Deleted Tweets From Mary Fallin, R-Okla.
Mary Fallin's accounts: GovMaryFallin, MaryFallin
Tracked Between: February 07, 2011-January 11, 2019
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @AndrewSpeno: Thank you @GovMaryFallin for fighting the good fight! We need Criminal Justice reform. @RightOnCrime… QT @GovMaryFallin: Showing pictures and letters from children of incarcerated parents.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @The_RGA: GOP Governors @ScottWalker, @EricGreitens, @GovMaryFallin, @PhilBryantMS & @DougBurgum speak w/ @WalterIsaacson at…
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
Pleased to speak and present a proclamation stating today as “A Day of Prayer” throughout the State of Oklahoma.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
I had the great honor of delivering the prayer at the White House Gala last night with President Trump and the First Lady, Vice President Pence and Second Lady, the President's Cabinet and the nation's governors.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
The region’s business leaders are putting Green Country on the map.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
Getting ready to do a live interview on @cspan. I hope you’ll tune in.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
The cuts announced today by by @ODMHSASINFO are nothing short of devastating. We must put people above politics.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @mattkonenkamp: @GovMaryFallin has been as gracious a host as one could have, hosting @westgov and @SDGovDaugaard in Oklahoma!
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @TravisBrauer: Great discussion between @GovMaryFallin & @KOCOSteve this morning about the budget. Kudos to @koconews viewers for…
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @TravisBrauer: .@GovMaryFallin is live with @ChrisAStanford on @OKCFOX talking budget and her plan to fund core services.…
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
Glad to speak at the @BAChamber luncheon, +thank officials w/@Alfa_Laval for expanding their operations here and bringing in 100 new jobs.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
Congrats to Oklahoman @george_geissler on being named President of the National Association of State Forresters.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
RT @GovMaryFallin: Legislative leaders came to my office today to continue budget negotiations.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
My prayers go out to the victims and the families who were effected by the tragic event in Las Vegas.
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
“It was great to see former Governor Frank Keating last night at an event in his honor.”
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
“It was great to see former Governor Frank Keating tonight at an event in his honor.”
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
The Oklahoma Standard in action. Thank you to all who have volunteered or donated to help our southern friends in T… QT @okem: So proud of the team of Oklahomans helping with #Harvey!
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
It was great to see @boonepickens at the @CowboyFB game tonight and say thank you to him for all he does for Oklaho…
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
Thrilled to host author @FussellChris author of "One Mission: How Leaders Build a Team of Teams" which highlights a…
GovMaryFallin (R-Okla.)
ICYMI-I will continue to highlight the impact incarceration has on children who have a parent that is behind bars.