Deleted Tweets From Bridie Farrell, D-N.Y.
Bridie Farrell's accounts: BridieForUs
Tracked Between: August 17, 2021-May 23, 2022
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
5.5 miles of lawn mowing yesterday.
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
#NorthCounty ❄️ QT @SunCmtyNews: #SportsTheValleyNewsSun Storm boys, Bomber girls win Nordic titles
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
┏┓ ┃┃╱╲ In this ┃╱╱╲╲ house ╱╱╭╮╲╲ we support: ▔▏┗┛▕▔ ╱▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲ -Hiring & Shopping Local -Supporting Our Unions -Affordable & Accessible Healthcare ╱╱ ┏┳┓ ╭╮ ┏┳┓ ╲╲ ▔▏ ┗┻┛ ┃┃ ┗┻┛ ▕▔
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
Our representative should give people more rights, not prevent us from exercising the freedoms we already have. Today Elise once again voted against the people by opposing the voting rights act. I will always vote to expend your rights, not prevent you from having them.
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
@MaryHun29075480 I hope not! DM. Let’s work together!
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
@djinfared Let’s work together! DM me.
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
Our ability to vote is one of the many reasons I’m running for Congress. I support voting rights and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. QT @defendvoting: Are we surprised?)
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
RT @Teamsters: Teamsters to the rescue ❤️ Shout out to Local 25 for delivering 50 pallets of supplies to families in Kentucky who were impa… QT @Teamsters25: 50 pallets of supplies from #NewEngland delivered to those in need in #Kentucky. #Teamsters Local 25 worked w/Mass.…
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
Great meeting voters in Plattsburg at the Toy Drive hosted by the St. Lawrence Democratic Committee and our local laborers. When elected to Congress, I will stand and fight for labor, who give so much to our community.
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
@RichK225 @MayoIsSpicyy Maybe don’t answer that publicly. I’ll DM you.
BridieForUs (D-N.Y.)
@RichK225 @MayoIsSpicyy The correct district lines do have Watertown in NY21. Is that where you are?