Deleted Tweets From Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.
Paul Gosar's accounts: Gosar4Congress, RepGosar
Tracked Between: January 10, 2013-April 12, 2014
As #AZ continues to fight #wildfires, our thoughts and prayers go out to our neighbors in New Mexico as well.
As AZ continues to fight wildfires, our thoughts and prayers go out to our neighbors in New Mexico as well.
Glad to see Jeff Neely leave the #GSA. As an @GOPoversight watchdog, we are there to protect taxpayer dollars and prevent government waste
Internal emails obtained by @NatResources questions the science used by the Obama #admin to counter #uranium mining
Internal emails obtained by @NatResources questions the science used by the Obama #admin to counter #uranium mining
Talking with Doug Stevens and Brandon Town of Cemex in Prescott. #Cemex #jobs
Discussing the importance of basic industries like concrete to our econ. Workers are asking for flatter & fairer #taxes
Discussing the importance of basic industries like concrete to our econ. Workers are asking for flatter & fairer taxes
"ICE, DEA, HIDTA, AZ National Guard here to testify... I'm excited to work with them to tackle our border security crisis."
Thank u @MicheleBachman for co-sponsoring my Resolution of No Confidence in US At Gen Eric Holder Citizens need answers
Great meeting w/ American Osteopathic Assoc reps- we should support young docs solving Health Care challenges@AOA_GOAL
Headed to floor to begin consideration of H.R. 2842, a bill @reptipton and I put forth to spur rural econ devel & increase renewable energy
Upon taking office in '08 Obama admin promised to be "the most open and transparent in history"-Another broken promise
"End these health mandates now" #goldenstethoscope
Legis passed committee that restores homeowner rights to property they have developed and paid taxes on for years.
Discussing the fedl govt's overreach, restricting economic development in N Arizona w/ Sup. Johnson - Lake Havasu, mining ban, GC Air Tours
Federal failure to secure the border puts Arizonans’ homes, businesses, and livelihoods at risk every day.
Thanks to @RepGosar for introducing me during Capitol Hill event on clean energy; good comments by him on public lands, renewables
“What are your ideas to fix Medicare to ensure it is stable for current and future retirees?”
Just concluded a great debate in @housenatresources and SRS. PILT, and forest health. We have to get people back into work in AZ's forests.