Deleted Tweets From Lauren Witzke, R-Del.
Lauren Witzke's accounts: LaurenWitzkeDE
Tracked Between: May 23, 2020-November 07, 2020
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
Actually, here is a recent photo of @JoeBiden pandering to the same rioters who looted the City of Wilmington, Delaware. Too late, Joe! QT @JoeBiden: The deadly violence we saw overnight in Portland is unacceptable. Shooting in the streets of a great American city…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
Happy Monday from Myrtle and me! This is a friendly reminder that @realDonaldTrump has reduced immigration by 50%, and @JoeBiden has pledged to give 11.1 illegal aliens amnesty. #AmericaFirst #trump2020 #MAGA
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @laurenboebert: The Left is showing their true colors. The lawlessness, destruction & chaos coming from these Democrat cities like…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
I’m Joe Biden, and I approve these riots. QT @JFNYC1: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, any comments?
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
@nasescobar316 I’d like to second this notion
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @scotty_kiker: Wow! They don’t mess around!
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
I wonder if @ChrisCoons has told the union workers about this. Highly doubt it- but I will. #AmericaFirst
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @FoxworthFor14: The riots in response to the justified shootings of criminals are not protests, but rather shows of force. They a…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @Orthosphere: ?? VIDEO: BLM Protesters Storm Church, Harass Children, Assault Parishioners, Threaten Parents with CPS
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @Orthosphere: @RRR0BYN @kaitbagley Will you be doing a testimony of your decision to become Orthodox on your YouTube channel? I t…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @LaurenWitzkeDE: Yup QT @bradwicker6: @KarluskaP @LaurenWitzkeDE He's Also the Sleez ball that Let Creepy Joe Fondal His Young Daughter when He was swor…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @PatriotZoomer: @LaurenWitzkeDE Chris Coons would sell his daughter out for a little bit of power
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
This is Joe Biden's America. This dystopian nightmare awaits us if we fail to show up to vote this November. QT @MrAndyNgo: BLM rioters are breaking into and looting stores one-by-one in #Kenosha, Wisc. Video by @livesmattershow.…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
There is NO shortage in American Doctors. More immigration is NOT the answer, nor is it America First! Proof: QT @UnmatchM: @LaurenWitzkeDE
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @TheRealOneOnly1: #S386 is not a solution.Its a chain immigration train for only Indians. 85% of 85,000 H1B-Visa goes to only Indians…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @NumbersUSA: Still a significant number of office holders in both parties calling for immigration increases, including Dem. nom…
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
.@ChrisCoons doesn’t care about Christians or furthering God’s Kingdom. On the contrary, he sacrifices millions the precious unborn lives (and sometimes born) on the alter of his big campaign donor, Planned Parenthood. #DNC2020 #DNCConvention2020
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @Thirstygolfer: Truth hurts....@TeamJoe @JoeBiden #BidenHarris2020 @LaurenWitzkeDE @RobArlett QT @my3monkees: **ANTIFA FOR BIDEN** truck trolling Joe in Wilmington, DE. Kudos to the owner🙌🏽😂 Cr: Elijah Riot
LaurenWitzkeDE (R-Del.)
RT @realDonaldTrump: The ObamaBiden Administration was the most corrupt in history, including the fact that they got caught SPYING ON MY…