Deleted Tweets From Kevin Nicholson, R-Wis.
Kevin Nicholson's accounts: KevinMNicholson
Tracked Between: October 20, 2017-August 15, 2018
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Great time at the Neenah Parade of Lights and a perfect evening to roll out the #BullDogOnTheRun. #TheBulldog #SendInTheMarine #WISen #WIright
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
RT @MikeGousha: Tomorrow on #UpFront, my guests are U.S. Senate candidate @KevinMNicholson and #Foxconn executive Louis Woo. You s…
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
I talked with @WQOW in Eau Claire this afternoon our about our outisider campaign for U.S. Senate #SendInTheMarine #WISen #WIRight More here:
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
"The foundation to all of this is fiscal. Do you have your fiscal house in order so that you can fund a strategic, intelligent defense and keep your people safe," he said. Read more here: #SendInTheMarine #WISen #WIRight
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
RT @620wtmj: RIP Officer Charles Irvine, Jr.
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
RT @emilyjashinsky: Something being missed in Washington -> Nicholson says here Obamacare is "very much on the top of the minds" of people… QT @KevinMNicholson: My life has been spent as a husband, a father, a Marine Corps officer in Iraq & Afghanistan, and in business. My li…
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
DAVE ZIEN: I'm proud to endorse Kevin Nicholson. People like a rebel maverick & someone unconventional. Kevin’s background isn’t typical in Washington & we need more people like him to actually tackle problems – not just talk about them. #SendInT
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
It’s #NationalPoliceWeek – and we’re proud to #BackTheBadge! Retweet if you are proud of the work of these brave men and women as they keep our neighborhoods safe! #PoliceWeek2018
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Today would have been the 120th birthday of Gold Meir, Israel’s first woman prime minister! Did you know that she spent the majority of her formative years right here in Wisconsin?
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
I enjoyed visiting the Henry Repeating Arms factory in Rice Lake recently. Here's an article about the work they do there: h #SendInTheMarine #wisen #wiright #2A
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Thank you @MikeLeeforUtah for your support of our #wisen campaign to #SendInTheMarine! #wiright
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
I stopped at @WEAU13News yesterday in Eau Claire and shared: I'm happy to do just one term, if it means going to Washington, taking the tough votes to deal with long-term fiscal obligations, and dealing with our defense problems realistically. #SendInTheM
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Those who support illegal immigration do so in order to take advantage of others. President Trump has called for the full and immediate funding of the border wall to stop illegal immigration. Sign here if you agree that the border wall is a top priority!
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Take all of the reforms the Legislature has made over the past eight years of the Walker administration, and you can put them at risk with a Court that doesn't respect the rule of law. Vote for @JudgeScrenock today! #SCOWIS #wiright
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Remembering April 2, 1972 - Easter Sunday. Semper fi, Col. Ripley!
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Thrilled to have the chance to win the support of Mike Marquette - thanks! #SendInTheMarine #wisen #wiright
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Thank you to the Badger State Sheriff’s’ Association for having me speak to them in Madison this morning. I appreciate all you do to keep us safe! #wisen
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Last night, I finished a busy day of meeting with Wisconsin voters at the Jefferson County GOP Caucus @JCRPWis tonight. Great to see friends and supporters! #wisen #wiright