Deleted Tweets From Betty McCollum, D-Minn.
Betty McCollum's accounts: BettyMcCollum04
Tracking Since: February 13, 2013
Thanks @mnnurses for stopping by my office to talk about how the #ACA is working fo our communities. We must…
Thanks @mnnurses for stopping my office to talk about how #ACA is working fo our communities. We must…
@Isadougherty great to see you at the #WomensMarch! No matter the obstacles, we're going to keep standing up & spea…
My thoughts on President-elect Trump's choice of Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to lead @Interior →
RT @HouseDemocrats: GOP broke Congress's #budget agreement in Dec.! But no excuse w/end-of-Sept. deadline not to pass #budget - Becerra
Congratulations to Dr. Carla Hayden on her historic swearing-in as the 14th #LibrarianofCongress!
Celebrated yesterday with O.H. Anderson Elementary School's John Petronek to mark his 50 years in the classroom!
Met with @MOFAS leaders today. Appreciate the work they are do to prevent fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
I agree with @USAToday: it's time for @HouseGOP to come back to Washington & fully fund response to the Zika virus.
Great to join my friend @RepSteveIsrael & Long Sound advocates to talk about protecting our country's waterways!
My deepest sympathies to the loved ones of Philando Castile. This tragic shooting demands USDOJ investigation. We need facts, peace & calm.
RT @keithellison: My sister and colleague Rep. Betty McCollum sitting-in for background checks and no fly-buy
RT @RepDanKildee: Grateful for @rosadelauro @BettyMcCollum04 @RepBarbaraLee @RepSamFarr & @RepMarcyKaptur fighting for #FlintWaterCrisis aid in Congress today
Taking about my family's exp w/colorectal cancer & the importance of early screening access @ACSCANMN #onedegree
As lead Dem on Interior Appropriations today's hearing is on US Forest Service's $4.9 billion budget for 2017.
As lead Dem on Interior Appropriations today's hearing is on US Forest Service's $4.9 billion budget for 2017.
As lead Democrat on Interior Appropriations today's hearing is on US Forest Service's $4.9 billion budget for 2017.
Constituent Service Reps from my office are on deck to help residents today at Stillwater City Hall 9-11AM
@MNNationalGuard Honored to welcome home the service members from the 834th ASB & C 1-171 GSAB
Thanking veterans at @AmericanLegion Post 557 for their continued service to our country #NationalNightOut