Deleted Tweets From Betty McCollum, D-Minn.
Betty McCollum's accounts: BettyMcCollum04
Tracking Since: February 13, 2013
RT @OfficialCBC: CBC Chairman @RepRichmond signs our 1,300-page #JobsAndJustice Act of 2018 after a press conference on Thursday, Ma…
Threats from President Trump to abandon the Iran Nuclear Agreement damages US leadership and risks war with Iran. Here are 500 parliamentarians from Great Britain, Germany, and France urging the U.S. keep its word.
Your daily @EPAScottPruitt scandal: Pruitt allowed a lobbyist to arrange an official lavish trip to Morocco, and months later that lobbyist was hired by Morocco at $40,000 per month. It’s time to #BootPruitt.
RT @RepCicilline: Democrats have a REAL plan to give people #ABetterDeal through investing in our workers & reprioritizing groundbrea…
RT @Zhirji28: Rep. McCollum: We reached out to the IG's office about Pruitt's claim you made this morning that you've received re…
RT @davidbschultz: @BettyMcCollum04 says she spoke to IG and he said Pruitt's testimony this morning was incorrect, IG has not found a…
RT @Zhirji28: "Climate change is the greatest environmental threat our planet faces," Rep. McCollum says
RT @NRDCWater: .@BettyMcCollum04 flags numerous concerns with Trump/Pruitt budget, undermining safeguards, and says…
I am honored to receive the @GoParks Park Champion Award. As Ranking Member on the House Interior-Environment Appropriations Subcommittee, I will continue to fight for the preservation of our beautiful public lands and national parks.
We continue to learn more about @EPAScottPruitt’s longstanding pattern of unethical conduct and misleading comments. The American people deserve better than the #CultureOfCorruption, cronyism, & incompetence that is pervasive under @realDonaldTrump. h
RT @CaucusOnClimate: 11 lost lives. 5 million barrels of spilled oil. Catastrophic loss of wildlife and habitat. That was the result…
RT @CaucusOnClimate: 11 lost lives. 5 million barrels of spilled oil. Catastrophic loss of wildlife and habitat. That was the result…
.@HouseDemocrats won't let @realdDonaldTrump destroy environmental protections without a fight. 106 of us are demanding @SecretaryZinke end @BLMNational's efforts to reverse the Methane Waste Prevention Rule. #CutMethane
I'm proud to join a bipartisan coalition of 240 Representatives — a majority of the House — demanding a vote on a solution for #DACA recipients. It's time for @SpeakerRyan & @HouseGOP to stop stalling and #GiveUsAVote. #DreamersDeserveAVote https://t.
After exploding deficits with #GOPTaxScam giveaways to billionaires, @SpeakerRyan is pushing a Constitutional amendment that makes middle class families pay for it. This political stunt shows just how little @HouseGOP cares about working families. https
As we mark #VietnamVeteransDay, we recognize and thank our Vietnam Veterans & their families for their service — and we remember the more than 58,000 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice. #NationalVietnamVeteransDay
RT @RepRobinKelly: Orlando: 49; Sandy Hook: 26; Las Vegas: 58; Sutherland Spring: 26; Aurora: 12; Virginia Tech: 32; and the li…
RT @Wilderness: Thx @SenSchumer @SenatorTomUdall @SenatorCantwell @BettyMcCollum04 @NancyPelosi @WhipHoyer for rejecting over 200 e…
Congress to boost opioid treatment, prevention dollars
RT @vanitaguptaCR: There are no do-overs with the census. We must get it right the first time. Today, with the final 2018 appropriatio…