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Deleted Tweet from Carol H. Iannuzzi, D-Texas

Deleted Tweet from Carol H Iannuzzi for U.S. House TX-26

1104042536631451648 8zg9azaq bigger

caroltx26 (D-Texas)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @charles_gaba: Attn. @Hank4Texas @SimaforTX @LuluForTexas @RussellFosterTX @csalter3 @stephendaniel @LizForTX8 @SiegelForTexas @jonmarkh… QT @charles_gaba: TEXAS: If the #ACA is struck down by Trump/GOP's #TexasFoldEm lawsuit, 1,958,000 Texans are projected to lose healt… https://t.co/Wh8jWFjJ2J)

It looks like this tweet was not replaced.