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Deleted Tweets mentioning 'Obamacare'


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1388582097233842176 4jlxpydk bigger

The United States Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. It is time to move forward and build on the many successes of this monumental law that has changed the health care of millions of Americans. It is time for Republicans to stop obstructing. https://t.co/3xeIzZwRqQ \

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JustinBurau (R-Ill.)

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Reducing healthcare premiums must be our #1 priority. Strengthening Obamacare will NOT do that, we know this from when before. Transparency and competition will reduce the costs. You should know which insurance companies have the best discounts. #healthcare #Obamacare #GOP

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joekent16jan19 (R-Wash.)

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Rep. Beutler’s opposition to President Trump not only on the Syria withdrawal but on securing our border, repealing Obamacare, and fighting ANTIFA terrorism right here in the Pacific Northwest further demonstrates how poorly suited she is to represent us in Congress.

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JustinBurau (R-Ill.)

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What @AOC doesn’t tell you, you is that mental health coverage has gotten worse under Obamacare because of rising drug cost. Someone shouldn’t be paying $200+ a month to feel normal! #mentalhealth #GOO #healthcare #obamacare https://t.co/CoOujZKnkf QT @AOC: )

1301555700011806726 umvh3 fp bigger

With the American Rescue Plan, health care is higher quality, lower cost, and ready to protect you -- during this pandemic and beyond. Anyone currently enrolled in Obamacare can visit https://t.co/svWF4FA59S to update their plan and start saving now." https://t.co/Uw8DEYtjYe

1347538782451625984 4ybxm 09 bigger

I feel like I'm having 2010 déjà vu when Pelosi said we need to pass Obamacare to find out what's in it. With a $28T national debt, the least we can do for the American taxpayer is take a moment & read this bill before we decide to spend nearly $2T more. https://t.co/NOUO2ZOmdS

1414673598522937351 k1ctarrp bigger

Politicians in 2010: We must pass Obamacare so Americans can find out what's in it. Politicians today: We must pass stimulus so Americans can find out how much of their money is going to foreign countries.

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RT @AP_Politics: The Supreme Court hears arguments today in its third major case over the Affordable Care Act, called “Obamacare.” P… https://t.co/j5HoU6vh5t

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RT @attn: Here's what will happen to people living with disabilities if the Supreme Court terminates Obamacare. https://t.co/DQgDnx5PAR

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CollinsforGA (R-Ga.)

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'No one lost their private insurance under Obamacare.' Talk to your former, Boss @JoeBiden #Debates2020 https://t.co/Gv6yNFGNGM

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RussellFosterTX (D-Texas)

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Trump wants to rename obamacare to "Trump's Better Care" while taking out anything that made it good, and claim it as brand new. He has no clue what he is talking about when it comes to healthcare. Trump is going to screw over millions of Americans. 4 years and Trump has nothing!

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RussellFosterTX (D-Texas)

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@JohnCornyn John, you are voting to take healthcare away from millions of Texans. Trump admitted it. Stop destroying Texan's lives for your personal gain. Trump tells @60Minutes in footage he released that he wants to see the Supreme Court wipe out Obamacare. “I hope that they end it.”

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Think of it: Joe Biden wants to re-implement Obamacare’s punitive “Cadillac” tax on middle-income workers’ employer-sponsored health insurance policies that he thinks are too good. QT @abigailmarone: @SymoneDSanders To be clear: Joe Biden promised to bring back Obamacare's individual mandate tax. Before President… https://t.co/IkToHnQePz)

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auctnr1 (R-Mo.)

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RT @dbongino: Let’s be CRYSTAL CLEAR, your healthcare costs exploded, and your network to providers shrunk, because of Obamacare.… https://t.co/KY1B48IND3

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RT @alextdaugherty: "Obamacare is not the great answer to everything, I want to improve competition, I want to improve the access. I wi… https://t.co/72rKzxCn3F

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HEALTHCARE FACTS FACT 1: Trump STILL has NO health plan & is suing to end #Obamacare during a pandemic. FACT 2: #Obamacare has protected Americans with pre-existing conditions & greatly expanded health coverage. FACT 3: @JoeBiden will expand #Obamacare and add a public option https://t.co/2JZgfpkTYv

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MarthaMcSally (R-Ariz.)

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Obamacare is not working, and too many people are falling through the cracks. We will never go back to the days where those with pre-existing condiditons don't have coverage. Mark will continue to use shameful scare tactics, but here's the truth. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://t.co/7s584LOMif

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VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)

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RT @realDonaldTrump: Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Cour… https://t.co/7GLdqdPHab

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SimaforTX (D-Texas)

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RT @GeneforTexas: Now, more than ever... We need to elect members of Congress who will stand AGAINST the repeal of Obamacare. We need to h… QT @SimaforTX: Since @DanCrenshawTX is in the mood to make a fool of himself today, I figured I'd help him out. Dan just dropped… https://t.co/3ftapkOocg)

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BarnettforAZ (R-Ariz.)

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@Lincolnsguest @AOC I’m not talking about his service which I fully support. I’m talking about how he voted on Obamacare. WTH are you talking about?

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