Deleted Tweets From Dan Whitfield, D-Ark.
Dan Whitfield's accounts: DanWhitCongress
Tracked Between: January 27, 2020-November 07, 2020
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@ARCOVIdiots When I made this post 8 years ago I was a Republican. I was ignorant and didn’t realize what I said was being racist, that’s why in the second screenshot when someone said it was racist I changed the wording.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@BlueHogReport I guess you should have looked harder because I have each expense itemized . This equipment is used for news interviews and live streams. What other candidates do weekly live stream Q&As and updates? I see a lot of misinformation in yet another of your tabloid articles.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@BlueHogReport @FArkantart You’re a pretty terrible human being Matt Campbell. I buy a caffinss as ted beverage when o have to drive several hours to attend something campaign related. I get tired when o drive for 8 hours a day. And I’ve driven over 10,000 miles. Oil changes are permitted. You’re a clown.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@PoliticalHypoc4 Thief? Excuse me?
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@BlueHogReport My spending isn’t shady. Look at the democrats $265k spending. That’s shady. By the way, the fec quarterly filing is due 10/15 not 9/15 .
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
RT @DanWhitCongress: I am the opponent of @SenTomCotton. This may surprise you because you’ve heard that he is “running unopposed.” He’s…
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@blaireerskine @POTUS Maybe just put a mask on for 5 mins to pick your kid up? Have some respect for children.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SatireObama @proletariat32 @JoeBiden Why not lower the Medicare age to 0 so that every American can have insurance without worrying about bankruptcy or dying because they can’t afford prescription medicine? #MedicareForAll People > Profits
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
RT @DanWhitCongress: My name is Dan Whitfield. I’m a working class progressive running to unseat and replace @SenTomCotton. He wants you…
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
Would you still vote for me if I was affiliated with any of these parties but still had the same policy, direct democracy, stances?
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
If we invested $2k/mo/person in March and forced everyone to stock up on groceries and stay home for 2 months the pandemic would be over, 200,000 people wouldn’t have died, and our economy would already be back to normal. Instead, billionaires made over $600,000,000 since March.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
RT @shaunking: And it is done. The State of Alabama just executed an innocent man. Nate Woods is dead. We are crushed that Nat…
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@BartHester submitted a bill that made it harder for third parties to get ballot access. At that point he had already verified the information the GOP used to blackmail the democrat out of this race. He used his elected position to manipulate the ballot. #PutWhitfieldOnTheBallot
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
What’s a good reason to put #WhitfieldOnTheBallot? 100% of our contributions are from individual donors. $0 from political parties. $0 from PACs. $0 from giant corporations. $0 from billionaires. 80% of contributions >$200 and 20% of contributions <$200. #WhitfieldBeatsCotton
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
RT @DanWhitCongress: What’s a good reason to put #WhitfieldOnTheBallot? 100% of our contributions are from individual donors. $0 from po…
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
What would help improve the lives of MILLIONS Americans? Nationally expunging cannabis convictions. Drug addiction is a mental health issue, not a criminal one. We need to federally decriminalize cannabis and nationally expunge cannabis convictions! #WhitfieldBeatsCotton
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
I drove to Tulsa to meet my lawyer for lunch today so my livestream Q&A is going to be a little later today. Livestream Q&A tonight at 8pm CT!