Deleted Tweets From Kevin Nicholson, R-Wis.
Kevin Nicholson's accounts: KevinMNicholson
Tracked Between: October 20, 2017-August 15, 2018
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Happy Birthday, President Lincoln. While your time on earth was cut short, we are all better for it.
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Thank you to everyone who has joined and contributed to our campaign as we work to #SendInTheMarine and #TakeBackWashington. #wisen #wiright #realgrassroots
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Our family took a break from the hustle and bustle of this holiday season and enjoyed attending “A Christmas Carol” at @PabstTheater in Milwaukee this week. What a great show!
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Our economy faces all sorts of challenges. It’s time for a commonsense change to our #TaxCode. Watch my video on wh…
KevinMNicholson (R-Wis.)
Thanks @NateMFNelson! I️ hear it from voters throughout Wisconsin everyday: we need people with outsider perspectiv… QT @NateMFNelson: Got to see my friend @KevinMNicholson speak to a conservative audience @ lunch on Tuesday. His message is resonatin…