Deleted Tweets From Doug White, D-Wash.
Doug White's accounts: DougCongress
Tracked Between: November 03, 2021-November 22, 2022
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Today I am here. AG industry has stable water supplies, but the future is uncertain, the Ogallala aquifer, residential drinking water, future AG growth and our native species of plants are at risk. This project must be completed. #DoNothingDan
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Are we really better off than we were ten years ago? It is time for a change, we need to reverse course. I am a strong leader with the skills and experience to deliver a better future.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
#GOTV at Trunk or Treat Kennewick October 30th. You know what scariest? Not voting and losing you reproductive rights, good jobs, Medicare and more! #VOTE
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
We must hold government accountable! Under @RepNewhouse our national debt increased $8 TRILLION Dollars! Biggest trade debt to China in our history!Corporate tax cuts 14% but not ours! Dan, and other wealthy people, skimmed $300 BILLION off a program for small business. No more!
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Thank you to the EMTs, firefighters, police officers, and paramedics who jump into action when an emergency strikes. The brave, selfless service of first responders keeps our communities safe! #NationalFirstRespondersDay
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
I was at pancakes with politicians this morning on NBC Right Now Thank you Monty Webb and Jessica Jalal. Dad jokes, interview and pancakes. Take a watch.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
ICYMI: It was a pleasure to join Pancakes with Politicians this morning! Check out the full segment here ➡️
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Sunfair Parade! We’re we the only ones giving out candy?! I had adults yelling “yay, candy!”.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Children were asked to vote on what was their biggest concern at the Okanogan County Fair. Overwhelmingly it was Child Care and Gun Violence.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Our downtowns used to be thriving. Yakima boasted two well stocked shopping malls. Our representative has refused to bring out tax dollars home to invest in ourselves. Now we have boarded up store fronts and violence. Set the bar higher, expect more!
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
We were at the HAMTEC Labor day picnic with out union printed signs, leaflets and business cards. #NeverNewhouse doesn't support or use union printers. He was nowhere to be seen.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
We must hold politicians accountable for what our tax dollars are spent on. Jeff Bezos got $10B for a spaceship. But $5B to ensure drought resiliency in Central Washington is too much! I demand fiscal responsibility, deficit reduction, no new taxes and our tax dollars spent on us
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
The ballots are certified and I have won the primary. Next stop, November 8! This campaign has blessed me with a purpose. I travel from one end of this district to the other meeting and listening to people. Are stories are all similar, we need to stick together!
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
We are building the economy of Central Washington to be strong far into the futures. All with no republican help. But we will all benefit! Push back on the lies!
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Wildfires have become a part of our lives and this is unacceptable. Ou land management has been neglected for decades. We can make progress in minimizing future fires. We must take action.
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
DougCongress (D-Wash.)
Nothing demonstrates the people of #CD4 then when I introduce myself, I get a blank stare back. Then is say I am running against Newhouse. Their reply “I’ll take a flyer and good luck!”