Due to a Twitter API change, Politwoops is not currently tracking deletions. We are working to restore service soon.

Deleted Tweet from Don Samuels, D-Minn.

Deleted Tweet from Don Samuels

1521151942831005696 fd6h pwp bigger

DonSamuelsMN (D-Minn.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Don't miss Don today, July 17th, on WCCO channel 4 with Esme Murphy at 10:30am and then on KMOJ 89.9FM with Al Flowers at 1:00pm! Can't tune in? No problem! As recordings become available, they will be posted on https://t.co/tKD8Kzp52o! https://t.co/FefBuNfL53

It looks like this tweet was replaced by the next tweet from @DonSamuelsMN.