Deleted Tweets From Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.
Paul Gosar's accounts: Gosar4Congress, RepGosar
Tracked Between: January 10, 2013-April 12, 2014
I was honored to receive the Tempe Chamber of Commerce 2014 Business Excellence Award pictured with Dr. Paul Mittman.
@BuckeyRobert the plan isn't to phase them out. We want to make important reform #FeedbackFriday
Getting ready to go on Fox News - America's Newsroom. On air in a few minutes talking about alien smuggling.
Proud the Senate passed legislation I've been working on for years that'll help AZ homeowners.
Honored to attend the naming ceremony for the USNS Yuma with Navy Secretary Mabus and @CityofYuma Mayor Nicholls
From #FastAndFurious to telling state attorneys general not enforce laws they disagree with, Eric Holder’s list of transgressions is long.
Enjoyed speaking at the Maricopa County GOP meeting this morning.
CBO has renewed its fiscal cliff warning: Now more than ever, we must work together #Fiscalcliff
.@azgfd urges Fed to withdraw #AZ /NM jaguar proposal says it undermines true intent of ESA & is a public lands grab
Today, I am celebrating Constitution Day with students in Cottonwood & Casa Grande #Arizona: #USA
Don't let the lies and cover ups of the DOJ be forgotten. Like this tweet even what's deleted can't be hid. #FastandFurious
Tweets come and go. Facts hidden or not do not change. American's deserve answers for #FastandFurious and justice for Brian Terry's death.
Happy Father's Day! Join me in honoring all of the Father's who are away from their families today fighting for freedom.
Things deleted today: This tweet and $1,235,000 of funding for the US Botanic Garden. Pleased my amendment passed the House. #Poltiwoops