Deleted Tweets From Ron Karpus, D-Ohio
Ron Karpus's accounts: KarpusOH16
Tracked Between: November 22, 2019-April 30, 2020
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @DrBang_Wx: There are dark times ahead, but I can still put love & light out into the world. Some folks have mentioned putting…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
@jake_zuckerman Look at that date?!
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @GovMikeDeWine: Happy #NationalDoctorDay. We want to especially thank @DrAmyActon today. She is nothing short of amazing. She has…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @quickbear: My mom thinks people should start putting up Christmas lights in their windows to remind each other that there is s…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @GovMikeDeWine: The map below outlines where we've seen positive cases of #COVID19 in #Ohio as of today. #COVID19OhioReady https://t.c… QT @WDTN: According to the Ohio Department of Health, 67 positive cases have been reported in Ohio as of Tuesday. For more i…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @PPGreaterOH: Gag rules are dangerous policies that prevent people from getting the crucial sexual and reproductive health care t…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @LWVGrCleveland: Apply now for 2020 Census Jobs at these upcoming recruitment sessions at the Virgil E. Brown building, 1641 Payne A…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @funder: Rep John Lewis leads walk across Selma, AL bridge with Speaker Pelosi, Senator Kamala Harris and others, where Lewi…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @SenSherrodBrown: WATCH: We’ll hear from the president’s lawyers today. If his defense is as strong as he claims, why don’t they want us to hear from witnesses?
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @ShannonFreshour: My opponent Republican Jim Jordan would be very upset if you all stepped up to retweet this and help build our campaign so we can defeat him in November!
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @ConnieSchultz: They sit. They stand. No one is arguing over a chair. Virtually every gathering of women I’ve ever known. Photo…
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @ohioaflcio: #Dignity and #Respect are two of the biggest reasons workers form their @AFLCIO #Union!
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @ConnieSchultz: To condone this is to betray America.
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @DemCastUSA: New post: "Meet the Candidate: Ronald Karpus III (Ohio)" by DemCast Staff #DemCast
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @JeffaCrossman: I was pleased to cosponsor this important bill. People need to have access to their lifesaving meds without being gouged!
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @ZerlinaMaxwell: Ok guys re-upping this bc a lot of folks are in my mentions angry and upset about the @KamalaHarris news. If you like a candidate then donate,text, and make calls. The non-billionaire candidates need your money!
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
Ready to earn your vote! Filing petitions at the Board of Elections. #vote #vote2020 #ohio #democrat #democratic party #congressional #ushouse #elections #karpusoh16 #karpusforohio
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
KarpusOH16 (D-Ohio)
RT @DavidPepper: A political system is failing when it creates incentives to do exactly the opposite of the popular will, again and again. Yet that is exactly what is happening in states like Ohio, saddled with extreme gerrymandering. 15/