Deleted Tweets From Kevin Jones, D-Md.
Kevin Jones's accounts: KevinJonesForMD
Tracked Between: July 23, 2019-February 12, 2020
KevinJonesForMD (D-Md.)
@AndrewYang I built a website using AWS cloud and created videos messing around building sample networks using cloud.
KevinJonesForMD (D-Md.)
RT @ZaidJilani: Why is Andrew Yang trying to bribe voters with $1,000 a month instead of bribing corporations with hundreds of billions of dollars in subsidies like a normal politician?
KevinJonesForMD (D-Md.)
RT @turgley: #BlacksForYang where y'all at??? #BlackTwitter #BlackLivesMatter #BlackLove
KevinJonesForMD (D-Md.)
Congressman Elijah Cummings MD District 7 - October 17th 2019. Rest In Peace Sir. You put up a great fight for Maryland and this nation. Whoever assumes your seat; I hope they’re ready.