Healthcare - VISN 4 (VISN 4)

This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

VA Healthcare - VISN 4 (VISN 4)

240 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.

June 11, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Altoona, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A received Veteran B's medical records. Veteran A returned Veteran B's medical records to medical center eligibility staff. Update: 06/11/12:Veteran B is deceased, so their next-of-kin will be sent a notification letter. Veteran B's name, SSN, and medical information…

Outcome: Veteran B's records were returned to the medical center by Veteran A.Veteran A's paper and electronic charts were reviewed and did not contain Veteran B's records.Veteran's B paper charts were received from the Federal Record Center and it was verified…

Location: VISN 04 Altoona, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

June 7, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Clarksburg, WV

Type: Violation

Issue: While the engineering staff was in the women's locker room moving lockers, medical documentation was found in one of the lockers. This information was dated for the year 2002. It looked like it had been in the locker since 2002.…

Outcome: Notification letters signed by the Director and will be mailed on 7-18-12Nursing Office was notified about this issue and instructed on education to staff on correct storage and disposal of PHI and PII

Location: VISN 04 Clarksburg, WV  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

June 6, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A was given Veteran B's medication on 05/23/12. Veteran A left the facility and returned home to his residence. Later the same day, Veteran A contacted the medical center pharmacy, returned the medication, and received the correct medication. There…

Outcome: Pharmacy Staff reminded on the importance of accuracy when dispensing medications

Location: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

June 6, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A was given Veteran B's medication. Veteran A left the medical center's pharmacy counseling area and was contacted by the pharmacist by cell phone prior to leaving the medical center. The medication was returned by Veteran A to the…

Outcome: Pharmacy staff were reminded on the importance of dispensing accurate medications to patients.

Location: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

June 6, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran contacted the medical center on 06/05/12 to state that he was contacted by Brand Comfort sales department on 06/04/12. Veteran stated that the sales person told him that he is currently on Viagra and that their company could provide…

Outcome: Information was forwarded to the Greater Lakes CMOP for followup on this issue.

Location: VISN 04 Lebanon, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

May 31, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A called and reported that they had also received Veteran B's medication paperwork in an envelope that they received with their prescription.Veteran B was contacted by pharmacy staff and they did not report that they had received any other…

Outcome: Advised pharmacy supervisor to reinforce good quality control methods.

Location: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

May 30, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Butler, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: The Privacy Officer (PO) will need to gather more information, but the daughter of Veteran A mailed in an application to our VA and somehow that application was incorrectly mailed out form the VA to Veteran B's home. It seems…

Outcome: The Supervisor of the department is making the employees retake Privacy/HIPAA training course 10203. Procedures are also being reviewed and those needing changed will be changed…

Location: VISN 04 Butler, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

May 22, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: The VA Police reported an incident regarding a suspicious vehicle on VA property at 9:45 PM. The VA Police discovered a VA employee who was attempting to move boxes of documents that contained personally identifiable information (PII) and/or protected health…

Outcome: This VA employee was in clear violation of VA Privacy Policies. A violation memo is being prepared and will be routed to the service line VP, and HR employee/labor relations for further administrative action.

Location: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

May 18, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Butler, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Appointment List printed on March 14, 2012 by VA staff. It was found by VA staff at the end of April in our Domiciliary dayroom. Various patients, visitors, staff, could have had access to the information. We do not know…


Location: VISN 04 Butler, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

May 16, 2012

Reported as: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA

Type: Violation

Issue: Veteran A had requested and was provided medical records from the release of information office. Veteran A however sent back several pages of the documents that were released which contained correct name, SSN and date of birth, but the notes…

Outcome: The records have been corrected and notification has been completed. This error will be addressed to the COS office to advise that proper medical documentation is very important.

Location: VISN 04 Pittsburgh, PA  —  Reporting Agency: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs