Deleted Tweets From Scott Huffman, D-N.C.
Scott Huffman's accounts: HuffmanForNC
Tracked Between: October 19, 2019-November 07, 2020
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Quarantine is when your Govt keeps the people safe. Tyranny is when Govt restricts the freedom of people. Tyranny is when a Govt does nothing to keep the people safe. Reopen does not keep the people safe. The U.S. should be doing 900,000+ a day. Instead of 248,000 a day. #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
@AdamParkhomenko I still can't believe you are 349,000 more followers than me. I am grateful for the 51,000 who are following my campaign for congress.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Can we count of our Justice system to work when a guilty plea ends up with a dismissal of charges for Micheal Flynn. Or when a clear murder hate crime of Ahmaud Arbery is actually caught on video? NO.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
The benchmark. Why are other countries opening back up? They hit the benchmark for decline of new cases from social distancing, lockdown and testing. We have not hit that benchmark and we are opening sooner. What could go wrong? #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
How's your day? Not so good if you are part of 12.7٪ of our working class have filed for Unemployment Benefits in #NC. We are not doing enough to help #workingclass #NC get through this pandemic. #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
How your day? Not so good if you are part of 12.7٪ of our working class have filed for Unemployment Benefits in #NC. We are not doing enough to help #workingclass #NC get through this pandemic. #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @ProjectLincoln: � Mourning In America
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Happy #NationalTeacherDay to all those incredible educators. I know you being asked to remotely educate our children during #COVID19 and each and every one of you is doing a helluva job. As a parent of three. Thank you. #StayAtHome #NationalTeacherDay #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Trump revised the #Coronvirus death toll from 60k to 100k. Now I understand why the Pentagon ordered 100,000 bodybags before the news media reported on April 1st. If they knew before then. Trump knew how bad it was going to get to. #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @whale_alert: � � � � � � � � � � 100,000,000 #USDT (100,614,880 USD) transferred from Tether Treasury to unknown wallet Tx:
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
We need to encourage universal voting by mail, along with funding for state & federal elections in the next #coronavirus relief package. Democrats have already put forward this proposal Congress. Why does the @GOP @realDonaldTrump & @senatemajldr oppose #MailinBallots? #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
If Octkober Fest is canceled because of #COVID19. Then it's a no brainer to use mail in ballots in November because of #COVID19 #MailInBallots #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Why did he say it was sarcasm right after he said it? That's how sarcasm works. #COVID19
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
We can't #reopen yet. Because we are not doing enough testing. If we re-open, we will see a resurgence of #covid19 and more American deaths. #NC13 #StayAtHomeSaveLives
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
We can't #reopen yet. Because we are not doing enough testing. If we re-open, we will see a resurgence of #covid19 and more Americans will die. #NC13 We are only testing at 0.0261%
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
@NeugebauerWade Well the term "Civil" means you are non-violent. If this is a non-violent act civil disobedience to the stay at home order, why bring a firearm?
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
People would secure a spot in line days and weeks before a new iPhone or Star Wars movie release. Now its Food Bank lines.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Breaking# U.S. retail sales fall by record 8.7٪. This proves the #workingclass are economic engine that drives our economy. It's time to provide life support. That includes healthcare, wages, education, affordable housing, equality.