Deleted Tweets From Veronica Fernandez, X-N.J.
Veronica Fernandez's accounts: VeronicaforNJ
Tracked Between: March 29, 2020-November 06, 2020
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Want to see an #IndependentCandidate debate @CoryBooker? Past debates have been limited to #Democrats and #Republicans. With so many issues affecting #NJ residents, we should hear the views and visions of ALL candidates. #LetVeronicaDebate Sign:
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Getting ready to speak to the voters of NJ. Tune in at 7pm and ask me a question. #Veronica2020 #LetNJDecide
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Getting ready to speak to the voters of NJ. Tune in at 7pm and ask me a question.
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
RT @TheNJGlobe: Cardinal Tobin refuses to take questions on Reproductive Freedom Act -
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
RT @hoffman4US2020: Please retweet if you care about democracy. Voters must know their choices for US Senate. It is shameful that @CoryBook… QT @VeronicaforNJ: WHY ISN'T @TheNJGlobe hosting a US Senate debate? Why is Cory Booker allowed to "glide" into office? There are fou…
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Seriously, why is there a blackout for a US Senate debate here in #NJ?! Why should @SenBooker be allowed to just "slide" into office. @hoffman4US2020 @Burke4Senate @RikMehta_NJ #demandadebate #voters should know ALL their choices BEFORE making their decisions.
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Seriously, why is there a blackout for a US Senate debate here in #NJ?! Why should @SenBooker be allowed to just "slide" into office. @hoffman4US2020 @Burke4Senate @RikMehta_NJ #demandadebate #voters should know ALL their choices BEFORE making their decisions.
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Where your tax bailout $$ go. "Airlines spent 96 percent of their free cash flow over the last decade on stock buybacks that boosted investor wealth and executive compensation..."
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
RT @realDonaldTrump: Obamacare will be replaced with a MUCH better, and FAR cheaper, alternative if it is terminated in the Supreme Cour…
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Beautiful morning here in NJ, but in Trump’s Swamp Andrew Wheeler is very busy deregulating environmental protections in favor of the fossil fuel industry. I will clean up #Congress so we can wake up every morning with clean air and water
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
There is something so fundamentally wrong with being able to donate millions to the very people who can vote to appoint you. Buying your job should be against the law.#unrigthesystem #getmoneyout #congress
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Welcome back Congress! Just another day where the priority is raising $$$$. Vote them out and elect candidates who have values, vision, and a sincere desire to make OUR lives better. #congress #draintheswamp #unrigthesystem
VeronicaforNJ (X-N.J.)
Do your own research & see just how much of OUR time is wasted. Campaign finance reform is my PRIORTY & the only way we will get Congress working for US again!