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Explore the Tweets They Didn't Want You to See

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

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Ann_Ashford (D-Neb.)

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Couldn’t resist making a stop by the @Channel941Omaha and @MeaningOfCare diaper drive today at @HyVee. In these times, it’s important to remember there is SO much good being done across #NE02 https://t.co/SxslShpKzD

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KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)

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@billadler @realDonaldTrump Excellent quote to sum up the situation.

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Medicare for All means everyone will have better coverage & benefits than their current insurance provides and won’t pay a dime. Every doctor will be in network. The rich and corporations will pay for it. So what is their not to like?

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Nate_McMurray (D-N.Y.)

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Nowadays, a bunch of analytics people in DC determine who gets funding. Districts like #NY27 get ignored based on the data alone. It’s so troubling that this guy got the backing he did but now supports Trump. The data may have worked. His values don’t. https://t.co/a1cRWp1BAX

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WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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RT @JakeVK: @jonfavs People like this deserve to lose their seats. When political survival and keeping your temp job trumps* ha… https://t.co/GDe7GWNHcM

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davidkim2020 (D-Calif.)

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Yup I've raced more in individual contributions than the incumbent in my race, an establishment Democrat who has a campaign war chest of $750K+, 98.8% of which are from corporate interests. SMH. Establishment Democrats HAVE GOT TO GO. NOW. QT @cenkuygur: Have you ever seen establishment Democrats fight Republicans as hard as they are fighting me? Because I'm a bigger… https://t.co/r08S2rwKju)

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VoteForSolomon (D-Mich.)

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RT @cenkuygur: I was knocking on doors today for my race & talked to guy who said he was neutral between the two parties. I asked… https://t.co/aNtneuvSqT

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Armitage2020WA (D-Wash.)

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RT @ZackLyman: Sometimes I lay in bed and wonder, can we make chip bags out of more silent materials?

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Armitage2020WA (D-Wash.)

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RT @ZackLyman: Sometimes I lay in bed and wonder, can we make chip bags out of more silent materials?

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.