Deleted Tweets From Jamie Belsito, D-Mass.
Jamie Belsito's accounts: JZBMA06
Tracked Between: June 08, 2020-November 07, 2020
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
RT @AP: BREAKING: Pope Francis endorses same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the fe…
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
He is absolutely right, in his 3 1/2 years, he has killed people and made people want to emigrate away from this country. He is a piece of human garbage; and STOP talking about the military when you wouldn’t even think of having served #Debates2020
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
Women are 53% of the population. Justice Ginsburg fought for the 53% that is woefully underrepresented in our government, boards of directors, education system, healthcare systems and decisions. It is incumbent upon us to be educated on the issues, and to #VOTE . #VOTEFORWOMEN.
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
Women are 53% of the population. Justice Ginsburg fought that 53% that is woefully underrepresented in our government, boards of directors, education system, healthcare systems and decisions. It is incumbent upon us to be educated on the issues, and to #VOTE. #VOTEFORWOMEN.
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
Women are 53% of the population. Justice Ginsburg fought that 53% that is woefully underrepresented in our government, boards of directors, education system, healthcare systems and decisions. It is incumbent upon us to be educated on the issues, and to VOTE. VOTE FOR WOMEN.
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
RT @OfficialJonZal: "I am exhausted from the star-spangled assholes parading around in militia-cosplay plumage, claiming to love Americ…
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
@TommyVitolo TY for the very kind card! I ran for the people and will continue to work for the constituents of the 6th district. #6thOverSelf
JZBMA06 (D-Mass.)
RT @VShabo: Even better news! Twenty-four leading companies are urging Congress to pass the bipartisan Pregnant Workers Fairness Act to cr… QT @VShabo: GOOD NEWS (!): The *bipartisan* Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will receive a vote in the U.S. House of Representati…