Deleted Tweets From Gretchen Whitmer, D-Mich.
Gretchen Whitmer's accounts: GovWhitmer
Tracking Since: January 06, 2010
RT @ronaldowens_iii: Wise folks always listen to their mama! @gretchenwhitmer is the only candidate that has a plan to…
This budget is a testament to what’s possible when we come together to focus on our middle class families, communities, and small businesses. When we focus on tackling the issues we face, we can make real change for Michigan.
Happy Manufacturing Week! Michigan’s manufacturing industry is home to 11,000 unique firms and 600,000 jobs. We celebrate every worker and innovative company that made Michigan the place that built the middle class and put the world on wheels.
RT @Steph_Glidden: Razzle Dazzle is doing his part to make sure the neighbors know that @gretchenwhitmer is the best choice for Govern…
Yoopers know a thing or two about warm welcomes. It may be the end of my UP Jobs Tour, but when it comes to getting things done for you and you’re family - we’re just getting started.
Started the 3rd day of my UP Jobs Tour at the grand opening of the Negaunee Union Carpenters & Millwrights Skilled Training Center!
As we continue our economic jumpstart, we need to ensure businesses like Superior Extrusions Inc have what they need to succeed. I’m proud to be here today to celebrate their creation of new jobs and $20.4 million+ investment in Gwinn.
Buying local has never been more important. That’s why I’ve issued a proclamation marking July 28 – August 4 as Buy Michigan Week. With each purchase made at a Michigan retailer, you can increase money in your community & improve your state as we put Michigan back to work.
RT @revgappy: my future governor QT @gretchenwhitmer: On the campaign trail, we sometimes run into people looking to throw shade our way. So we decided to take a page…
A $100 mil. affordable housing investment will help 6,000 Michiganders find a place to call home & create 6,000 good paying jobs. That’s more people with a launchpad to pursue their potential. People who can be part of our economic jumpstart. People who can sleep a bit easier.
RT @rikkishepherd: @MIGOP @AbdulElSayed @gretchenwhitmer @ShriForMI ���� The potholes are bigger than my car, there are sinkholes all…
Announcing #MIShotToWin – a sweepstakes for vaccinated Michiganders! The safe, effective vaccines keep you, your family, your community, and the most vulnerable among us safe from COVID-19 - and can now help you win prizes⬇️
Announcing #MIShotToWin – a sweepstakes for vaccinated Michiganders! The safe, effective vaccines keep you, your family, your community, and the most vulnerable among us safe from COVID-19 - and can now help you win prizes⬇️
RT @freep: Whitmer letter urges relief for previously promised funds to restaurants
RT @NWSGrandRapids: Severe Thunderstorm Warning including Saint Johns MI, DeWitt MI, Bath MI until 6:15 PM EDT
I’ve declared a state of emergency in response to extraordinary flooding in southeast Michigan. This will unlock additional resources today and in the days to come as we work to respond to heavy rainfall and assess additional flooding across the state.