Deleted Tweets From Joanne Wright, R-Calif.
Joanne Wright's accounts: JWrightforCA34
Tracked Between: February 09, 2020-March 06, 2020
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @Aug1405: I'll be doing shout outs if you want one add your twitter handle so I can give you one
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @Raymond29128040: @catturd2 Build a large housing complex and take people off the street while offering programs to help them get bac…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @ErrolWebber: And to close out Black History Month, I present to you the very Democrats who’ve spent Decades eroding our black communiti… QT @w_terrence: THIS IS PANDERING 1 on 1 Democratic Candidate Tom Steyer is pandering for black votes! He is dancing with a rapp…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @RealJamesWoods: When teenagers murder innocents with the savagery of wild beasts, it is only appropriate to name them and show thei…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @dstluke: @JWrightforCA34 @katherineOma @CIA I'm going to speak to you as someone who has mental illness. You're not insane.…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @LPG944: @jbr485 @JWrightforCA34 @adamkelsey @steph93065 @BernieSanders @ewarren @tan123 I dunno. Ask @SenatorLoeffler who j…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @MichaelCoudrey: EXPLICIT WARNING ⚠️: Look at the homeless epidemic in Los Angeles due to failed liberal policies, high taxes, and…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @RealJamesWoods: Changed his tune pretty quickly...
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
The Corona virus was man-made. Bill Gates is one of the financiers of the Wujan lab where it was being developed. I wouldn’t put it past them and by “them” I mean everyone from Adam Schiff to George Soros, Hillary Clinton and the Pope. #DeepStateCabal #KAG2020 @CIA QT @MissILmom: Is this Germ Warfare? @realDonaldTrump has been Tough on China. Coronavirus=Stock Market Down=Affects Re-Election.…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
@BrandonHarrisTC Today is #NationalSupportTrumpDay @realDonaldTrump @RealJamesWoods @ScottPresler @BrandonStraka @ScottBaio @RealEricCarmen Let’s show President Trump how much we love and support him. If the attached memes are yours, thank you-claim them! Today I will tell 10 people, I ❤️Trump
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
@RealErinCruz Exactly!
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @MikeRuleOfLaw: @tedlieu Where did the machines come from? Are they new? Did someone update the software on the old machines? If so…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @olivermeixner: @RealBFolks @MikeRuleOfLaw @tedlieu Right Soros la I 78
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @taylor4arizona: I need your help! Retweet this link to help get me on the ballot!
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @KTHopkins: Join me, @LaraLeaTrump, @JudgeJeanine @DiamondandSilk and @ShemekaMichelle The ULTIMATE ladies’ weekend with my…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @MichaelDadiego: @caroljsroth : DEMS, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Social Media, Hollywood are ALL Dividing US� – We NEED TO BE UNITE…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @KimKag6: Former FAKE President Barack Hussein Obama has been caught in video at the Bilderberg Conference for saying that “o…
JWrightforCA34 (R-Calif.)
RT @boyleheightsbt: #CD14 candidate John Jiménez gets the #BoyleHeightsBeat treatment this afternoon. Look for the story soon at…