Deleted Tweets From Scott Huffman, D-N.C.
Scott Huffman's accounts: HuffmanForNC
Tracked Between: October 19, 2019-November 07, 2020
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Suddenly the whole country is depending on the very people they believe they shouldn't make $15 an hour.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Thxs @BernieSanders for the energy & passion you brought. Like you, I too will fight to make a difference and agree, the greatest threat is Trump and his enablers like my Republican opponent Rep Ted Budd. @JoeBiden #NC13 #ComeOneTed
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Corporate PACs and special interest groups are rushing to support my far-right opponent - can you chip in to help fund our people-powered campaign? The amount isn't as important as the donation itsself, we're to building a grassroots army $1 at a time ⬇️
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
If I was in Congress right now, I would be fighting to access $25 million of the stimulus dedicated for #RuralBroadband managed by the US Agriculture Dept. However, $25 million is not going to be enough to ensure we expand Broadband access through our nation. #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
If I was in Congress right now, I would be fighting to access that $25 million dedicated for #RuralBroadband in the Stimulus plan controlled by the US Agriculture Dept. However, $25 million is not going to be enough to ensure we expand Broadband access. #nc13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
#ComeOnTed Now isn't the time to write op-ed letters claiming you are fighting Govt Waste, when you rode on taxpayer funded AirForceOne vs cheaper commercial flights. Why aren't you demanding @RealDonaldTrump deliver on #PPE supplies? We are short 83% of our basic needs. #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
#ComeOnTed Robcalls are scamming American's before #Covid19. Why didn't you pen a take action to stop those illegal robocalls? -Social Security Scams -IRS Scams -Fake Tech Support -Your Identity has been stolen Did you know Hospitals need #PPE supplies? #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
I am so proud of my #Navy. They gave Captain Brett Crozier a standing ovation, cheers and chants as he departed his ship. This Naval Officer is a American hero who fell on his sword to protect his crew. #NavyStrong #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
We need to protect public safety. We don't know the timeline of when the #Coronavirus will be over. It could be next year before we have a #Vaccaine. Vote-By-Mail is the answer to protecting Americans. I call on my Republican opponent Rep. Ted Budd to support #VoteByMail. #NC13 QT @Eleven_Films: BREAKING: November Is Coming Demand Vote-By-Mail #NovemberIsComing
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Yes. Ambassador Rice. What the HELL is going on? We need those mask for our 1st Responders, Medical Professionals who are on the front lines. #NC13 QT @AmbassadorRice: What the hell?)
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @CarolLei4: Taxpayers Paid Millions to Design a Low-Cost Ventilator for a Pandemic. Instead, the Company Is Selling Versions of…
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
@ScottSwaim3 @RepTedBudd @NC_Governor #ComeOnTed You're posing with a military style weapon. I didn’t pose, I served. Please help me serve again and make a donation to my campaign. #NC
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @HuffmanForNC: �In less than one week we face our first major deadline� My far-right opponent is funded by dark money, corporate…
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
If healthcare workers & first responders are exposed to #coronavirus and don't survived. We're screwed.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
@politicoalex @KayPostcard @AmericaFirstPAC I have more followers than this Republican PAC. I just make a donation to Priorities USA @prioritiesUSA so they can get this video out all across the nation.
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Breaking: Over 3 MILLION Americans have filed for UNEMPLOYMENT Insurance in one week. 3,283,000 Source: US Dept of Labor This doesn't account for Contract, Freelancers and people like me who are self employed. #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
Breaking: Over 3 MILLION American have filed for UNEMPLOYMENT Insurance in one week. 3,283,000 Source: US Dept of Labor This doesn't account for Contract, Freelancers and people like me who are self employed. #NC13
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @HuffmanForNC: �In less than one week we face our first major deadline� My far-right opponent is funded by dark money, corporate…
HuffmanForNC (D-N.C.)
RT @PCIsurgeon: I am a cardiologist fighting covid -19 for last 4-5 days. I m pretty sure I contracted this from a false -ve tested…